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Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

College of Engineering and Technology

School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering



1. NONDI ODONGO ENM211-0197/2016

2. SUBA AMADI ENM211-0188/2016

A project proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in Jomo Kenyatta
University of Agriculture and Technology

January 2021
This project proposal is our original work and to the best of our knowledge, it has not been
presented for a degree award in this or any other university.

1. Nondi Odongo Reg. No: ENM211-0197/2016 Sign........................ Date....................

2. Amadi Suba Reg. No: ENM211-0188/2016 Sign........................ Date....................

This research proposal has been submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
JKUAT, with my/our approval as the supervisor(s):

Name: Mr Gitahi

Sign......................... Date........................

Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................v



LIST OF SYMBOLS....................................................................................................................viii


1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1


Statement of problem...................................................................................................................1


Main objective.....................................................................................................................................2
Specific objectives...............................................................................................................................2
2. LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................3

2.1 Overview................................................................................................................................3

2.1.1 Finding on a 3 stone stove, existing Jikos and existing gasifier cookstoves.................................3
2.1.2 Heat loss by gasifier stove...........................................................................................................5
2.1.3 Findings on the emissions of the gasifier....................................................................................6
2.2 Summary of Gaps..................................................................................................................6

3. EXPERIMENTAL, DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY.........................................................7

3.1 Overview................................................................................................................................7

3.2 Design of improved and gasifier cookstove..........................................................................7

3.2.1 Prototype building......................................................................................................................7

3.2.2 The fuel reactor..........................................................................................................................8

3.2.3 The combustion chamber...........................................................................................................8
3.2.4 The inner fuel chamber.............................................................................................................10
3.3 Water boiling test.................................................................................................................10

3.4 Controlled cooking test........................................................................................................10

3.5 Setup development...............................................................................................................11

3.6 Geometrical development....................................................................................................12

3.7 Environmental benefits evaluation......................................................................................13

4. EXPECTED RESULTS.........................................................................................................14

5. PROPOSED BUBGET...........................................................................................................15

6. WORK PLAN........................................................................................................................16



Figure 2.1 1: Improved Hifadhi cooking stove(left) and traditional three stone cooking stove used
in experiments(right).......................................................................................................................3

Figure 3.2 2: Fuel reactor.................................................................................................................8

Figure 3.2 3: Combustion chamber.................................................................................................9

Figure 3.2 4: Inner fuel chamber...................................................................................................10

Figure 3.6 1: Concentrator ring.....................................................................................................12

Figure 3.6 2: The 2D representation of the gasifier.......................................................................13

Figure 5.1 1: Budget......................................................................................................................15

Figure 6.1 1: Work Schedule.........................................................................................................16


Table 2.1 1: Stove stacking after receiving the gasifier stove (n=48).............................................5


WBT water boiling test

KPT kitchen performance test

CCT controlled cooling test

KIRDI Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute

UON University of Nairobi

CO carbon monoxide

CO2 carbon dioxide

MCE Modified combustion efficiency

SFC Specific Fuel Consumption

P Firepower

FCR Fuel Consumption Rate

KHCS Kenya Household Cooking Sector

SGR Specific Gasification Rate

Hvf Heating Value of Fuel

IAP Indoor Air Pollution


% Percentage

ηc Combustion efficiency

ηh Heat transfer efficiency

ηt Thermal efficiency

Ci Concentration of species

Q Flow rate in the exhaust chimney

M Mass of fuel burned between times t0 and t


An estimated 65% of the population of Kenya residing in both urban and rural settlements utilize
inefficient cookstoves in combusting their bio fuels. Continued use of these less efficient
cookstoves have impacted hugely the environment, economy and human health. Incomplete
combustion produces high levels of indoor air pollutants leading to various ailments such acute
lower respiratory infection for the children and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases for adults
which are responsible for over 1.6 million deaths annually, furthermore, misuse of these fuels
has led to significant reduction in the forest cover in the country and deforestation in order to
produce these fuels e.g., charcoal.

Through research, improved and better biomass cookstoves have been developed to try and curb
the limitations of the traditional cookstoves, however, the efficiency realized by these cookstoves
are always below 30% and often they produce high amounts of emissions. Government
initiatives such as Jiko Okoa, though fairly efficient, has proven quite expensive for the normal
Mwananchi and coupled with its emission rate, it is always not preferred hence the need to
develop a cookstove that utilize less fuels, a variety of fuels, a cookstove that completely burns
the fuel and reduces emissions of gases into the atmosphere.

