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The Birthday Party is a three-act play written

in 1975. It is
one of the most celebrated works of Harold
Petey and his wife Meg Boles own a
boarding house on
the coast of England. Both are talking about
their only
tenant Stanley Webber and two other
prospective tenants.
Soon, Petey leaves for work. Meg wakes
Stanley and
prepares tea for him. She asks him about his
career. Soon, she also leaves and Lulu enters
with a pack-
age. Lulu berates Stanley for being
anti-social and leaves.
Two men McCann and Goldberg enter. Both
have come
with the intention to locate Stanley. Meg
returns back and
the two men introduce themselves. Meg now
looks for
Stanley and says that it is his birthday. The
two men
suggest that there should be a birthday party.
Meg guides
them to their room and comes back to
Stanley - who says
that although it is not his birthday, he
accepted the pack-
age Lulu delivered. The package contains a

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