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Specification of Summative Assessment for term on the subject of

“The English language”

Grade 7


1. Aim of the Summative Assessment for term .......................................................................................... 3

2. The document defining the content of the Summative Assessment for term............................................ 3
3. Expected outcomes on the subject “The English language”, Grade 7 ..................................................... 3
4. Level of thinking skills on the subject “The English language”, Grade 7 ................................................ 3
5. Administration rules .............................................................................................................................. 5
6. Moderation and marking ....................................................................................................................... 5
SPECIFICATION OF THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR TERM 1............................................... 6
SPECIFICATION OF THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR TERM 2 ............................................ 19
SPECIFICATION OF THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR TERM 3 ............................................ 34
SPECIFICATION OF THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR TERM 4 ............................................ 47

1. Aim of the Summative Assessment for term
Summative assessment (SA) is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learningobjectives
achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term.
Summative assessment checks the achievement of learning objectives for the term planned in the
Long-term plan.
2. The document defining the content of the Summative Assessment for term
The Subject Programme in “The English language” (within the framework of updating the
education content) for secondary education (Grades 5-9)

3. Expected outcomes on the subject “The English language”, Grade 7

A learner understands the main ideas of texts on curricular topics; identifies
essential facts distinguishing them from non-essential; understands details within the
framework of familiar topics; formulates complex questions based on listening material in order
to obtain additional information; deduces the meaning of listening material using context clues;
identifies specific information within the framework of familiar topics; recognizes
inconsistencies in arguments within the framework of familiar topics.
A learner conveys the main ideas of a text within the framework of familiar topics
logically organizing events; uses the formal and informal registers; presents information within
the frameworkof familiar topics; predicts the content of a text using the heading, pictures, key
words, extracts withinthe framework of familiar topics; asks simple and complex questions to
obtain specific information; interacts with peers (in a pair, group) to fulfill learning tasks;
compares and contrasts texts within the framework of familiar topics; expresses and opinion
providing arguments.
A learner identifies the main ideas of texts and details in texts of a range of styles and
genres within the framework of familiar topics; uses a range of information sources (reference
materials, dictionaries, the Internet); recognizes specific information in a text and a range of
styles and genres within the framework of familiar topics; predicts the content of a text using the
heading, pictures, keywords, extracts; identifies the attitude and opinion of the author; evaluates
information from differenttexts.
A learner fills in tables, diagrams, schemes, questionnaires, forms; plans, writes, edits and
proofreads texts within the framework of familiar topics; makes notes based on a text according
to acommunicative task; describes real and/or imagined events of the past, present, and future
using the knowledge of topics studied before; links and coordinates sentences and paragraphs
in a text within the framework of familiar topics; correctly uses punctuation in a text within the
framework of familiartopics; creates texts of a range of styles and genres using appropriate rules
and layout.
4. Level of thinking skills on the subject “The English language”, Grade 7

Level of
Strand Description Recommended
thinking skills
type of
Knowledge and Understand with little support the Questions with
comprehension main points in extended talk on a multiple choice
limited range of general and curricular answers.
topics Questions that
understand with little support most require
specific information in extended talk on a short answer.
a limited range of general and curricular Questions that

topics require an
Application / understand with some support extended
Higher order most of the detail of an argument in answer.
thinking skills extended talk on a limited range of
general and curricular topics
recognise the opinion of the
speaker(s) in a supported extended talk
on a range of general and curricular
Application / use appropriate subject-specific Questions that
Higher order vocabulary and syntax to talk about a require
thinking skills growing range of general topics, and a short answer.
some curricular topics Questions that
keep interaction with peers to require an
negotiate, agree and organise priorities extended
and plans for completing classroom answer.
respond with some flexibility at
both sentence and discourse level to
unexpected comments on a growing
range of general and curricular topics
begin to link comments with some
flexibility to what others say at sentence
and discourse level in pair, group and
whole class exchanges
Knowledge and understand the main points in texts Questions with
comprehension on a limited range of unfamiliar general multiple choice
and curricular topics answers.
understand specific information Questions that
and detail in texts on a range of familiar require
general and curricular topics a short answer.
Application / understand the detail of an Questions that
Higher order argument on a growing range of require an
thinking skills familiar general and curricular topics, extended
including some extended texts answer.
recognise the attitude or opinion of
the writer on a range of unfamiliar
general and curricular topics
Application link with little or no support, Questions that
sentences into coherent paragraphs require
using a variety of basic connectors on a a short answer.
range of familiar general topics and Questions that
some curricular topics require an
spell most high- frequency extended answer
vocabulary accurately for a growing
range of familiar general topics and
some curricular topics
punctuate written work at text level
on a growing range of familiar general
and curricular topics with some
use with some support style and

register appropriate to a limited variety
of written genres on general and
curricular topics
Higher order write with some support about real
thinking skills and imaginary past events, activities
and experiences on a growing range of
familiar general topics and some
curricular topics
write with moderate grammatical
accuracy on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics
plan, write, edit and proofread
work at text level with some support on
a range of general and curricular topics

5. Administration rules
During the Assessment cover all visual materials like, diagrams, schemes, posters
and mapsthat can serve as prompts for the candidates.
At the beginning of the Assessment read out the instructions and inform the
candidates about the assessment duration. Remind candidates that they are not allowed to
talk with each other during the Summative Assessment. After the instructions, make sure
they have understood given instructionsand ask if they have any questions before the start
of the assessment.
Ensure that the candidates are working individually and not helping each other.
During the Summative Assessment candidates should not have any access to additional
recourses that can help them, for example, dictionaries (excluding the cases when it is
allowed in specification).
Recommend candidates to cross the wrong answers instead of using an eraser.
During the assessment you can answer candidates’ questions, regarding the
instructions and theassessment duration. You should not spell, paraphrase or provide any
information that could givethe candidate an advantage.
Always tell the candidates that they have 15 and 5 minutes left before the end of the
Tell the candidates to stop writing and put down their pens/pencils on the desks at
the end of the Summative Assessment.

6. Moderation and marking

All teachers use the same version of the mark scheme. During the moderation process
it is necessary to check candidate sample papers with the marks awarded to ensure there are
no deviations from the standardized mark scheme.

Review of the summative assessment for term 1

Duration of the summative assessment – 45 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 25 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.
Total marks - 24

The structure of the summative assessment

This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing
and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for term.
Listening – information matching questions on the topic “Communication and
Technology”.Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
Reading – information identification questions on the topic “Hobbies and Leisure”
Writing – essay writing on the topic “Hobbies and Leisure” and “Communication and
Speaking – Monologue on the topic “Hobbies and Leisure” and “Communication and
The content of the summative assessment for term 1 should be selected on topics
“Hobbies andLeisure” and “Communication and Technology”.

Characteristic of tasks for the summative assessment for term 1

Unit Strand Learning objective *Task number of *Type of *Task description Time Total
№ questions question marks

“Hobbie Listening understand with 1 6 Multipl Learners listen to six speakers and 10 minutes 6
sand little support the main e choose the relevant activity they
Leisure” points in extended talk on choice enjoy doing in their free time. This
a limited range of general task enables learnersto understand
“Commun and curricular topics general
ication and information about speakers’
Technolog preferences on topic “Hobbies
y” and Leisure”.
Learners listen to a recording twice,
having a chance to look through the
questions before the recording
Task incorporates 6 questions
with one possible answer

Reading understand 2 6 True/Fals Learners read a short text on the 10 minutes 6
specific information and e topic “Hobbies and Leisure” and
detail in texts on a range identify True or false statements
of familiar general and which ask for specific information
curricular topics and details of the text.

