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This guide is updated before,

and after each convention.

It has been modified to cover

both Cancon and Wintercon.

Latest update:

CGS Convention Trader Guide

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Trade Stand Guide

Trade Stand Guide ....................................................................................................................................... 2
How space is booked: .............................................................................................................................. 3
What do you need to do, to book a space? .............................................................................................. 3
Invoices: .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Set up: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Trade area hours: ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Insurance: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
COVID Measures ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Internet: .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Not turning up: ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Odds and Ends Stall Stuff: ........................................................................................................................ 6
Sponsorship opportunities: ...................................................................................................................... 6
Prize Support: .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Code of conduct for Traders. .................................................................................................................... 7
Glossary of Cancon Terms: ....................................................................................................................... 7
Attachment 1: Trade Maps....................................................................................................................... 8
Cancon 2020 Booked trader maps ........................................................................................................ 8
Wintercon 2019 Map................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Attachment 2: Cancon overflow space - Link Corridor .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Attachment 3: Equipment hire rates .......................................................................................................10

CGS Convention Trader Guide

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How space is booked:

• Traders who attended last year’s event, get first choice on the space they had for next year’s
• Any space not re-booked by the cut-off date (1st June for Cancon, 1st May for Wintercon) is available
for general access.
• Requests for moves or more space will be handled at the cut-off date.
• Space is booked by the slot.
• Free space is booked on a first past the post system. (Some years this has meant dealers missing out
on a space by minutes.)
• Example maps for Cancon and Wintercon are at attachment 1.
• A standard slot is 1 meter wide and 4 meters deep.
• Tables and chairs are supplied at cost, but must be ordered before invoices are sent out.
• Partitions and other add-ons are available at cost. Traders can check for details of what they
can have. There is no requirement for shell scheme etc.
• If you want partitions, you can ask us to see if any neighbours will go halves in adjoining partitions.
• Extra tables will be limited and more expensive on setup day.
• Overflow tables are sometimes available in the link corridor. (Attachment 2)

What do you need to do, to book a space?

To book a space you need to supply the following information:

• First choice of slots.
• Second choice
• Third choice
• Business name
• Contact name
• Contact email
• Contact phone (Mobile if possible)
• A copy of your logo (300x300 pixles)
• Your URL
• Do you need trestle tables? (180cm x90cm)
• Do you need chairs?
• Do you need Partitions?
• Do you need anything else?
(See Attachment 3 for latest prices)


• Invoices will be sent out to all existing traders once all re-booked space is confirmed.
• Invoices are due on receipt, and must be paid by the 1st of December.
• Traders who have not paid before the convention do not get to set up.
• If space is not paid for, it may be re-sold to a trader who will pay for it.
• Invoices for additional items, such as t-shirt sponsorship, or additional tables, may be dropped off to
you or emailed at the convention.
• Traders who have outstanding invoices cannot rebook space until they are back in the black.

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Set up:

• Set up for each convention starts at midday on the set-up day.

