Ministry of Ayush

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Government of India
Ministry of AYUSH
(Planning & Evaluation Division)
B-Block, AYUSH Bhavan
INA GPO Complex
New Delhi 110023


Sealed ONLINE TENDERS (e-Tender) are invited from reputed established agencies/
organisations/ institutions for conducting comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the impact
of Central Sector Scheme of Ministry of AYUSH namely ―Pharmacovigilance initiative for
ASU&H drugs‖. The duration of the study would be 3 months.

1. Eligibility: The agencies/organizations/institutions having experience of at-least three

completed evaluations in public health survey each having cost not less than Rs15 lakhs of
Government Sector schemes in last five years may apply for undertaking the study. The
agency/organizations/institutions should have capacity and capability to undertake the
evaluation studies both by direct and indirect enquiry methods.
2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):A demand draft /bank guarantee of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupee
Two lakhs only) as earnest money in the form of Demand Draft/Bankers cheque drawn in
favour of ‗PAY & ACCOUNT OFFICER Ministry of Health & Family Welfare‘ and payable
at New Delhi is required to be deposited (in original) in the office of Tender Issuing
Authority at 1st Floor, AYUSH Bhavan, New Delhi on or before bid submission closing date
and time. The envelop should be superscribedas.‖ EMD for evaluation study on
„Pharmacovigilance initiative for ASU&H drugs‟” addressed to The DeputyDirector, P&E
Division, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi. Scanned copy of the EMD should also be
uploaded along with the online bids.
3. The EMD would be forfeited if the bidder withdraws his/her bid during the validity period.
Bids received without EMD shall not be considered. EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be
returned after process of selection is over.
4. The Tender Document has the following details:-

5. Critical dates for the e-Tender:-
Date and Time for Issuing the Tender 26th November 2019 , 17.00 hrs
Document Download Start Date and Time 27th November 2019; 9.00 hrs
Pre-Bid Meeting* 29th November 2019; 16.30 hrs
Venue: Conference Room on ground floor of
AYUSH Bhawan, Ministry of AYUSH, INA,
New Delhi-110023
Document Download End Date and Time 5th December 2019; 17.00 hrs
Bid Submission Start Date and Time 1st December 2019; 9.00 hrs
Bid Submission End Date and Time 12th December 2019; 17.00 hrs
Date and Time of Opening Technical Bids 13th December 2019;11.00 hrs
 Those desirous of participating in the tender may register for the Pre-Bid meeting latest by
28th November, 2019till 17.00 hrs at*

6. The tender form/ bidder documents are available at the Website and
7. Online bids complete in all respects should be submitted through CPP Portal only on or before the last date and time.
8. Manual bids will not be accepted.
9. Tenderers/Bidders are requested to visit the website or regularly. Any changes/ modifications in tender enquiry will be
intimated by corrigendum through these websites only.
10. In case, holiday is declared by the Government on the day of opening bids, the bids will be
opened on the next working day at the same time.
11. The selection of the successful bidder will be on the basis of Cost Evaluation under QCBS
Selection (Rule 192 of GFR 2017). The Ministry, however, reserves the right to accept or
reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.
12. The Bidding Organisations are required to upload the following documents along with bid:
12.1. Scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
12.2. Scanned copies of Registration Certificate / Memorandum & Articles of
Association and any other documents to certify the nature of existence of the
12.3. Scanned copies of Audited Annual Accounts along with Audit Report of last three
financial years and Annual Report of last three years.
12.4. Scanned copy of valid PAN of the Organisation / Tax Account Number (TAN)
Service Tax Number (STN) / GST Number.
12.5. Executive summary of 3 study reports completed during last 5 years and
of acceptance of the Reports by sponsoring authority.
12.6. An authorization letter from the firm certifying that the person who signed the bid
is an authorized person to sign on behalf of the firm.
12.7. A declaration that the organization has not been blacklisted from the Authorized
Signatory of the Organisation on Rs.10 non judicial stamp paper.
12.8. Copies of certificates and proofs of previous engagements of the Project Director.

12.9. Copies of certificates/ proofs of previous engagements of at least two post
research professionals involved in the Project.

12.10. Technical Bid

12.11. Financial Bid
12.12. Technical Evaluation Format
12.13. Tender Acceptance Letter

For any Further Information Contact: The Assistant Director, P&E Division, Ministry of

(Mahavir Singh)
Deputy Director


Government of India
Ministry of AYUSH
(Planning & Evaluation Division)
B-Block, AYUSH Bhavan
INA GPO Complex
New Delhi 110023

Ministry of AYUSH invites sealed ONLINE TENDERS (e-Tender) for conducting an

evaluation study on the Central Sector Scheme “Pharmacovigilance initiative for ASU&H

2. The duration of the study would be 3 months.


3.1. The agencies/organizations/institutions having experience of at-least three completed

evaluations survey of Government Sector schemes in public health domain,each
evaluation study havingthe cost not less than Rs.15 lakhs, in last five yearsand minimum
annual turnover of the agency should not be less than of Rs 2 crore each during the last
three years are eligible to participate in the bidding.
3.2. The agency/organizations/institutions should have capacity and capability to undertake
the evaluation studies both by direct and indirect enquiry methods.
3.3. Blacklisted Organisations are not eligible to apply.
3.4. Other criteria of evaluation are mentioned in the Annexure 6

4. Critical dates for the e-Tender

Date and Time for Issuing the Tender 26th November 2019 , 17.00 hrs
Document Download Start Date and Time 27th November 2019; 9.00 hrs
Pre-Bid Meeting* 29th November 2019; 16.30 hrs
Venue: Conference Room on ground floor of
AYUSH Bhawan, Ministry of AYUSH, INA,
New Delhi-110023
Document Download End Date and Time 5th December 2019; 17.00 hrs
Bid Submission Start Date and Time 1st December 2019; 9.00 hrs
Bid Submission End Date and Time 12th December 2019; 17.00 hrs
Date and Time of Opening Technical Bids 13th December 2019;11.00 hrs

Date and Time of Opening Financial Bids Will be intimated after scrutiny of Technical
bids, but will be within fifteen working days
of opening of technical bids.
*Those desirous of participating in the tender may register themselves for the Pre-Bid meeting,
latest by 28th November, 2019 till 17.00 hrs at


Willing and interested Organisations desirous of undertaking the evaluation study may
submit their two part bid as technical and financial bids as per extant procedure elaborated in
thisdocument. The procedure for online submission of bids may be seen at Annexure VIII.In
order to submit the bid, bidders may first register themselves online at as a
one-time activity, in the e-Procurement portal with a valid DSCbefore they can file their e-
Tender. The registration should be in the name of the bidder, whereasDSC holder may be either
the bidder himself or a duly authorized person. The bidders will haveto accept, unconditionally,
the online user portal agreement which contains all the terms andconditions of Note Inviting
Tender (NIT) including commercial and general terms and conditionsand other conditions, if
any, along with an online undertaking in support of the authenticity ofthe declarations regarding
facts, figures, information and documents furnished by the bidderonline. The bidders need to
submit their technical and financial bids online. Online bidscomplete in all respects should be
submitted through CPP Portal only on or before the last date
and time. No Manual bidswill be accepted.


Ministry of AYUSH invites technical and financial bids on open tenderbasis from qualified
organisations under the two bid system. The bids will be evaluated according to QCBS Selection
(Rule 192 of GFR 2017) as specified in Manual for Procurement of Consultancy & Other
services 2017 , Ministry of Finance, Government of India dated 18.04.20171. For Technical Bids,
70% weightage shall be assigned and for Financial Bids 30% weightage will be assigned in final
evaluation. The minimum qualifying score for the technical bids will be 60.

Under QCBS the total score of both the technical and the financial bid shall be obtained by
weighing the quality and cost scores and adding them up. Details are indicated in Annexure 6.
The proposal obtaining the highest total combined score in evaluation of quality and cost will be
ranked as H-1 and shall be recommended for award of contract. The H-1 bidder may be invited
for further negotiations, if required, before awarding the contract.

A Technical Evaluation Committee and aFinancial Evaluation Committee will be constituted

to evaluate and finalise the technical andfinancial proposals received in response to the Tender
Notice. Both the technical and financialbids would be opened online by the Bid Opening
Committee constituted by the Department. Bidopeners would download the bids and the
reports/statements and sign them for furtherprocessing.


The Technical Evaluation Committee would shortlist the technically qualified bids.Financial
bids of only the technically qualified bids would be opened. The date and time ofopening of
financial bids would be uploaded on the portal and shortlisted firms would beinformed after
shortlisting of the technically qualified bidders. Evaluation of technical bids will be done by the
Technical Evaluation Committee of the Ministry of AYUSH within ten working days of opening
of the technical bidsfinancial bids of only the successfully technically qualified
agencies/organizations/institutions will be opened in their presence on the date and time which
will be intimated to them through Website/E-mail/Fax or Telephone (Details to be provided by


7.1. Technical Bids

7.1.1. Scanned copies of Registration Certificate / Memorandum & Articles of
Association and any other documents to certify the nature of the Organisation.
7.1.2. Scanned copies of Audit Annual Account of last three years and if audit is not
complete, provisional balance sheet of the current year.
7.1.3. Scanned copies of last three (3) years Annual Report.
7.1.4. Scanned copy of valid PAN of the Organisation/Tax Account Number
(TAN)/Service Tax Number (STN) andGST Number.
7.1.5. Executive summary of 3 study reports completed in social sector sponsored by the
Central / State Government / Central or State PSU that have also been accepted
the sponsoring organisation during last five years. Documents of acceptance of the
Reports by sponsoring authority may be submitted.
7.1.6. Proof of completion of evaluation reports completed and accepted by the
sponsoring office.
7.1.7. A declaration that the organization has not been blacklisted from the Authorized
Signatory of the Organisation.
7.1.8. Other documents as evidence as mentioned in Annexure 6. Claims that are not
substantiated with suitable evidence will not be entertained.