Writing 3 1 Learners write an opinion essay of 25 minutes 6 write with Open-
70-90 words expressing their
moderate grammatical ended
attitudes towards hobbies or new
accuracy on a limited technologies. Learners choose one
range of familiar general topic out of two to write anessay.
and curricular topics Learners organize their work
according to the given link with little or no structure/questions coherently and
support, sentences into follow the criteria. Criteria are

coherent paragraphs using a included at the beginning of the
variety of basic connectors task.
on a range of familiar
general topics and some
curricular topics spell most high-

frequency vocabulary
accurately for a growing
range of familiar general
topics and some
curricular topics punctuate written
work at text level on a
growing range of familiar
general and curricular
topics with some
Speaking use appropriate 4 1 Open- Learners work individually, 3 minutes 6
subject-specific vocabulary ended explaining and justifying their
and syntax to talk about a viewpoints on topics Hobbies and
growing range of general Leisure” and “Communication and
topics, and some curricular Technology”. They make up a
topics monologue using questions
Learners are expected to apply
appropriate subject-specific
45 minutes 24
TOTAL: (excluding
Note: * - sections that can be changed

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for Summative Assessment for term 1
Task. Listen and match each SPEAKER (1-6) with the kind of website (A-F) they are

Speaker 1 A. shopping [1]

Speaker 2 B. travel [1]

Speaker 3 C. music [1]

Speaker 4 D. news [1]

Speaker 5 E. social networking [1]

Speaker 6 F. video sharing [1]

_____/ [6]

Task. Read the article about unusual ways of keeping fit and identify TRUE (T) or FALSE
(F) statements.

A mixture between handball and basketball, korfball is a fast, exciting game. The main
difference is that men and women play on the same team. It’s also a great way to keep fit! The
game began in the Netherlands about 100 years ago, and there are now korfball clubs in more
than forty countries around the world. There are eight players on each team –four male and four
female-and each player tries to throw the ball into the ‘goal’ which is a bit like a basket but
bigger. You can’t touch your opponent, kick or run with a ball, and men can only attack against
men and women can only defend against women. A game lasts for sixty minutes and the teams
change ends after every two goals. ‘It’s a terrific sport and a great way to meet people.’ Says
Paul Dicks of the British Korfball Association.

Tai-Chi is a Chinese martial art which goes back thousands of years. It is different from
most forms of exercise in that it is very gentle. It consists of a series of slow movements which
you must do very carefully and exactly. The big advantage is that you can do it anywhere ,
anytime, and you don’t need to be a member of a club or use any expensive equipment-all you
need is a qualified teacher! Tai-Chi fans say it is an excellent way of getting rid of stress. Early
in the morning, you cansee people doing the gentle movements of Tai-Chi in parks all over
China, and it is now common inthe West, too. So what’s the secret of Tai-Chi? ‘mind and body
working together,’ says one enthusiast.

1. Korfball is a great way to be in good health. T F [1]

2. The game began in the Netherlands about one century ago. T F [1]

3. All of the players try to throw the ball into the ‘goal’ that is T F [1]
similar to asmall basket.
4. Tai-Chi is a martial art where people do careful and exact T F [1]
5. You cannot do it anywhere because you need to be a member T F [1]
of a club.
6. Doing Tai-Chi is common only for people in China. T F [1]

_____/ [6]

Task. Choose ONE of the topics below and write an essay of 70-90 words long. Follow
the questions, use topical vocabulary and pay attention to the grammar and essay structure.

Topic 1.
“Having a hobby is important for each person. Do you agree?”
Your essay may include:
 How often do you do your hobby?
 Who do you usually do hobby with?
 Why do you like doing it?
 Will your hobby help you to choose your future profession?

Topic 2.
“Modern gadgets play an important role in students’ lives. Do you agree?”
Your essay may include:
 What kind of technology is it?
 How can it help you with studying?
 What are the good sides of it?
 Will it be popular and useful in the future?


Task. Make a two-minute monologue

Card 1. Make a two-minute monologue on topic “Hobbies and Leisure”. The following
questions will help you organize your speech:
 What is hobby for you?
 What hobbies do you know?
 Why do people have hobbies?
 What is the most popular hobby among girls/boys?

Card 2. Make a two-minute monologue on topic “Hobbies and Leisure”. The following
questions will help you organize your speech:
 What is the most popular hobby among boys/girls?
 What is your hobby?
 How long have you had this hobby?
 Why did you start that hobby?

Card 3. Make a two-minute monologue on topic “Communication and Technology”. The

following questions will help you organize your speech:
 What social networking sites do you know?
 What are the most popular social networking sites in your country?
 Why do people use social networking site?
 What social networking site do you use?

Card 4. Make a two-minute monologue on topic “Communication and Technology”. The

following questions will help you organize your speech:
 What do you do on social networking sites?
 How often do you use social networking site?
 What are advantages of social networking?
 What are disadvantages of social networking?

_____/ [6]
Total marks____ /24

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading

Task № Answer Mark
1 C 1
2 E 1

3 F 1

4 B 1

5 A 1

6 D 1
1 True 1
2 True 1

3 False 1

4 True 1

5 False 1

6 False 1
Total 12

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and spelling, and grammar and punctuation), and then calculate a mean to
give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Content (relevance and Organization (cohesion, Vocabulary (style and Grammar (style and accuracy)
development of ideas) paragraphing and format) accuracy) and Punctuation (accuracy)
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task. connectors correctly and vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly and
 The register completely attempts to use referencing, attempts to use less common demonstrates some variety in
corresponds to the but not always clearly or lexical items with occasional length.
requirements of the task; appropriately. inappropriacies.  May attempt some complex
consistent and intentional  Uses paragraphs to separate  Has good control of word sentences, but they tend to be
misuse of register* may ideas; all paragraphs revolve formation; may make less accurate, including
indicate a writer’s personal around one idea or a set of occasional errors in producing punctuation.
style. like ideas; the size of each less common word forms.  Errors in grammar and/or
 All content points are fully paragraph allows for a proper  Spells common vocabulary punctuation do not distort
addressed and developed in a and balanced development of items correctly; very few (one meaning.
balanced way. ideas. or two) occasional spelling
*Such misuse of register should  The format is appropriate, but mistakes may be present.
not harm the format of writing. may be modified for a better  May occasionally misspell
reading experience. less common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task; insignificant content connectors correctly. vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly, but
omissions may be present.  Uses paragraphs to separate attempts to use less common does not demonstrate variety
 The register on the whole ideas; most paragraphs lexical items, but may make in length.
corresponds to the revolve around one idea or a frequent errors.
requirements of the task; set of like ideas; the size of

occasional and inconsistent each paragraph may reflect  Has good control of word  Occasional errors in grammar
misuse of register may be imbalanced development of formation; may make errors in and/or punctuation do not
present. ideas. producing less common word distort meaning.
 Most content points are addressed,  The format is appropriate. forms.
but their development may be  Spells common vocabulary
slightlyimbalanced. items correctly; few (no more
than five) occasional spelling
mistakes may be present.
 May often misspell less
common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 Most content is relevant to thetask;  Uses some basic connectors,  Uses everyday vocabulary  Writes simple and some
insignificant content omissions may but these may be inaccurate or generally appropriately, while compound sentence forms
be present. repetitive. occasionally overusing certain correctly.
 The register on the whole  Uses paragraphs to separate lexical items.  While errors in grammar
corresponds to the ideas, but tends to misuse  Has good control of word and/or punctuation are
requirements of the task. paragraphing (a script is a set formation; can produce noticeable, meaning is rarely
4  Most content points are of very short paragraphs or common word forms distorted.
addressed, but some content points some paragraphs may be correctly.
may be more fully covered than much longer than other ones  May make infrequent errors in
others. for no apparent reason). spelling more difficult words.
 The format is generally  Errors in word choice and/or
appropriate. spelling rarely distort
 Some content is relevant to the  Uses a very limited range of  Uses basic vocabulary  Writes simple sentence forms
task; significant contentomissions basic cohesive devices reasonably appropriately. mostly correctly.
may be present. correctly.  Has some control of word  Errors in grammar and/or
 The register barely  Writes in paragraphs, but may formation; can produce some punctuation may distort
corresponds to the not use them to separate ideas common word forms meaning at times.
requirements of the task. (a script may have random correctly.
breaks between paragraphs).  Makes frequent errors in
spelling more difficult words,