• Trade areas will be marked with tape and have your ordered chairs and trestle tables (and anything
else) placed in them by Midday. There may also be a plastic sleeve with your store name and any
last-minute information in it attached to one of the chairs or walls.
• Do not take chairs or tables from another stall.
• If you need more tables etc., ask a “Yellow shirt”.
• Traders turning up before their allocated time will not be allowed to bring vehicles inside the hall.
• Vehicles are not allowed in C pavilion (NO pallet jacks either.)
• Vehicles are allowed in B and F pavilion, to drop off stock only. Trucks are not allowed in B or F
pavilion. They can unload to either of the trade area roller doors and bring stock in by forklift (if
available) or trolley. (No pallet jacks in either hall).
• Cars and trailers are only allowed in while they unload. DO NOT SET UP, just unload to your space.
• Trade stands near doors are asked not to drive in, as there is no point. Trolleys may be available, or
you can bring your own.
• Do not block access to other traders.
• Vehicles must be moved as soon as possible.
• Procedure: When allowed, drive in to hall, unload from car to stand, drive out to car park. Come
back, set up stall.
• Traders must have their trader lanyard on during this time. (Lanyards are available from the “Yellow
desks*” in your pavilion.)
• Trade areas are NOT allowed to open for trading while ANY vehicles are in the halls.
• Set up finishes at 10pm unless in case of bribes or emergency.
• Delivery address for stock is SETUP DAY ONLY and EXHIBITION PARK IN CANBERRA,
Flemington Road, Mitchell, ACT and either Buderang, Coorong or Fitzroy halls. If you cannot be
there to meet the delivery, please make sure the couriers have Tim Sleigh’s mobile number, and
know to talk to a yellow shirt. Any stock delivered before Setup day is by arrangement with EPIC,
and is not covered by our insurance till 9am set up day. (See under “Loot” in glossary)
• ALL rubbish must be placed in the large hopper behind B pavilion or in your car/truck/trailer.
• Trade stands who leave a mess in their area (We take photos) will find their stall space more
expensive the following year.
• Trade stands who break rules too often, will find their trade space not reserved next year, and no
invite back.
• All electrical cables and power boards should be safety tagged. If you do not have a power cord
which is tagged, we have a limited supply available in each hall.
• Power cables will be dropped from the ceiling to the islands where possible, or run under carpet tiles.
• Please do not bring sound systems.
• Let us know if you want to hang banners from the walls or ceiling. These will need to all be done at
the same time, before all the trade areas are full.

Trade area hours:

• The venue will open to traders and Tournament organisers each day at 8:00am
• Players and the public will be allowed in from 8:30am.
• The trade areas will be open to the public from 8:30am each day.

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• The trade areas will close to new customers at 5:30pm on day one and two, unless a trader requests a
later finish time.
• The trade area will close at 6:00pm on day one and two (Unless a later time is requested.)
• Traders are asked to tidy their stalls and place clothes etc. over tables when they are closed.
• Yellow shirts will put a temporary bollard and chain fence around the areas at this time.
• Yellow shirts will be present in halls with games still running, to restrict entrance to closed areas.
• If you want to keep trading (Which is a good idea for games that finish late), let us know and we will
work something out.
• The halls close at midnight on the first and second day for Cancon, but earlier for Wintercon.
• On the last day, most traders start to pack up early afternoon. Vehicles are NOT allowed in the
pavilions before 5pm, when the trade areas will be closed. (This is an insurance issue, as running
over people tends to stuff our liability premiums.


• ALL Traders attending one of our conventions should have the relevant insurance. If you do
not, let us know before you book.
• If you are running a business without insurance, you need to think about getting some.
• We cannot stress how important it is for you to at least have the basic level of insurance for your
• It is likely that we may have to refuse trader space to stalls in future events if they do not have the
appropriate cover.

COVID Measures
• The rules for Covid -19 are changing on a weekly basis.
• To stay up to date, check with the source:
• If the rules in late 2021 look bad, we will re-evaluate how the event will be run. This may involve
limits to the public attending at any one time.
• Traders are requested to bring handwash and encourage people to act in a responsible way (No
licking miniatutres, etc.)
• Masks may still be required in enclosed areas in January, if so, please bring enough for your staff.
• ALL Traders, staff, entrants and the public will have to scan in to the event using the ACT
government’s QR app. Please ensure you have it installed before you attend.


• Unless you have more reliable methods, we recommend getting a prepaid USB “dongle” for internet
coverage as a connection method.
• EPIC has “Canberra Free WiFi available in the pavilions. The coverage is spotty and not well liked.

Not turning up:

• Please note: If you leave early, there is no discount for your stall fees.
• If you do not turn up (And do not tell us), and have paid your stall fee, we thank you for the
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• If you cancel your stall and we can rebook it, we will refund the stall fee..
• If there is an emergency, call us.

