Steven Covey Survey Questions

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1. Resource takes steps to improve his/her unique talents and abilities.

2. Resource is often insensitive to other people’s feelings.

3. Resource is often at odds with other people.
4. Resource sees himself/herself as equal to others.
5. Resource has a clear agenda when conducting meetings.
6. Resource rarely seeks feedback on ways he/she can improve.
7. Resource is easy to approach with a concern.
8. Resource respects people’s time (i.e., doesn't waste others’ time with trivial interruptions).
9. Resource makes building relationships a priority.
10. Resource doesn't know what contribution he/she wants to make in his/her current work role.
11. Resource finds it hard to ask for what he/she really wants.
13. Resource builds relationships with people outside his/her work group.
14. Resource thinks through desired outcomes before starting an important conversation.
15. Resource's ego gets in the way when he/she feels threatened.
16.Resource finds it hard to share credit and recognition for success.
17. Resource finds it hard to keep confidences.
18.Resource wishes he/she had a greater sense of direction in life.
19.Resource sometimes treats others poorly because of negative experiences in his/her past.
20.Resource often procrastinates.
21. Resource sets clear expectations with individuals when assigning tasks.
22. Resource is competent in his/her field of work.
23. Resource rarely, if ever, talks about people behind their back.
24.Resource usually becomes defensive when receiving negative feedback.
25. Resource doesn't take enough time to care for his/her physical health.
26. Resource spends most of his/her time “putting out fires.”
27. Resource shows courtesy toward others.
28. Resource rarely begins projects with a clear understanding of desired results.
29. Resource doesn't let outside circumstances or other people dictate his/her attitude or behavior.
30. Resource regularly seeks out people with different points of view.
31. Resource communicates clearly and respectfully.
32. Resource encourages and supports creativity and innovation.
33. Resource listens to others without interrupting.
34. Resource struggles to live a balanced life.
35. Resource seeks out the strengths of others to get things done.
36. Resource's skills are lagging behind the organization’s needs.
37. Resource rarely plans ahead and takes each day as it comes.
38. Resource has trouble getting to mutually agreeable solutions with other people.
39. Resource doesn't let personal online activities interfere with his/her work or home responsibilities.
40. Resource accepts responsibility for his/her actions rather than making excuses.
41. Resource is uncomfortable working with people who are different from himself/herself.
42. Resource is unclear about what is most important to him/her.
43. Resource takes initiative to get things done.
44. Resource does what is best for the entire group, not just his/her own interests.
45. Resource finds it hard to maintain self-control, especially in difficult or emotional circumstances.
46. Resource has a clear set of values that guide his/her decisions.
47. Resource finds it easy to find fault with others.
48. Resource willingly helps others.
49. Resource seeks to understand problems before attempting to solve them.
50. Resource feels like life is out of control and he/she has little say in how things will work out.
51. Resource has a hard time forgiving people.
52. Resource anticipates how his/her decisions impact others.
53. Resource tends to dominate discussions.
54. Resource works to solve problems rather than avoiding them.
55. Resource cares about others and tries to build lasting friendships.
56. Resource is uncomfortable trying new ideas.
57. Resource has a hard time apologizing.
58. Other people’s urgencies and emergencies usually dominate his/her day.
59. Resource tends to show favoritism and put some people ahead of others.
60. Resource is often anxious about things he/she has no control over.
61. Resource takes time to find enjoyment and meaning in life.
62. Resource is usually on time (e.g., not late for appointments, meetings, etc.).
63. Resource establishes clear expectations when working with others.
64. Resource is rarely interested in understanding other people’s viewpoints.
65. Resource works toward long-term solutions, not just “quick fixes.”

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