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MATRIC NO MS210714217
DATE 14/4/2022

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Planning and Administering for Early Childhood Education (CSZD1073) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2022

Matric No:

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Participation of the community is important in many aspects of living. We can see the effects in the
workplace and workplace culture, including in education, cities all across the country. Whenever we
consider the advantages of childhood development community engagement, it is maybe one of the most
powerful and motivating instances of how it affects our nation. Children develop socially, academically,
and physiologically as a result of their interactions and the community in which they
live. Community participation in and commitment in children has long-term benefits for them. It provides
kids a feeling of connection and is vital to their development as individuals.

Therefore, there are a few importance of understanding community needs in before proceed setting up
a preschool. Firstly, children are given the ability to establish a connection within the communities that
promote their intellectual and psychological growth and help them flourish in life. The importance of
understanding the establishment of a community is because numerous life events often lead to the
formation of lasting bonds. These connections must become a regular part of the child's life and must be
cultivated continuously throughout time. With several kids, building relationships would be easy, but with
others, it would be challenging. It requires a lot of affection and a lot of consistency. Adults, on the other
hand, will find it extremely enjoyable. For children, developing relationships with others takes precedence
over developing connections with themselves. It should be full of compassion, affection, and faith.

Secondly, it could improve self-esteem. Children who have a healthy self and strong self-esteem feel
accomplished, welcomed, and supported. A strong sense of identity is among the finest benefits you can
offer the child. When children feel loved and acknowledged by adults, children are more willing to
embrace themselves. This beneficial behaviour moves to their habits, resulting in a lifecycle of memories
and mental wellbeing strength. There is indeed a strong link in how kids perceive regarding themselves
and way they act, just as there is for adults. As a result, if we engage oneself and the community with
optimism, we will be better able to incorporate esteem in the children.

Lastly is establishing a community. A feeling of community connects children to their environment as

well as the people who live there, further linking children to their own distinct position in the society.
Children develop in the setting of their social environment. They learn to comprehend the larger society
as a complete as they emerge inside their tiny community context. What acts function and don't function,
what ideals, concerns, and desire we hold. Childhood development community building forms the

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Planning and Administering for Early Childhood Education (CSZD1073) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2022

Matric No:
nurturing, constructive, and encouraging core of a kid's development. It assists them in discovering more
about themselves. It teaches children how to overcome obstacles, learn things, and grow.




All recruiting at our preschool is done in an ethical and fair and equitable method. We not only seek
outside the childcare for new employees, but we also seek inside. If you notice a job opportunity that
intrigues you, we invite you to apply using the submission methods outlined in the available position


Employees are compensated every two weeks. To keep track of time worked, workers may sign into and
out of the computer. If there is a problem in the timekeeping, kindly call the manager or director to get it
corrected. Upon that Week before payday, records will be distributed to each employee to examine,
complete, and submit to the direct supervisor.


Some executive employees may be hired on a temporary contract by this organization. The contract
normally stipulates a specific length of service as well as other terms that are worked out between the
employee and the daycare provider. Contractual agreements, if relevant, replace the policies described in
this document. When an issue is not covered by the contract, the providing employee policy and
practices apply.


Pension programmes, medical coverage, learning programs, and other policy that affects employees' life
should be carefully discussed at introduction and made accessible for comparison when concerns occur.


Training on risk of transmission infections and hazardous items, current vaccinations, education on child
maltreatment and other child safety problems, Checking your criminal past


Employees who work full-time or part-time are eligible to participate in the paid vacation programme.For
full-time workers, hours of earned vacation are computed according to hours worked and deducted from
the specified vacation sum. Vacation may well be extended over for up to 15 workweek (depending on

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Planning and Administering for Early Childhood Education (CSZD1073) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2022

Matric No:
the employee's typical workday hours) in the following year. Unless the Operations Manager gives formal
approval, vacation accrual is limited to 20 days.


If a holiday happens to fall on weekend, this childcare will let you know when it will be celebrated.
Holidays that fall on a Saturday are frequently observed the previous Friday, and holidays that fall on a
Sunday are done continuously the following Monday.Every holiday, normal full employees get paid for 8
hours of work. Part-time workers are compensated on a regular basis for vacations in proportion to the
amount of their usual workweek. For temporary workers, Unless they are specifically invited to work on a
holiday, they are not paid for their time off.


Employees at this daycare facility are given compensated sick days. Sick leave is available to employees
that are incapable to work for a period or accident. Sick leave might also be taken for personal reason or
for the illness or preventative treatment of a close relative. Workers who have been the victim of sexual
abuse, harassment, or molestation may use sick leave to take time off to deal with the situation
victimisation. Sick leave should not be used for additional holiday leave or paid vacation. Employees who
take advantage of sick time may face disciplinary action.


The standard hours of operation for this childcare are 5:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Hours are subject to change when new or existing programmes are added or removed. This childcare
hosts unique charity events and training sessions that may take place out of town and take place in the
evenings or on weekends. Workers are expected to be involved in such gatherings if they are required.

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Planning and Administering for Early Childhood Education (CSZD1073) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2022

Matric No:


Toddlers, like adults, become upset when they are unable to navigate an area or locate what they
require. It is our responsibility as instructors to ensure that the classroom is well-designed and that play
items are well put. Children can be comfortable and quiet while also being attentive and interested in a
properly prepared setting. We discussed common aspects to contemplate when developing surroundings
for preschoolers, as well as major classroom attraction areas that support education, in the first session.
When constructing or remodelling the classroom environment, though, practicality, attractiveness,
organisation, as well as the requirements of all students in the space must all be taken into account. In
the preschool room the spaces that is needed are for group activities, privacy, storage and display.

Firstly is places for group activities. Though children learn best via play, it's also crucial to set aside
space for sizeable discussions or activities. Daily gatherings and storytelling times help to foster a feeling
of community in the school and improve reading skills. You can make the most of all the times by having
distinct locations for these tasks and arranging them to reduce distractions. This does not imply that you
require a dedicated space for group work. Make sure that everyone has enough room to sit pleasantly.It
is critical to consider things from the perspective of a youngster, despite of where you gather. If we know
how to succeed, we all feel much better. This could include understanding where and how to relax, where
else to begin to focus, and what to perform for a preschooler.

Secondly, places for privacy. Childcare classrooms are high-intensity environments. Children, like
adults, want space to unwind through their own. We can assist youngsters in meeting this requirement by
providing spaces for only either one two kids. Children can relax in the book, a nice area, silent activities,
or other areas of their space. Explore how thin materials or equipment positioning can assist create these
quiet spaces while still allowing for decent eyesight.

Last but not least, places for storage and display. Many materials are required in preschool schools.
Items, literature, plays, and other materials are cycled in and out of active usage on a regular basis. In a
classroom context, there should be at least three types of storage which are accesible storage for
children, restricted space for teaching supplies, and collection for personal things. It's also crucial to think
about how you'll store and exhibit the kids' assessment documents and drawings. Actively used items
should be stored on open, labelled shelves by teachers. As we've seen eventually, open storage
encourages usability. When not being used, tools including office equipment, kitchen equipment, and
cleaning solutions should be stored safely. Therefore, it's critical to define and label safe storage areas
for these things. This will assist you in maintaining inventory and ensuring the safety of your children.

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Planning and Administering for Early Childhood Education (CSZD1073) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2022

Matric No:


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