Odds and Ends Stall Stuff:

• Some stalls have a wall or partitions behind them. Some do not. Posters etc. can either be tied to
anchor points (if available) or held up with strong blu-tac or Velcro dots. NO CLOTH TAPE on the
paint please.
• If you bring your own tables, chair and shelves (Which is allowed), please ensure they are safe, as
you may not have anything behind the shelves. (We suggest a secure covering on the “back” of
shelves, maybe with your store name on it.)
• Any self-standing shelves MUST be properly assembled and not likely to fall over. Load them
• All traders are encouraged to bring clothes for the tables, signs and posters etc. for the walls and
make their trade stand, stand out.
• If you need a hand with getting posters or banners made, let us know as soon as possible. We can
help with anything you need.
• If you are planning to bring extra staff to the event to stroll round and promote your stand, this is
perfectly acceptable. Please note though: “Booth Babes” are not really appropriate for a family
event. Casually dressed is fine, under dressed is not.
• Traders should wear their lanyards at all times, as they are cool, we paid a lot for them, and they help
us identify you. (Not all our yellow shirts know all our traders yet.)
• Traders need to let us know how many staff are attending, so we can do the lanyards up in advance.

Sponsorship opportunities:

• There are many games being run at our conventions, some of which may use items you sell. If you
see an event on the convention pages that you might like to sponsor, contact the organiser of the
event and talk to them about it.
• If you want to do something else, like place posters or banners around the venue to promote your
business, let us know on the set up day, and we will help you do that. (Letting us know in advance is
even better). Some placement locations may not be available (for safety or aesthetic reasons), if in
doubt ask a Yellow Shirt.
• The Cancon T-shirt is also an opportunity to promote your business. Spaces on the shirt are limited,
and tend to sell fast. Contact the Cancon Organiser for information (Or read the emails he will have
sent out to booked traders.) (Wintercon does not do shirts, as it is too cold to wear them.)

Prize Support:

• Events at our conventions often have a prize pool component in their entry fee.
• Event/Tournament Organisers (TOs for short) are told their prize pool several times during the year.
With a final amount confirmed a month before the event.
• Sponsors are then approached by TOs and discussions are held between them as to what loot they
can get for what share of their prize pool.
• TOs also use their prize support to buy trophies etc.
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• The ONLY accepted process for prize support is as follows:
o Sponsors agree with the TO on the prizes,
o Sponsor/TO sends us an itemised invoice (Making sure we can tell what loot is for what
o TO gets loot.
o We then collate the invoices and pay them AFTER the convention*.
• NO Cash can be given to sponsors at the event (On advice from our Auditor).
• If you have any issues with this, let us know in advance.

* Some sponsors, who are not attending, and only sponsoring a single event will be paid as they invoice us.

Code of conduct for Traders.

• Traders who attend the event are asked to behave. (And 99.9% of you always do.)
• Any staff or trader who mistreats others will be warned to adjust their behaviour.
• Multiple complaints may see a trade stand not invited back next year, or even asked to leave if the
issue is serious.
• Cancon is a family event, and we ask traders not display or sell anything which could be considered
inappropriate. If you are unsure if an item is not appropriate for the event, ask us.

• Remember: When you ask us if you can attend, we have the right to refuse to take your booking.
This has only happened four times in forty years.

Glossary of Cancon Terms:

Any left items on site outside convention hours (Before or after) will be collected. If we can identify
the owner, we will contact you. If you are unable to pick it up or arrange for delivery, we will
dispose of in a suitable manner (i.e., if we like it, we keep it or give it away to some helpers.)

Yellow Desk:
Co-ordination desks in each hall. These will have that hall’s co-ordinator with various maps
and other useful information.

Yellow Shirt:
A Cancon organiser or Minion. Yellow shirts have “CGS” on the back of the fluro yellow
vest, a radio on their belt and a slightly stressed look on their face. If you need help, ask a Yellow

A Black lanyard with a plastic card sleeve. This sleeve will have the convention name and
year, plus “TRADER” or similar on it. If you are not wearing your lanyard, you won’t get in early
each morning.

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Attachment 1: Trade Maps
Cancon 2022 Booked trader maps

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(Not to scale)

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Attachment 3: Equipment hire rates

Equipment (Tables, chairs etc) are hired from EPIC or

We charge what it costs us for them, rounded up to the nearest dollar

• Tables:
o Normally about 180x90cm
o $20.00 if booked in advance
• Chairs:
o $5.00
• Partitions:
o Please contact us to discuss options.
o We recommend looking at for available options.
• Other items:
o Shell Scheme, Special tables, Banners, Posters, etc.
o If you need help with anything else for your stand, contact us as soon as possible, so we can
help you work something out.

CGS Convention Trader Guide

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