Reflection Paper

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Reflection Paper

1. What are the most pressing concerns / issues about the following:
a. Tobacco Smoking
o Tobacco use by young people is a worldwide problem. It is a significant health
concern to children and young adults, just as it is to adults. Smoking is a big health hazard,
but people continue to offer various explanations for smoking, the majority of which are
illogical. Smoking is most often started at a young age because teens believe that if they start
smoking, they would be considered mature, but they are mistaken, and they are putting their
health at risk. Many people smoke to unwind, but it has a higher health risk of harming the
brain. Smoking is a very bad habit that people should give up; smokers not only destroy their
own lives, but also the lives of others who inhale the smoke. Smoking cigarettes can cause a
variety of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and emphysema. Some people
believe that smoking cigarettes is not a big deal, but it is a great way to waste ten years of
our lives. Tobacco users lose a lot of money, have a lifetime of health problems, and have
yellowing of the teeth and bad breath.
b. Alcohol Consumption
o Drinking alcohol is the same as taking a drug. It is a form of drug addiction and
violence. This is a global issue that affects a large number of people. Alcohol has beneficial
effects when consumed in small quantities and in moderation. However, there are negative
short- and long-term consequences. The effects that a person will experience are determined
by a variety of factors, including the number and timing of alcohol consumed, the person's
age, when they began drinking and how long they have been drinking, gender, family
background, and, last but not least, their health. Alcohol is one of the most widely used and
socially acceptable drugs on the world. It affects the health of people in many ways which is
usually depended on how much alcohol is consumed over a period of time, like the liver will
breakdown. It will increase the blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, which are major
risk factors of having a heart attacks and stroke.
c. Sedentariness
o Nowadays, this is definitely one of the biggest health problems lots of people deal
with (including me). This is because people do not eat healthy, and because they do not
make any type of physical exercise. If we want to be healthy and avoid dealing with this
obesity, we must make sure we go regularly to the gym or even have an exercise at home.
Actually, any type of physical exercise, it is a known fact that going outdoors for a walk, going
to the gym, playing a sport, and so on, are activities that will make our immune system stronger.
In case we stay indoors most of the times, without doing anything at all, then we have lost of
chances to contact with ease infections, colds, and different diseases, due to the fact that
our immune system will be lower. Since we are not using our muscles as much, we can lose
muscle strength and stamina. Our bones can become weaker and lose some of their mineral
content as we age. Our metabolism may be harmed, and fats and sugars may be more
difficult to break down. It's possible that the immune system isn't working as well as it should.
2. How can consistent physical activity aid a person towards a healthy lifestyle?
o Physical activity or exercise will boost our health and lower our risk of developing
diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Physical activity and exercise will
improve our health both now and in the future. Most significantly, physical activity will boost
our quality of life by lowering our risk of heart disease by strengthening our hearts and
improving our circulation. Our body's oxygen levels rise as a result of increased blood flow.
Next is it can improve our mental health and mood because when we exercised, our body
releases chemicals that can improve our mood and make us feel relaxed, also the stress and
depression. Third, it can strengthen our bones and muscles. Regular exercise can help us
people build strong bones. Later in life, it can also slow the loss of bone density that comes
with age. Doing muscle-strengthening activities can help us increase or maintain our muscle
mass and strength. And lastly, It Increase our chances of living longer. Based on my research
it shows that physical activity can reduce our risk of dying early from the leading causes of
death, like heart disease and some cancers.

3. In your own way, how can you help people experiencing these health risk issues?
o I'm going to start by talking to my friends and family who is engaged in those kinds
of vices, I'll educate them about the health issues that they will encounter if they didn't stop it
and I will encourage them to make some time even for at least 30 mins to 1 hour exercise, so
that they can achieve a healthy lifestyle and far from any diseases. For the community, I will
post my advocacy and share some educational warnings about the health risks that people
can get in those types of vices. I know it is hard for now to come physically but I know that
sharing information / video can help them to prevent any type of disease.

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