7.2. Financial Bids

7.2.1. Scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
7.2.2. Tender Acceptance Letter


8.1. The intending bidders should pay along with bids an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.
2,00,000/- (Rupee Two lakhs only) as earnest money in the form of Demand
Draft/Bankers cheque/Bank Gurantee. in favour of ‗PAY & ACCOUNT OFFICER
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare‘ and payable at New Delhi is required to be
deposited (in original) in the office of Tender Issuing Authority at 1st Floor, AYUSH
Bhavan, New Delhi on or before bid submission closing date and time. The envelop
should be super scribed as “EMD for evaluation study on „Pharmacovigilance
initiative for ASU&H drugs”addressed to The Assistant Director, P&E Division,

Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi. Scanned copy of the EMD should also be uploaded
along with the online bids.
8.2. The EMD would be forfeited if the bidder withdraws his/her bid during the validity
period. Bids received without EMD shall not be considered. EMD of unsuccessful
bidders will be returned after process of selection is over.
8.3. The EMD will not carry any interest. Procedure for e-uploading as indicated in
Annexureabove may be followed.
8.4. The EMD submitted by the bidder will be forfeited if:
8.4.1. If successful bidder fails to accept the Letter of Award (LoA).
8.4.2. If bidder fails to furnish the required performance security within the specified
8.4.3. The bidder withdraws bid after processing but before acceptance of award of
contractissued by the Department.
8.4.4. The bidder violates any of the provisions of the terms and conditions of the tender
8.4.5. If bidder canvasses in any way for the bid
8.4.6. If bidder withholds information or submits false information
8.4.7. The Bid Security (EMD) will remain valid for a period of forty-five days beyond
the final bid validity period.
8.4.8. The EMD will be refunded: - to the successful bidder, upon submission of Performance Security. the unsuccessful bidders, only after acceptance of award of contract by the
selectedbidder. to both, in case of cancellation of Tender.
8.5. Bid securities of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them latest on or before the
30th' day after the award of the contract.
8.6. The Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded without any interest under all conditions.
8.7. Offers received without EMD will be summarily rejected.


The successful bidder will be required to submit a Performance Security issued by

anyscheduled commercial bank @ 10% of the contract value. Performance Security may be
furnishedin the form of an Account Payee Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee from a Commercial
bank.Performance Security would remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date
ofcompletion of the contract. The Performance Security may be invoked by the Department in
caseof failure of bidder to adhere to the terms & conditions of the contract. In case of delays
inexecution of project, the Department may seek extension of the Performance Security which
willrequire to be acceded to by the Organisation.


In case of any delay in submission of report by due date, a penalty 1% (excluding tax) per week
or part of it subject to maximum of 10%will be levied.


Neither the contract nor any rights granted under the contract may be sold, leased /
sublet,assigned, or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, by the bidder, and any such
attemptedsale, lease, assignment or otherwise transfer shall be void and of no effect without the
advancewritten consent of the Ministry of AYUSH.


The interested bidders/authorized signatories may attend the pre-bid meeting, if desiredby the
bidder(s) as per the schedule mentioned at Para 4 above. The clarification if any, to allqueries
received from the bidders on or before the pre bid meeting, will be intimated to allbidders /
posted on the Department's website:


The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms & conditions andspecifications
in the tender document. Failure to furnish all information required in document orsubmission of
offer not substantially responsive in every respect to the tender document will beat the bidder's
risk and may result in the rejection of bid offer. The bid offer is liable to berejected outright
without any intimation to the bidder if complete information as called in thetender document is
not given therein, or if particulars asked for in the Forms / Proforma in thetender are not fully


14.1. The technical offer should comply with all the requisite information. The
technical offershould be complete in all respect. The financial offer should give all
relevant priceinformation and should not contradict the technical offer in any manner.
The pricesquoted in the financial bid should be without any conditions. The price
schedule must befilled in completely, without any error, erasures or alterations. Bidder
should quote asper the format specified in Annexure 4. All prices to be quoted in Indian
Rupees only.The financial bid in the prescribed format may be scanned and uploaded.
These wouldremain password protected and it would be possible to view them only on
the date andtime indicated after the short-listing of the technical bids.
14.2. Price quotation accompanied by vague and conditional expressions will be treated
asbeing at variance and shall be liable for rejection. It is the responsibility of the bidder
toclearly identify all costs and complete all parts of the financial proposal in a clear
andaccurate manner. Omissions, errors, misrepresentations or inadequate details in
thebidder's financial proposal will be considered as valid ground for rejection of
thebidder's proposal. Costs that are not clearly identified will be borne by the bidder.
14.3. Payment with retrospective effect for the work already done before the
submission of the research proposal will not be permissible. The following items of
expenditure, however, are coveredand may be kept in mind while preparing the cost
14.3.1. Salaries and allowances of the project staff and honorarium for the

14.3.2. The salary of peons will not be sanctioned as a part of expenditureon a research
project. Any expenditure on this account may, however, be met out ofthe overhead
charges mentioned under item 14.3.8 below.
14.3.3. Travel undertaken in relation to the project.
14.3.4. Consultancy charges.
14.3.5. Printing.
14.3.6. Equipment and books.
14.3.7. Computer and tabulation costs.
14.3.8. Contingency and Overhead charges.


Where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount inwords
will govern. If a Bidder refuses to accept the correction, his Bid will be rejected.


The Department will reject a proposal for award if it determines that bidderrecommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for thecontract in question.
The bidder is liable to be blacklisted in such an event.


The Department will issue a Letter of Award (LoA) to the successful bidder in
duplicatementioning in brief rates, terms & conditions. The acceptance and return of one copy of
the LoAduly signed as token of acceptance will be construed as entry into the contract by both
parties.The contract agreement will be signed within one week of issue of LoA after submission
of thePerformance Security failing which the Department reserves the right to take


The payment terms for the consultancy are scheduled in four instalments as follows, unless
agreed otherwise:
18.1. Ten per cent (10%) of the total fee to be paid after issuing of Letter of
Award(LoA) and upon submission/presentation of an inception report along with
unconditional and irrevocable Performance Security in the form of Bank
Guarantee for equal amount valid up to theperiod of one year.
18.2. Thirty per cent (30%) of the total fee to be paid on submission of the draft Report
and presentation of the draft evaluation report and its acceptance;
18.3. Thirty per cent (30%) of the total fee to be paid on the submission of the final
presentation, final evaluation report, its acceptance; and
18.4. Remaining thirty per cent(30%)of the total fee on submission of all the
deliverables/documents mentioned in Annexure III and their acceptance after
adjusting for penalties, if any.


The organisation receiving funds for a project shall make suitable arrangements for
thepreservation of data collected during the study, such as filled in schedules, tabulation or
workingsheets, reports, photographs etc, relating to the Project, in electronic form and this shall
be sharedwith the Ministry at the time of submission of Final Report. The ownership of all such
data shallremain with the M/o AYUSH. All raw data compiled during the studyshall be
transferred to the Ministry. No data collected in context of the study may be destroyed
orotherwise disposed of or given to any other organization/individual, unless so approved by


The bidder shall not subcontract or permit anyone other than its personnel to perform anyof
the work, service or other performance requirement of the bidder under the contract without
theprior written consent of the head of the P&E Division of the Ministry of AYUSH.


The Department and selected Bidder will make every effort to resolve amicably, by
directnegotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with
thework order. If any dispute will arise between parties on aspects not covered by this
agreement, orthe construction or operation thereof, or the rights, duties or liabilities under these
except as toany matters the decision of which is specially provided for by the special conditions,
suchdispute will be referred to arbitrator, to be appointed by the competent authority appointed
bythis Ministry and will be final and binding on both the parties. Such arbitration will be
governed in all respect by the provision of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or later and
the rulesthere under and any statutory modification or re-enactment, thereof. The arbitration
proceedingswill be held in New Delhi only, wherein appropriate Appellate Authority shall also
be theHon'ble District court of Delhi and High Court of Delhi at New Delhi.


The contract with the selected bidder shall be governed in accordance with the Laws ofIndia
and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Delhi.


23.1. The selected bidder will confirm in writing that the conditions contained in the
tenderdocument are acceptable to it as per Tender Acceptance Letter format in
Annexure 9. Theselected bidder will also execute a bond in favour of the President
of India to the effectthat it will abide by the terms and conditions attached to the
funds and that in case it failsto abide by the same, it will refund to the Government
the total funds sanctioned to it forthe purpose with penal interest of l5% per annum
23.2. The organisation will maintain separate accounts in respect of this fund. The
accountswill remain open to inspection to the representatives of the Government of

India,including the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. At the end of the
period, theOrganisation will have the accounts of this fund audited by a
Government Auditor or aChartered Accountant, and supply a copy of the audited
accounts, together with autilization certificate as prescribed in GFR 2017, to this
Ministry within six months aftercompletion of the project. If regular process of
audit takes more time, the accounts maybe got audited by a Chartered Accountant
and the audit fee may be charged under subhead"Contingency" of the project. Any
unspent balance out of this fund will be refundedby the Organization within 30
days from the date of completion of the Project failingwhich such unspent balance
will attract penal interest of l5% per annum of the periodfrom date of completion of
the project to the date of refund of unspent balance.
23.3. The Ministry will accept no responsibility for any financial expenditure or
liabilityarising out of the project except what has been specifically approved by it
and conveyedto the selected bidder through the sanction letter.
23.4. The Ministry will sanction finances for each sub-head and the Ministry's Sanction
orderwill clearly satisfy the sanctioned amount for each sub-head for the total
financialassistance given for a research project. The evaluation organisation without
the prior written approval of the Ministry will have no right of re-appropriation of
amount fromone sub-head to another.
23.5. The evaluation organisation shall not incur any excess expenditure on the
researchproject, under any circumstances, over and above the sanctioned amount,
without priorwritten approval of the Ministry. Ordinarily such request will not be
entertained by theMinistry.
23.6. The Project Director will submit to the Ministry progress reports of the project
along withcertified statement of the expenditure actually incurred and estimate of
expenditure forthe remaining period of the study.
23.7. The organisation would make a presentation before theMinistry at draft stage on its
preliminary findings and at the time of final report submission.
23.8. The Project Director will make any changes to the project methodology including
design, instruments only after obtaining prior written permission from the head of
P&E Division of the Ministry of AYUSH.
23.9. On a request from theorganisation selected for the evaluation, the head of P&E
Division,Ministry of AYUSH may inexceptional cases, permit the appointment of
another Project Director with identical qualifications and experience as those of the
current Project Director. When the Directorof a project takes up an appointment at
another organisation before the project iscompleted the Ministry may permit, with
the consent of both the organisations concernedthe transfer of the project to the
other organisation.
23.10. If the Ministry is not satisfied with the progress of the project, or if it finds that
theserules are being seriously violated, it reserves the right to terminate agreement
& initiatenecessary action as per terms & conditions of the tender document and
extant rules ofGovt. of India.