 Only some content points,  The format may be but simple words are spelled
which are minimally inappropriate in places. correctly.
addressed.  Errors in word choice and/or
spelling distort meaning at
 Severe irrelevances and  May use a very limited range  Uses an extremely limited  Writes some simple sentence
misinterpretations of the task of basic cohesive devices, and range of vocabulary. forms correctly.
may be present. those used may not indicate a  Has very limited control of  Frequent errors in grammar
 Only few content points, logical relationship between word formation; can produce a and/or punctuation distort
which are minimally ideas. few common word forms meaning.
2 addressed.  Attempts to write in correctly.
paragraphs, but their use may  Makes many errors in
be confusing (may start every spelling, including a range of
sentence with a new line). simple words.
 The format may be  Errors in word choice and/or
inappropriate. spelling distort meaning.
 Attempts the task, but it is  Links are missing or incorrect.  Can only use a few isolated  No evidence of sentence
largely misinterpreted and the  Does not write in paragraphs words and/or memorized forms.
response is barely relevant to at all (a script is a block of phrases.
the task. text).  Has essentially no control of
 The format is not appropriate. word formation; can barely
produce any word forms.
 Displays few examples of
conventional spelling.
 Does not attempt the task in any way.
 The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
 There is too little language to assess.
 Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so there is a lack of
context to verify meaning.

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Criterio Development and Fluency Language
 Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make  Produces error-free simple sentences.
relevant contributions at some length.  Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make
 Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. errors, which rarely cause comprehension problems.
 Can respond to change in direction of the conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange
 Pronunciation is intelligible*. views on a growing range of general and curricular topics.
 Intonation is appropriate.
 Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent  Produces error-free simple sentences.
prompting unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a
 Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some range of general and curricular topics.
hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be  Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.
 Can generally respond to change in direction of the conversation.
 Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
 Intonation is generally appropriate
 Attempts to respond to questions and prompts.  Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
 Produces responses that are extended beyond short phrases,  Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of
despite hesitation. general and curricular topics.
4  Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only  Errors may cause comprehension problems.
partial success will be achieved.
 Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
 May not follow English intonation patterns at times.

 Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent  Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple
hesitation. sentences.
 Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
3 to develop a conversation. limited range of general topics.
 There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely  Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.
to impede communication.
 May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.
 Responses are so brief that little is communicated.  Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
 Barely engages in a conversation. OR
 Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty.  Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
 Does not follow English intonation patterns.  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
very limited range of general topics.
 Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.
 No communication possible.  Cannot produce basic sentence forms.
1  Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the  Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized
most sympathetic listener. utterances.
 No attempt at the response.
0 OR
 No rateable language.
*Speech deficiencies should not be considered as affecting intelligibility.

Term 1
Speaker 1: This website is great. They have a great selection-rock, rap, jazz…old, new,
international-and it’s not as expensive as other sites. I’ve downloaded hundreds of songs.

Speaker 2: This is my favourite website because it helps me stay in touch with my friends and
family. Also I've made lots of new friends. The only problem is that I spend too much time on
it when I should be studying!

Speaker 3: This site is so much fun! I’m always finding really funny videos. I haven’t posted
any ofmy videos yet, though. I’ll probably start doing that soon.

Speaker 4: This is a great website for planning vocations. It has lots of terrific information
about interesting places to visit, hotels, and how to get good deals.

Speaker 5: I hardly ever go to the mall. Why should I? I can buy almost everything I need at
this website. They have a big selection, they deliver quickly, and their prices are the best on
the Internet. Sometimes they offer free shipping, too.

Speaker 6: I like to know what’s happening in the world, so I check out this site every day
whileI’m eating breakfast. I also really like the celebrity gossip news! I just found out today
that Jeb Hawkes and Alison Romano broke up last week while they were starring in a movie


Listening: Jack C. Richards, Grant Trew, Basic tactics for listening 3 rd edition, Unit 7

Reading: Sarah Cunningham, New Cutting Edge, pre-intermediate, Student’s book

Review of the summative assessment for term 2

Duration of the summative assessment – 45 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 25 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.
Total marks - 24

The structure of the summative assessment

This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading,
writingand speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for term.
Listening – Multiple-choice questions on topic “Holidays and Travel”. Transcript for
listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
Reading –Fill in the gaps questions on topic “Space and Earth”.
Writing – writing a story on topic “Holidays and Travel” and “Space and Earth”.
Speaking – make up a dialogue on topic ‘Holidays and Travel” and “Space and Earth”.
The content of the summative assessment for term 1 should be selected on topics on topic
“Holidays and Travel” and “Space and Earth”.

Characteristic of tasks for the summative assessment for term 2

*Task *Type of Total
Unit Strand Learning objective number of *Task description Time
№ question marks

Holidays Listening recognise the 1 6 Multiple- Learners listen to two speakers and 10 minutes 6
and opinion of the speaker(s) in choice choose the speakers’ believes on
Travel a supported extended talk each question. This task enables
on a range of general and learners to identify speakers’
Space and curricular topics opinion in the talk on
Earth topic “Holidays and Travel”.
Learners listen to a recording
twice, having a chance to look
through the questions before the
recording starts.
Task incorporates 6 questions with
one possible answer out of three

Reading understand the 2 6 Fill-in Learners read a short text on the 10 minutes 6
main points in texts on a the gap topic “Space and Earth” and
limited range of unfamiliar complete the sentences with the
general and curricular suitable information from the text.
topics The sentences ask for main points
of the text.
Task incorporates 6 questions with
one possible answer by writing no
more than two words or a number.

Writing write with 3 1 Open- Learners write a story of 70- 90 25 minutes 6
moderate grammatical ended words using pictures. Learners
accuracy on a limited choose one topic out of two to write a
range of familiar general
and curricular topics Learners organize their work
according to the given with some structure/questions coherently
support about real and and follow the criteria.
imaginary past events,
activities and experiences
on a growing range of
familiar general topics and
some curricular topics punctuate written
work at text level on a
growing range of familiar
general and curricular
topics with some accuracy
Speaking keep interaction 4 1 Open- Learners pair up and have a two- About 3 6
with peers to negotiate, ended way conversation on topics: minutes for
agree and organise Holidays and Travel/Space and each pair
priorities and plans for
Earth. They have 1 minute to
completing classroom tasks
prepare and 2 minutes to talk on the
topic. Learners are provided with
questions for a discussion. They
provide own points of view on
topics, explaining and justifying
their positions and answers.
Teacher can ask additional
questions to support learners if

TOTAL: 45 minutes 24
Note: * - sections that can be changed

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for Summative Assessment for term 2

Task. Listen to two speakers and choose the speakers’ believes on each question.

1. Speaker 1 thinks that the restaurants in the hotel are … [1]

A. exciting.
B. terrible.
C. nice.

2. Speaker 1 says that the staff of the hotel is too busy with … [1]
A. the activities for little children.
B. bringing new towels.
C. cleaning the rooms.

3. Speaker 1 thinks that the room … [1]

A. is large.
B. hasn’t got a great view of the beach.
C. is a high price to

4. Speaker 2 thinks that he travels … [1]

A. regularly.
B. enough.
C. too much.

5. Speaker 2 believes that the staff of the hotel is… [1]

A. energetic.
B. friendly.
C. complaining.

6. Speaker 2 considers the room… [1]

A. is very cheap.
B. isn’t worth the price.
C. costs a lot of

______/ [6]

Task. Read the text and fill in the sentences with the information from the text. Write nomore
than two words OR/AND a number.

