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small force to the disputed territory, which was subsequently

the several colours and tones. A point still needing special

as being merely mercury inflated by gaseous ammonia and

the cruciferous crops (turnips, cabbage, kale, rape, mustard);

name spread to the whole of the pair of continents by customary

(1809-1868), A. T. Malkin (1803-1888), John Ball (1818-1889),

its mouth form a retreat for a primitive race of fishermen.

extended to little more than taking astute advantage of the

Hohthurli Pass (Kandersteg to the Kien Valley), foot path . . . . . . .8,882

and the electric oscillation Q along y, all the quantities

its northern part by chieftains WHO have left numerous rich

among the enemies of Israel -- just as Greek writers of the 6th

Weisskugel . . . . . . . . . . 12,291 Sonklarspiize. . . . . . . . . . 11,405

10 Laws, 880 (see Bosanquet, op. cit. p. 54).

the Cumberland Plateau, or Tennessee Valley region, broken

Herod the Great. It was before him and his sister Berenice

northward, stamping their language, law and religion indelibly

elected to the Massachusetts senate, and in 1803 was sent to

Meyer, who first directed his attention to it in 1887.

portable. In the construction of such an instrument it is

England allowed the Bristol merchants to fit out a western

9 Originally, as pointed out by Home and others, sight was

particularly prior to 1900---but only to a slightly less

Fitz-Hugh, the ``Blackheath,'' [1903] 122 Fed. Rep. 112).

receipt and payment of moneys; also any statement as to acts or

1905 84 970 1001 53 210 53

Anglo-French rivalry in West Africa.

conductivity for luminous vibrations must be very much greater

the female superior of an abbey or convent of nuns. The

which is reached by ascending the Terni branch of the Atabapo

of England, but has been transferred to the king in council.

1676-1686), was placed on the Index by Innocent XI., on

was raised close to the French flag, and the dispute was

of the growers of various commodities for marketing their

had been used for some time by these federations the name

Koreishite of the tribe of Beni-Taim. Possessed of immense

After death the presence of alcohol can be detected in all the body

(London, 1894); A. Spitta, Zur Geschichte und Litteratur

(about L. 160,000 sterling), but under strong pressure from

been turned up during recent excavations of sites in Philistia

history collections of Louis XVIII. On the 15th of October

mentioned. Certainly the priestly writer who produced the

of rain which began to fall directly after it had left the

a permanent mission and one appointed to conduct a particular

circumstances. We have no existing examples of the earlier

sea. Being the only place within easy distance of western

the continued existence of the place named as a port was an

animals to be slaughtered, whilst to mark the importance of the

AMMAN, JOST (1539-1591), Swiss artist, celebrated chiefly

Minor, for which Panhellenic enthusiasts had cried out so

system. Its traces are extensive, especially in the plains

had been merely the supremacy of an alien power over native

pass into the atrium, whence they are discharged through the

The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly,

in a club-house at Cannes, on the 27th of March, and died

In 1819-1820, J. B. Spix and C. F. P. von Martius were engaged

St Laura, will accommodate 500 guests at its 24 marble tables.

tract, Versuch einer Theorie der electrischen und optischen

This procedure is still pursued in the case of Irish

Luther. This transition did not, however, take place without

man of letters, was born in Stambul in 1819. He was the

date till 1825 it was maintained jointly by the East India

is the Saggi sopra le belle arti (``Essays on the Fine

as Liberal member for Merthyr Tydvil. In 1862 he became

children, the tsarevich Peter and the tsarevna Natalia.

Osaiba ascribes to bim, one only, his graphic and detailed

cheap and plentiful that it would be difficult to manufacture

the nature of the armament. That is to say, for guns of

by cracks, but the material can be worked on the lathe.

be let to natives until after the expiration of ten years.

(1878), Punta dell' Argentera (1879), Aiguille des Charmoz

which then becomes the vermiform appendix, familiar in

of England; the petals are scarlet with a dark spot at the

determination of its aim and its fundamental problems.

and Peleus. His successful prayer to Zeus for rain at a time

McPherson, one of the best generals in the Union army, was

reputation by leading several plundering expeditions into

cf. also many books, pamphlets and papers by J. Llunas y

making his way to the west coast by a route south of the Congo.

cultivated as border plants; such are A. Moly, an old garden

a, voiced s-sound; Samech (@) followed the symbol for n

Cicero, on his way to Cilicia, dated some of his extant

plateau, of which the northern edge is defined n1y the

the charge of the crown. A certain sum is paid to defray

or the Royal Asiatic Society, 1892, contains an abstract of the

under a penalty not exceeding L. 20; provided that an offence

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