24.1 The selected bidder shall execute a bond in favour of the President of India to the
effectthat it would abide by the terms and conditions attached to the study and that

in case it fails to abide by the same, it will refund to the Government the total funds
sanctioned to itfor the purpose with penal interest of l5% per annum thereon.
24.2 In case the selected bidder is found in-breach of any condition of tender/bid
the EMD/ Performance Security shall be forfeited / invoked.
24.3 Default would entail blacklisting of the Organization by the Department for at least


25.1. Bidders are advised to study the Tender/Bid Document carefully. Submission of
the Bidshall be deemed to have been done after carefully studying and
examination of allinstructions, eligibility criterion, terms and requirement
specifications contained in thetender/bid document with full understanding of its
implications. Failure to furnish allinformation required in the Tender/Bid
Document or submission of a bid not substantiallyresponsive to the Tender/Bid
Document in all respects will be at the bidder's risk and mayresult in the rejection
of the bid.
25.2. Bidders are requested to submit the bids in English language only.
25.3. In case, the day of bid submission is declared Holiday by Govt. of India, the next
working day will be treated as day for submission of bids. There will be no change
in thetimings.
25.4. The Ministry of AYUSH will not be responsible for any delay on the partof the
bidder in obtaining the terms and conditions of the Tender/Bid Document notice or
submission of the bids
25.5. The offers submitted by telegram/ FAX/E-mail etc. shall not be considered.
25.6. Un-signed, un-stamped bids or bidswithout certificate for authorized person from
bidders, shall not be accepted.
25.7. Conditional tenders shall not be accepted on any ground and shall be rejected
25.8. Ambiguous bids will be out rightly rejected.
25.9. Bids not accompanied by desired documents, would be rejected. Undertaking for
subsequent submission of any of the above document will not be entertained.
25.10. M/o AYUSH reserves the right to cancel this bid or modify therequirement
without assigning any reasons.
25.11. M/o AYUSH also reserves the right to modify or relax any part ofthe tender/bid
prior to the submission data and time. Any such changes will be publishedon the
website as corrigendum and the participant bidders are supposed to take the
corrigendum also into account prior to bid submission
25.12. The decision of M/o AYUSH arrived during the various stages ofthe evaluation
of the tender/bid is final & binding on all bidders. Any representationtowards these
shall not be entertained by M/o AYUSH.
25.13. In case the selected bidder is found in-breach of any condition of tender/bid

evaluation the EMD / Performance Security shall be forfeited/invoked, besides
debarring & Blacklisting the selected bidder concerned for at least 3 years, for
further dealing with M/o AYUSH
25.14. Any attempt by bidder to bring pressure towards M/o AYUSH ‗sdecision making
process, such bidders shall be disqualified for participation in thepresent
tender/bid and those bidders may be liable to be debarred from bidding for M/o
AYUSH tenders in future for a period of three years.
25.15. Upon verification, evaluation / assessment, if in case any information furnished
thebidder is found to be false/incorrect, their total bid shall be summarily rejected
and nocorrespondence on the same, shall be entertained. Further, EMD/
Performance Securityshall also be forfeited/invoked.
25.16. M/o AYUSH will not be responsible for any misinterpretation orwrong
by the bidder, while responding to this tender/bid.
25.17. The bidder shall be governed by the laws and procedures established by Govt. of
India,within the framework of applicable legislation and enactment made from
time to time.
25.18. M/o AYUSH has the right to cancel the request for proposal and not to proceed
thesponsoring of evaluation study at any stage without assigning any reason,

(Mahavir Singh)
Deputy Director



The evaluation study would be aimed at Comprehensive and In-Depth impact

assessment of Central Sector Scheme of Ministry of AYUSH namely Pharmacovigilance
initiative for ASU&H drugs.

Evaluation must bring out the results in quantitative as well as qualitative terms for
the Scheme in terms of Geographical Coverage, Population Coverage (Rural/Urban) and
Beneficiaries etc.

The selected agency/organization/institution would finalize evaluation methodology,

questionnaire etc. for the study in consultation with the Ministry.

(I) Central Sector Scheme of Ministry of AYUSH namely Pharmacovigilance initiative for
ASU&H drugs. The details of the same are as follows:

Stated Aims and Objectives of the Scheme:

The purpose of the Pharmacovigilance Program for ASU&H drugs is to collect,

collate and analyse data to establish evidence for clinical safety of the ASU&H drugs in a
scientific manner for documenting clinical evidence of safety of these drugs and
undertake surveillance of advertisements of these drugs.
The scheme aims at-
(i) Inculcating the reporting culture among the consumers as well as ASU&H
practitioners to facilitate documentation of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and
instances of misleading advertisements of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani &
Homoeopathy drugs.
(ii) Developing a system-wise database of Adverse Drug Reactions of ASU & H
drugs; and
(iii) Evolving evidence based recommendations regarding the clinical safety of
ASU&H drugs for regulatory action.

The scheme document is placed at ANNEXURE – II (a)


Central Sector Scheme for Pharmacovigilance of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and

Homoeopathy Drugs

The scheme aims at developing safety monitoring mechanism for Ayurveda, Siddha,
Unani and Homoeopathy drugs and surveillance system to check the veracity of misleading
advertisements of AYUSH.

1. Preamble: -

i). Pharmacovigilance refers to a continuous post-marketing monitoring system to

systematically document the safety profile of a medicine. As defined by the World Health
Organization, Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities relating to the detection,
assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse events or any other possible drug-related

ii) The Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathic drugs are regulated in thecountry in
accordance with the exclusive provisions of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules
thereunder. Similarly, Sowa Rigpa drugs are yet to be brought under the regulatory control. The
quality issues of these drugs are raised from various sources and it is felt necessary in the interest
of public health to oversee the impact of AYUSH drugs consumed by the people from the
prospective of their safety profile. Dissemination and advertisement of improper drug
information is also a matter of concern that needs to be addressed with a systematic surveillance
and regulatory

iii) In view of the above, it is intended to develop a system of safety monitoring and surveillance
of adverse reactions and advertisements of ASU&H drugs. Accordingly, proposed scheme of
Pharmacovigilance has been envisaged towards detection, assessment, understanding, prevention
and regulatory action of adverse events and misleading advertisement of ASU&H drugs.

2. Aims and Objectives of the Scheme:

The purpose of the Pharmacovigilance initiative for ASU&H drugs is to collect, collate and
analyze data to establish evidence for clinical safety of the ASU&H drugs in a scientific manner
for documenting clinical evidence of safety of these drugs and undertake surveillance of
advertisements of these drugs.

The scheme aims at- (i) inculcating the reporting culture among the consumers as well as
ASU&H practitioners to facilitate documentation of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and
instances of misleading advertisements of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Homoeopathy
drugs(Summary of Month wise ADRs and Misleading advertisements annexed at

ANNEXURE IIa1); (ii) developing a system-wise database of Adverse Drug Reactions of ASU
& H drugs; and (iii) evolving evidence based recommendations regarding the clinical safety and
improper advertisements of ASU&H drugs for regulatory actions.

3. Structural Framework:-

There shall be a three tier structure comprising of a National Pharmacovigilance Co-

ordination Centre (NPvCC), Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs) and Peripheral
Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) (List is annexed at ANNEXURE IIa2).

The All India Institute of Ayurveda shall be the National Pharmacovigilance Co- ordination
Centre (NPvCC) for the implementation of the National pharmacovigilance program for
ASU&H drugs. The NPvCC will receive inputs in terms of suspected ADRs from the
Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs), which will initially include:

i. National institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur.

ii. Institute of Post-Graduate Training and Research in Ayurveda (IPGT&RA), Jamnagar.
iii. National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru.
iv. National Institute of Siddha, Chennai.
v. National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata

and later on more such capable institutions can be identified and included as Intermediary
Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs). Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) will be
identified on the basis of their infrastructural and functional capability to take up the
responsibility of safety monitoring of ASU&H drugs and reporting of their ADRs. The
Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) will operate under the purview of concerned
Intermediary Centre.

4. Operational Guidelines:

a) The National Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination Centre (NPvCC) in consultation with the

concerned Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centre (IPvC) will identify the Peripheral
Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) on the basis of following criteria:
i. AYUSH teaching hospital recognized under IMCC Act / HCC Act / similar
Regulatory body; or NABH accredited / Government ASU&H healthcare facility,
healthcare facilities of the Research Councils under Ministry of AYUSH;
ii. Technical competence and wherewithal to undertake surveillance and reporting
iii. Institutions / Organizations having credible outcomes on similar projects would be
given preference.
iv. Any AYUSH institution that has obtained funding from any Ministry/ Department of
the Central Government and UCs are settled and no adverse remarks are reported.

