Activity Assurance Action

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Category SN# Level -1 Step

1 Get existing link budget from customer.

2 Loop test end to end to identify the link quality.
3 Cross check the link quality for each MW#.
4 On-site visit
5 Cable/Patch Cord tracing
6 Verify the length of Cable/Patch Cord
7 Labeling of Cable/Patch Cord
8 Taking pictures of Cable/Patch Cord with visible labels
9 Verify the parameters of SFP(Type, distance,SM/MM…)
On-site A part
10 Taking pictures of SFP with visible parameters
11 Verify SFP parameters through command on local&peer device
12 Prepare a report in the excel format
Attach the relevant pictures for the Cable/Patch Cord with visible labels, SFP
with visible parameters
14 Concerned PMs from NERA&JBS signs off the report
Concerned PMs from NERA&JBS share the report with Huawei
16 Site Engineers cross check the reports
Check Result Go/no go call
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Level -1 Step

MOP preparation
Level-2 Step

Topoloy and service flow before&after rehome for comparison

NERA&JBS submit MOP 5 working days before MW# to Huawei with topology, all links info, service flow.

Huawei combine the MOPs from NERA&JBS as per fixed MOP overall structure

Experienced issue list as check list for MOP preparation

MOP internal review with NERA&JBS

MOP review with Huawei HQ

MOP update

MOP review with PTCL 2 days before MW#

Level-3 Step Check Result Go/no go call
Topology creation showing before activity connectivity □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Topology creation showing after activity connectivity □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Include ISIS interlinks between MSC~MMBB □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Include BGP interconnects between MSC~MMBB □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Include EBGP peering connectivity info □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Include special link connectivity info, such as 1G link without □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
traffic, cross region/ring link, backdoor link
NERA/JBS MOP must submit 5 days before activity □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Physical links info (Links/SFP details) must be clearly mentioned □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Topology must be included covering all aspects. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Traffic flows must be clearly defined. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
BRAS users trends must be clearly mentioned □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Must calculate traffic increase on interconnects after rehome □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Impact list covering all aspects must be attached □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Service Verification mechanism required. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP script must be aligned as per structure □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
RFC Template must include all infromation □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
High Level RFC must be raised. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MUST include key check step and expected result after key steps □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Service Verification mechanism is a MUST to clearly guide NOC □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
team's action during daytime.
Checklist will be updated if new scenario arises. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Site ID Design Required □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
VSI name design required □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Meeting initiated to NERA/JBS & Huawei □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP review Huawei Part □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP review JBS/NERA Part □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Local expert will review MOP with HQ □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Filters issue highlighted in MOP as per HQ Recommendation □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Transfer MOP to the Drafter with recommendation □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP drafter will update MOP as per HQ Recommendation □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP will be review again with internal Local experts □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP will be updated and attach to RFC again. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Initiate meeting notification to customer, Huawei & Partners. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP review in details □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Get customer requirement (if any) □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Update MOP and share with customer. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Level -1 Step

MOP Execution/Night Activity

Level-2 Step

Send MW# application to PTCL 3 days before MW# with service impact list and initial MOP

Joint war room for each and every night activity to align the MOP/Operation steps with Subcon/PTCL
before activity.

NOC team collect traffic graphics for rehome links collection from PTCL before MW#

PTCL centralized service POC lead all service domains POCs to do the pre-service verification and
feedback to Huawei for activity go ahead.

Complete Pre-check steps execution and record the result

MOP Execution as per MOP steps. One dedicate Chinese expert aligned for each and every activity
gurantee, and control all the POCs to follow the MOP steps for execution

Complete Post-check steps execution and record the result, compare the Pre-check and Post-check
result, analyze the result.

PTCL centralized service POC lead all service domains POCs to do the post-service verification and
feedback to Huawei for activity closure.
Level-3 Step Check Result Go/no go call
Send MW application to PTCL with initial MOP and Impact list □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
include all regional customers, Huawei management & □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Partners in email chain
Service verification Form must be submitted before activity by □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
War room creation before activity (include □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Discuss final startegy before execution. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Must include all uplinks and downlinks graphics. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Huawei request activity go ahead from customer via email □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Customer will perform all pre-checks before activity. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Customer will feedback activity go ahead to Huawei. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
In case of any issue during pre-checks, management will be □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
involved for further decision
NERA/JBS will perfrom pre-checks □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Huawei will perform pre-checks □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
MOP executor will share screen to follow MOP □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Huawei TL will lead activity. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Partners/Huawei will perform post checks □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Comparison between Pre/Post checks □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Traffic patterns analysis as per previous trends □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Huawei will send notification for initial service verification □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
PTCL POC will verify services from all stakeholders and □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Huawei will send final notificaiton to customer at 2PM to close □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Customer will feedback to close activity. □Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Level -1 Step

Issue Troubleshooting if required

Level-2 Step

PTCL report the service complaint during night activity time or Huawei find the issue via pre-check&post-check.

Joint troubeshooting war room with PTCL POC, Huawei GTAC &RnD, NERA/JBS
Level-3 Step
Issue must be reported to TD/PM/RPM by Activity owner within 5 mins
FR/PD/DPD must be reported within 5 mins
Intiate war room notification (if issue after activity)
Customer must join war room for realtime impact sharing.
Involve GTAC resource immediately after issue reporting
Involve JTAC/CTAC by Partners.
Get the issue service impact list, impacted service info(Source&Destination IP) for troubleshooting
if Isolate issue during activity, need management decision to fix it
If issue persist for long time (time need to define), management decision is requested to rollback
Check Result Go/no go call
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Level -1 Step Level-2 Step

Service Verification Post Checks

Level-3 Step
Follow the MOP post-check list, commands and steps.
Compare the pre-check and post-check,especially the protocol status,the numbers of routes before &
after activity, and other aspects as per MOP.
Match/corelate traffic volumes before, during and after activity of CA with NCE traffic volumes.
Inform PTCL Service Layer Verification team lead all service domains for pre/post checks
Real Time Service Verification from PTCL NNOC.
Number of routes before & after activity. Get command from Project Team.
Check Result Go/no go call
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
□Passed □ Fail □ Pending
Level -1 Step Level-2 Step Level-3 Step
Check traffic statistics(main trunk and member interfaces) right after
rehoming activity and compare with traffic with previous day same
time. Highlight if sudden dip or sudden rise.

Service Monitor Day-time Monitor Check link (alarms, CRC errors, main trunk interface and member
interface ports traffic-load balanced, and device status after the
KPI/Alarms reporting after every 2 hours for next 24 hours after
Check Result Go/no go call

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

□Passed □ Fail □ Pending

BRAS Name Vlan ID User's Number Before Migration User's Number After Migration
457 3
775 45
852 12
955 9
962 2
1005 7
1382 2
1937 13
2604 192
2700 71
2745 5
2973 367
3003 174
3017 294
3034 308
3035 143
3036 199
3066 325
3488 1
3911 53

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