Reflection Paper

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Reflection Paper

1. Why are skills and game knowledge important to participate in physical activities
/ sports?
- Skills and Knowledge are one of the important things that you can have into
yourself when it comes to sports, because always remember, you cannot fight if you have
skills without knowledge, it will turn into a messy play, and probably someone can read
your own goal play. Also, you cannot fight if you have knowledge but don’t have skills,
because sports needed a skill to perform. That’s why in training, those coaches trained
their players to strengthen their ability to do well, the strategies, tactics, secret play, and
the signal. As a player of Volleyball, when we have a game, my coach always talked to
us, that when we attack we should both use the mind and skills that we have, like for
example, when I am attacking, I should look for the blockers if their hands are in position
to block my attack, also I should look for the position of the players and find the hole to
put my attack on that place where there is no player, or sometimes, instead of spiking, I
will use the drop ball because it will be difficult to them on taking the ball because they
are waiting for an attack, but they didn’t have any signal that I will drop the ball in front
of them. With that skills and knowledge are being used, and it will have a good execution
for that and most importantly the goal of the team to win will going to happen because
they balanced everything.
2. Rules and etiquette in physical activities / sports can make the experience both
enjoyable and successful. What are characteristics of good sportsmanship?
- For me, Understanding and dedication to fair play, professional behaviour and
honesty, and general empathy against an opponent are all examples of sportsmanship,
plus the respect to myself and to others. It proves that a player is disciplined enough to
keep his or her cool, maintain poise, and do what is best for his or her teammates. A
player's willingness to make acceptable behavioral decisions in the moment of reality and
under pressure can always expose his or her character and ability to be a good sport. To
put it another way, sportsmanship is a decision. Winning is significant, but it is not always
the most significant aspect of the game, as I have experienced and learned as a player.
There is so much to gain and learn from a sporting experience that I will remember for the
rest of my life. Good sportsmanship is one of those life lessons that should be taught,
exercised, and strengthened on a daily basis.

3. How can physical activity / sports provide a wide range of lifelong benefits?
- Sports gives us entertainment in life, but of course it does not end there because
sports provide different benefits for us individual, not only does activity/sports help you live
longer, but it also makes you live healthier. It can increase your mental and emotional
functioning, such as the ability to switch rapidly between tasks, organize an operation,
and disregard irrelevant information, can be improved or maintained, because sports
practiced you to be knowledgeable with skills on it, so it does not mean, if we say sports,
it’s only for the court field, but also in different things like on our duty, as well as your
productivity and close relationships, in addition to strengthening your heart and muscles
and fending off a variety of diseases.

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