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Sea Floor Spreading NOTES

Q1. What is Convectional Current Theory ?

 Convectional current theory was proposed by Arthur Holmes.
 First of all, it is to be noted that the heat which is generated from the radioactive decay
of substances deep inside the Earth (the mantle) creates magma which consists of molten rocks,
volatiles, dissolved gases among other material.
 The Convectional current theory states that this magma, heat and gases seek a path to escape
which leads to the formation of convection currents in the mantle.
 According to the theory of Seafloor spreading, convectional cells are the force behind drifting of
 Also, please note that the ocean plates get subducted under the continental plates (since ocean
plates are denser than continental plates), when these two types of plates converge.
 The collision of plates is followed by earthquakes and volcanoes.

Q2. What do you understand by Sea Floor Spreading?

Answer : The theory of Sea Floor Spreading states that new oceanic crust is being formed
continuously at mid-oceanic ridges, while the older rocks move away from the ridge. That is, it
explains why the age, thickness, and density of the oceanic crust increases with distance from the
mid-oceanic ridge.
Sea Floor Spreading explains continental drift by the help of the theory of plate tectonics.

The ocean floor is found to be having mountain ranges, plains, canyons, submarine ridges, deep
trenches and other relief features. It has also been found that along the mid-oceanic ridges,
volcanic eruptions are most active. Further, the dating of rocks suggests that the oceanic crust
rocks are much younger than the continental rocks. Also, the rocks which are equidistant from the
crest of oceanic ridges on both sides have been found with utmost similarities in terms of their
age, constituents, chemical composition and magnetic properties. And the sediments on the ocean
floor near the ridge has been found to be thinner.

Figure showing typical relief features of the ocean floor

The concept of Sea Floor Spreading (Detailed Explanation)

The concept of seafloor spreading was put forward by H.Harry Hess , an American
He suggested that new sea-floor forms at the oceanic ridges and spread outwards from the line of
origin. Further, he claimed that continents would be pushed aside by the same forces that cause
the ocean to grow. That is, constant eruptions at the crest of oceanic ridges cause the oceanic
crust to rupture and new lava to wedge out of it, pushing the oceanic crust on either side. The
ocean floor thus spreads.


Figure showing sea-floor spreading

The intense heat generated by radioactive substances in the mantle beneath the lithosphere seeks
a path to escape and forms convection currents. The rising convectional currents continuously
bang thick but strong oceanic SIMA crust and the hammering effect leads to the development of
cracks, joints, fractures and disintegration of oceanic ridges. Pyrospheric material oozes out and
pushes the older oceanic SIMA away from the rift zone. Seafloor spreading occurs at diverging
plate boundaries.
Upwelling of the magmatic material leads to the formation of mid-oceanic ridges and substitution
of older material by newer one. Successive eruption results into seafloor spreading.
The rate of movement is slow, 2.5 cms per year and resembles two giant conveyor belts carrying
sea floor from the zones of accretion(divergence area- mid-oceanic ridge) to zones
of consumption ( convergence area- trenches).
The theory of seafloor spreading solved many of the unsolved problems
1. It solved the problem of younger age crust found at the mid-oceanic ridges and older rocks
being found as we go away from middle part of the ridges.
2. It also explained why the sediments at the central parts of the oceanic ridges are relatively thin.
The sea-floor spreading also proved the drifting of continents as propounded by Alfred Wegener
and helped in the development of the theory of plate-tectonics.

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