601, 603 Inglés Guía 3 Tercer Periodo

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CURSOS 601- 603
Tercer periodo

Cursos: 601-603 Docente: Celmira Cortés G. Código de classroom

601 = jcmsdco

GUIÁ 3 Name: 603 = r63mrlm

Tercer periodo.

Apreciados estudiantes ,esta es la guía 3 correspondiente al tercer periodo. Por

favor desarrollarla organizadamente, con tinta oscura, no lapiz y subirla al
classroom de su respectivo curso
El plazo para entregar esta guía es el primero de noviembre
Por favor no enviar la teoría, solo la parte de ejercicios

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE ( tiempo pasado continuo)

The past continuous is a verbal tense and it’s used to express actions that were happening
at a given time in the past.
The past continuous is formed with the past tense of the verb TO BE (was /were) and the
main verb ending in ING

(El pasado continuo es un tiempo verbal y se usa para expresar acciones que estaban
ocurriendo en un momento dado del pasado.
El pasado continuo se forma con el pasado del verbo TO BE ( was /were ) y el verbo principal
terminado en ING
El pasado continuo se forma de la siguiente manera:

FORMA AFIRMATIVA: sujeto +was/were + verbo con -ing . Examples

I WAS listening to music. They WERE talking
You WERE watching TV. She WAS sleeping
We WERE dancing. He WAS walking

FORMA NEGATIVA: sujeto + was/were + not + verbo con -ing. Examples.

I WAS NOT listening to music.
You WERE NOT working.
We WERE NOT doing the task.
He WAS NOT dancing.
It WAS not raining
You WERE NOT working
She WAS NOT working
They WERE NOT practicing aerobics

FORMA INTERROGATIVA: was/were + sujeto + verbo con -ing Examples.

WAS I watching TV.?
WERE You taking a shower?
WAS He chatting ?
WAS She reading?
Was It raining?
WERE We studying?
WERE You having lunch?
WERE They working?
1 Con base en las siguientes imágenes haga oraciones afirmativas usando
past continuous .
1 Luis was picking up his toys

2 Con base en la siguiente imagen haga oraciones negativas usando past continuous.
Ayer Paco estaba enfermo, escriba 4 oraciones negativas diciendo que actividades no pudo hacer,

mire el ejemplo

1 Peter was not playing soccer yesterday

3. Con base en la siguiente imagen haga 5 oraciones interrogativas usando Past

INTERROGATIVE FORM example: Was she taking a shower?

4 Write what were they doing yesterday morning. Escribe las oraciones de acuerdo al signo, asi:

forma afirmativa / X forma negativa / ? forma interrogativa

( usa los verbos del cuadro )

Read, fish, write, eat, shine, water,

The sun was not shining

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