AYUSH institutions/centres fulfilling the above criteria can also apply to the concerned
Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centre (IPvC) for inclusion as Peripheral Pharmacovigilance
Centres (PPvCs).

b) The National Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination Centre (NPvCC) as well as the Intermediary

Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs) will also undertake documentation and reporting of the

c) An Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centre (IPvC) shall have 10-20 Peripheral

Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) under its purview. The Intermediary Pharmacovigilance
Centre (IPvC) shall receive the information through the Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre
(PPvC) as well as directly from the consumers, practitioners, industry and other stakeholders
regarding any suspected Adverse Drug Reactions in the prescribed format and regarding
misleading advertisements of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathiy drugs on regular
periodicity. Each Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centre (IPvC) shall co-ordinate and receive
inputs from Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) selected from amongst recognized
educational institutions; licensed ASU&H pharmacies; or accredited / Government approved
ASU&H healthcare facilities, hospitals, practitioners, and other stakeholders.

d) The National Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination Centre (NPvCC) will undertake the

pharmacovigilance activities under the guidance and technical support of W.H.O. collaborating
centre for Pharmacovigilance- Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission and concerned programme
officers of theW.H.O. Country Office. The National Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination Centre
(NPvCC) in consultation with the Pharmacopoeial Commission of Indian Medicine and
Homoeopathy (PCIM&H), if required, shall conduct the Causality Assessment of the signals
received from the Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs) and intimate the Ministry of
AYUSH regarding confirmed ADRs to enable suitable action.

5. Monitoring Mechanism:

To monitor the implementation of the scheme, the National Pharmacovigilance Co-

ordination Centre (NPvCC) will establish key indicators to measure the efficiency of (i) process
(ii) outcome and (iii) impact of the programme.
i. Process Indicators:
a. Number of ADR monitoring centers participating in the National Pharmacovigilance
programme for ASU&H drugs and the surveillance of advertisements of ASU&H
drugs and practices
b. Number of personnel trained in ADR Monitoring and surveillance of advertisements
of ASU&H drugs and practices
c. Funds budgeted for Pharmacovigilance Programme of ASU&H Drugs and funds
ii. Outcome Indicators:

a. Number of ADR reports received in a year
b. Number of ADR reports processed in a year
c. Number of misleading advertisements of ASU&H drugs and practices reported and
processed in a year
iii. Impact Indicators:
a. Number of signals generated and confirmed
b. Number of safety related alerts issued by the Ministry of AYUSH
c. Number of misleading advertisements of ASU&H drugs and practices rectified or

6. Management of the Scheme:

Ministry of AYUSH will engage a Programme Manager with MD (Ayurveda / Siddha / Unani /
Homoeopathy) and MBA / BBA / Post Graduate Diploma in Management, a Programme
Assistant and a Data Entry Operator on contractual basis for the administration of the scheme,
processing of proposals and related matters. The remuneration of all the staff appointed under the
scheme would be reviewed as and when needed in consultation with the IFD.

7. Responsibilities of the Pharmacovigilance Centres:

National Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination Centre (NPvCC):

The NPvCC shall-
i. document and monitor the ADRs of ASU&H drugs.
ii. seek Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs) from the ASU&H drug manufacturing
companies for all the Patent & Proprietary (P&P) drugs
iii. Shall organize awareness building and capacity building workshops for the stakeholders
iv. Scrutinize the project proposals of the Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) in
consultation with the concerned Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centre (IPvC)
v. conduct the causalty assessment for all the signals regarding the ADRs of ASU&H drugs
received from NPvCC, IPvCs as well as PPvCs for recommending necessary regulatory
action by the Ministry of AYUSH
vi. provide information to the end users through seminars, drug alerts and other means.
vii. submit Annual proposals and the Supplementary proposals for seeking approval of the
PAC and PSC.

Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs):

The IPvCs of the respective systems (Ayurveda/ Siddha/ Unani/ Homoeopathy) shall-

i. document and monitor the ADRs of ASU&H drugs

ii. collect the information regarding the ADRs of ASU&H drugs from the respective
Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs)

iii. report the ADRs of ASU&H drugs to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPvCC) at
regular intervals for causalty assessment
iv. organize awareness building and capacity building workshops for the stakeholders
v. Scrutinize the project proposals received from the Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres
(PPvCs) and forward the same to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPvCC) along
with comments.

Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs):

The IPvCs of the respective systems (Ayurveda/ Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy) shall-
i. document and monitor the ADRs of ASU&H drugs
ii. report the ADRs of ASU&H drugs to the concerned Intermediary Pharmacovigilance
Centre (IPvC) at regular intervals

In reference to the orders of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of

Economic Affairs vide OM No. F.1 (8)-B (AC)/ 2017 dated 21st March, 2017, out of the
allocated budget under the present scheme, ten percent (10%) of the amount would be used for
infrastructure, manpower, consumables, awareness campaigns and other activities to accomplish
the objectives of the Swachhta Action Plan (SAP).


Month wise Number of ADRs Reporting

S.No. System Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June, July, Aug, Total
2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019
1 Ayurveda 9 6 6 14 9 9 9 9 71
2 Siddha 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 29
3 Unani 1 7 7 5 11 15 14 18 78
4 Homoeopathy 0 0 7 4 2 1 0 0 14
14 17 24 27 26 29 26 29 192

Month wise Number of Misleading Advertisements Reporting

S.No. System Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June, July, Aug,
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019
1 Ayurveda - - - - - - - - 254 300 363 277 229
2 Siddha - - - - - - - - 50 46 53 46 37
3 Unani - - - - - - - - 28 27 41 49 39
4 Homoeopathy - - - - - - - - 26 41 50 47 45
30 46 125 124 145 107 366 184 358 414 507 419 350



S. Communicating Details
No Name of the
Name of the Centre
Coordinator Director's Email id (E-mail) Contact No.
1 National Institute of
Dr DilipPanakkada, Block - Ge, Sector - 9433182784
Professor III, Salt Lake,
Kolkata, West
Bengal 700106
2 National Institute of
Dr SudiptaKumar Ayurveda Madhav
Rath, 9828376668 Vilas Palace,Amer
Asst.Professor, Road, Jaipur,
Rajasthan 302002
3 National Institute of
Dr.MohdAleemuddi 09341072974 / Medicine,Kottigepal
nQuamri 7019383563 ya, Magadi Main
Road, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560091

4 Institute for Post
Graduate Teaching
Dr Rabinarayan and Research in
Acharya, 9924585855 Ayurveda,GujaratAy
Co -Coordinator urved University,
5Jamnagar, Gujarat
361008 Jamnagar
5 National Institute of
Siddha, richy -
Chennai Hwy, Near
Dr. R. Madhavan/
09962561656/ Government
Dr. S.
9962542755 Hospital,
m, Chennai, Tamil
Nadu 600047


Communicating Details Name of the Centre

S. Name of the
No Coordinator
Director's Email id (E-mail) Contact No.


Dr.Shubhashree M-9448016968,

MN, Research Telefax: 080- Regional Ayurveda Research
Officer (Ay. 26562030,
Institute for Metabolic
Scientist -2) Ph. 26572207
Disorders (CCRAS), GCP
M-8105683022, Annexe, Ashoka Pillar,
Dr.Raghavendra Jayanagar, Bengaluru - Telefax: 080-
Naik, Research 560011 26562030,
Officer (Ay)
Ph. 26572207

Dr National Research Institute

AchintyaMitra of Ayurvedic Drug
2 Research Officer 9836727927 Development, 4 CN Block,
(Ayurveda) / Sector-V, Bidhan Nagar,
Scientist-2 Kolkata- 700 091

drpvsavanur@rediffmail.comb Shri BM Kankanawadi
PankajaSavanur 9448025369;
3 mkpvigilance.kaher@kleayurw Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya,
Reader, (Dept. of 8494904971 Shahapur, Belagavi

Dr.HimangshuB dir-
4 om, 8794748821 NEIAH, Shillong

VPSV Ayurveda College,

Dr. Manoj
5 9447423771 Kottakkal, Malappuram,
Kumar N
Dr Girish KJ, SDM College of Ayurveda &
6 Professor, Dept 8172-256 460 Hospital, Hassan
of Kayachikitsa
Regional Ayurveda Research
Institute for Drug
7 Dr. SB Singh 9782560296 Development, Aamkho,
Gwalior – 474009 (M.P.)
Raja RamdevAnandilalPodar
Central Ayurveda Research
Dr.Laxman Pl at Institute for Cancer, Podar,
8 RRAP-CARIC 9086087677 Medical Campus, Dr. Annie
Mumbai Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai
- 400 018.