Astronaut Sally Ride

When Sally Ride was just 9 years old, her family toured Europe for entire year and then
returnedhome to Encino, California. Once back at school, Sally wanted to be a winner in sports
and at school. In her teens, she was a champion Junior Tennis Player. She was ranked number
eighteenamong the best young tennis players in the country when she was 18.

Sally always liked studying science. When she went to college, she studied astrophysics.
Astrophysics is the science of stars and planets. She liked great literature too. She graduated
fromcollege with two degrees. The other degrees were in English. She stayed longer in college
and become Dr. Sally Ride. She was a specialist in astrophysics.
Sally was interested in joining NASA as an astronaut. She was chosen as one of six
women in theastronaut class in 1978. She studied at the Johnson Space Center in Houston,
Texas. She learned how to fly military jets as part of her training.
In 1982 Sally Ride was selected to go on the second challenger space flight. She would
be the first American woman to go into space. Sally ride spent six days in space orbiting the
earth. Later SallyRide said, “the thing that I’ll remember most about the flight is that it was fun.
In fact, I’m sure it was the most fun that I will ever have fun in my life.”

1. Sally was when she became one of the best young tennis players in the US. [1]
2. is one of Sally Ride’s favourite subjects. [1]
3. Sally was engaged in learning astrophysics in . [1]
4. She was a specialist in . [1]
5. She learned to control in Houston. [1]
6. Sally spent in space flying around the earth. [1]
_____/ [6]

Task. Look at the pictures below and write a story of 70-90 words long choosing ONE of the

Topic 1. Postman Joe Green spends every night in a field waiting for another visit ‘from
outer space’.

Topic 2. In June last year, eighteen-year-old Francis Thumber bought a ‘World

Traveller’ ticket andset off on the adventure of a lifetime.


_____/ [6]
Task. Make a two-minute dialogue
Card 1. Make a two-minute dialogue on topic “Holidays and Travel”. The following
promptswill help you organize your speech:
• When you spent your last holiday
• Where you went
• Who you went with
• The most interesting about that holiday

Card 2. Make a two-minute dialogue on topic “Holidays and Travel”. The following
promptswill help you organize your speech:
• Recommend to visit a city/place in your country
• Where to go
• Who to go with
• The most interesting about this city/place
Card 3. Make a two-minute dialogue on topic “Space and travel”. The following questions
willhelp you organize your speech:
• name the planets where people can live
• some facts about the planets
• how people explore other planets

Card 4. Make a two-minute dialogue on topic “Space and travel”. The following questions
willhelp you organize your speech:
• name the planets in Solar system
• mention the first man from your country in Space
• some facts about the Earth

_____/ [6]

Total marks_ /24

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading

Task № Answer Mark
1 B 1
2 A 1

3 A 1

4 C 1

5 B 1

6 C 1
1 18/eighteen 1
2 science 1

3 college 1

4 astrophysics 1

5 military jets 1

6 six days/6 days 1

Total 12

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and spelling, and grammar and punctuation), and then calculate a mean to
give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Content (relevance and Organization (cohesion, Vocabulary (style and Grammar (style and accuracy)
development of ideas) paragraphing and format) accuracy) and Punctuation (accuracy)
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task. connectors correctly and vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly and
 The register completely attempts to use referencing, attempts to use less common demonstrates some variety in
corresponds to the but not always clearly or lexical items with occasional length.
requirements of the task; appropriately. inappropriacies.  May attempt some complex
consistent and intentional  Uses paragraphs to separate  Has good control of word sentences, but they tend to be
misuse of register* may ideas; all paragraphs revolve formation; may make less accurate, including
indicate a writer’s personal around one idea or a set of occasional errors in producing punctuation.
style. like ideas; the size of each less common word forms.  Errors in grammar and/or
 All content points are fully paragraph allows for a proper  Spells common vocabulary punctuation do not distort
addressed and developed in a and balanced development of items correctly; very few (one meaning.
balanced way. ideas. or two) occasional spelling
*Such misuse of register should  The format is appropriate, but mistakes may be present.
not harm the format of writing. may be modified for a better  May occasionally misspell
reading experience. less common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task; insignificant content connectors correctly. vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly, but
omissions may be present.  Uses paragraphs to separate attempts to use less common does not demonstrate variety
 The register on the whole ideas; most paragraphs lexical items, but may make in length.
5 corresponds to the revolve around one idea or a frequent errors.  Occasional errors in grammar
requirements of the task; set of like ideas; the size of  Has good control of word and/or punctuation do not
occasional and inconsistent each paragraph may reflect formation; may make errors in distort meaning.
misuse of register may be imbalanced development of producing less common word
present. ideas. forms.

 Most content points are  The format is appropriate.  Spells common vocabulary
addressed, but their items correctly; few (no more
development may be slightly than five) occasional spelling
imbalanced. mistakes may be present.
 May often misspell less
common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 Most content is relevant to the  Uses some basic connectors,  Uses everyday vocabulary  Writes simple and some
task; insignificant content but these may be inaccurate or generally appropriately, while compound sentence forms
omissions may be present. repetitive. occasionally overusing certain correctly.
 The register on the whole  Uses paragraphs to separate lexical items.  While errors in grammar
corresponds to the ideas, but tends to misuse  Has good control of word and/or punctuation are
requirements of the task. paragraphing (a script is a set formation; can produce noticeable, meaning is rarely
4  Most content points are of very short paragraphs or common word forms distorted.
addressed, but some content some paragraphs may be correctly.
points may be more fully much longer than other ones  May make infrequent errors in
covered than others. for no apparent reason). spelling more difficult words.
 The format is generally  Errors in word choice and/or
appropriate. spelling rarely distort
 Some content is relevant to  Uses a very limited range of  Uses basic vocabulary  Writes simple sentence forms
the task; significant content basic cohesive devices reasonably appropriately. mostly correctly.
omissions may be present. correctly.  Has some control of word  Errors in grammar and/or
 The register barely  Writes in paragraphs, but may formation; can produce some punctuation may distort
corresponds to the not use them to separate ideas common word forms meaning at times.
requirements of the task. (a script may have random correctly.
 Only some content points, breaks between paragraphs).  Makes frequent errors in
which are minimally  The format may be spelling more difficult words,
addressed. inappropriate in places. but simple words are spelled

 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling distort meaning at
 Severe irrelevances and  May use a very limited range  Uses an extremely limited  Writes some simple sentence
misinterpretations of the task of basic cohesive devices, and range of vocabulary. forms correctly.
may be present. those used may not indicate a  Has very limited control of  Frequent errors in grammar
 Only few content points, logical relationship between word formation; can produce a and/or punctuation distort
which are minimally ideas. few common word forms meaning.
2 addressed.  Attempts to write in correctly.
paragraphs, but their use may  Makes many errors in
be confusing (may start every spelling, including a range of
sentence with a new line). simple words.
 The format may be  Errors in word choice and/or
inappropriate. spelling distort meaning.
 Attempts the task, but it is  Links are missing or incorrect.  Can only use a few isolated  No evidence of sentence
largely misinterpreted and the  Does not write in paragraphs words and/or memorized forms.
response is barely relevant to at all (a script is a block of phrases.
the task. text).  Has essentially no control of
 The format is not appropriate. word formation; can barely
produce any word forms.
 Displays few examples of
conventional spelling.
 Does not attempt the task in any way.
 The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
 There is too little language to assess.
 Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so there is a lack of
context to verify meaning.

