Crim 4 Peta 5

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John Martin L.

BS- Criminology 3B

A.) Customs on Courtesy- This is how you show respect and give respect to others especially to you
colleague. It shows how PNP officers/members should prioritize respect rather thank anything.
It is really important to them to be respectful all the time, with or without uniform, inside or
outside your offices, it doesn’t matter you should always give respect.
B.) Customs on Ceremonies- This ceremonies are showing respect and being grateful for all the
service of an individual. We all know that in this industry, every ceremonies that you need to
attend you should give respect and know all the rules of does an don’t. You will be needing
some of this ceremonies and you will notice how organized and neat it is.
C.) Customs on Social Decorum- Having dignity and pride is a must in every PNP members, that’s
why you should always show this kind of attitude to others and also it is the way to give respect
to you as well as a member of PNP.

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