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2 I 2 Notes to Chapter 6 Notes to Chapter 6 2 I 3

They have little to lose and everything to gain. His argument is persuasive, yet it 7 percent to Germany's 16 percent. By 1916, the United Kingdom had 15 percen'.,
does not explain the difference between Austria-Hungary's and Germany's behavior in Russia 12 percent, and France 9 percent, while Germany had I 5 percent to Austria s
regard to their aims. 4 percent.
48. See Herwig, The First World War, 90, 109. 78. See
49. Stevenson, The First World War, 95-97. Snyder, The Ideology ef the Offensive, I 77-94. .
50. Fischer, Germany's Aims, 247. 79. See Smith, The Russian Struggle for Power, 47-48, again, where
Russia recog-
5 1. Gottlieb, Studies in Secret Diplomacy, 260. See also Fischer, Germany's Aims,
nizes Germany as its principal enemy.
211. 52. See Shanafelt, The Secret Enemy, 72- 80. See also Gottlieb, Studies in Secret 80. Albrecht-Carrie, France, Europe and the Two World Wars, 51 · See also Farrar,
plomacy, 272-77; Fischer, Germany's Aims, 523-33. Divide and Conquer, 40.
53. May, The Passing ef the Hapsburg Monarchy, vol. I, 144. 81. Farrar, The Short War Illusion, 126-27.
54. Quoted in Herwig, The First World War, 153. 82. French, British Strategy and War Aims, 58, 65.
5 5. See May, The Passing ef the Hapsburg Monarchy, vol. 1, I 94 - 202; Silberstein, 83. Ibid., 25.
The Troubled Alliance, 278-79. 84. Herwig, The First
56. See Silberstein, The Troubled Alliance, 184-87, 192-204, 213. World War, 144. .. D" 1
57. See Weber, Eagles on the Crescent, 242, 260-61; Pribram, Austrian 85. Guinn, British Strategy and Politics,
d u6-17; Gottlieb, Studies in Secret
b 0
Foreign Pol- 'P •
icy, 98-99. macy, 106-31.
. II .a: 6 who argued that problems
58. Fischer, Germany's Aims, 293. 86. See
Joffre, The Memoirs ef Marsha Jo»re, 4II, 4 1' . h.b
59. Ibid., 315,343. f ate rules govemmg t err e-
arose ecause each ally had a separate ront an separ
60. Shanafelt, The Secret Enemy, 84. havior. See 409-10.
61. Fischer, Germany's Aims, 296. 87. French, British Strategy and War Aims, 150.
62. See ibid., 300-309, 313-15. See also May, The Passing of the 88. Neilson, Strategy and Supply, 122-24.
Hapsburg Monar- 89. Philpott, Anglo-French Relations, 120-21.
chy, vol. 1, 480. 90. Prete, "French Military War Aims," 893-94.
63. Fischer, Germany's Aims, 351-52. 91. Neilson, Strategy and Supply, 225-48.
64. Stone, The Eastern Front, 243. 92. French, The Strategy of the Lloyd George Coalition, 67 ·
65. Shanafelt, The Secret Enemy, 208. 93- Philpott, Anglo-French Relations, 135-49.
66. de Manteyer, Austria's Peace Offer, 37. This is by far the most
94- Quoted in ibid., 161.
detailed and
Sh · th War
comprehensive account of the Sixtus Affair.
67. Quoted in de Manteyer, Austria's Peace Offer, 65. 95. Hoover Archives, British Foreign Office, Britain's Rare: died The
68. de Manteyer, Austria's Peace Offer, 83-84. Russian
96. See Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, I 57-98; ut e or '
69. Stevenson, The First World War, 216-17.
7o. See May, The Passing of the Hapsburg Monarchy, vol. 2, 635-36. Army, 34-35; Liddell Hart, Strategy: The Indirect Approach,
71. Fischer, Germany's Aims, 316. 1. 97- Philpott, Anglo-French Relations, I.

72· Ibid., 498-99. Fischer is citing the "Vienna Document" of March 27, 1917, that 98. Guinn, British Strategy and Politics, 16-22.
Czemin and Bethmann Hollweg drew up regarding their respective aims. 99- Williamson, The Politics of Grand Strategy, 3
. 7 3 · What _Schweller calls the "balance of interests" may offer a powerful alterna- ro. 100. Lloyd George, War Memoirs, vol. 4, 2347-48·
tive explanation for the unraveling of the Central Powers. In Schweller's typology, IOI. Philpott, Anglo-French Relations, I 8.
Germany may have been a wolf, Austria-Hungary a lamb. The divergence in their 102. Neilson, "Managing the
~o~iva~ions and interests had an adverse effect on the cohesion of their alliance. Com- War," 97· H S tegy ,82· Golovine,
bmmg interests with threats may help us better understand the lack of cohesion of 10
3- Rutherford,
the_alliance_- _See Schweller, Deadly Imbalances, esp. 83-91. My thanks to Tim Lorn- The Russian Army, 49-61; Liddell art, tra ' '
pens for ra1smg this point. The Russian Army in the World War, 212-14.
74. Malone, "War Aims toward Germany," 4- Golovine, The Russian Army in the World War, 218-20·
136. 75- Stevenson, French War Aims, 12_13_ 105. Ibid., 238-39. .
76- Cf. Goemans, War and Punishment. St and Supply, 112.
. 77. In l9l4, the United Kingdom possessed 14 percent of the world's capabili- 1
06. Neilson, "Managing the War," res: Neilson, tra egy
ties R · d
' ussia 11 percent, and France 8 percent, while Austria-Hungary possesse 107. Rutherford
The Russian Army, 162-67. 81
· ' · 6-45, 53- ·
108. Philpott, Anglo-French Relations, 19-21, 29, 3
109. Neilson, Strategy and Supply, I 34·
IO. Golovine, The Russian Army in the World War, ·
1 240