Central Ayurveda Research

Dr.DeepaMakhij Institute for Cardiovascular
9 9911331074
a, R.O. (Ay.) Diseases, Punjabibagh, New

Dr.SubashSahu, CBP Ayurveda,
10 Asso. Professor, 9990537725 CharakSamsthan,
Dravyaguna KheraDabar, Delhi

Dr. Manoj University College of
Kumar Adalkha, Ayurved, Dr SR Rajasthan
11 9166639579
Asst. Professor, m Ayurved University, Jodhpur
Dravyaguna (Rajasthan)

RG Post Graduate Ayurveda
12 9418080869 College, Paprola Himachal
Dr. Shiromani
Govt. (Auto)
Mishra, Asso.
13 9893158853 DhanwantariAyurved
College Ujjain (MP)

Dr. R. K. Pati, Pt. Khushilal Ayurveda

14 9425677682
Professor College, Bhopal, MP

Prof. S R
(Coordinator), 9425215318, Government Ayurved
Dr. Thakur 0700093148 College, Raipur
Rakesh Singh (Dr Rakesh)

Prof. Manasi Ayurved College,

16 9822493019
Deshpande BharatiVidyapeeth, Pune

Institute of Medical Sciences,

17 JS Tripathi 9838706393 Banaras Hindu University,

Dr. Pradeep 7976260695 MMM Ayurveda College,
18 Soni, Lecturer, 9414758052 Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Dr. Amit University Main Campus,
19 9844285075
Tamadaddi Harrawala, Dehradun,


Regional Research Institute

of Homoeopathy, Dr. GGH
Dr.ChintaRaveen Medical College Campus,
20 098491 26380
dar Eluru Road, GUDIVADA -
521 301 Krishna Dist.,
Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Anjali Chatterjee
Dr. DB Sarkar, Regional Research Institute 9432086690,
21 Asst. Director, for Homoeopathy, 50, 8777046824
Incharge Rajendra Chatterjee Road,
Kolkata - 700035
National Homoeopathy
Dr K C Research Institute in Mental
22 Muralidharan, 8169959184 Health (NHRIMH)
Research Officer (Sachivothamapuram P.O.,
Kottayam-686 532(Kerala)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical
College & Hospital, (PPvC),
23 8889553676 AYUSH Campus, beside
Pal Chowdhury
kaliasot dam, M, A.C.T Hills,
Bhopal, Pin - 462003, M.P.

Regional Research Institute

9769888743, for homoeopathy, Hall No -
Dr Ramesh
24 022-27577501, 04, Shopping centre, Sector -
022-27579154 09, CBD, Belapur, Navi
Mumbai - 400614
Central Research Institute for
25 Dr. Pankaj Gupta 9999339018 homoeopathy, Noida
( CRIH Noida gamil)

Dr.Ranjit Sonny, Regional Research Institute

Research Officer 0361-2306202, for Homoeopathy, Borsajai,
(Homoeopathy) / 09883203656 PO Beltola, Guwahati -
S-1 781028


27 Dr.JavedInam Central Research Institute of

Siddiqui 9849875295 Unani Medicine, Hyderabad

Dr.Mohd. Nafees 09450390478 / Central Research Institute of

Khan 09140705710 Unani Medicine, Lucknow

Dr.Nikhat Regional Research Institute
29 09820399433
Shaikh of Unani Medicine, Mumbai

Dr. Noman Regional Research Institute

30 7358595174
Anwar of Unani Medicine, Chennai

Dr.Shameem 9906957778 / Regional Research Institute

Ahmad Rather 7889584083 of Unani Medicine, Srinagar

32 9911926730 RRIUM, New Delhi


Central Research Institute,

33 Dr Kannan 9841207207
for Siddha, Chennai

Regional Research Institute

34 Dr Rathinamala 9445237368
for Siddha, Puducherry

Regional Research Institute,

Dr. A
35 9442178440 for

Dr. M.P. Abdul Govt. Siddha Medical
36 9486272548
Kader Jeylani College, Palayamkottai

AMO, Govt. Hospital Govt

Dr. C,
37 9443318046 Hospital (Siddha Wing),
Perundurai, Erode.

Dr S
Sabarinathan, Kulumani, Govt District HQ
38 Govt. 9047220270 Hospital (Siddha Wing),
Primary Health Trichy
Centre, Govt. Siddha Medical
39 Dr.Sankar 9444331964
m m College, Chennai,
Dr. A. Hasina Govt District HQ Hospital
40 9095041733
Barvin (Siddha Wing), Dindigul

Siddha wing
Government Kamaraj
Dr. MM
41 9360354168 Hospital,
Chidambaram -608 001.
Tamil Nadu.
Govt. PHC, Valathi (Siddha
42 Dr S Shagila 9787646890
Wing), Villupuram


The selected agencies/organizations/institutions would be required to make a presentation of their
action plan for carrying out the evaluation work, before a committee of the Department. The exact
date, time and venue for the discussion and presentation would be communicated separately.


The agency/organization/institutions conducting the study will provide:

 Softcopy and 10 Hardcopies of the draft report;

 Soft copy of the data and information collected during the evaluation;
 10 Hardcopies of the Final Report in coloured printing;
 Soft copy of the Final Report in Compact Disc;
 Coloured photographs & video of the visits etc. for the scheme evaluated;
 Presentation to the Department upon preparation of the draft report and final report.
 The ‗Final Report‘ of the evaluation is to be submitted as per the format given by NITI
Aayog(Annexure III(a)).

The agency/organization/institutions would also give the undertaking that the

information collected in respect of the scheme of AYUSH will not be disclosed / presented
anywhere without obtaining prior permission of the Ministry. The report, material etc.
generated/collected during the study shall be the property of Ministry of AYUSH and
Ministry of AYUSH will have proprietary rights.


The time schedule of evaluation study would be as follows:

(a) Conducting the evaluation Study and submitting draft report—

a. 7 weeks from the date of award.
(b) Time Schedule for submission of Final report -
a. 5 weeks for the scheme after approval of draft report by the Ministry.


S.No. Outcomes Indicators S.No. Outputs Indicators

1 Reporting of  Number of signals / 1 Organisation of  Number of

ADRs of suspected ADR training and trainings
ASU&H drugs. reports of ASU&H capacity building organised by the
drugs received workshops. NPvCC and
from the IPvCs.
Pharmacovigilance  Number of
centres (NPvCC; persons trained
IPvCC and PPvCs) during the

 Number of ADRs trainings
of ASU&H drugs organised by the
on which action NPvCC and
taken. IPvCs.

2 Reporting of  Number of reports 2 Number of Centres

misleading of misleading setup.
advertisements advertisements of
of ASU&H ASU&H drugs
received from the
centres (NPvCC;
IPvCC and PPvCs)
 Number of
advertisements of
ASU&H drugs on
which action taken.
3 Number of
personnel in
4 Infrastructure



To facilitate undertaking of the study, the Planning and Evaluation Division (P&E), Ministry of
AYUSH will provide all the available relevant documents/information to the Evaluating Team.

Draft and final report of the evaluation will be submitted to P&E Division on the due dates which
will be finalised by P&E Division within 4 weeks.


The selected agencies/organizations/institutions would be required to make a presentationbefore a

committee of the Department: -

(i) On action plan for carrying out the evaluation work.

(ii) On submission of the Draft Report.
(iii) On submission of the Final Report.

The exact date, time and venue for the discussion and presentation would be communicated


The agency shall visit Nodal Office (All India Institute of Ayurveda), five Intermediary
Pharmacovigilance Centres and 18 Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (including 8
Ayurveda, 4 Homoeopathy, 4 Siddha and 2 Unani Centres), Selection of Centres should
spread across different states. Further sample may be opted, if required.


Template for Evaluation of Central Sector Scheme: [Name of the Scheme]


2.1 Background of the scheme: -

a) Brief write up on the scheme including Objectives, Implementation

Mechanism, Scheme architecture I design: -
b) Name of Sub-schemes / components: -
c) Year of commencement of scheme: -
d) Present status with coverage of scheme (operational I non-operational): -
e) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Served: -
f) National Development Plans (NDP) Served: -

2.2 Budgetary allocation and expenditure pattern of the scheme

Sub- [Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] [Year 4] [Year 5]

BE R Act BE RE Actu BE RE Actu BE RE Actu BE R Act
E ual al 1.80 al al E ual

2.3 Summary of past evaluation since inception of scheme:

Year of Evaluation Agency hired for Recommendations Recommendations

Evaluation made and accepted made but not


3.1 Approach (Methodology adopted), Division of country into 6 Geographical

Regions/Zones (North, South, East, West, North East and Central) as classified by

3.2 Sample size and sample selection process, tools used: field study/questionnaire,
primary and secondary data.


1.1 Performance of the scheme based on the Output /Outcome indicators

4.2 Additional parameters

a) Coverage of beneficiaries: -

State District
Urban Rural Urban Rural
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

b) Implementation mechanism
c) Training / Capacity building of administrators / facilitators: -
d) IEC activities
e) Asset / Service creation & its maintenance plan
f) Benefits (Individual, community)
g) Convergence with scheme of own Ministry / Department or of other Ministry /
4.3Gaps in achievement of outcomes
4.4Key Bottlenecks & Challenges
4.5 Input Use Efficiency


5.1 Thematic Assessment

5.2 Externalities

6.1 Issues& challenges
6.2 Vision for the future
6.3 Recommendation for scheme with reasons



2.1(a) Latest guidelines of the scheme may also be annexed.
2.1(b) Sub-schemes/components which have separate budgetary allocations either through
budget line or through Detailed Demand for Grants(DDG) may also be listed along with
component-wise budget allocation.
2.1(d) Detail of number of state/districts/villaes where the scheme is functional may be
2.1(e) & (f) May be linked with objective of the scheme.
2.2 If DDG makes allocation for certain items which are not shown as sub
schemes/components, the same may be separately indicated along with allocation in the
3.1 Complete list of states a classified by NSSO may be seen on its website.
4.1 Output/Outcome Indicators as proposed/prepared by NITI Aayog may be considered. In
the absence of these. Indicators as spell out in SFC/EFC memorandum during appraisal of
the scheme may be utilized.
Output/Outcome Indicators (numbers or percentage) must be compared with base year value
at all time points (periodicity) as per monitoring mechanism framework, also defined in
SFC/EFC Memorandums.
4.2 (a) Tabulated information up to Tehsil/Block Level and if possible, up to village level
may be provided.
4.2(b) Focus should be on clarity of instructions availability of scheme or programme
guidelines, clear definition of roles and responsibilities of functionaries and the number and
nature of clarifications/additional instructions issued w.r.t. scheme guidelines.
4.2(c) Details about training (PFMS/EAT Module, scheme‘s portal or any other) with
number of interventions and levels at which these interventions were carried out may be
4.2 (d) Details about Stakeholders /Beneficiaries, details of campaigns, media, frequency,
feedback etc. may be included.
4.2(g) Details about apparatus-manpower office transport etc. may be included. If there is
no convergence, NIL may be recorded.
4.3 These gaps should be attributed to absence of interventions/non-performance of existing
4.4 Focus may be on Financial, Administrative, Project Management and any other Key
Bottlenecks & Challenges.

