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(Giáo viên chuyên anh, Trường Quốc Học Huế)



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“Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 8” được biên soạn với dạng bài kiểm tra 15 phút, 1 tiết
theo sách “Tiếng Anh 8” của Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam dành cho học sinh lớp
8 (theo chương trình thí điểm mới nhất).
Nội dung cuốn sách gồm các đề kiểm tra (TEST) đa dạng và phong phú bám sát
từ vựng, ngữ pháp trong mỗi đơn v bài học (UNIT) trong sách "Tiếng Anh 8" nhằm
giúp các em kiểm tra lại kiến thức đã họC. Ngoài ra các thầy cô và phụ huynh học
sinh có thể sử dụng các đề đè giúp các em ôn tập, rèn luyện tiếng Anh.
Chúng tôi hi vọng ràng “Đề kiếm tra tiếng Anh 8” sẽ là một tài liệu tự học hữu
ích cũng như một phương tiện hỗ trợ tốt cho việc rèn luyện, nâng cao trình độ tiếng
Anh cho học sinh lớp 8.
Mặc dù đã có nhiều cố gắng trong việc biên soạn, song cuốn sách không the
tránh khỏi thiếu sót. Chúng tôi rất mong nhận được những ý kiến đóng góp quý báu
của các bạn đồng nghiệp và các em học sinh để cuốn sách càng hoàn thiện hơn trong
lần tái bản sau.
Xin trân trọng cảm ơn!

Cức tác giả



I. Find the word with different sound in the underline part in each line:
1. A. adore B. addicted C. craft D. comma
2. A. tricks B. stickers C. buttons D. beads
3. A. volunteered B. looked C. joined D. played
4. A. window B. net lingo C. socialise D. join
5. A. relax B. detest C. best D. define
IL Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:
6. My mother loves________food for my family.

A. preparing B. to prepare C. prepare D. A&B are correct

7. My grandmother________to plant flowers in the garden behind her house.
A. prefers B. enjoys C. detests D. adores
8. Coco fancies________TV. He watches TV whenever he can.
A. to watch B. watched C. watch D. watching
9. My sister hates________with the dolls. It’s weird.

A. playing B. to play C. to playing D. A&B are correct

10. Bobby likes________hard because he wants to get the best result.
A. to study B. studying C. study D. A&B are correct
11. I enjoy________with my dog. He’s so cute.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. played

12. My father can' t bear________the housework.

A. do B. doing C. to do D. will do
13. Tom prefers________computer games when he’s at home.
A. playing B. to play C. played D. A&B are correct
14. Mary________reading Conan comics.

A. hates B. detests C. dislikes D. enjoys

15. Henry doesn't mind________up early in the morning.

A. waking B. to wake C. wake D. will wake

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16. Mr. Bean reading books a lot because he finds this hobby interesting.

A. enjoy B. don't enjoy C. doesn't enjoys D. enjoys
17. Miss Maureen is so big. She must eating.

A. detest B. detests C. adores D. adore

18. They're good cleaning the floor.

A. on B. at C. in D. into
19. my opinion, the husband will be back in the end.

A. In B. On C. At D. With
20.1 going around the world interesting because 1 can discover more about people and things.

A. think B. say C. find D. tell

21. Ann is hooked going shopping.

A. with B. at C. in D. on
22. My wife's always hanging at her friend's home.

A. on B. out C. in D. to
23. Sammy is addicted to out. I never see him at home.

A. go B. going C. goes D. went

24. Elena is interested making origami.

A. to B. on C. in D. into
25. Nick's keen mountains in the summer.

A. on B. at C. with D. in

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

26. I (A) enjoy (B) playing comics. It's (C) fun and (D) interesting.

27. He enjoys (A) to play (B) with his (C) dogs in the (D) yard.

28. When I (A) have (B) spare time, I (C) going out (D) with my friends.

29. Shara (A) is interested (B) with painting (C) the people (D) around her.

30. There (A) are many (B) reason why it is (C) good (D) to have some leisure activities.

V. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false
A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure
time. Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and
artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. A list of hobbies is lengthy
and always changing as interests and fashions changes.
By continually participating in a particular hobby, one can acquire substantial skill and

knowledge in that area. Engagement in hobbies has increased since the late nineteenth
century as workers have had more leisure times and advancing production and technology
have provided more support for leisure activities. As some hobbies have become less popular,
like stamp collecting, others have been created following technological advances, like video
(https://en. Wikipedia, org/wiki/Hobby)

