Latihan To Us English SMP

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The text tells us that the rabbit is a/an ... creature.



Arrange the jumbled sentences into good paragraph *


The text is about .... *

the writer’s laptop
the writer’s experience
the uses of the write’s laptop
The best laptop she has

What is the most suitable sentence to complete the dialogue above? *

How about having a dinner?

Stay away from me!
I will wait for you in my office
I will go to the market

Which is the best arrangement for the jumbled words? *


The card is sent with the aim to .... *

inform the classmates that Fahmi is the best
admire Fahmi’s bright smile
congratulate Fahmi on his winning the competition
express Joanne’s appreciation on Fahmi as the class star

According to the text, a group of owls is called … *


The sentence "You are a good role model" in the text can be replaced by... *

you play very well.

you are a hero.
you are a good example.
you have good character.

“ . . . to make the mixture thick, . .” "Thick refers to ... *


The text is written to .... *

share the writer’s experience

amuse and give lesson to the readers
describe the characteristics of animal
inform the animals life in the forest

Based on the text the writer writes the text in order to ... *

pray for her achievement to reach the goal.

show her feeling pleased and satisfied to her.
praise her friend's success in academic and family.
express her proudness to be her friend.

What is the best arrangement of the words? *


The text above is written to .... of Milk Calcium *

give the detailed information

advertise the benefits
promote the superiority
tell the side effects

When does Timmy usually give a kiss to the writer? When the writer … *

comes home
goes to sleep
fells hungry
wakes up

“Daily value has not been established.” "Established" is closest in meaning to... *


The message of the story is we must not *

forget one’s kindness

be close to a stranger
suspect other people
blame someone else

Why do the eyes of owl cannot rotate independently? *

the eyes cannot see in the darkness

the eyes are locked in the skull
the eyes are large
the eyes are too small

What was the writer’s intention when he decided to join his first marathon?  *

He would get the winner

He planned to join another marathon
He wanted to complete 26,2 miles run
He just wanted to get an experience

Where did the writer spend his afternoon? *

Under a tree
In the flower garden
In the swimming pool
Inside big bird cage

If the readers do not obey the notice they might .... *

put chemicals in the refrigerator
put all the food and the drink there
be afraid put something inside the fridge
not know where to get the food and drink

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is … *

Can you help me?

May I drink a water?
May I wash my face?
Could I eat some food?

What is the goal of the text? *

Introducing the ingredients of Yummy Milkshake.

How to make Yummy Milkshake.
Telling about the kind of biscuits used in making milkshakes.
How to serve Yummy Milkshake.

To improve his achievement, the writer … *

Asked for advice how to run well
Practiced hard with other participants
Ran faster and faster
Planned to join another marathon

“… I change my mind.” (Paragraph 2) The word “mind” is closest in meaning to … *


The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is … *

I agree with you, she shall like it

She will say it is bad
In my opinion she dislike the colour for design
I think she hates the cloth for gift

What is the last paragraph about? *

Anto had butterflies as his pet
The writer’s friend is a good swimmer
There are a lot of flowers in Anto’s house
The writer had a good time with his friend

Why is the writer almost impossible to be angry at his cat? Because … *

Most of the time, it is a good cat

It always wakes up early
It gives the writer kiss
It has innocent round eyes

When do you put coconut biscuits into the blender? *

Before you put the ice cream into the blender.

When you pour the milk into the blender.
Before you blend the milk and the ice cream.
After you blend the milk and the ice cream.

The medicine is produced to .... *

heal the fever

decrease temperature
increase health
cure headache

With the laptop, the writer can do the followings, except ... *

watch film
type the assignment
call a friend
play music

The second paragraph tell about … *


The main idea of the second paragraph is .... *

the laptop application system is complete

the performance of the laptop is nice
the laptop is very useful for the writer
the writer always bring the laptop

The phrase “your bright smile lights up our classroom every day” means that .... *

Fahmi always smile every day in the classroom

Fahmi’s smile glow every day
The students in the class admires Fahmi’s hospitality
Joanne likes Fahmi’s smile

What is the purpose of the text? It is to … *

describe specific animal namely an owl in the zoo

entertain the reader about the owl’s head
tell the story about an owl that spreading in the society
show the steps to catch an owl

The text above tells us about …. *

A big garden
A picture of bird
A big bird cage
A holiday at a friend’s place

What is owl’s food? *

big mammals

To complete the dialogue, the suitable prohibition is… *

Don’t eat while standing
Don’t eat behind me
Don’t put your sandal on the floor
Don’t take anything

What is the text about? *

The writer’s good achievement in marathon.

The writer’s activities of watching Chicago marathon contest.
The changing of the writer’s feeling after joining the marathon.
The writer’s wonderful feeling after watching marathon.

By reading the text the readers will .... *

put their food there without feeling guilty

take freely the food and the drink inside the fridge
keep the refrigerator away from children
be forbidden to put the drink inside the fridge

To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is.. *

I will ask you once more
Is it clear?
You don’t understand it
It is still difficult for you

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