4.5 Details of (a) requirement of funds as indicated in EFC/SFC in relation to actual
allocation of funds including timelines of release (b) requirement and allotment of
manpower in implementation of scheme/programme at various levels (PMU/Central/State)
(c) Involvement of private players, volunteers, non-governmental organizations and local
community etc. in the scheme may be provided.
5.1 Thematic assessment should focus on Accountability, Transparency, Employment
generation (direct/indirect), Climate change and sustainability, Role of TSP/SCSP, Use of
IT, Behavioural change in stakeholder/beneficiary, R&D Role, Functions,
involvement/support of State govts.
Cross cutting themes can be assessed both through secondary data as well as primary. While
conducting meta-analysis of existing reports, the evaluator should actively review the cross-
cutting themes. The primary data for cross cutting themes will be elicited through specific
questions and responses during the key informant interviews and beneficiary surveys. For
example, use of IT in scheme implementation, fund flow, monitoring and evaluation can be
assessed from interaction with concerned ministries/departments as well as states officials.
Similarly, gender mainstreaming can be assessed by introducing specific questions on
changes in knowledge, attitude and practices pertaining to gender equality, attributable to the
CS intervention at hand, through household surveys.
5.2 Details of best practices, innovations, or scheme/projects where best practices were
replicated may be provided.
6.3 It is essential to highlight the importance of recommendations made for the scheme. The
evaluation agency may provide recommendation for the scheme in any of the following
categories (a) Continue in existing form (b) Continue with some Modifications (suggest
modifications) (c) scale up the scheme (Financial Physical/both) (d) Scale down the scheme
(Financial/Physical/both) (e) Close (f) Merge with another scheme as sub-




Project Directors are requested to furnish a detailed research proposal covering (a)
statement of the problem (b) hypothesis to be tested, if any, (c) definition of the key
concepts, (d) research design including the universe of study, sampling frame, and
sampling procedure, (c) tools to be used in data collection, (f) time schedule, (g)
staffing pattern, and (h) estimate of costs.

A research proposal is a sort of a blue-print. Apart from helping the Ministry to

process it quickly, a well-conceived research proposal will add to the efficiency in its
implementation. Every effort made to formulate a proper research proposal will,
therefore, pay rich dividends.

To facilitate the task of the Project Director, in formulating a research proposal, a few
detailed guidelines are given below: -

I. The title of the Project (in capital letters)

II. Statement of the problem
In the opening paragraphs of the research proposal, the problem to be
investigated should be presented clearly and briefly. The key originating
question(s) and the location of the problem in the theoretical context of the
concerned discipline should be specified. Specific mention should be made
of the rationale of the approach adopted to study the problem and the specific
aims of this project.
While indicating the significance of the problem, the contribution which the
proposed study is expected to make to the theory and methodology as well as
its practical impact and national relevance should be specifically indicated.

III. A brief overview of work already done in the area of the Proposal.
A note summarizes the current status of research in the area including major
findings and highlighting research gaps, should be included in project
IV. Objectives of the project as understood by the bidder
V. Research questions of hypothesis
Enumerate the specific research questions and/or hypotheses that you wish to
investigate in this study.

VI. Methodology
In the light of the questions raised or the hypothesis proposed to be tested,
full information on the following points should be given:
1. Universe of study
2. Sampling frame
3. Sampling procedure
4. Units of observation and sample-size
An explanation of the determination of size and type of sample will also be
necessary. Proposals not requiring a sample selection should specify their
strategy appropriately and describe the rationale.
The different types of data that are proposed to be gathered should be
specifically mentioned.
The source for each type of data and the tools and techniques that will be used
for collecting different types of data should be specified.
For questionnaire or schedule to be used, the following should be indicated:
1. Distribution of the questionnaire or schedule in different sections, e.g.,
identification particular, socio-economic data, questions on various
sub-themes, etc.
2. Approximate number of questions to be asked from each respondent
3. Any scaling techniques proposed to be included in the instrument.
4. Any prospective tests incorporated in the questionnaire/schedule
5. Approximate time needed for interview
6. Any plans for index-construction
7. Coding plan (whether the questions and responses will be pre-coded
or not: whether the coding is done for computer or for hand
For the interviews, the following details should be given:
1. How are they to be conducted?
2. Particular characteristics that interviews must have:
For the use of observation techniques, describe:
1. The type of observation; participant, quasi-participant, non-participant
2. Units of observation;

3. Whether this will be the only technique or other techniques will also
be employed.
VII. Data processing
The manner in which the different types of data will be processed, the
tabulation plan, and the type of data will be processed through the computer,
should be explained in details.

VIII. Time budgeting

The project should be broken up in suitable stages and the time required for
completion of each stage of work should be specified, for instance, such
stages may cover:
1. Preparatory work, including selection and appointment of staff and
their training
2. Drawing of sample
3. Tool construction (including their pre-testing and printing)
4. Data collection
5. Data processing (which should include coding, editing, punching,
verification, sorting, computer analysis)
6. Data analysis.
7. Report writing.
IX. Organizational Framework
An organizational chart indicating the positions tasks and number of persons
required to fill the different positions should be given.

The following issues need to be borne in mind:

The approach and methodology to be adopted by the organization for
proposed study is appropriate.
- The Project team has necessary skills in statistical tools of analysis and
sampling methodologies.
- Details of statistical tools and applications to be used are indicated in the
- The primary data to be collected on the objectively verifiable indicators
and factual information
- Organisation will use experts/manpower in all regional language/local
language as and when required.
- Organisation has demonstrated capacity to carry out structural evaluations
- Organisation has capacity to collect and analyze data from variety of
sources at disaggregated level.
- Organisation has capacity to prepare a feasible and comprehensive study
design for evaluation, with data collection tools and analytical framework.

- Organisation has capacity to structure data, create electronic and develop
output results in appropriate formats.
- Organisation has willingness to undertake the assignment in the given
- Organisation has sufficient infrastructure facilities including office and
modern office equipment.
- Organisation has ability to develop and prepare all the data collection
instruments including questionnaires, checklist for stakeholders,
structured Focus Group Discussion format, tabulation plans etc.
- Organisation has ability to undertake survey work in all sample districts.
- Organisation has ability to cross/back check of primary data.
- Data collection is application based and not manual
- Enumerators are appropriately trained
- Adequate photographs may be taken during the
Interaction/Interview/Survey/Primary data collection process

The parameters of Technical Criterion for being technically qualified may be kept in mind

The Following explanations are given in respect of the above items to serve as
guidelines in the preparation of financial estimates of the research projects.

Items covered under the funds: The following items are covered under the funds:
i. Salaries and allowances of the project staff (research and action component),
and honorarium for the Project Director. (N.B.: The salary of peons will not
be sanctioned as a part of expenditure on research project. Any expenditure
on this account may, however, be met out of the overhead charges mentioned
under item (viii) below).
ii. Travel undertaken in relation to the project.
iii. Consultancy charges
iv. Printing
v. Equipment and books
vi. Computer and tabulation costs.
vii. Contingency and Overhead charges.

The following may be noted:

a) Payment with retrospective effect for the work already done before the
submission of the research proposal will not be permissible
b) The Project Director shall not be entitled to any salary or allowances (other
than TA/DA) from the project funds. He may, however, be paid an
honorarium provided the project is completed within the sanctioned/approved
time limit and submission of a satisfactory report. The honorarium will be
limited to 5% of the total approved cost of the project. Honorarium as

originally sanctioned will be paid after the acceptance of the report and the
c) The remuneration, mode of recruitment and conditions of services of the staff
employed in the project, shall be the same as those of the organisation to
which the research project is sanctioned.
d) The staff appointed for the research project should be professionally qualified
and conform to the standards laid down by the organisation for similar
positions and such model qualifications as the Ministry may lay down.
e) The organisation will inform the Ministry within 15 days from the date of
commencement of the study, of all appointments made for the project the
expenditure on which is to be met from the fund of the Ministry.
f) All persons appointed to work on the project and paid from the project funds
will be the employees of the organisation concerned.
g) All employees appointed under the project will be full time and used
exclusively for the project work. If any part-time employees are intended,
this should be indicated in the research proposal submitted for sanction.
h) The rates of TA/DA for the purpose of the project shall be fixed by
i) The Project Director will specify in the research proposal the type and cost of
consultancy that will be needed. He will also indicate in the research
proposal, if honorarium of fees is to be paid to a specialist for contributing a
paper for the project. No employee of the Research Project will be eligible
for a consultancy fee for any work done for the project.
j) Estimated cost of printing of forms etc. will be furnished.
k) Normally, the equipment required for the project is expected to be provided
by the organisation. However, in exceptional cases where full justification is
given, purchase/hire of equipment can be done. No foreign exchange should
be involved. The organisation shall refund in full if the scheme is abandoned
by it during the period of sanction or if the scheme had not stated after the
purchase of the stores.
l) Estimated cost of books and journals required for project work will be
m) The stores purchased out of the fund given by the Ministry shall be entered in
stock registers and presented to the auditors for checking.
n) The Project Director shall give a rough estimate of expenditure on different
items of tabulation exercise such a data entry, verifying programming,
computer work, etc.
o) Contingency means the expenditure incurred on postage, stationery,
telephone charges and other unforeseen items of expenditure and overhead
charges includes expenditure incurred by the organisation on general services,
including accommodation, furniture and managerial services. Not exceeding
5% of the total expenditure by the organisation will be permissible as
contingency and overhead charges.
p) The Organisation will confirm in writing that the conditions contained in the
tender document are acceptable to it. It will also execute a bond in favour of
the President of India to the effect that it will abide by the terms and

conditions attached to the fund and that in case it fails to abide by the same, it
will refund to the Government the total funds sanctioned to it for the purpose
with 15% per annum penal interest thereon.
q) The Organisation will maintain separate accounts in respect of the fund. The
account will remain open to inspection to the representatives of the
Government of India, including the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India. At the end of the period, the organisation will have the accounts of this
fund audited by a Government Auditor or a Chartered Accountant, and supply
a copy of the audited accounts, together with a utilization certificate as
prescribed in GFR 2017, to this Ministry within six months after completion
of the project. If regular process of audit takes more time, the accounts may
be got audited by a Chartered Accountant and the audit fee may be charged
under sub-head ―Contingency‖ of the project. Any unspent balance out of
this fund will be refunded by the Organization with 30 days from the date of
completion of the Project failing which such unspent balance will attract
penal interest of 15% of the period from date of completion of the project to
the date of refund of unspent balance.
r) The Ministry will accept no responsibility for any financial expenditure or
liability arising out of the project except what has been specifically approved
by it and conveyed to the organisation or university through the sanction