The research involves redesigning a gasifier cookstove by improving its combustion rate through
redesigning the combustion chamber to allow more air for complete combustion hence producing
heat supply for the heating pot to maximize the heat transfer efficiency.

Various test will be carried out based on protocols to compare the difference in our new design
and the existing design. the tests include, the water boiling test (WBA), controlled cooling test
(CCT) and kitchen performance test (KPT). With proper design and research, the improved
gasifier cookstove can significantly contribute to improvement of the quality of life in third
world countries and help protect our environment.


Worldwide, 2.7 billion people depend on biomass fuels for their cooking, heating and lighting
needs. This uncontrolled use of biomass fuels has led to significant surge in emission of
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere leading to the depletion of the ozone layer and
consequently global warming, melting of ice on mountain peak and these gases increase oceanic
temperatures and infiltrate into the oceanic water hence destruction on oceanic life [1].
Furthermore, the indoor air pollution brought about by gases from these fuels contributes to 4.3
million premature deaths annually [2] and contributes to contraction of respiratory infection such
us acute lower respiratory infection.

In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the most utilised form of fuel is biomass fuel which constitute to
the main source of cooking and household fuel [2]. it is estimated that 500000 people die each
year from infection from exposure to indoor air pollution, In Kenya, 90% of the rural population
and some urban households who live below the poverty limit traditionally utilise biomass as
their main source of fuel[3], continued usage of these less efficient stoves and misuse of these
fuels contributes to high poverty levels in these rural and urban setups coupled with the physical
demands of harvesting these fuels impacts negatively on the livelihood of such societies.

Misuse of biomass fuels and use of less efficient cookstoves has also accelerated deforestation
and hence reduction forest cover in Kenya. Deforestation leads to damage of natural habitat and
disruption of bio-diversity which has led to extinction of species hence there is need to better the
current existing cookstoves with new more efficient cookstoves that burns fuel to completion,
ensure less emissions to the atmosphere and economically viable to the society in a bid to reduce
these problems; the main reason for redesigning the gasifier cookstove is to enhance its
combustion characteristics and reduce its emissions to ensure proper usage of biomass and
regulate its effects both economical and on the environment.

Statement of problem
Inefficient combustion of bio-fuels using less efficient cookstoves releases greenhouse gases i.e.,
CO, CO2 and oxides of nitrogen and sulphur into the atmosphere; the content released depends

on the degree of combustion in the chamber and the bio fuel type and properties, these pollutants
affect human in all sectors of life i.e., health wise, financially and socially.

The availability of these fuels is also challenging and coupled with the health ailments reduce
human labour resource. The economic hardship of purchasing these fuels recurrently and
treatment of ailments caused by biomass fuels has necessitated the development of a design with
improved capabilities on combustion of the fuel in the combustor in order to provide high heat
transfer, combustion effectiveness and reduced emissions as compared to existing cookstoves.
The existing cookstoves have combustion chambers that designs which limit air flow for
complete combustion hence incomplete combustion and minimal heat transfer. These challenges
enhance the need to develop cookstoves that would have complete combustion and maximise
heat transfer to the cooking pot.


Main objective
The main objective of this research is redesigning the gasifier stove with the aim of improving
the combustion characteristics and optimizing its heat transfer effectiveness in bid to reduce
emissions and overall increase of its heat flow properties.

Specific objectives
a) Reduce heat loss.
b) Increasing the thermal efficiency by determining the fuel efficiency.
c) Measure in air pollution and heat flow characteristics.


2.1 Overview
This study involves improving the combustion properties of a gasifier cookstove by redesigning
the combustion chamber to ensure improved gasification

The following review encompasses the challenges that come about with the use of the traditional
three stone stove, existing Jikos and existing gasifier stoves. The challenges overall, combustion
and heat transfer efficiencies.

2.1.1 Finding on a 3 stone stove, existing Jikos and existing gasifier cookstoves.
In Kenya, a study was done to compare the ease of use, energy consumption fuel and heat
transfer properties between the traditional 3 stone cookstove and the Hifadhi gasifier stove in a
small farmer setting. M. Njenga et al [4]. Concluded that Hifadhi gasifier saved up to 27% of
fuel and reduced cooking time by 19%, however the gasifier had handleability problems, took
significant amount of time to light and not easy to change food between cooking time (4).

