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“So, tell me, son.

Do you already have a thousand different facial expressions while I was

girlfriend? Because if you already have I want to lost in thought.
meet her.” Dad laughed inwardly as he took a sip of “N-nothing.” I said, shaking my head. Not sure if
his morning coffee mom just did for him, looking at I’m answering mom’s question or dads.
his newspaper, and breaking the silence between us.
But I remember this one time, a time when I
*cough* I choked on my bacon and eggs as my eyes realized everything I thought was wrong. A time
widened. when finally, for the first time in my entire
existence, she laid her hazel eyes on mine.
Dad has never asked me things like these before.
Girlfriend? Girlfriend, huh? How am I supposed to It was one of those days when I spot her on the
have a girlfriend when- when I’m not even- when campus grounds walking like the princess that she
I’m not even attractive at all? Yeah, life sucks. is. A princess that doesn’t need saving. She is in the
middle of the ground, and I, right behind her,
The girl I like- well, yes! following the small steps that she makes, replacing
them with the big steps of mine, keeping a safe
Of course, we go to the same school, we eat in the distance from her, just like what I always do. I
same cafeteria, we walk in the same halls, and we know, I’m a creep.
bump into each other often, as I always wanted to
block her way every time I see her. Doing this made In an instant, she made an abrupt stop and stood
me think that she could somehow recognize me or still, as if she finally noticed me following her all
even look in my direction, that’s so stupid of me. this time. My heart raced as she slowly made a turn
and faced in my direction. For a moment, I swear, I
I’ve heard her voice many times saying words or forgot how to breathe looking directly into her eyes
phrases like Sorry or Excuse me. We even got I was lost, and I never wanted to be found again. It’s
classes together since first-year high school and as if time had stopped and we’re inside a bubble,
until now that we are in our second year of college. just the two of us, and no one else.
But- she’s popular and intelligent and beautiful, and
at the same time, she reminds me of some Greek Suddenly, breathing became hard to do. Breathe
women warriors, the amazons! She’s tall and idiot! Breathe!!! Because if you wouldn’t you would
athletic and strong and she punches people she be missing half of your life! This is it! This is the
doesn’t like, straight right into the face. I’m not moment you’ve been waiting for, this chance to be
even kidding. alone with her, to say everything you’ve been
keeping inside, c’mon, say it! Man up!
That’s what I like about her, she’s not like any other
girls who are damsels in distress waiting for a I swear I heard the angels sing as the gateway to
prince to come and save them. She can definitely heaven opened. She smiled at me, I swear I know
take care of herself and she can handle things on her that smile was for me, she raised her left hand and
own. Totally my opposite. waved it, and with her beautiful voice and angelic
smile she said, “Hey!”
I could only wish I’m as cool as other guys on the
campus so that it’ll be easier for me to woo her, In that exact moment, I can feel my soul leaving my
but… I’m just a boring nerd lurking around the body. My heart, frantically beating like a drum
campus. The only thing I do is organize activities booming loudly that I’m afraid she can hear it even
for the school, the students, the faculty, yeah I with our distance. What do I do? Will I say hi?
know, I’m boring. I’m convinced nobody even What if she doesn’t like the sound of my croaky
knows my name and just recognizes me as Mr. gruff voice? Will I wave back? A big wave or a
School Council president. She doesn’t even know small one? Or will I smile? What if she doesn’t like
me, or does she? Well, maybe she recognizes my the way I smile? Ah! I don’t know what to do. To all
face because of our several “bump sessions” but the gods who can hear me out there!! Help me!!!
surely not my name. Why would she even give a Please!!
damn? There are a lot of guys around her, definitely
more attractive, more intelligent, more—tsk. I can’t But… I guess no gods heard me for my rationality
even approach her and say Hi. Ah crap, that’s it! left me as I did the most stupid and cowardly thing
I’m gay. an in love person can do. I. Foolishly. Ran. Yes, I
ran. It could have been pleasing if I ran towards her
“What’s wrong honey?” asked mom in a concerned with arms open like a boyfriend would do to
voice while dad is staring at me like I’m the welcome his girlfriend. But that’s not what
weirdest person on earth. I was probably showing a happened. I ran away from her like an idiot. I ran
like there are some dogs chasing me, leaving her her eyes met mine. My heart started to beat crazily
astounded, confused, ashamed, and most probably again. Why can’t I think normally whenever she
turned off. lays her eyes on me? God! Man up, idiot! We’ve
practiced our speech this morning!!! Do not make