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Criterio Development and Fluency Language
 Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make  Produces error-free simple sentences.
relevant contributions at some length.  Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make
 Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. errors, which rarely cause comprehension problems.
 Can respond to change in direction of the conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange
 Pronunciation is intelligible*. views on a growing range of general and curricular topics.
 Intonation is appropriate.
 Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent  Produces error-free simple sentences.
prompting unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a
 Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some range of general and curricular topics.
hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be  Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.
 Can generally respond to change in direction of the conversation.
 Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
 Intonation is generally appropriate
 Attempts to respond to questions and prompts.  Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
 Produces responses that are extended beyond short phrases,  Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of
despite hesitation. general and curricular topics.
4  Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only  Errors may cause comprehension problems.
partial success will be achieved.
 Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
 May not follow English intonation patterns at times.
 Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent  Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple
hesitation. sentences.

 Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
to develop a conversation. limited range of general topics.
 There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely  Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.
to impede communication.
 May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.
 Responses are so brief that little is communicated.  Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
 Barely engages in a conversation. OR
 Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty.  Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
 Does not follow English intonation patterns.  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
very limited range of general topics.
 Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.
 No communication possible.  Cannot produce basic sentence forms.
1  Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the  Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized
most sympathetic listener. utterances.
 No attempt at the response.
0 OR
 No rateable language.
*Speech deficiencies should not be considered as affecting intelligibility.

Term 2
Speaker 1: My friend and I flew down here to the beach for spring break. Of course, we’re
really exciting about swimming and partying, and meeting other college students. Our hotel is
full of families and little kids, though! The restaurant are terrible –really crowded with kids,
and noisy –and they’re really slow, too. The hotel should have one restaurant that’s just for
adults, I think.
Another problem is the service. The staff is too busy running activities for the little kids, so
sometimes they don’t bring us new towels or clean the room. One good thing is the room. It’s
really big and it has a great view of the beach. The price is great, too. I guess most college
studentsdon’t want to stay here, so the room rates are low.

Speaker 2: I travel a lot for mu job-too much, I think. Sometimes I’m away from home for
three weeks or more. It can be pretty lonely. That’s why I’m so happy about the hotel where
I’m staying now. First of all, the restaurant serves light, healthy food that gives me a lot of
energy for my work.Then there’s the staff. They’re very friendly t me. My only complaint is
with the room. The bed is very hard, they should buy a softer mattress. Oh, and the rates are
expensive, but the company pays for it, so I don’t mind.

Listening: Jack C. Richards, Developing tactics for listening 3rd edition,

Unit 15Reading: Mark Fletcher, Timesaver storyboard

Review of the summative assessment for term 3

Duration of the summative assessment – 45 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 25 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.
Total marks - 24

The structure of the summative assessment

This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading,
writingand speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for
Listening –table completion questions on the topic “Entertainment and Media”.
Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
Reading – sentence completion questions on the topic “Natural Disasters”.
Writing – open-ended tasks on the topic “Natural Disasters’/ Entertainment and Media”
Speaking – open-ended tasks on the topic “Natural Disasters’/ Entertainment and Media”
The content of the summative assessment for term 3 should be selected on topics “Natural
Disasters” and “Entertainment and Media”.

Characteristic of tasks for the summative assessment for term 3

*Task number *Type of Total
Unit Strand Learning objective *Task description Time
№ of question marks

Entertainm Listening understand with 1 6 Table Each learner works individually. 10 6
ent and little support most specific compl Learners listen to the recording minutes
Media/ information in extended etion twice on topics ‘Entertainment and
talk on a limited range of Media’ having chance to look through
Natural general and curricular the questions before the recording starts.
Disasters topics The task is to complete the table with the
missing information. Questions require
answers in two words or a number.

Reading understand the 2 6 Senten Each learner works individually. 10 6

detail of an argument on a ce Learners read the text about minutes
growing range of familiar compl ‘Fighting the cyclones’ and
general and curricular etion complete the task. The task is to fillin
topics, including some the gaps (1-6) with the suitable
extended texts information (A-F)

Writing write with 3 1 Open 25 6

Each learner works individually.
moderate grammatical ended minutes
Learners choose one of the
accuracy on a limited
range of familiar general questions and write a newspaper
and curricular topics article about a natural disaster in use with some Kazakhstan or a new cinema they
support style and register have visited. Learners plan, write link
appropriate to a limited sentences into coherent paragraphs.
variety of written genres
on general and curricular

Speaking respond with some 4 1 Open Learners work in pairs, choose one of 3-4 min 6
flexibility at both sentence ended the cards and make up a dialogue on the
and discourse level to topic
unexpected comments on a ‘Entertainment and Media/
growing range of general Natural Disasters’. Learners are
and curricular topics expected to ask, answer questions and
comment on their peer’s answers.
45 24
Note: * - sections that can be changed

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for Summative Assessment for term 3

Task 1. Listen to people looking at information about movies on a website. Complete the table
below with the missing information. Write no more than two words or a number.


1 Hit Harder (1) Movie with lots of 2:30, 4:45,
car chases 7:30,
2 Party Animal comedy (2) big 1:30, 4:30,
stars 6:15,
3 Dreams romance About a doctor and 1:00, 3:15
her patient (3), 9:30

4 Cowboy’s run western Cowboys fight 3:30, 5:30

(4) 8:00

5 Space Children science fiction People kidnapped by 2:00, 5:00,

(5) 7:00,
6 (6) horror Young men attack 10:00, 1:45
people 4:15, 6:45

_____/ [6]

Task 2. Read the article and fill in the gaps (1-6) with the missing information (A-F).
A. We can’t stop the disasters
B. It came in 2007
C. if there was a cyclone warning
D. But because of the children’s warnings
E. as emergency shelters
F. of the twentieth century

Fighting the cyclones

Every year, natural disasters affect about 250
million people and global warming is making
droughts, floods and avalanches more
but wecan reduce the number of people who die in
In 1970, cyclone Bhola, in Bangladesh, killed about 500,000 people. It was one of the
worst natural disasters (2). In 1991, the even stronger Cyclone Gorky hit the country.
This time, people could use special school building (3). Unfortunately, many women and
children didn’t go to them andaround 140,000 people drowned.
After this, emergency volunteers and teachers had to talk to children every week about the
thingswhich they should do (4).

They didn’t have to wait many years for the next big cyclone. (5) twelve hours
beforeCyclone Sidr reached land, a Bangladeshi scientist in the USA calculated the exact areas
of danger on a computer. The emergency volunteers in the villages spread the warning fast.
Ten-year-old Rupa Begum and her friends ran to all their neighbours’ homes. All the
buildings in the village were destroyed in the cyclone except for the school shelter. ___________
(6), everyone in the village survived.
With modern technology, planning and education, we don’t have to lose huge numbers
of lives in natural disasters.

_____/ [6]


Task 3. Choose ONE of the topics below.

Topic 1.
Write a newspaper article about a natural disaster in Kazakhstan (100-120 words).

The following prompts will help you organize your ideas.

* What disaster it is;
* Where and when it happened;
* How it affected people, nature, city or country;
* How people commented on this disaster.

Topic 2.
Write a newspaper article about a new cinema you have recently visited (100-120 words).

The following prompts will help you organize your ideas.

* When and where you went there;
* Write about films people can watch there;
* Reasons to (not) recommend the cinema
_____/ [6]
Task. Discuss with your partner.

Card 1. Discuss with your partner the topic “Entertainment and Media”. The following
questions will help you organize your talk:
* Do you like watching films/movies?
* What kinds of films/movies do you know?
* Do you prefer watching films/movies at home or at the cinema? Why?
* What is your favorite film? Why?
* What was the last film you have watched? Would you recommend it? Why

Card 2. Discuss with your partner the topic “Entertainment and Media”. The following
questions will help you organize your talk:
* Do you like watching films/movies?
* What is your favourite genre? Why?
* Do you prefer watching films/movies with friends or with family? Why?
* What is your favorite film? Why?
* What film would you like to watch? Why?