II I. Guinn, British Strategy and Politics, ~ 3 ' · in the World War, 240.
1 13 3

112. See ibid 146· Golovine The Russian Army

113. Golovin~, Th~ Russian Army in the World War, 241-42.
Notes to Chapter 7 2 I 5
214 Notes to Chapter 6

n4. Hardach,
CHAPTER The First World War, IOO-I02, 145-46. n5.
7 Conclusion
Ibid., roz+g ; Rothwell, British War Aims, 268-69.
116. David Lloyd1. George,SeeWarWalt, "Why(Odhams
Memoirs AlliancesPress,
Endure or Collapse,"
1938), vol. 2, 1438,156-79.
in Guinn, British2.Strategy and Politics, 266.
See the commitment level gradations in Chapter 2.
117. Possony3.and Mantoux, "DuArchives,
Hoover Picq and Foch,"
de Bazili
rt papers, accession number
S. Guinn, British
3, Boxand Politics, 178.
119. Ibid., "WWI:
no. rr, folder, 214-15. Miscellaneous Documents." . . . "· lli-4
120. . SeeIbid., 216."The Security Dilemma and Alliance Politics • Snyder, A .
121. See also De Weerd, "Churchill, Lloyd George, Clemenceau," 297.
' · Al' t Despite
ance Politics.
122. French,SeeThealso Cha'sefelaboration
Strategy the Lloyd George Coalition,
on Snyder's argument
3-4. Seem ,gnmen
Abrash, "War
Antagonism. .. . · ctl ht
My thanks
Aims toward5.Austria to Glenn
Hungary," Snyder for his comments summanzmg this so succm. Y·
h t rezime type determines
123. 6. C( French,
Goemans, War andefPunishment,
The Strategy the Lloyd George Coalition,
w o argues a o· 260. T6
the degree
124. Smith, The Russian
of ease Struggle
or difficulty for Power,
of war termination.
46-48. All.
125. Zeman, A Diplomatic History ef the First World War, 69; Malone, .. . "War Aims
Toward Germany," 136. For an extremely thorough and comprehensive S brosky "Interstate
discussion ofranees •
7. Bueno de Mesquita,
The War rap, I o; see a.
Entente war aims, see Goemans, War and Punishment.
Conybeare, "A Portfolio Diversification Model of Alliances.
126. Farrar, The Short War Illusion, 85.
8. See Jervis, Systems Effects, 201-9.
127. Stevenson, French War Aims, 29. See also Smith, The Russian Struggle for
Power, 216; Farrar, Divide and Conquer, 40; French, British Strategy Joffe, "'Bismarck'
and War Aims, or 8'Britain'?"
94-u7. . "All'
128. Here again we see the salience of the "balance of interests" to an assessment Cohesion and
. hi IO. For an elaboration
Weitsmanon t is ranee
argument, see .

of wartime alliance cohesion. See Schweller, Deadly Imbalances, 83-91.
129. Warfare."
Rothwell, British War Aims, 282.
130. Taylor, "The War Aims of the Allies," 475.
131. See Gottlieb, Studies in Secret Diplomacy, 88-rn5; Prete, "French Military War
Aims," argues that the French peace plans were remarkably aggressive. See 898.
132. Fest, "British War Aims and German Peace Feelers," 286.
133. Goemans, War and Punishment, 291. This, too, has implications for the "bal-
ance of interests." State classifications (e.g., wolves, foxes, ostriches, doves, and hons)
may change as the strategic environment changes, which in turn will affect state
behavior. See Schweller, Deadly Imbalances, 84-91.
134. Stevenson, French War Aims, 13.
135. See Farrar, Divide and Conquer.
136. Hoover Archives, British Foreign Office, Britain's Share in the War.
l 37. Stevenson, French War Aims, 3 5. Stevenson is speaking of the French here. I 3
8. Farrar, Divide and Conquer, 4.
139. Quoted in Wade, The Russian Search for Peace, 9.
140. Quoted in ibid., 13.
141. Golovine, The Russian Army in the World War, 265.
142. Wade, The Russian Search for Peace, 38-47.
43- Herwig, The First World War, 334; Stone, The Eastern Front, 282.
144. Farrar, Divide and Conquer, 26.
145. French, British Strategy and War Aims, 56.
146. Kitchener Papers,January 1915, WO 159/3, quoted in Neilson, Strategy and
Supply, 63.
r47. Hoover Archives, British Foreign Office, Britain's Share in the War.
148. My thanks to Glenn Snyder for making this point. ·


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