(Planning & Evaluation Division)


Title of the project:

I. Institutional Particulars
1. Name of the bidder (in Block letters)

2. Address

3. Telephone No. 4. Mobile No

5. Type of Organisation Government/Public sector/Not-for –
profit/Public limited/Partnership/Proprietorship
6. EMD required? (Yes/No)
7. If Yes, Details
Type of instrument Name of Bank Number Date

8. Name of the representative of bidder

9. Whether authorization letter
PAN of the TAN of the STN of the GST Number of the
Organisation Organisation Organisation Organisation

10. Whether organization has a source of income (Yes/No)

. If Yes then how much per annum and from
which source -give details
Source Annual Income Source Annual Income

11. In case the organization is established under the Act of Parliament / State
the name of the Statute No. of Act year

12. In case the organization is established under the societies Registration Act
Place Registration number Date of registration

13. If Semi- Government Organization

the name of the Department to which complete address
Government it is attached

Total Number of the branches in the country /world and their location

14. Brief history of the organization, its objectives and activities ( Attach a separate sheet, if

15. Competence of the Organisation (Please provide detailed information on the following
a. Name & Short C.V. of project Director/Principal Investigator/ Team Leader
including her educational qualification & experience.
b. Project team composition and their capabilities
c. Nature of field staff and their competence
d. Training capabilities
e. infrastructure facilities
f. Organisational Processes
16. C.V. of all the Consultants/Subject Experts to be engaged from outside

17. Names and Addresses of at least three clients from whom the experience/ competency of
the applicant can be ascertained,
S.No. Name Address Telephone e-mail





1. Time schedule: Estimated time in which project will be completed (total project duration
along with phase-wise details).
2. Justification for taking up the study, the organisations should provide evidence in support of
their experience in evaluation of Government programmes and schemes and also experience ,
if any, in the field mentioned inAnnexure-3
3. Objectives
4. Details of the methodology to be used for evaluation of the Scheme
a. Study design
b. Study instruments
c. Sampling procedures
d. Field team composition and data
collection methodology
e. Training
f. Data Quality Assurance
g. Formatting data structures
h. Formatting of output results
i. Details of statistical tools and
applications to be used are indicated
in the proposal
j. Time schedule and work plan
k. Report writing and presentations
III. Documents to be attached along with Technical Bids
1. Scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
2. Scanned copies of Registration Certificate / Memorandum & Articles of Association and
any other documents to certify the nature of existence of the organisation
3. Scanned copies of Audited Annual Accounts along with Audit Report of last three
financial years
4. Annual Report of last three years
5. Scanned copy of valid PAN of the Organisation / Tax Account Number (TAN) and
Service Tax Number (STN) / GST Number
6. Executive summary of 3 study reports completed during last 5 years and documents of
acceptance of the Reports by sponsoring authority.
7. An authorization letter from the firm certifying that the person who signed the bid is an
authorized person to sign on behalf of the firm
8. A declaration that the organization has not been blacklisted from the Authorized

Signatory of the Organisation
9. Copies of certificates and proofs of previous engagements of the Project Director
10. Copies of certificates/ proofs of previous engagements of at least two other research
professionals involved in the Project
11. Technical Bid
12. . Financial Bid
13. . Technical Evaluation Format
14. Tender Acceptance Letter
I hereby declare and affirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the
contract as stipulated in the tender document.
(To be signed by Project Director of the Research Project/Head of the Organisation/authorized

Place: (Signature)

Budget Estimate
Please give details of the budget estimates i.e. the total amount to be charged. The
breakup of the total expenses may be shown e.g. salary, travel, publication, computer
facility, stationery, postage etc. as per prescribed norms indicated in following format
2. The cost of the project is to be estimated in terms of total man-months and the facilities
needed and calculated under following headings:
1. Personnel

Position/ Number of persons Salary per month Duration (in required

Designation (fixed months) Amount
1 2 3 4 5


2. Travel
3. Printing
4. Equipment and books
5. Computer and machine tabulation
6. Training and Briefing
7. Contingency
8. Overhead charges ( upto 5 per cent of
items 1 to 7)
9. Grand total (excluding taxes)
10. Taxes(GST)
11. Grand total (including taxes)
(To be signed by the Project Director of the Research Project/ Head of the Organisation/
authorized signatory)

Date (Signature)




Name of the Bidding Organisation/institution/

Technical Evaluation Criteria
Essential Required qualifications without which the bids of the concerned organisation/institution will not be
Parameter Criteria Yes/No Reference of

Debarred Whether Blacklisted by Government Declaration

for India or any State Government
Experience Having experience of at-least three (executive
completed evaluations of summary of
Government public health sector such report and
schemes in last five years with each document of
evaluation survey having approved acceptance of
cost of not less than Rs15 lakhs the Report by
authority to be
Turnover The Organization hasminimum
annual turnover of the agency not
less than Rs. 2 crores each during the
last three years.
Leadership Project Director/In charge of the Copies of
Project has the necessary experience proofs of earlier
in use of statistical tools and engagements/
experience in the social sector assignments
research with at least 5 years of completed by
research experience the Project

Time bound Organisation has willingness to Declaration

undertake the assignment in the
given timeframe.
Infrastructure Organisation has sufficient Audited
infrastructure/ facilities including Financial
modern office , skilled personnel and statements/
Equipment. Copies of
Annual reports

Fulfilment of each of the above criteria is mandatory along with submission of relevant documentary
proof as indicated for qualifying the technical bid
Technical Evaluation (will carry 70% weightage)
Criterion Scoring criterion Maximum Marks
Marks awarded
Organization structure (Max score 20)
Type of organisation Public/Not-for profit -4 4 Documentary
Public limited company 3 evidence
Private partnership / LLC 2
Proprietorship 1
Turnover/Budget The bidders will be arranged in 4 (Audit
quartiles. The highest will get the Report of last
score of 4. Those in highest quartile three
will get a score of 3, next quartile will financial
get 2, third quartile will get 1 and years
bottom quartile will get 0. ).
figures of
public sector
Total Income –Tax (corporate The bidders will be arranged in 4 Audited
tax) paid in last three years quartiles. The highest tax payer will Financial
get the score of 4. Those in highest statements/
quartile will get a score of 3, next Copies of
quartile will get 2, third quartile will Annual
get 1 and bottom quartile will get 0. reports
Number of branches in If the organisation has branch offices 8 Documentary
different states or collaboration arrangement in all evidence
states / UTs where the study has to
be conducted then 8, in more than
75% or 3 locations 6, more than 50%
or 2 locations 4; more than 25% or 1
location 2; only one location 0
Organizational Capability( Max Score 20)
Organisational Experience Each completed and accepted report, 8 Evidence of
project costing not less than Rs. 15.0 submission
Lakhs over and above the essential and
requirement of three during the past acceptance
five years will get a score of 2. (max
4 projects)
Total staff strength of the If the staff strength is more than 40 – 4 Audited
organisation 4, more than 25 -3, more than 10-2, Financial
more than 5-1. Less than 5-0 statements/
Copies of

Staff Attrition of the If the annual attrition is less than 5% - 4 documentary
organisation 4, less than 10% 3, less than 20% 2 , evidence or
annual attrition of less than 30% 1. Declaration
Others 0 with
Staff education ( Exposure to Atleast Six of the technical staff 4 copy of
survey disciplines like survey have completed an advanced degree certificates/
methodology/ during the past 3 years – 4 proofs of
statistics/Epidemiology/ Atleast Six of the technical staff study may be
Marketing/Finance/Economics have completed an advanced enclosed
or related disciplines) diploma/certificate course ( more than
3 month duration) during the past 3
years – 3
Atleast Six of the technical staff
have undergone refresher courses of
more than 15 days duration during the
past one year 2
Atleast Six of the technical staff
have undergone refresher courses of
at least 15 days during the past one
year 1
Others 0
Capabilities of the Project Manpower (Max Score 20)
Qualification( in survey The project head has post graduate 4 copy of
disciplines like survey degree form a reputed national certificates/
methodology/ institute (like IIM/ IIT/ISI/ proofs of
statistics/Epidemiology/Public AIIMS/CMC etc.) or foreign study may be
health/ Marketing/ Finance/ university( like enclosed
Economics or related Harvard/Stanford/LSE/MIT/LSE) 4
disciplines) The project head has a doctorate in
the relevant discipline from a
recognised and reputed institute/
university(Top 50 in NIRF, other
than college category) 3
Atleast six project staff have post
graduate qualifications in relevant
survey disciplines – 2
Atleast three project staff have post
graduate qualifications in relevant
survey disciplines – 1
Others 0
Experience Atleastsix project staff have atleast 5 4 proofs of
years of research/survey experience 4 engagement

Atleastsix project staff have atleast 3 may be
years of research/survey experience 3 enclosed
At least three project staff have
atleast 5 years of research/survey
experience 2
At least three project staff have
atleast 3 years research/survey
experience 1
Others 0
Proportion of time ear marked is less than 40% of the study 4
for field work duration 4
is less than 50% of the study
duration 3
is more than 50% , but less than 60%
of the study duration 2
is more than 60% of the study
duration 1
Others 0
Field force (Organisation has Dedicated, distributed and can 4 documentary
field force that is..) converse in required regional evidence or
language /local language as and when Declaration
required 4 with
Contractual, distributed and can corroborative
converse in required regional evidence
language /local language as and when
required 3
dedicated , stationed at a single
location and but has multiple
language ability 2
Contractual , stationed at a single
location and but have multiple
language ability 1
others 0
Engagement of Part time No part time consultants are engaged 4 documentary
Consultant 4 evidence or
engages part time consultants only for Declaration
report writing 3. with
engages part time consultants for corroborative
field supervision 2. evidence
engages part time consultants for data
analysis 1.
engages part time consultants for
more than one of the activities of
report writing, data analysis and field
supervision 0.

