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O-The Aduuntwe ot Toco


Qu o dae Tto cm io apandahuns rue

A Takó cam to 4nantat huns pruvetagoeg.

A grnd 4atken boughtToto rana anga
drianinasnotSruess t e-Ha
addud Toko tohis pivata zoabucaus ha
hgh te renleaytoskad dub ploea dhase
unl loto ps a prutty onka h uhat sns
Tate patty-
telto unsabnatty manla hia euea upaniakd
beneathdochset fypbrals ghis teeth uee
pney hte Hi hards uenedritd ika
&had bean pitalod in Hh sndan manyL
r i arued aua hind hand
,uhd 0 harg
arama hnanch ond scaoetping upny dalcacy
unic gh be-gut ot hi
aueby doe Grad tour u n ta ohhananlpu
ard haw]Kha dee He ticaet Ueckar inist
cang Tta a. dog?
Page No.


whule loto uith
Hn arond caLLecking pengian- t a k a
him becaube Tako distunbed a ngle
a the animalain the niglat and nat lotEi tham
leeepo tho Grandtothen darided da daio aahy
Toto uih im A big blackcanuas kit-leg ns
prudod panoto. Ths uth beme atray at the
ot tem beca hihealbade h tidket
calleckan inel4Led an Calling Tate dag
because he aatrd ta inorardtakheatuth
maney lasinply he wdsqmeedy nc
ine4acndtathen aacaying dag lkhauliva
Ithat itwash'kladag)-

ha h
dunsdob das Tato tals a t h ? Lohgne
aint to-to thul Hodoes
lato almest beiL
himse lue?
An Toto waudd iunningly test the
aduwnly steppinginto thebath but i a t
io fhe
andootthen the athenuuntil e uain
noekOncaiLomtantalblehe uuld
n t e u p tobis
a l a u r When
talne he 20alp and cuws himsel
he waten oeccom cald ho wauld gek
lpcl a to aichen fioe and drie hinuse u
Page No.


H haunt ierowm nannabo

RALRn BendL) daing tOntthenewasa
o p Kitonen ott elutant in bail jaa
eodncTakainding himselj uth nothng betre
ho doremaloe Hhe Cd and qat ihiside itt
g ante waAm einstugh hg atayad
in ik eldaing hi haadaute )Jeciv hcald
tside ho sat dauun_aaaindei Lonti hiiod
haeping up nd dawh a sane Aim Luhlo
he cakeaa wes baiU ) until qhandmothea
Lauagand haed himna-bailedodet

duuSwhydaas theauthans04 Totoas n

e i t o petiuaLOAlotBaek Aon ldng
AnssThe authan Bald hatTao .Dt .he bo
spet e coulA' Roaptan lona bcas
n manky was 0 mu cheias nd note
tesing And dustcayiisg eNathing
4@uches, Aso 4y LaulanatolHsed t
eet0 i s a Jolethos utai

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