Makgoana John Mamabolo M8U3 Assignment

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Learning outcomes:

LO4: Formulate your personal purpose as a leader.

LO5: Create alignment between your personal purpose and your organisation’s

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Name:Makgoana John Mamabolo M8U3

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2. Write all your answers in this document. There is an instruction that says, “Start
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please ensure that you have checked your programme
calendar for the due date for this assignment.

1. There are 7 pages and 4 questions in this assignment.

2. Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the questions before
answering them. Answer the questions fully but concisely and as directly as
possible. Follow all specific instructions for individual questions (e.g. “list”, “in point

3. Answer all questions in your own words. Do not copy any text from the notes,
readings, or other sources. The assignment must be your own work only.

2. Mark allocation
The questions in this assignment are worth 20 marks in total. However, you will only
receive a final percentage grade, and will not be given individual marks for each
question. See the grading rubric in Section 4 to see how marks will be allocated.

3. Questions
In this module, you considered the role of the leader by engaging with concepts of
personal purpose, authenticity, and adaptability, and by exploring how a leader’s
personal purpose relates to their organisation’s purpose.

This assignment focuses on aligning your personal purpose with that of your
organisation. As you reflect on the questions, consider the perspectives that you have
gained throughout this module, and remember to position your responses within your
organisational context.

Question 1
Your leadership purpose is who you are and what sets you apart. Articulating your
purpose and possessing the tenacity to demonstrate and live this purpose are significant
foundations of leadership. This is fundamental for performing exceptionally, accelerating
your growth, and expanding your influence.

Reflect on your purpose and identify your strengths, values, and passions. Use these
insights to construct a clear statement of purpose that captures your leadership identity.
What is your individual purpose as a leader? What drives you?

(Max. 150 words)

Start writing here: |
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1. My Purpose: firstly to enact honesty / integrity, accountability, agility,

authenticity and flexibility into the team with the focus on (articulating and
steering the purpose of our organisation ( Craig & Snook, 2014) Harvard
referencing). i.e. to serve communities/ society with quality infrastructure,
residential homes and embedded social responsibility.

2. My Identity: to maintain and improve my personal attributes to serve as a

motivation to my team, although the going do get hard hitting in most instances,
do allow the new entrants and ideas for furtherment

3. My Strengths: consistency and self discipline to never give up through the ups
and downs towards achieving our organisational goals

4. My Values: maintaining cooperation with participants , enhancing the culture of

owning up to mistakes, embrace the challenges and enforce developmental
improvements / rectifications and adhere to ethical standards.

5. My Passion: to maintain openness, embrace diversity/ inclusiveness, and the

urge to try something new.

Question 2
A clearly defined personal purpose is fundamental to leadership, but a leader is not only
required to embody their personal purpose – they also need to be a steward of their
organisation’s purpose. Alignment between a leader’s personal purpose and their
organisation’s purpose establishes a greater commitment and motivation towards
realising this overarching purpose. Reflect on your organisation’s purpose. Use an
illustrative example to describe how well your purpose aligns with the purpose of your

(Max. 150 words)

Start writing here:

To serve the communities / society with quality infrastructure and residential homes.

 as a construction company is to provide quality infrastructure (schools,

libraries, hospitals, sanitation, roads, community recreational facilities,
residential homes to the society through private and public partnership, to
partake in the solutions of infrastructure and residential homes shortages
Deliver the projects through collaboration/ cooperation with participants,
flexibility and ethical standards through, Strategic, human asset and
change approaches. Aligns with the purpose of the leader on values and
identity, |
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Page 4 of 9

 Being authentic with the organisational values, goals, vision, missions

and purpose, and enhancing adaptability on uncertainties when
approaching the new environments

 Referencing from the peers, role models, interaction with divers mind sets
and experimentation with different ways to get solutions on challenges
and frustrations.

 Co creating structure within the organisation and allow participants to

freely express their perspectives and contributions aligns with the
inclusiveness, cooperation and collaboration

Question 3
Leaders who have clarity about their personal purpose and how it aligns with their
organisation’s purpose are able to contribute and adapt in ways that are meaningful to
both the organisation and themselves. However, finding the intersection between your
personal purpose and your organisation’s purpose will likely come with some challenges.
What are the key challenges you face, or have faced, in reconciling your personal
purpose with your organisation’s purpose?

(Max. 150 words)

Start writing here:

Ripple intelligence: ability to predict how trends and contexts may intersect,
interact and change direction, helping anticipate disruptions, make time to plan
and protect against unexpected events ( Said Business SCHOOL & Hendrick &
Struggles,2015:11) Harvard referencing

 Continuous development, through constantly learning and adapting to the

new ways of doing things. Inception of junior members into taking the
lead on areas of their expertise aligning with organisational purpose

 Being authentic with the organisational values, goals, vision, missions

and purpose, and enhancing adaptability on uncertainties when
approaching the new environments through systematically predicting
disruptive elements.

