PTS1 B.Inggris LM XII 2002

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Lintas Minat)

Kelas : XII MIPA / IPS
Hari/ Tanggal : Senin, 19 September 2022
Waktu : 09.30 – 10.45 WIB

I. Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective. score 1

1. Lucy is very ____ : She only thinks about herself.
2. My dad is so ____ : Nothing gets him angry or excited.
3. I’m very ____ : I want to be CEO of a big company.
4. My brother is 19 years old but his acts like he’s 12: He’s so ___
5. Ian is very ____ : He writes songs and paints too.

II. Read questions 1 – 10 then match with text A – D about The

millionaire philanthropists!

The millionaire philanthropists A - D

AHILARY DEVEY, who, as a single mother, risked everything to start up a now hugely
successful transport company, lives on her own in her enormous mansion. She returned
incognito to the place she grew up in, and one of the projects she got involved in was a
local community support centre which was in danger of closing.The centre provided
marriage counselling, support for single parents and homeless people and so on. She
funded the centre and provided more facilities for it. Hilary is still a regular visitor to the
centre, and feels she now has friends who value her for the person she is, not her
B NICK LESLAU is one of Britain’s wealthiest property tycoons and lives in luxury with his
family in London. He went to Glasgow and worked in a poor area with severely disabled people.
He was astonished at how friendly and kind everyone was, even though they didn’t know
anything about him. Although he has always donated money to various charities, he found it
immensely rewarding to get involved for once. He said he felt privileged to have met some of
society’s genuine heroes – people who work tirelessly to help others.

C KAVITAOBEROI is a 38-year-old IT millionaire whose sole interest in life, apart from her
family, was making money. Her views completely changed when she went to a centre for
disadvantaged girls in Manchester. She used to believe that people were poor because they
didn’t try to improve their lives. When she got involved with the girls’ centre, she realised that
people often need help and support to do their best. She realised that her own mother had
sacrificed a lot so that Kavitacould have a good education. Kavita became a director of the group
and is helping it to go national to support more young women.
D JAMES BENAMORE, atough financial dealer now worth £77 million, used to have a drug
problem himself. He waved goodbye to his wife and children and went to a crime-ridden area of
Manchester. He worked in a centre for teenagers who were excluded from mainstream
education and found that they had no confidence in themselves, nor any belief that any effort
they made would make any difference. James donated money to the centre so that children who
worked hard-earned rewards in the form of trips and outings. He also offered some teenagers a
month’s work experience at his company. He was delighted to see how their attitudes changed
and have set up the scheme permanently.
Which millionaire …Write the Person’s name!( Score : 3 )

1. ___ met young people who believed they were unable to improve their lives?
2. ___ had changed his/her opinions by the end of the programme?
3. ___ presently lives on his/her own?
4. ___ was really impressed by the charity workers he/she met?
5. ___ found it was better to get involved rather than just donate money?
6. ___ Went back to his/her hometown?
7. ___ gave people the chance to work for him/her?
8. ___ had been greatly helped by a member of his/her own family?
9. ___ was surprised that people who didn’t know him/her were so nice to him/her?
10. ___ had to overcome addiction problems in his/her youth?

III. Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous of
five of the verbs below. score 3

belong do go read remember stay want

1. ____ you _____ where you put the ticket?

2. I _____ The Hobbit; I’m about half way through it.
3. My English teacher _______ to England three times.
4. My parents ______ at that hotel every year since it opened.
5. Kathy ____ a horse since she was a little girl.

IV. Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous
of five of the verbs below. score 2

‘d didn’t use to used to would wouldn’t

1. My grandmother___ work, but now she’s got a job in bookshop.

2. I ____ be a football fan, but I prefer basketball now.
3. We had some great parties in those days, but the neighbours ____ always
complain about the noise!
4. Every time my uncle went abroad, he _____ buy a painting.
5. She bought a chocolate bar every day after school, but she _____ eat it until
she got home.
V. Choose the best word (a, b or c ) Score 1
1. A broken mirror is ______
a priceless b worthless c mean

2. My grandfather owns three shops, and the rent from thosegives him a good
a income b budget c allowance

3. The hotel isn’t expensive; in fact, it’s very ______

a extortionate b pricey c reasonable

4. I wouldn’t say I’m rich, but I’m certainly not ______

a comfortably off b affluent c hard up

5. I love that jacket, but I can’t buy it, it’s too ______.
a dear b valuable c precious

Do your best, to be the best

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