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Week 1

Baldonado, Caira Joyce 12 – STEM Euclid

1. The "Million People March" was a series of protests staged in the Philippines in Luneta Park. It was organized to bring in a million people to march in favor of the
entire elimination of the Pork Barrel Fund, in response to the public's mounting outrage over the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) hoax.
2. The movement was initiated by friends Arnold Pedrigal, Peachy Bretana, and Bernardo Bernardo.
3. The organizers established a Facebook event page to attract those who opposed the PDAF. They also utilized the hashtags #MillionPeopleMarch, #PDAFKalampag,
and #ScrapPork, which resulted in over 140,000 social media mentions on Twitter and Facebook. These demonstrated that the media impacted individuals to voice
their ideas and beliefs, and they also assisted in providing people with information on the PDAF fraud, urging them to join the "Million People March," and informing
them of the benefits of participating in such movements.
4. The Million People March Movement was a success when an internet campaign collected 80,000- 100,000 people at Luneta, prompting President Aquino to
suspend the release of funds and commit to change the system.
5. Mass media-assisted campaigns can be improved if everyone is on the same page with the same aim in mind, which is difficult to imagine because everyone has
their own motivations and perspectives on a situation. Public relations must be enhanced in order for everyone to fight together on a single front against a shared

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