31. A hobby is a regular activity that is done for money. (T) (F)

32. There are few hobbies. (T) (F)

33. One can acquire substantial skill and knowledge in a specific area (T) (F)
by continually participating in a particular hobby.
34. Engagement in hobbies has increased until the late 19th century. (T) (F)
35. Stamp collecting has become less popular. (T) (F)


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1.A. adore B. detest C. fancy D. enjoy
2. A. bracelet B.event C. window D. centre
3. A. improve B. hurry C. listen D. visit
4. A. badminton B. cinema C. magazine D. performance
5. A. prefer B. protect C. skateboard D. rely

II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:

6. 1 really love outdoor activities like. ________ I usually go to the park across my house to
enjoy my new pair of roller skates.
A. dancing B. swimming C. skating D. gardening
7. My grandmother adores________. She’s very fat.

A. cooking B. eating C. running D. singing

8. My father is fond of________ a lot of trees and vegetables.

A. growing B. grow c. grew D. grows

9. Susan is interested in ________flowers and vases.

A. painting B. paint c. paints D. painted

10. Tommy________ to go swimming every day. He has an amazing body. '

A. fancies B. enjoys c. doesn'tmind D. likes
11. Coco________ to watch TV at night.
A. adores B. hates C. fancies D. dislikes
12. Katarina ________doing morning exercise. She is healthy.
A. dislikes B. love C. loves D. dislike
13. Schoolchildren waste time sitting in front________ the computer.
A. before B. after C. about D. of
14. She often hangs________ with her friends in the shopping mall.
A. in B. out C. of D. to
15. He is keen ________collecting stamps.
A. on B. of C. with D. in

III. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

16. He (A) is hooked (B) to video (C) games. He can sit (D) in front of the computer all day.
17. This dog is (A) so cute. I adore (B) to play (C) with (D) it.
18. Sam likes (A) to stay (B) outdoors but Iris (C) brother, Nick, (D) are always at home.
19. (A) On my opinion. (B) "Shaun the Sheep” (C) is a (D) good movie.
20. (A) On Sundays. Bob (B) doesn't mind (C) to help his mother to do the (D) housework.

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:

If life seems more rushed than ever, you might be surprised (21) learn that we Americans
don’t have less leisure time than we did 40 years ago. We actually have (22)leisure time. We
get about 45 minutes (23)day of extra leisure.
Then why does it feel like we have so much less? It might be (24) we waste half of all our
leisure time watching television. The average American adult devotes 2.5 hours a day to this
hobby. So if you want more free time, I recommend one thing: turn it off. This is (25)said
than done, especially during the world series.
When I was growing up, my mom had one piece (26)advice for me, and she said it
(27)single morning. “Get out of the house!” It’s good advice. Come join the 6.8 millions who
are (28)a book club, or the 196,000 who attend (29)volleyball, or the 680.000 who go to
tractor pulls every month. There are even 3 millions people who (30)a sport called “muzzle
loading”, which involves shooting a gun that looks 200 years old.
(http://www. time, com/time/nation/artide/O.85 99,154 9394,00.

21. A. in B. to C. at D. of
22. A. least B. most C. less D. more

23.A. an B. a C. once D. two

24.A. because B. why C. what D. that

25. A. as easy B. easiest C. easier D. hard

26. A. of B. in C. to D. from

B. the
27. A. a C. wherever D. every
28. A. to B. on C. in D. at

29. A. ball B. beach C. sport D.pool

30. A. enjoys B. to enjoy C. enjoying D. enjoy


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. weekend B. language C. guitar D. mountain

2. A. hobby B. enjoy C. leisure D. common

3. A. volunteer B. computer C. amazing D. imagine

4. A. memory B. positive C. negative D. net lingo

5. A. cultural B. virtually C. socialise D. activity

IL Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

6. We’re all addicted to (skate) ________.

7. Simon (detest) ________cloud - watching. He thinks it is so boring.

8. Trung will join a (swim) ________club next week because he enjoys swimming and
he wants to have more friends.
9. His parents can’t stand him (listen) ________to rock music at night.

10. Annie needs only one more stamp to complete her (collect) ________.

III. Rearrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence:

11. things/ are/ a lot of/ there/ like/1/ my/ free time/ to do/ in.


12. usually/Annie/ throws away/ stamps/ common/ the.


13. often/ do/ how/ you/ exercise/ and/ do sports?