Card 3. Discuss with your partner the topic “Natural disasters”. The following questions
willhelp you to organize your talk:
* What are natural disasters?
* How do they affect the people and the city?
* What natural disasters are in your country?
* What natural disasters can happen in the city you live?
* What should people do if natural disasters happen in your city?

Card 4. Discuss with your partner the topic “Natural disasters”. The following questions
willhelp you to organize your talk:
* What natural disasters do you know?
* How do they affect the people’s lives?
* What natural disasters are common in your city?
* How do people deal with the natural disasters in your city?
* How could you help victims of natural disasters happen in your city?

_____/ [6]
Total marks_ /24
Mark scheme

Listening and Reading

Task № Answer Mark
1 Action 1
2 Full of 1

3 6:30/ Six thirty 1

4 bankers 1

5 aliens 1

6 Monster Party 1
1 A 1
2 F 1

3 E 1

4 C 1

5 B 1

6 D 1
Total 12

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and spelling, and grammar and punctuation), and then calculate a mean to
give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Content (relevance and Organization (cohesion, Vocabulary (style and Grammar (style and accuracy)
development of ideas) paragraphing and format) accuracy) and Punctuation (accuracy)
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task. connectors correctly and vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly and
 The register completely attempts to use referencing, attempts to use less common demonstrates some variety in
corresponds to the but not always clearly or lexical items with occasional length.
requirements of the task; appropriately. inappropriacies.  May attempt some complex
consistent and intentional  Uses paragraphs to separate  Has good control of word sentences, but they tend to be
misuse of register* may ideas; all paragraphs revolve formation; may make less accurate, including
indicate a writer’s personal around one idea or a set of occasional errors in producing punctuation.
style. like ideas; the size of each less common word forms.  Errors in grammar and/or
 All content points are fully paragraph allows for a proper  Spells common vocabulary punctuation do not distort
addressed and developed in a and balanced development of items correctly; very few (one meaning.
balanced way. ideas. or two) occasional spelling
*Such misuse of register should  The format is appropriate, but mistakes may be present.
not harm the format of writing. may be modified for a better  May occasionally misspell
reading experience. less common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task; insignificant content connectors correctly. vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly, but
omissions may be present.  Uses paragraphs to separate attempts to use less common does not demonstrate variety
 The register on the whole ideas; most paragraphs lexical items, but may make in length.
5 corresponds to the revolve around one idea or a frequent errors.  Occasional errors in grammar
requirements of the task; set of like ideas; the size of  Has good control of word and/or punctuation do not
occasional and inconsistent each paragraph may reflect formation; may make errors in distort meaning.
misuse of register may be imbalanced development of producing less common word
present. ideas. forms.

 Most content points are  The format is appropriate.  Spells common vocabulary
addressed, but their items correctly; few (no more
development may be slightly than five) occasional spelling
imbalanced. mistakes may be present.
 May often misspell less
common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 Most content is relevant to the  Uses some basic connectors,  Uses everyday vocabulary  Writes simple and some
task; insignificant content but these may be inaccurate or generally appropriately, while compound sentence forms
omissions may be present. repetitive. occasionally overusing certain correctly.
 The register on the whole  Uses paragraphs to separate lexical items.  While errors in grammar
corresponds to the ideas, but tends to misuse  Has good control of word and/or punctuation are
requirements of the task. paragraphing (a script is a set formation; can produce noticeable, meaning is rarely
4  Most content points are of very short paragraphs or common word forms distorted.
addressed, but some content some paragraphs may be correctly.
points may be more fully much longer than other ones  May make infrequent errors in
covered than others. for no apparent reason). spelling more difficult words.
 The format is generally  Errors in word choice and/or
appropriate. spelling rarely distort
 Some content is relevant to  Uses a very limited range of  Uses basic vocabulary  Writes simple sentence forms
the task; significant content basic cohesive devices reasonably appropriately. mostly correctly.
omissions may be present. correctly.  Has some control of word  Errors in grammar and/or
 The register barely  Writes in paragraphs, but may formation; can produce some punctuation may distort
corresponds to the not use them to separate ideas common word forms meaning at times.
requirements of the task. (a script may have random correctly.
 Only some content points, breaks between paragraphs).  Makes frequent errors in
which are minimally  The format may be spelling more difficult words,
addressed. inappropriate in places. but simple words are spelled

 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling distort meaning at
 Severe irrelevances and  May use a very limited range  Uses an extremely limited  Writes some simple sentence
misinterpretations of the task of basic cohesive devices, and range of vocabulary. forms correctly.
may be present. those used may not indicate a  Has very limited control of  Frequent errors in grammar
 Only few content points, logical relationship between word formation; can produce a and/or punctuation distort
which are minimally ideas. few common word forms meaning.
2 addressed.  Attempts to write in correctly.
paragraphs, but their use may  Makes many errors in
be confusing (may start every spelling, including a range of
sentence with a new line). simple words.
 The format may be  Errors in word choice and/or
inappropriate. spelling distort meaning.
 Attempts the task, but it is  Links are missing or incorrect.  Can only use a few isolated  No evidence of sentence
largely misinterpreted and the  Does not write in paragraphs words and/or memorized forms.
response is barely relevant to at all (a script is a block of phrases.
the task. text).  Has essentially no control of
 The format is not appropriate. word formation; can barely
produce any word forms.
 Displays few examples of
conventional spelling.
 Does not attempt the task in any way.
 The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
 There is too little language to assess.
 Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so there is a lack of
context to verify meaning.

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Criterio Development and Fluency Language
 Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make  Produces error-free simple sentences.
relevant contributions at some length.  Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make
 Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. errors, which rarely cause comprehension problems.
 Can respond to change in direction of the conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange
 Pronunciation is intelligible*. views on a growing range of general and curricular topics.
 Intonation is appropriate.
 Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent  Produces error-free simple sentences.
prompting unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a
 Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some range of general and curricular topics.
hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be  Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.
 Can generally respond to change in direction of the conversation.
 Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
 Intonation is generally appropriate
 Attempts to respond to questions and prompts.  Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
 Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases,  Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of
despite hesitation. general and curricular topics.
4  Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only  Errors may cause comprehension problems.
partial success will be achieved.
 Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
 May not follow English intonation patterns at times.
 Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent  Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple
hesitation. sentences.

 Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
to develop a conversation. limited range of general topics.
 There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely  Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.
to impede communication.
 May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.
 Responses are so brief that little is communicated.  Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
 Barely engages in a conversation. OR
 Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty.  Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
 Does not follow English intonation patterns.  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
very limited range of general topics.
 Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.
 No communication possible.  Cannot produce basic sentence forms.
1  Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the  Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized
most sympathetic listener. utterances.
 No attempt at the response.
0 OR
 No rateable language.
*Speech deficiencies should not be considered as affecting intelligibility.

Term 3
A: So, what’s on at Century Cinemas?
B: Let’s see… They’re showing Hit Harder. The Final Conflict. It says it’s “an
actions*picked movie with lots of car crashes”
A: Hmmm…What are the times?
B: It looks like 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, and 10:00
A:What else?
B: Okay. What about the Party Animal?
A: I haven’t heard of that. What does it say?
B: It’s a comedy. It says:” This hilarious film is full of big
stars.”A: Is that all?
B; Yes. And it’s showing at 1:30, 4:30. 6:15, and 9:00.
B: How about this one? Dreams. “Dreams is a romance about a doctor and her
patient.”A: I don’t know… When is that one showing?
B: At 1:00, 3:15, 6:30, and 9:30.
B: Should I keep reading?
A: Yes, I’m sure we’ll find something.
B: Okay. It looks like they’re also showing Cowboy’s Run. “Set in Mexico, a group of
cowboys fight bankers who want to take their land.” It’s at noon, 3:30, 5:30, and 8:00.
A: Keep going.
B. Okay. How about Space Children? “Space Children is an exciting story of five people
who arekidnapped by aliens.”
A: That’s more like it… When’s that one
playing?B: At 2:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 9:15.
B: Wait, there’s one more. Monster Party. “Two young men are bitten by bats, and when the
mooncomes out, they turn into vampires and attack people.”
A: That’s it! Let’s see that!
B: Okay. When do you want to go? It’s playing at 10:00, 1:45, 4:15, and 6:45.