Figure 2.1 1: Improved Hifadhi cooking stove(left) and traditional three stone cooking stove used
in experiments(right).
Baldwin [5] while studying the improvement of the design of a solid biomass cookstove found
that incomplete combustion resulted from improper air-fuel mixture and poor design of the
combustion chamber, this led to the cookstove emitting quite significant amount of emissions.
Inefficient combustion from insufficient air results to low flame temperature, minimizing heat
transfer to the heating pot. Incomplete combustion and minimal heat transfer affect directly the
overall efficiency of the cookstove.

A study by the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) [6] which
compared the use 3 stone cookstove and the gasifier stoves in a rural set up in Embu showed that
the efficiency of a gasifier was much higher than the 3 stone cookstove by 40% to 27%, samples

the gasifier stove were issued to households in Embu and after use, the results highlighted high
risks of burns when the walls were too hot since the walls of gasifier were made of galvanised
steel and the gasifier produced emissions at a fairly large amounts. Ahuja [7] showed that
improving the overall efficiency of a cookstove do not necessarily result in lowering the
emissions, poor combustion implies that the fuel is not completely burned hence production of
Indoor air pollution (IAP) from the cookstoves. Better combustion helps in reduction of smoke
which has harmful effects on the users. Improving the heat transfer aids in reduction of the
amount of fuel use in the stove, hence, it is paramount to ensure complete combustion is realised
with maximum heat transfer to the pot for optimization of the stove’s thermal efficiency.

Aprovecho Research Centre, Shell Foundation [8] did a study on the efficiency and the need for
improved cookstoves; the study showed that open fires were often wasteful on fuel when the
results were tested on the lab, it was also noted that cook were not overly concerned with the
amount of fuel, it also showed that when fuel was plentiful, the 3 stone cookstove can use
excessive amount of fuel to cook a small amount of food. An improved cookstove can making
cooking with fire easier, safer and faster while monitoring the fuel amount usage while also
adding beauty to the kitchen since it will optimize combustion process and will be characterised
by minimal emissions from incomplete combustion, sufficient high combustion temperature,
adequate residence time and adequate mixing of air and fuel.

A study by the Wangari Mathai Institute for peace and environmental studies with collaboration
with University of Nairobi(UON) [9] on factors influencing the adoption of the gasifier stove by
households in rural Kenya showed that there is significant dissatisfaction with these improved
cookstoves due to problems mainly with their handleability and performance of these stoves,
according to Muchiri (2008) [10], the adoption of improved cookstoves in rural household in
Nakuru county, Kenya is below 5%, hence the need to improve the performance of the gasifier
cookstove , dissatisfaction with its performance can lead to its abonnement ,table 2.1 shows the
tracking of stove usage from 48 households after receiving the gasifier cookstoves in Nakuru.

Table 2.1 1: Stove stacking after receiving the gasifier stove (n=48)

Stoves used by the house after the gasifier % of the households with the stoves
Gasifier + 3 stone 65
Gasifier + 3 stone + charcoal stove 13
Gasifier + 3 stone +charcoal stove +kerosene 4
Gasifier + charcoal stove 4
Gasifier only 4
Gasifier + 3 stone + LPG stove 4
Gasifier + 3 stone + charcoal stove + sawdust 2

The adoption of the gasifier relies heavily on its combustion rate for both short term and long-
term cooking, hence improvement of the combustion chamber to satisfying these needs will
heavenly influence its adoption rate in the right direction.

2.1.2 Principle and modes of Heat transfer in a gasifier

Physics that govern the behaviour of cookstoves are rooted in thermodynamics and heat transfer
principles and further influenced by gasifier geometrics.
The first law of thermodynamics plays a major role in deriving an accurate energy balance
involved in the gasifier that will help determining the effective way of improving the heat
transfer efficiency hence thermal efficiency. It states that energy is conserved even if it changes
form, in the gasifier energy changes from stored chemical energy to thermal energy.
Heat loss in the gasifier cookstove mainly occurs through the wall of the gasifier through the
processes of conduction, convection and radiation. Depending on the nature of the contacting
surfaces with hot combustible gases, heat energy can either be transferred to the cooking pot or
lost to the soundings.

