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Celebrity endorsement is a phenomenon that businesses use and researchers study, according to the

Otávio FreireFilipe Quevedo-SilvaPedro ScrivanoDiego Senise. Celebrities can't always significantly help
promote products, despite the generally positive effects on product evaluation that celebrity
endorsement has. This essay aims to investigate the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement for an
aspiring new celebrity. Four studies have a total of 664 participants were carried out to evaluate the
efficacy of the endorsement. In addition to the study that established the effect's existence, studies
focusing on contextual factors with the potential to alter the effect were carried out. The brand and
charisma effects are examined in the second study. Study 3 looks at the consistency of celebrities, while
Study 4 looks at the celebrity endorser's level of exposure.

Findings - The results demonstrate the efficacy of this celebrity endorsement as well as the
impact of various contexts on endorsement, showing that, while new celebrities are less
influenced by acclaimed celebrities as they become more well-known, using the endorsement of
celebrities with charisma and those who relate in some way to the aspiring celebrity can be a
successful strategy, especially for beginners in the career. Originality/value - By filling in a
knowledge gap in earlier studies on the potency of this impact, this study advances our
understanding of celebrity endorsement. Additionally, by building its image and reputation, the
aspiring new star obtains less sway from the endorser. There are moderator variables that can
impact or even cancel out this effect.

8 February 2019

According to N.Gladson Nwokah Stella C. Nwulu, the purpose of this study is to learn more about how
Nigerian customers see the celebrity endorsement process and how it influences the companies they
choose to purchase. If businesses wish to thrive in the present unreliable and cutthroat economic
climate, they must consistently create innovative products that meet customer trends, lifestyles, and
expectations. Advertising is the most widely used and effective strategy for building a brand and
convincing customers to buy a product. One of the most well-liked modern marketing strategies is
celebrity endorsement marketing. The major goal of this study is to understand how consumer brand
preferences for products related to fruit juice are influenced by celebrity endorsements.

This study focuses on the degree of respondents' awareness of celebrity endorsement of Chi
Vita, how celebrity endorsement influences consumers' preference for Chi Vita, whether celebrity
endorsement influences consumers' intention to purchase Chi Vita, how loyal the respondents
are to the Chi Vita brand, how celebrity endorsement influences consumers' loyalty to Chi Vita
and the effects of changes in celebrity advertisements on consumers' preference for Chi Vita.
Because consumers view celebrities as significant reference groups, the research suggests that
celebrity endorsers have an effect on consumers in some respects. The impact is modest,
though. Additionally, it has been shown that Nigerian consumers consider celebrity brand
ambassadors as role models, which affects their choices for particular brands.

28 July 2015
According to B Zafer Erdogan, celebrities are routinely used by famous businesses as part of a marketing
communications plan to promote corporate or brand imagery. Businesses spend a lot of money
opposing brands and organizations that endorse characteristics like attractiveness, likeability, and
dependability. They believe that these characteristics are transferable and will result in great campaign
outcomes. Celebrity qualities, on the other hand, might be inappropriate, irrelevant, and unwelcome at
times. So, a significant question is: how can organizations manage this resource while also selecting and
retaining the "right" celebrity from a multiplicity of competing options? By combining strands from
several literary sources, this study attempts to assess aspects that may be included in any celebrity
selection process.

01 Feb 2010

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