Listening: Jack C. Richards, Developing tactics for listening 3rd edition


Review of the summative assessment for term 4

Duration of the summative assessment – 45 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 25 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.
Total marks - 24

The structure of the summative assessment

This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading,
writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for term.
Listening –True/False questions on the topic “Clothes and Fashion”. Transcript for
listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
Reading – multiple choice and open-ended questions on the topic “Healthy Habits”.
Writing – open-ended questions on the topic Healthy Habits/Clothes and Fashion.
Speaking – open-ended questions on the topic Healthy Habits/Clothes and Fashion.
The content of the summative assessment for term 4 should be selected on topics
“HealthyHabits” and “Clothes and Fashion”.

Characteristic of tasks for the summative assessment for term 4

Unit Strand Learning objective *Task № number *Type *Task description Time Total
of of mark
questions questio s
Healthy Listening with 1 6 True/fals Each learner works 10 minutes 6
Habits. some support most of the e individually. Learners listen to
Clothes detail of an argument in statement the recording twice on topics
and extended talk on a limited s ‘Clothes and Fashion’ having
Fashion range of general and chance to look through the
. curricular topics questions before the recording
start. Learners are to find
inconsistences in statements
and mark them True or False.
Reading recognise the 2 6 Multiple Each learner works 10 minutes 6
attitude or opinion of the choice/sho individually. Learners read the
writer on a range of rt answer text on topic ‘Healthy Habits’
unfamiliar general and questions and answer the questions. This
curricular topics task consists of 6 questions
with one possible answer. In
question 1-2 learners choose
the right answer. In questions
3-6 learners give short

Writing plan, write, edit and 3 1 Open-ended Each learner works 25 minutes 6
proofread work at text individually. They choose
level with some support on one of the questions and write
a range of general and a short essay about healthy
curricular topics life or clothes. most high- They answer the questions in
frequency vocabulary full sentences. In writing they
accurately for a growing use appropriate linking
range of familiar general words, spell words correctly
topics and some curricular and punctuate their work.
topics Learners are expected to punctuate written apply appropriate grammar
work at text level on a structures.
growing range of familiar
general and curricular
topics with some accuracy
Speaking begin to link 4 1 Open-ended Learners work in pairs 4-5 min 6
comments with some making up a dialogue on the
flexibility to what others topics: ‘Healthy Habits’ and
say at sentence and ‘Clothes and Fashion’. They
discourse level in pair, make up a talk using
group and whole class questions provided. Learners
exchanges are expected to apply
appropriate grammar
structures, subject-specific
vocabulary and link their
ideas logically.
45 minutes 24
TOTAL: (excluding
Note: * - sections that can be changed

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for Summative Assessment for term 4

Task. Listen to Katie, Marlon, Louisa and Sam talking about what they wear at work.
Identify which of the statements are True and False.

1. Katie likes the clothes she wears to work. __________ [1]

2. Marlon pays for all his work clothes. __________ [1]
3. Louisa wants to look confident and reliable in her work clothes. __________ [1]
4. Louisa loves the clothes she dresses to work. __________ [1]
5. Sam always puts on smart clothes at work. __________ [1]
6. Sam usually wears a dark-coloured tie. __________ [1]

_____/ [6]

Task. Read the text carefully.

Most people would agree with the definition of good health as being in a state where
you are free from sickness. Despite this, there are many different opinions about how a person
can actually havegood health. People used to only think of their health when they are sick.
But these days more and more people are taking actions to make sure that they don't get sick.
One of the ways to feel healthyand to stay in shape in the same time is to lead a healthy

Having a healthy diet can help promote good health. Food like vegetables and fruits
should be eatenseveral times each day. It is also important to eat food high in fiber such as
beans, grains, fruit and vegetables. Fiber helps your body to digest the food you eat. It also
helps your body in other ways such as decreasing the chance of getting some cancers, heart
disease and diabetes. Avoiding food with a lot of sugar, salt and fat is a good idea. Eating
these kinds of foods can lead to a variety of health problems. The main one is obesity. Obesity
means having so much fat on your body that you are risking your health.

However, eating junk food is very popular among young people. Everybody knows
that fast food ischeap and quick. However, it is not as tasty as food cooked at home. Young
people prefer to eat pizzas, hamburgers and French fries but they should eat soup instead.
Fast food companies spend lots of money to make people believe that fast food is cool.
Consequently, the average American eats three hamburgers with French fries a week. Is it
surprising that 14% of American teenagers are obese?

Nowadays, there is a health care organization, which is devoted to create new eating
habits so that we can have a healthier generation. Researchers hope that in future food
companies will be more worried about how to make food healthy and not how to make

Choose the correct answer.
1. The author thinks that people worry about their health if … [1]
A. they are ill
B. they visit a doctor
C. they feel good
D. they get stress

2. Having a healthy lifestyle helps people to … [1]

A. make friends
B. cut out healthy products
C. keep fit
D. eat bigger portions

Each sentence has a mistake. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Replace it with the
correct information. Write no more than THREE words.

3. According to the text, cavity can become a health problem through eating food with a lot of
sugar, salt and fat.
____________________________________________________________ [1]

4. According the text, fast food doesn’t cost much and it is as delicious as homemade food.
____________________________________________________________ [1]

5. According to the text, young people try to show that junk food is cool.
____________________________________________________________ [1]

6. According to the text, a health care organization works on a new menu to make a
____________________________________________________________ [1]

Task 3. Choose ONE of the topics. Write an opinion essay of 100-120 words.

Topic 1.
Healthy eating affects people’s lives. Do you agree?

The following prompts could help organize your writing:

 What a healthy eating means.
 Why healthy food is useful.
 What food is more or less beneficial for people.
Topic 2.
Some people think that clothes tell about your personality. Do you agree?

The following prompts could help organize your writing:

 How popular shopping in Kazakhstan is.
 What clothes teenagers usually wear.
 What clothes will be popular in future.


_____/ [6]

Task. Talk to your partner.

Card 1. Talk to your partner about Clothes during 2 minutes. The following questions
will help you organize your conversation:
 What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
 What’s your favorite piece of clothing?
 Where are some good stores to buy clothes in your city?
 How often do you go clothes shopping?
 What is your favorite brand?
 Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes?

Card 2. Talk to your partner about Fashion during 2 minutes. The following questions
willhelp you organize your conversation:
 What does fashion mean?
 Do you follow fashion?
 Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes? Why?
 What kind of clothes are in fashion now?
 What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen?
 Would you like to be a fashion model? Why?

Card 3. Talk to your partner about Healthy habits during 2 minutes. The following
questionswill help you organize your conversation:
 What healthy habits do you know?
 Do people in your country follow the healthy habits?
 Can you recommend three healthy habits?
 How can they change people’s lives?
 How can eating junk food influence people’s health?
 What food is the most useful for children?

Card 4. Talk to your partner about Food during 2 minutes. The following questions will
helpyou organize your conversation:
 What food do you usually eat for breakfast?
 What does a healthy pyramid mean?
 What kind of food is more useful for your body/brain?
 Why do people eat much fast food?
 What health problems can people get eating junk food?