 Embracing uncertainty through trying something new being innovative

and visionary as we are forced to enter new environments since nothing
stays the same for long. Motivate the participants to be accountable and
fearless of taking risk,

 Influence the participants to be embedded with the organisational vision,

goals and purpose as well as outlining the benefits of such enforcement
on individual and organisational level. |
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Question 4
Reflect on the challenges you face, or have faced, in reconciling your personal purpose
and your organisation’s purpose. How do you propose to resolve these challenges? Or, if
your purpose is already aligned with the organisation’s purpose, how did you go about
resolving any challenges in reconciling both purposes?

(Max. 150 words)

Start writing here:

The challenge faced were.

 Inclusion of knowledge area experts and junior participants on relevant

knowledge area did help in the execution of the project

 The continuous development of participants through training and engaging with

peers and the external environment did yield some positive outcome.

 Reminding the team participants of the organisational purpose and the reasons
why we find ourselves in the environment that we are i.e. “articulating and
reporting on our overall project progress vs the baseline schedule, budget and
scope, identifying the causes of disruptions and formulating catch up strategies
and methodologies, it did work to satisfactory levels.

 The issue of productivity has as well been a frustrating challenge, in the sense of
some of the participants will be idling on their responsibilities that actually did
hinder in some instances our envisaged optimum production, solution was to
introduce the target based work activities, and we successfully alleviated the

The envisioned future prospects |
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4. Rubric
Your answers will be graded according to the following rubric.

Poor or Below Satisfactory Very good Exceeds

incomplete satisfactory to good expectations

Adherence to No submission. The responses The responses The responses The responses
the do not satisfactorily address most address all the
instructions OR adequately address the of the points in points in the
address the points in the the questions questions and
The responses The responses points in the questions and and instructions,
address all the do not address questions, nor are mostly instructions, and are within
points posed in any of the do they adhere within the but not all. the stipulated
the four points in the to the stipulated word They are within word count
questions, questions, and instructions or count limits. (2) the stipulated limits. (4)
adhere to the do not adhere the stipulated word count
instructions, to any word count limits. (3)
and are within instructions.
limits. (1)
the stipulated
word count
limits. The responses
are on average
very far above
the stipulated
word count
limits. (0)

Question 1: No submission. The response The response The response The response
What is your does not demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates
individual OR adequately some clear an excellent
purpose as a demonstrate a understanding understanding understanding
leader? The response clear of personal of personal of personal
shows an understanding leadership leadership leadership
The response incomplete of personal purpose, but purpose, and purpose, and
demonstrates understanding leadership there is room contains a well- contains a
a clear of personal purpose, and for improved formulated clear,
understanding leadership does not clarity in the purpose compelling
of personal purpose, and contain a purpose statement. (3) purpose
leadership does not purpose statement. (2) statement. (4)
purpose, and contain a statement. (1)
provides a purpose
purpose |
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statement. statement. (0)

Question 2: No submission. The response The response The response The response
How well does and example demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates
your purpose OR used does not good attempt the use of an insightful use
align with the illustrate critical at using an example that of an example
purpose of The response reflection on example that illustrates that illustrates
your does not how personal illustrates critical critical
organisation? contain an and critical reflection on reflection on
example that organisational reflection on how personal how personal
The response illustrates purpose align how personal and and
contains critical in the and organisational organisational
examples that reflection on participant’s organisational purpose align purpose align
illustrate how personal context. (1) purpose align in the in the
critical and in the participant’s participant’s
reflection on organisational participant’s context. (3) context. (4)
how both purpose align context. (2)
purposes align in the
in the participant’s
participant’s context. (0)

Question 3: No submission. The response The response The response The response
What are the does not demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates
key OR adequately some clear an excellent
challenges demonstrate a understanding understanding understanding
you face, or The response clear of the of the of the
have faced, in shows an understanding challenges that challenges that challenges that
reconciling incomplete of the come with come with come with
the two? understanding challenges that aligning aligning aligning
of the come with personal and personal and personal and
The response challenges that aligning organisational organisational organisational
demonstrates come with personal and purpose. (2) purpose. (3) purpose. (4)
a clear aligning organisational
understanding personal and purpose. (1)
of the organisational
challenges that purpose. (0)
come with
personal and
purpose. |
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Question 4: No submission. The response The response The response The response
How do you does not demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates
propose to OR adequately some clear an excellent
resolve them? demonstrate a understanding understanding understanding
The response clear of how to of how to of how to
The response shows an understanding reconcile reconcile reconcile
demonstrates incomplete of how to personal and personal and personal and
a clear understanding reconcile organisational organisational organisational
understanding of how to personal and purpose, and purpose, and purpose, and
of how to reconcile organisational of how to of how to of how to
reconcile personal and purpose, or of resolve resolve resolve
personal and organisational how to resolve challenges challenges challenges
organisational purpose, and challenges within the within the within the
purpose, and of how to within the participant’s participant’s participant’s
how to resolve resolve participant’s context. (2) context. (3) context. (4)
challenges challenges context. (1)
within the within the
participant’s participant’s
context. context. (0)

Total: 20 marks |
+44 203 457 5774 (UK) | +1 224 249 3522 (US) | +27 21 447 7565 (SA)

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