Contribution roles of conduction, convection and radiation

A study by Guide. A [12] on the effect of biomass fuel concluded that each heat transfer mode is
split in two categories, losses and gains. The loses are associated with heat that I transferred into
the gasifier body or out to ambient while the gains are associated with heat that is transferred to
the pot.


Conductive heat transfer occurs through the floor of the gasifier stove to the ground; through the
body of the gasifier stove to the surrounding and through the thickness of the pot.

The rate of steady state conduction heat transfer is defined by Fourier’s law of conduction, which
states that “rate of heat transfer Conduction is directly proportional to flow area of cross section
and the temperature difference(ԁT) but inversely to the thickness of conductive wall [12]

Qconduction = KA

K- Thermal conductivity

A- Surface Area
L- Thickness of material
∆ T- Average temperature


Hot combustion gases interact with two separate surfaces, the inner surface of the gasifier
stove(losses) and the outer surface at the pot(gains). Convection uses motion of fluids to transfer
heat. A hot surface heats the surrounding fluid which is then carried away by movements for
example wind; the warm fluid is replaced by cooler fluid.

Convection coefficient, h, is the measure of how effectively the fluid transfers heat by
convection; convection is modelled by Newton’s law of cooling.

Q= h A(Ts-T∞)

Where Q- heat transfer

h- Convective heat transfer coefficient

Ts- Surface temperature

T∞- Ambient temperature

A- Surface temperature

The magnitude of convective heat transfer is influenced by velocity of the gases, exposed surface
area contacting the gases and the temperature difference between the gases and exposed surface
[12]. Higher flow velocities and increased temperature differences through the gasifier increase
the exposed surface area of the pot and/or decreasing the inner surface area of the gasifier.


Radiant energy originating from either the fuel bed or flames is transferred to the gasifier body,
pot, ambient surroundings. Radiative heat transfer does not require a medium to pass through;
thus, it is the only form of heat transfer present in vacuum. It uses electromagnetic
radiation(photons), which travels at the speed of light and is emitted by any matter with
temperature above 0 degrees Celsius(-273k). Radiative heat transfer occurs when the emitted
radiation strikes another body and is absorbed.[13]

The rate of black body radiation heat transfer between two surfaces is proportional to the fourth
power of the absolute temperature T and is given by the Stephan boltzmann

A study by the department of renewable energy engineering, university of mines and technology,
Turkwa Ghana [11] revealed that the higher thermal efficiency can only be achieved by a
reduction in heat losses which is as a result of better control of the combustion resulting in more
heat being transferred to the vessel. Thermal efficiency is the ratio of the work done by heating
and evaporating water to the energy embodied in the fuel. The studies show that the highest
thermal efficiency realised by gasifier stoves varied between 30.5% - 38.8%. this can be greatly
improved by better lagging of the walls, using alternative insulator material with better thermal
retention properties to help reduce energy loss through the walls.

An article by the journal for renewable energy [12], on the design of an improved cookstove
using high density rocks revealed that the materials types used to insulate the walls of a gasifier
stove, the fuel type and environmental condition greatly influenced the rate of heat loss in the
gasifier jiko, ensuring the heat loss of the gasifier is controlled will increase the efficiency of the
gasifier and greatly reduce heat loss

2.1.3 Findings on the emissions of the gasifier.

Emissions from a gasifier cookstoves is a very critical area of improvement in the study of these
cookstoves, gases emitted from fuels used in gasifier stoves often lead to diseases or death.

A study on pollutant emissions from improved cookstoves in sub-Saharan Africa by E.J.S

Mitchell [12] found that pollutants produced from burning biomass fuel in cookstoves can be
categorised into three groups, smoke, carbon monoxide (CO) and acid gases. the smoke largely
consists of incompletely combusted products, largely soot, together with some ash metallic
aerosols hence ensuring complete combustion ensures lesser emissions.

The study by E.J.S Mitchell also showed that the amount of emissions can be calculated using
the total capture method ISO, 2018) where, all pollutants emissions from a cookstove are
measured in the firebox chimney or dilution tunnel, and the emission factor calculated using the
following equation.

EFi =∫ ❑

Where Ci is the concentration of species, Q is the flow ate in the exhaust chimney and M the
mass of fuel burned between times t0 and t. Modified combustion efficiency (MCE) is defined as
the ratio of CO2/CO +CO2.

2.2 Summary of Gaps

From the reviewed Literature, the following gaps were identified:

1.Ineffecient burning in the combustion chamber.

