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GE9: Rizal’s Life and Works

2nd Sem, SY 2021-2022

Chap1, Sec2 Activity

Student ID No.: Score/___: %Score:

Student’s Name: Course-Major-Year: E.G.:
Kaye D. Manescan Beed - 1

INSTRUCTION: Briefly and appropriately answer each question:

1. (10 pts) What is Nationalism in your own terms?

(Answer it using up to 5 sentences only)

- Nationalism is Advocacy or support for the political independence of a particular nation of a

particular nation or people. Nationalism is an ideology which shows an individual's love and
devotion towards his nation. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from
outside interference self determination, that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity and
that the nation is the only rightful source of political power. The concept of nationalism in India
developed at the time of the independence movement.

2. (18 points) Check your community/purok/barangay/city/municipality in which you have been a

part of in terms of and describing its:
Your community/purok/barangay/city/municipality: CEBU CITY
a. Culture:
- Roots & Language. From these three major regional islands come a wealth of diverse
culture with Spanish, Malay, Chinese, and other influences from neighboring countries.
Although the people of Cebu call themselves 'Cebuano' they also consider themselves as
'Pinoy' a common or shortened version from 'Pilipino'.

b. History:
- For six years, until Legazpi's removal to Manila, Cebu was the Spanish colonial capital. It
remained the primary Spanish bastion in the southern part of the Philippines. The cultural
and commercial core of the central Visayan region, Cebu was opened to foreign trade in 1860.
It was chartered as a city in 1936.
c. Language:
- Language. The Cebuano language is spoken by more than twenty million people in the
Philippines and is the most widely spoken of the Visayan languages. Most speakers of
Cebuano are found in Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor, Biliran, Western and Southern Leyte, eastern
Negros and most of northern, southeastern and western Mindanao.
d. Religion:
- Cebu City religion has varied to many type of belief but the majority of its population are
Roman Catholic other believe were known to be Protestant, The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter day Saints, Inglesia ni Cristo, Jesus Miracle Crusade, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baptists,
United Church of Christ in the Philippines.

e. Territory:
- Cebu is located to the east of Negros, to the west of Leyte and Bohol islands. The
province consists of Cebu Island, as well as 167 smaller islands, which include Mactan,
Bantayan, Malapascua, Olango and the Camotes Islands.

3. (10 points) In your own words, what is an imagined community as stated by Benedict Anderson
(answer it up to 5 statements only)?

- Benedict inherited his name from his English mother and his Irish citizenship from his
father, whose family had been active in Irish nationalist movements. He was born in China, where
his father was stationed as a custom commissioner in the Imperial Maritime Customs, a British
office charged with overseeing trade with China but also fulfilling other tasks on its territory such
as fighting smuggling. After a few years back in Ireland, the Anderson family immigrated to the
United States in 1941, and Benedict received schooling in California. Anderson graduated with
high honours from the University of Cambridge (B.A. in classics, 1957) and was awarded a Ph.D.
in government by Cornell University in 1967. His early work, including his doctoral dissertation,
focused on Indonesian politics.

4. In your own understanding, what is the homogenous empty time concept of a nation? (Answer it
up to 5 statements only)

- In “homogeneous, empty time,” large imagined “sociological organism like the

neighborhood, the political party, or the nation can be conceived of as moving through time and
developing in parallel with other changes and events in the world. Empty homogeneous time is
the time of capital. Within its domain, capital allows for no resistance to its free movement.
When it encounters an impediment, it thinks it has encountered another time — something out
of pre-capital, something that belongs to the pre-modern. A very important application of time
series learning is online diagnosis, or monitoring, to detect and classify hazardous conditions in a
physical system. ... This paper first defines heterogeneous time series, those containing different
types of embedded, statistical patterns.

5. As a millennial, what particular consciousness nowadays would you need with your fellow
millennials and community to be aware of ? (answer it up to 5 statements only).
- As a millennial we have to be aware of what kind of governance we have in this times of
pandemic. There are lots of controversy's that our government must to take change with it. The
corruption in PhilHealth the corruption of the DOH where in it was debute by the serate up until
now. We dont know the real happening but as a millennial i would like to address our
government to clarify the allegation and controversies that our government has.

Prepared By:

Instructor, GE9
2nd Sem, SY2021-2022

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