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Certifi cate
BND. 5oorA
(Specific surface area (Blain e): 274 m'lkg + 6.4 mzlkg)

Certificate number: BND 50014f-5pB

This Bharatiya Nirdeshak Dravya (BND-5001.{). an lndian Clertified Reference Material

(CRM), has been developed by National Council for Cement and Building Materials
(NCB), India for calibrating Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus. developing in-house
secondary reference materials lor routine control and evaluating proficiency of analysts,
according to Indian Standard - IS 4031 (Part 2):1999. One set of BNDe'5001A consists of
4 sealed glass vials and each vial contains approximately l0g of powdered Ordinary
Portland Cement.

Certified Value: The certified value and its expanded uncertainty, estimated with known
sources of bias, are given below:


Specil'rc surface area (Blainc) IS,+031 (Part 2):1999 274m?lkg + 6.4 rn2lkg
The certified r.aluc has been standardized with a srrecific gravity of 3. I 6

The expanded uncertainty of the certifled value tor specific surface area is estimated
according to the Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) at
95.45% confidence level. The uncertainty inctrudes the measurement variability among
the laboratories, material inhomogeneity, latter controlled through statistical means (ISO
11034:2016). The specific surface (Blaine) is the best estimate of true value based on the
results of analytical programme carried ont in NCB laboratories.

Traceabilit-v: The BND&5001A is metrologically traceable to SI units tlu'ough Indian

national measurement standards at CSlR-National Physical Laboratory (National
Measurement Institute of India). A11 measurements have been carried out to estabiish
traceability through an unbroken chain of comparisons, having stated uncertainty.

Nature of Material: Non-hazardous

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Instructions for Storage, Use and Precautions for Handling:
1. BND@5001A CRM should be used in controlled conditions, using calibrated equipment,
by trained personnel.
2. The Blaine cell calibrated for bed volume, preferably by an accredited laboratory, must be
3. Before use, shake the material vigorously for 2 minutes in a suitable jar to break any lump
or agglomerate. Wait for 2 minutes and then stir with a clean rod in order to distribute the
fines throughout the material.
4. The material should be stored under non-humid conditions to avoid any ingress of
moisture/COz. One vial is sufficient fS carrying out one-time calibration for apparatus
constant, taking measurements on thrbe compacted beds, as required in IS 4031 (Part
2):1999. Leftover portion in a vial, if any, should not be used at a later date.
5. For standardrzation, prepare the bed of this CRM (standard sample) using 0.50 porosity.
Alternatively, make a firm bed by triai method.
6. Porosity of the test sample will have to be determined by trial method using the following
equation given in IS 4031 (Part 2):T999, for calculating specific surface of test sample:
W: pV(1-e)
7. Specific gravity of test sample and CRM being almost same (in Indian cements), the
application of above CRM simplifies calculation of apparatus constant for OPC and
provides greater degree ofaccuracy in results.
8. Record of usage of CRM and the results must be maintained

Validity of Certificate: The certification of BND@5001A is valid, within the measurement

r.rncertainty specified, until 30th June 2024, provided the CRM is handled and stored in
accordance with instructions given in this certificate. The certificate wiitr be treated as
nullified if the storage and handling instructions are not followed.
Maintenance of Certification: NCB will monitor this BND@ over the period of its
certification. If substantive technical changes occur that affect the certification before the
expiration of certification, NCB will notify the purchaser.
BND@5001A E-8- set released from NCB stock on:
Date of Certification: l't Julv 2019
Document Version: BNDNPL/NCB/20 1 9/1.0
Certificate issued by:

Dr. R. P. Pant P. N. Ojha

Head, BND Division Head of Centre-CQC
CSIR- National Ph_vsical Laboratory National Council for Cement and
Dr. K. S. Krishnan NIarg Building Materials
New Delhi-lf0012 B allab garh-12100 4, Haryana

t In case of any query regarding this BND@ please contact Dr. R. P. Pant, Head (BND Division), CSIR-NPL
(NMI of India), New Delhi-110012.
* This certificate shall not be reproduced without written approval from CSIR-NPL, New Delhi.
.i. Responsibility for issue and release of this certificate lie with NCB.
For Further Information, Please Contact: National Council for Cement and Building Materials, 34 Km.
Stone, Delhi-Mathura Road (NH-2), Ballabgarh, Haryana - 121004, India;
Phone +91-129-41922391303, +91-129-2242051, +91-129-41922221. Fax +91-129-2242100, +91-129-2246115
Email: ncb.cqc@gmad.eem, cqcb(@nsbindia.cala, website:

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