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The Risk of Poverty

A Global Issue

Poverty is not inevitable. Poverty is the worst scourge ever created by human beings; it is
up to human beings to end it. – Joseph Wresinski.

Poverty encompasses beyond the insufficient of resources and earnings in setting out a

stable livelihood, in an accessory of starvation, and even inequality through various scenarios
which are in educational field, basic services, including prejudice and exploitation as well as in
the inclusion in making such decision within the community, and such. Considering that this is a
major league global issue that we need to tackle about, owing to the fact that the above
mentioned serves as a threat in the security of an individual; might be considered as deprivation
in any levels of matter.

“Globally, the increase in poverty that occurred in 2020 due to Corona Virus Disease still
linger, and the covid induced poor in 2021 continues to be 97 million people” according to the
Global Economic Prospect, Lakner 2020. Aforethought, it brings a severe impact in economic.
Many people losses their job, massive falling investment in parallel with economic trade, and
any related economic activity in producing, distributing, or consuming products or services to the
constituents in a particular country.

Philippine economy has been affected of the said pandemic and brought a serious
negative consequence based on what we can perceived. Since March 2020, our community has
been placed under quarantine for a period of time and this brings immobility in views of family
incomes, jobs, education, food security, and businesses. This was the extreme decreased in
Philippine economy after world war 2. Our country’s debt has been increased 9.7 trillion in 2020
risen to 10.3 trillion based on a television report to withhold the commercial liabilities to the
Filipino citizens. And this might take a longer path to recover and rise than the other country on
the grounds that almost everything is in the short supply.

As a student and concern citizen, it is of great consequence to become well informed

about, and educated enough of the roots of the dilemmas that is brought by poverty and how does
it affects the lives of the nations and its member of constituency. Coping with up some courses of
actions to take the edge off the subject issue in the preparation for present time as well as for the
future generation; firstly, is to create awareness, rising the consciousness through the means of
social medias and educate everyone regarding on this matter. Secondly, to eliminate the
inequality; fostering a helping hand to our compatriots and finally, is to take an action of our
own. It can be the means of donations either possessing a wise stand in the field of politics in a
manner of appointing appropriate leader to take the largest part in the contribution of the whole
nation. We should eliminate our own ignorance, and start to become a competent individual for
every little step of common cause can contribute a huge impact whenever it once conjoins.

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