To make sure I was out of her sight, I ran and hid the same mistake twice!! This is your last chance!!!
behind a tree panting loudly, heaving hardly, and so
disappointed of myself. You idiot! Idiot! Idiot! That Right then and there I realized there is no turning
was your chance but you idiot destroyed it! back anymore. I want her to be mine so I will do my
I turned to face the tree I was hiding and smack my best to have her. She is at the top – very
head a lot of times resenting myself for being the unreachable while I am here at the gutter who can
dumbest, stupidest and most idiotic person in the only love her from afar. But I will do my best to
entire galaxy. What now? I am sure she finds me reach her for that’s what she deserves. Even if she
weird and crazy now. Ah!!! I am so stupid! Stupid! couldn’t like me back, I want to show her that there
Stupid! Idiot! Idiot! Moron! is someone who loves her purely and ultimately. A
man who will give his everything just to reach her
I went home that day looking so lost, hopeless, and and be with her.
even more unattractive with a bandage in my
forehead. “Are you really sure you are okay son? ” “Hi!” I smiled and waved. Then, I slowly walked
mom worriedly asked as I smacked my head loudly towards her with trembling knees. In doing so, I can
on the table remembering what happened that exact see the changing emotions in her face. From plain
day. nothing, to a slight shock, then to a cute smile. She
waved back and enthusiastically said “Hello!”
Ever since that foolish incident happened, not even
once did I show my face to her. My usual mornings The newly found confidence in me helped me to not
where I block her to listen to her voice even for the crumble on my feet and ran away from her as I
shortest time, I did not ever dare do again. And always do. “I know that my apology is long
whenever I see her in the hallways, I always find a overdue so I would like to take this chance to tell
way to hide myself. Either I turn back, hide behind you how sorry I am. I am truly sorry for running
my schoolmates, or ran – as I always do. away from you that day. It’s just that whenever I
see you, my mind would completely shutdown. I
I did not answer my mom because I am thinking get breathless and I just don’t know what to do.
how will I face my crush in school today. My But now I’ve come to realize, if I truly like you
apology is long overdue and I should change my then I shouldn’t have done that because that’s not
ways if I want her to notice me. “That’s it!” like a what you deserve. You do not deserve a coward
light bulb appearing in my head, I abruptly raised and an idiot. I am not asking you to like me back
my head from the table which earned a shock look but I am humbly asking for your permission to let
from my parents and a slap on the arm from my me like you. I will not do something that you don’t
mom. “What is exactly happening to you?” asked like but expect that I will be vocal and showy about
dad. “Thanks dad. I realize something now. I my feelings towards you.” My hands are shaking,
guarantee you soon I will bring my girlfriend here my knees are crumbling, and my lips are trembling
and introduce her to you.” I said proudly and but I did not heed attention to that because right in
smiled to my parents who then are sharing knowing front of me she smiled widely and told me the most
glances to each other before I exited to prepare shocking revelation in my entire life.
myself for school.
“Oh, wow! What a confession! To be honest, I did
Walking in the familiar corridors where I stroll not expect that from you. But I am so happy. I am
every morning, I can literally feel the eyes of my so happy to know that you like me back. Well, I
schoolmates watching over me. And it’s making me thought I will have to hide these feelings for you
uncomfortable and shy whenever I meet their eyes until we graduate. I tried to show that I liked you
and they register shock and can’t-believe faces. once but you broke my heart when you ran away
What? What is it? What is wrong again? Do I look from me. I thought you don’t like me or you were
even more ugly? What is ha.. ppen.. ni- disgusted of me. You wouldn’t even look at me,
you always hide and run when you see me. So, I
Like a slow motion, I saw the most beautiful person have long accepted that I have to move on from
on earth. Her hair dancing slowly in the wind like you. That is why you confessing is so shocking.
they have their own life. Her eyes shining like the But thank you for having the courage to say this.
stars I adore at night. And her laugh – oh her laugh! Thank you for appreciating me. Needless to say, I
Her laugh that always melts me and shakes my have liked you since we were still first year. So, I
knees to the ground. But - the bubble broke when accept your request and let’s try to get to know
each other more.” I. Died. In. That. Exact. in my eyes. Every time she’ll look at me with
Moment. I am speechless. I don’t know what to do. adoration and love, I can’t help but feel giddy. I
I can’t speak. I am completely immobile. sound so gay but can you blame me?

