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Kent bathroom water softner

Regeneration required every 1500 litres considering TDS 500 PPM

However actual TDS of water supply in jind city is greater than 2000 ppm
So actual quantum of water softened before next regeneration cycle is 1500*500/2000
As it is installed directly in bathroom per capita demand =50 litres
So regeneration required every = 375/50 =7.5 days
So addition of salt required every 7 th day
Cost of device :13K

Kent autosoft whole house

Regeneration required every 6900 litres considering TDS 500 PPM

However actual TDS of water supply in revenue colony jind is greater than 2000ppm
So actual quantum of water softened before next regeneration cycle is 6900*500/2000=1725 lit
As it is recommended to be installed alongside overhead tank on roof top so per capital demand
is more than 150 litres
So regeneration will be required every 1725/150=11.5 days
Addition of salt required every 11 days
Cost of device : 60k

Also efficiency will decrease depending on actual TDS value as device is designed considering 500

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