_____/ [6]

Total marks___ /24

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading

Task № Answer Mark
1 True 1
2 False
3 True
4 False
5 True
6 False
1 A
2 C
3 According to the text, cavity can become a
health problem through eating food with a lot of
sugar, salt and fat -Obesity
4 According the text, fast food doesn’t cost much
and it is as delicious as homemade food- is not
5 According to the text, young people try to show
that junk food is cool. -Fast food companies
6 According to the text, a health care organization
works on a new menu to make a generation
healthier.-Eating habits
Total 12

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and spelling, and grammar and punctuation), and then calculate a mean to
give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Content (relevance and Organization (cohesion, Vocabulary (style and Grammar (style and accuracy)
development of ideas) paragraphing and format) accuracy) and Punctuation (accuracy)
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task. connectors correctly and vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly and
 The register completely attempts to use referencing, attempts to use less common demonstrates some variety in
corresponds to the but not always clearly or lexical items with occasional length.
requirements of the task; appropriately. inappropriacies.  May attempt some complex
consistent and intentional  Uses paragraphs to separate  Has good control of word sentences, but they tend to be
misuse of register* may ideas; all paragraphs revolve formation; may make less accurate, including
indicate a writer’s personal around one idea or a set of occasional errors in producing punctuation.
style. like ideas; the size of each less common word forms.  Errors in grammar and/or
 All content points are fully paragraph allows for a proper  Spells common vocabulary punctuation do not distort
addressed and developed in a and balanced development of items correctly; very few (one meaning.
balanced way. ideas. or two) occasional spelling
*Such misuse of register should  The format is appropriate, but mistakes may be present.
not harm the format of writing. may be modified for a better  May occasionally misspell
reading experience. less common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 All content is relevant to the  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and compound
task; insignificant content connectors correctly. vocabulary appropriately; sentence forms correctly, but
omissions may be present.  Uses paragraphs to separate attempts to use less common does not demonstrate variety
 The register on the whole ideas; most paragraphs lexical items, but may make in length.
5 corresponds to the revolve around one idea or a frequent errors.  Occasional errors in grammar
requirements of the task; set of like ideas; the size of  Has good control of word and/or punctuation do not
occasional and inconsistent each paragraph may reflect formation; may make errors in distort meaning.
misuse of register may be imbalanced development of producing less common word
present. ideas. forms.

 Most content points are  The format is appropriate.  Spells common vocabulary
addressed, but their items correctly; few (no more
development may be slightly than five) occasional spelling
imbalanced. mistakes may be present.
 May often misspell less
common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling do not distort
 Most content is relevant to the  Uses some basic connectors,  Uses everyday vocabulary  Writes simple and some
task; insignificant content but these may be inaccurate or generally appropriately, while compound sentence forms
omissions may be present. repetitive. occasionally overusing certain correctly.
 The register on the whole  Uses paragraphs to separate lexical items.  While errors in grammar
corresponds to the ideas, but tends to misuse  Has good control of word and/or punctuation are
requirements of the task. paragraphing (a script is a set formation; can produce noticeable, meaning is rarely
4  Most content points are of very short paragraphs or common word forms distorted.
addressed, but some content some paragraphs may be correctly.
points may be more fully much longer than other ones  May make infrequent errors in
covered than others. for no apparent reason). spelling more difficult words.
 The format is generally  Errors in word choice and/or
appropriate. spelling rarely distort
 Some content is relevant to  Uses a very limited range of  Uses basic vocabulary  Writes simple sentence forms
the task; significant content basic cohesive devices reasonably appropriately. mostly correctly.
omissions may be present. correctly.  Has some control of word  Errors in grammar and/or
 The register barely  Writes in paragraphs, but may formation; can produce some punctuation may distort
corresponds to the not use them to separate ideas common word forms meaning at times.
requirements of the task. (a script may have random correctly.
 Only some content points, breaks between paragraphs).  Makes frequent errors in
which are minimally  The format may be spelling more difficult words,
addressed. inappropriate in places. but simple words are spelled

 Errors in word choice and/or
spelling distort meaning at
 Severe irrelevances and  May use a very limited range  Uses an extremely limited  Writes some simple sentence
misinterpretations of the task of basic cohesive devices, and range of vocabulary. forms correctly.
may be present. those used may not indicate a  Has very limited control of  Frequent errors in grammar
 Only few content points, logical relationship between word formation; can produce a and/or punctuation distort
which are minimally ideas. few common word forms meaning.
2 addressed.  Attempts to write in correctly.
paragraphs, but their use may  Makes many errors in
be confusing (may start every spelling, including a range of
sentence with a new line). simple words.
 The format may be  Errors in word choice and/or
inappropriate. spelling distort meaning.
 Attempts the task, but it is  Links are missing or incorrect.  Can only use a few isolated  No evidence of sentence
largely misinterpreted and the  Does not write in paragraphs words and/or memorized forms.
response is barely relevant to at all (a script is a block of phrases.
the task. text).  Has essentially no control of
 The format is not appropriate. word formation; can barely
produce any word forms.
 Displays few examples of
conventional spelling.
 Does not attempt the task in any way.
 The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
 There is too little language to assess.
 Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so there is a lack of
context to verify meaning.

Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.

Mark /
Criterio Development and Fluency Language
 Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make  Produces error-free simple sentences.
relevant contributions at some length.  Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make
 Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation. errors, which rarely cause comprehension problems.
 Can respond to change in direction of the conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange
 Pronunciation is intelligible*. views on a growing range of general and curricular topics.
 Intonation is appropriate.
 Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent  Produces error-free simple sentences.
prompting unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation.  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a
 Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some range of general and curricular topics.
hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be  Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.
 Can generally respond to change in direction of the conversation.
 Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
 Intonation is generally appropriate
 Attempts to respond to questions and prompts.  Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
 Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases,  Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of
despite hesitation. general and curricular topics.
4  Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only  Errors may cause comprehension problems.
partial success will be achieved.
 Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
 May not follow English intonation patterns at times.
 Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent  Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple
hesitation. sentences.

 Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
to develop a conversation. limited range of general topics.
 There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely  Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.
to impede communication.
 May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.
 Responses are so brief that little is communicated.  Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
 Barely engages in a conversation. OR
 Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty.  Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
 Does not follow English intonation patterns.  Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
very limited range of general topics.
 Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.
 No communication possible.  Cannot produce basic sentence forms.
1  Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the  Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized
most sympathetic listener. utterances.
 No attempt at the response.
0 OR
 No rateable language.
*Speech deficiencies should not be considered as affecting intelligibility.

Term 4

I’m a shop assistant in a large fashion store. I don’t have a uniform, but all the shop assistants
wear the clothes from the store. I need to look stylish and friendly when I’m at work, and it’s
good that customers can see shop assistants wearing the clothes that they can buy. Luckily, I
really like the clothes in the shop, and I wear different things every day: a dress. Trousers,
shorts… there’s lots of variety. I love deciding what to wear in the morning!
I’m a personal trainer. I work in a gym and teach exercise classes and help people to get fit. I
love my job and I like the fact that I can wear sports clothes. My work clothes are comfortable
and I think they look good, too. I usually wear a sports shirt and shorts… and trainers, of course.
On colder days, If I’m outside, I wear long tracksuit trousers and a jacket. The gym provides me
with all my clothes for work, s I don’t have to pay for them, whichis great too!
I work for a large bank in the city centre. The way I dress at work is important –I need to give
the right impression. I have a lot of meetings with clients and it’s important for me to look
confident and reliable. I usually wear a skirt suit- a smart skirt and jacket – in a dark colour,
like blue or black. I sometimes wear small earrings, but generally I don’t wear much jewellery
at work. Sometimes I think my work clothes are boring, but I don’t mind them really.
I’m an IT manager- I give advice to companies on their information technology and computer
systems. I like my job because I work with computers but also with people. It’s important for
me to look smart in my job, so that I look professional and people feel they can trust me. I
always wear a shirt and tie, but I try not to look very formal… so my tie is usually a bright
colour, like red…or sometimes pink.

Listening: Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor, Araminta Crace, Cutting Edge , 3 rd edition,


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