S-s-she liked me??? W-why would she l-like Looking at her beautifully smiling at me, I just
someone like m-me?? I-is this even real????? Am I don’t get it. What did she probably see in me when I
dreaming??? I slapped my face hard and when pain am only this much? I am nothing compared to some
registered I knew that this is real. She likes me!!! of her suitors. But she liked me. She chose me.
SHE LIKES ME!!!!! Oh my god!! She literally said Nevertheless, I will do my best to deserve her and
she likes me!!!!! be with her at the top. I will not do anything to risk
this relationship. I will treat her like how I treat my
I am so happy that I could die any moment from mom. And I will love her not only in good times but
now. “Can I court you?” I asked. Never in my life in our bad times. “Love, my parents eagerly wants
I have dreamt of saying these words. It is too to meet you. Would you like to meet them on
impossible. But now looking at her watching me dinner tonight?” “Sure, love.” Literally, heaven
with a wide grin and red cheeks, I won’t ever mess lost the most beautiful and kindest angel because
this up. I will not do anything that could risk this - she is now here beside me. And I will not ever leave
oh my god, I can’t believe I am saying this now – her and let her go.
“relationship” that we have. “Yes, of course. But I
can’t see the need of that now. You can court me The End
even when I am your girlfriend. So just skip the
formalities and be my boyfriend now.” she said
happily. Written by:
What?? Is she pranking me? She. Is. Now. My. BSBA FM - 2A
Girlfriend? I am now her boyfriend???For real? I
have never thought that this will ever happen. Her PRINCESS DE PUNTUAL
becoming my girlfriend. What good deed did I ever PURCOM Professor
make in my past life that I am so lucky today?

I couldn’t contain my feelings anymore. I pulled her

and hugged her tightly. And guess what? She
hugged me back! My crush who is now my
girlfriend is hugging me back!! I am so happy. My
tummy is full of butterflies. They are fluttering
inside me crazily the reason why my heart is
swelling of love and happiness. And because of the
tightness of our hug, I can smell her soft fragrance
on her neck. She smelled so good that it’s driving
me crazy. Our hug also allowed me to hear our
heartbeats beat together in almost the same rhythm
which I know will be my new favorite song.

I can feel the stares of my schoolmates but I don’t

care. They are just envy because no one is hugging
them like how my baby is hugging me. They are
just jealous because their crush doesn’t like them
back while my crush is here trapped in my arms
feeling me and my warmth. Ah!! Just how did I get
so lucky!!

I am beyond happy. I don’t know what to feel

anymore. I did not, not ever, expect that this
morning will turn out this way. Never in my life did
I thought that this day will come where she will be
my girlfriend and I will be her boyfriend. Not so
long ago, I even practiced my apology speech but
now I am holding her hand while we’re going to our
classroom. As she walk, she’s even more radiating

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