2.Poor lagging i.e., due to the use of cement and clay.

3. poor handleability and lighting of the gasifier.

4.High emissions as a result of incomplete combustion.


3.1 Overview
In this section, the design and construction of the gasifier cookstove is presented. The gasifier
cookstove is constructed to enable optimum air regulation for optimizing the subsequent steps of
wood gas combustion and char gasification with proper insulation for minimum heat loss.
Thereafter, the set up to measure the parameters necessary to evaluate the efficiency and
emissions of the gasifier are presented. These include,

 Standard tests.
 Setup development.
 Environmental benefits evaluation.

3.2 Design of improved and gasifier cookstove

According to a study by Kenya Household Cooking Sector (KHCS), the total energy required to
cook a meal for an average household in Kenya is estimated to be 1300kcal/hr(6000J/hr). this
forms the basis for our analysis.

3.2.1 Prototype building.
Fuel Combustion Rate (FCR) – this is the amount of fuel needed to supply the required energy
per hour.



Q – Energy needed to supply for cooking.

Hvf – Heating value of fuel.

n- efficiency of the cookstove.

3.2.2 The fuel reactor.

The fuel reactor had a circular cross-section for easy fabrication and uniform air circulation to
the combustion chamber, it is insulated by galvanised iron due to weldability, low and durability.

1.27 FCR
Diameter of reactor(D) = √


SGR= Specific gasification rate

Height of reactor depends on the time required to operate the gasifier (T), SGR and fuel density.

Height of reactor=

Figure 3.2 2: Fuel reactor
3.2.3 The combustion chamber.
The combustion chamber is made of stainless steel and is painted with heat resistant paint that
can resist temperature of up to 260ºc, it is 5mm thick plate galvanised steel which improved the
stability of the cookstove. It is circular in shape with dimensions of 30.6mm by 10mm to
increase the surface area for air circulation aiding the natural upward draft of the volatiles.

Holes of varying sizes are drilled on top of the combustion chamber; with the upper ones of
3mm, middle at 1.5mm and 1mm at bottom to aid cracking of long chain alkanes to short chain
alkanes and alkenes. Gasification also primarily occurs in combustion chamber.

Figure 3.2 3: Combustion chamber
3.2.4 The inner fuel chamber.
It consists of an inner fuel chamber which is made of mild steel 1.2 mm thick to improve
stability of the cookstove.

Figure 3.2 4: Inner fuel chamber
3.3 Water boiling test
The water boiling test is a laboratory test that is used to gauge the performance of two or more
cookstoves under similar conditions.

The Water Boiling Test constitutes three phases;

 Cold start-Bringing the water to boil from a cold start.

 Hot start-Bringing the water to boil from a hot start.
 Maintaining the water at simmering temperatures.

This type of test assesses the firepower (P), thermal efficiency (ηt) and the specific fuel
consumption (SFC) of the gasifier stove.

3.4 Controlled cooking test

The Controlled Cooking Test is a test that involves evaluating the stoves performance as specific
of cooking tasks are carried out. This gives the performance range.

3.5 Setup development

From the literature review presented in the previous chapter, it was worth noting that gasifier
instability of the gasifier leads to relative reduction of the resultant output as well as the heat loss

by radiation through the outer shell of the gasifier as it heats up. Also, as a result of result of low
air flow in the system, incomplete combustion occurs producing harmful emissions hence need
for use in a well-ventilated space, wood gasification. Thus, the focus of this design will be to
reduce heat loss on the outer shell and increase air flow into the combustion chamber. The
performance will be based on the reduced emissions of the system and improved combustion of

The setup has an air inlet at the bottom of the stove which allows air into the fuel reactor, the
combustion chamber has three major compartments, the pilot holes with varies sizes from bottom
to top, a cone and a fuel chamber. The bigger holes in at the bottom are to allow more air
circulation to enable burning of larger alkanes, the narrowed rim in the fuel chamber is medium
burner to support medium flames. The pilot holes are a smaller burner to support smaller flames.
The lower cone is a larger burner to support larger flames while the upper cone is a clean-up
burner to burn cracked alkanes.

The bracket and concentrator ring enhances inward flow of the flames helping to concentrate the
heat and crack the tars into inflammable gases, it is placed so that the secondary air can pass over
it to burn the newly cracked flammable gases. The combustor is cone shaped with holes drilled
throughout to enable maximum air entry foe full combustion of the volatiles, the area is where
heat is concentrated forming a heat reservoir; tars are cracked into flammable gases, the in and
out flame path gives the flame more time to finish burning.