Methodology (Max. Score 20)
Design and Sampling The design and sampling 4
Methodology of the survey methodologyof the study is presented
with all appropriate technical details -
The design is specified with full
technical details but not sample
The design and sample selection is
presented in some what opaque
details -2
Only design is presented with opaque
No appropriate details on sample
design and sampling.-0
Preparation of survey tools Has standardised relevant tools and 4
and instruments instruments in a relevant area that are
readily usable 4
Has standardised relevant tools and
instruments in a relevant area that are
usable with minor modifications 3
Has relevant tools and instruments in
place but are yet to be standardised 2
Has indicated only the structure of the
tools and instruments 1
No clarity on instruments and tools to
be used 0
Data Quality checks Has verifiable protocols and 4
processes in place for checking
quality of primary and secondary data
Has provided a structure for data
quality checks 3
Has mentioned data quality check
processes that are not verifiable - 2
Has only indicated data quality issues
No mention of data quality 0
Software access Has access to in-house licenced 4
software like SPSS, SAS 4
Has demonstrated access to licenced
statistical software like SAS, SPSS 3
Has demonstrated ability to use open
source statistical software 2
Use of Ms-EXCEL for data capture

and analysis 1
Others 0
Data Analysis Has demonstrated ability of using 4
advanced data analytics tools – 4
has the demonstrated ability of using
statistical methods like linear
regression 3, has demonstrated ability
to conduct field experiments and 2 ,
has demonstrated ability to use
classical statistical methods 1 ,
No specific demonstrated ability of
statistical data analysis 0
Overall Design of the survey The approach and methodology to be 5
(To be rated by the technical adopted by the organization for
evaluation committee after proposed study is appropriate.
presentation)[Note:- Each The project team has understood the 5
memer of Technical Scheme details.
evaluation committee will The project team demonstrates 5
give one mark (score) on each adequate ability to prepare the
one of the dimentions of evaluation report as per the ToR.
assessment aftr completion of The Project team has necessary skills 5
the presentation and intraction in statistical tools of analysis and
by each of the bidder. The sampling methodologies.
evaluation sheet signed by
each member of the Technical
Evaluation Committee will be
Annexed with the
Comparative Satement.]
Total Technical Score 100
Cut off Technical Score 75
Technical Bid Score ( To be (Total Technical Score / Highest
calculated only for Total Technical score among all Bidders )
Technical scores above 75)

Financial Evaluation Criteria
Essential Required criterion for accepting financial bids for consideration
S.No. Criterion Yes/No reference of

1 Whether the Organization has a valid PAN of the

Organisation/Tax Account Number (TAN)/ Service Tax
Number (STN) and Goods and Service (GST) Number
(copy of The same may be attached).

2 Whether the bid have any negotiation clause or condition

However, other terms and conditions viz. discount etc.
must be specifically indicated in clear terms, if any.
3 The Organization has an annual average turnover of not
less than Rs.50 lakhs during the last three years
4 Financial Bid Amount (without taxes) (FBWT)
Financial Bid (Lowest FBWT among those qualified bidders÷ FBWT)
Combined Bid Technical Bid Score (0.7) + Financial Bid Score (0.3)



The Agency shall furnish a ―Bank Guarantee‖ which shall be irrevocable and
unconditional and not be less than the amount of advance payment. The validity of
this Bank Guarantee should be for a period of minimum one year and should be
renewed if and when asked by the Ministry of AYUSH. Bank Guarantee would be
released after acceptance of all reports and deliverables only.


Special Instructions to the Contractors/Bidders for the e-submission of the bids online
through this eProcurement Portal

1. Bidder should do Online Enrolment in this Portal using the option Click Here to
Enroll available in the Home Page. Then the Digital Signature enrollment has to be
done with the e-token, after logging into the portal. The e-token may be obtained
from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities such as
2. Bidder then logs into the portal giving user id / password chosen during enrollment.
3. The e-token that is registered should be used by the bidder and should not be misused
by others.
4. DSC once mapped to an account cannot be remapped to any other account. It can
only be Inactivated.
5. The Bidders can update well in advance, the documents such as certificates, purchase
order details etc., under My Documents option and these can be selected as per
tender requirements and then attached along with bid documents during bid
submission. This will ensure lesser upload of bid documents.
6. After downloading / getting the tender schedules, the Bidder should go through them
carefully and then submit the documents as per the tender document, otherwise, the
bid will be rejected.
7. The BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should
be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected
for that tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only.
8. If there are any clarifications, this may be obtained online through the eProcurement
Portal, or through the contact details given in the tender document. Bidder should
take into account of the corrigendum published before submitting the bids online.
9. Bidder, in advance, should prepare the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in
the tender schedule and they should be in PDF/XLS/RAR/DWF formats. If there is
more than one document, they can be clubbed together.
10. Bidder should arrange for the EMD as specified in the tender. The original should be
posted/couriered/given in person to the Tender Inviting Authority, within the bid
submission date and time for the tender.
11. The bidder reads the terms and conditions and accepts the same to proceed further to
submit the bids
12. The bidder has to submit the tender document(s) online well in advance before the
prescribed time to avoid any delay or problem during the bid submission process.
13. There is no limit on the size of the file uploaded at the server end. However, the
upload is decided on the Memory available at the Client System as well as the
Network bandwidth available at the client side at that point of time. In order to
reduce the file size, bidders are suggested to scan the documents in 75-100 DPI so
that the clarity is maintained and also the size of file also gets reduced. This will help
in quick uploading even at very low bandwidth speeds.

14. It is important to note that, the bidder has to Click on the Freeze Bid Button, to
ensure that he/she completes the Bid Submission Process. Bids Which are not
Frozen are considered as Incomplete/Invalid bids and are not considered for
evaluation purposes.
15. In case of Offline payments, the details of the Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)
document submitted physically to the Department and the scanned copies furnished
at the time of bid submission online should be the same otherwise the Tender will be
summarily rejected
16. The Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) will not be held responsible for any sort of
delay or the difficulties faced during the submission of bids online by the bidders due
to local issues.
17. The bidder may submit the bid documents online mode only, through this portal.
Offline documents will not be handled through this system.
18. At the time of freezing the bid, the eProcurement system will give a successful bid
updation message after uploading all the bid documents submitted and then a bid
summary will be shown with the bid no, date & time of submission of the bid with all
other relevant details. The documents submitted by the bidders will be digitally
signed using the e-token of the bidder and then submitted.
19. After the bid submission, the bid summary has to be printed and kept as an
acknowledgement as a token of the submission of the bid. The bid summary will act
as a proof of bid submission for a tender floated and will also act as an entry point to
participate in the bid opening event.
20. Successful bid submission from the system means, the bids as uploaded by the bidder
is received and stored in the system. System does not certify for its correctness.
21. The bidder should see that the bid documents submitted should be free from virus
and if the documents could not be opened, due to virus, during tender opening, the
bid is liable to be rejected
22. The time that is displayed from the server clock at the top of the tender Portal, will be
valid for all actions of requesting bid submission, bid opening etc., in the e-
Procurement portal. The Time followed in this portal is as per Indian Standard Time
(IST) which is GMT+5:30. The bidders should adhere to this time during bid
23. All the data being entered by the bidders would be encrypted at the client end, and
the software uses PKI encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The
data entered will not be viewable by unauthorized persons during bid submission and
not viewable by any one until the time of bid opening. Overall, the submitted bid
documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized
24. During transmission of bid document, the confidentiality of the bids is maintained
since the data is transferred over secured Socket Layer(SSL) with 256-bit encryption
technology. Data encryption of sensitive fields is also done.
25. The bidders are requested to submit the bids through online eProcurement system to
the TIA well before the bid submission end date and time (as per Server System



(To be given on Company Letter Head)


Sub: Acceptance of Terms &Conditions of Tender.

Tender Reference No:

Name of Tender / Work: -

Dear Sir,

I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
'Tender/Work' from the web site(s) namely:………………………………………………..
as per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s).
2. I/We hereby certify that I / We have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender
documents from Page No.__to __ (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s),
etc .), which form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms
/ conditions / clauses contained therein.
3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organization have
also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
4. I /We hereby unconditionally accept the terms & conditions of above mentioned
tender document(s) / corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
5. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated, then your department/
organisation shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to reject
this tender/bid including forfeiture of the earnest money deposit absolutely and
necessary action be initiated as per terms & conditions of the tender document and
extant rules of Govt. of India.

Yours Faithfully,

(Signature of the Bidder with Official seal)

Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by SHRUTI PANDEY
60 Date: 2019.11.26 14:38:02 IST
Location: eProcure-EPROC

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