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Gay lesbian families.

This type of family is mostly common in the western communities. Some people view such kind
of families as abnormal but in fact they just like heterosexual families are much similar. There
are three types of gay lesbian families, one being adoptive families where the couple adopt
children, the second being blended families where the couple comes with children from
previous heterosexual marriages and lastly biological through artificial insemination common
with lesbians.
In gay lesbian families there are less power struggles and there is division of labor. The children
fare just well as children with heterosexual parents. They do not differ with other children in
terms of emotional functioning, sexual orientation, stigmatization, gender role behavior,
behavioral adjustment, gender identity, learning and grade point averages.
Gay and lesbian parents face same concerns such as time, money, responsibilities of
parenthood, parenting tasks such as monitoring child performance, teaching open honest
communication, being warm and accepting and many more . Research has actually favored
same sex parents in that they are more connected, talk about emotionally difficult topics, more
resilient, compassionate and tolerant as compared to their heterosexual counterparts.
However gay lesbian families face huge challenges. The main challenge they face is that they
must live in a culture that supports heterosexist and homophobic attitudes. As a result,
adapting to different types of family forms becomes difficult. They also face stigma which has
an impact on their families. They also have to deal with extended family members who are not
supportive of same sex parenting. In cases of blended families, they may lack support from
previous heterosexual partner or biological parents.

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