The gasifier basically uses wood fuel to create a smoke or a vapour which can then be used for
heating or even running machinery. Good circulation of air in the system around the combustion
chamber increase combustion of fuel in the system. Holes are normally drilled on the bottom of
the outer to act as the air intake into the system.

Direct entry of air into the system causes air to almost hinder ore air coming in and also some
leaves the system as a result of hitting the combustion chamber. Therefore, a redirection of air as
it directly enters the combustion chamber so as to hit its sides and continue its travel up to the
flame projection chamber. This will be achieved by curving small plate fittings on inner side of
the air intake holes to redirect the air. This will promote smooth flow of air in the system This
will enable more air into the system promoting complete combustion due to more oxygen in the

The choice of a suitable lag for the system is key as this will increase the temperature of the
flame as a result reducing cooking time. The commonly used insulations are clay and sand which
make the gasifier heavy once integrated into. Also, on an instance of topple or mishandling, they
could crack in the system due to impact.

Therefore, the choice of mineral wool as the lagging material is a good fit. It is relatively light in
weight. It is also dense that you can carve the to accurately fit around outlets and other obstacles.

3.6 Geometrical development

Figure 3.6 1: Concentrator ring.

Figure 3.6 2: The 2D representation of the gasifier.

3.7 Environmental benefits evaluation

The economic evaluation will be done against the local gasifiers as well as the Jikos. The cost of
manufacture as well as the heating time will be measured from the designed gasifier against the
local ones.


The following are the expected results on completion of this project;

 A gasifier stove that is capable of producing wood gas for combustion will be well
designed and fabricated.
 Increased thermal efficiency of the designed gasifier stove.
 Significant reduction in the number of emissions.
 A more stable gasifier stove with stable characteristics.


This chapter shows the proposed budget for the gasifier stove.

S/No Item Description SI Quantity Unit price Total price

(Ksh) (Ksh)

1. Mild steel 2mm thick mm 1 5000 5000

metal sheet
Area of 2500mm2

2. Stainless 2mm thick mm 1 2000 2000

steel metal
Area of 1000mm2

3. Metal rods 10 mm diameter mm 1 1000 1000

2000mm long

4. Wire mesh Area of10mm2 mm 2 3000 6000

3000 mm long 2

5. Fuel Wood I bunch 500 500

Pellets 2 kg

6. Bolts and 10mm diameter 6 50 300


TOTAL 15000

Figure 5.1 1: Budget.


This research study will cover a period of eight months. The figure below shows an overview of
how the planned activities will took place.

Month May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Literature review

Proposal refinement & presentation

Setup design development

Geometric model development

First semester report preparation

First semester presentation

Fabrication and testing

Data collection and analysis

Final year report preparation and

Final year presentation

Figure 6.1 1: Work Schedule


[1] PubMed, “Impacts of greenhouse gases on oceanic life,” national geographic ,2009

[2] World Health Organization, “Indoor air pollution. National Burden of diseases Estimates,”
WHO Press, 2007

[3] Hindawi, “Energy poverty and its implications on standard of living in Kirinyaga, Kenya.”
Jin-li Hu 2018

[4] M. Njenga, M liyama, R. Jamnadass, H . Helander , L, Larsson , J. de leew, “ Gasifier as a

cleaner cooking system in rural Kenya,” world Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).

[5] S. Baldwin, Biomass cookstoves: Engineering Design, Development and Dissemination.

Wilson Boulevard, USA, 1987

[6] Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI),” Design of a savika jiko,
Energy solution 2019

[7] D.R Ahuja, “Thermal Performance and Emission Characteristics of unvented Biomass-
burning cookstoves: A proposed Standard Method For Evaluation in Biomass,” Biomass and
Energy. Vol. 12 pp. 247-270, 1987

[8] Aprovecho Research Centre, “Design Principles of wood burning cookstoves,” shell
foundation 2009

[9] Wangari Maathai Institute for peace and Environmental studies,” adoption of gasifier stove in
rural Kenya, 2010

[10] Muchiri, “adoption of cleaner cookstoves: barriers and way forward,” journal of cleaner
production 2008

[11] Mitchell, “Pollutants Emissions from Improved Cookstove of the Type Used in Sub-
Saharan Africa 2019


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