14. started/ how to play/1/ learn/ to/ three weeks/ the guitar/ ago.


15. is/ one of/ drawing/ leisure/ her/ activities


IV. Read the text and answer the following questions:


Hobbies give people joy and there are lots of benefits. They provide mental stimulation
and can help people foster new aims. Greater fitness can be developed through active
hobbies. When someone moves to a new town, it is often suggested that they join a club
focusing on a particular hobby is to become part of the community.
A hobby offers the time and space to relax. Sporting hobbies such as golf, hiking or
running allow people to get out into the fresh air. This has been shown to have real benefits
for someone’s mental health. Exercise increases endorphins - in the body which help people
to feel good, but activities that make you sweat are not the only ones that produce that
(http://www. cars-show. org/ccirs/the-mariy-advantctges-of-having-u-hobby.
16. What is the benefit of hobbies?
A. People can have joy. B. People can join a club.
C. People can have space. D. People can have time.
17. What is the suggestion for a newcomer to become part of the community?
A. Fostering new aims.
B. Joining a club that focuses on a particular hobby.

C. Offering the time and space to relax.
D. Providing mental stimulation.
18. What is the benefit of sporting hobbies?
A. People can move to a new town. B. People can join a club.
C. People can enjoy fresh air. D. People can run.
19. What is the benefit of endorphins?
A. Endorphins help people to feel gopd.
B. Endorphins help people to sweat.
C. Endorphins help people to run faster.
D. Endorphins help people to have active hobbies.
20. What of the following statements is not true?
A. Hobbies provide mental stimulation.
B. Greater fitness can be developed through active hobbies.
C. Sporting hobbies have real benefits for someone’s mental heaTt.
D. Only sporting hobbies can make you feel good.
V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:

My Favourite Hobby
My favourite hobby is reading. I enjoy (21)______a book when I am free. I started (22)
______it when I was four years old. The first time I read books. I felt (23) ______. So I kept
(24) ______. The teachers always taught me to read the difficult words. I was happy when I
read a story with a happy ending. 1 was thrilled (25) ______I read a detective story.
Ỉ enjoy reading because I like to explore the imaginative world of my (26) ______author,
J.K.Rowling who writed '‘Harry Potter’’. There are a lot of advantages (27) ______reading.
Reading can make me relaxed (28) ______calm. 1 can also learn new vocabulary items. Then
I (29) ______further improve my English. Moreover, it can give me (30) ______unlimited
imagination, so I can write books in (31) ______future. I can learn the different cultures and
customs of other countries (32) ______the world too.
1 read at (33) ______one hour every day. I read books by myself. 1 usually read it at
home. I (34) ______I could read different kinds of books (35) ______it might be very
(http:/.^’ i/My%20Favourite%20Hobby2.pdl)

21. A. read B. reading C. to reading D. being read

22. A. will do B. to doing C. do D. to do
23. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. to interested
24. A. reading B. to read C. to reading

25. A. what B. where C. when D. that
26. A. favourite B. lovely C. love D. favor
27. A. at B. to C. on D. of
28. A. but B. so C. and D. to
29.A. can B. do C. did D. have
30.A. every B. a C. an D. one .
31.A. the B. a C. an D. one
32. A. on B. all C. from D. in
33. A. most B. more C. less D. least
34. A. detest B. wish C. want D. like
35. A. why B. but C. because D. what
VI. Writing:

Write a 60-80 words paragraph about the benefits of having hobbies.

YOH can use the following ideas:

- Reducing stress.

- Improving physical health.

- Making friends.

There are many benefits of having hobbies. First.


I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1.A. generous B. electrical C. collect D. chest
2. A. beehives B. cattles C. nomads D. motorists
3. A. stayed B. joined C. looked D. lived
4. A. short B. explore C. more D. together
5. A. city B. rice C. exciting D. ride
II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:
6. Dogs are_______than buffaloes.

A. intelligenter B. more intelligent C. smart D. more smaller

7. My kite is_______than yours.

A. big B. more large C. more bigger D. larger

8. City life is_______than country life.

A. faster B. more fast C. slower D. more slower

9. Coco thinks life in the countryside is that in the city.

A. boringer B. excited C. more boring D. more excited

10. In the country, streets are generally than those in the city.

A. more narrow B. narrower C. narrow D. narrowing

11. Urban areas are than rural areas.

A. more busy B. busyer C. busier D. more busier

12. Julie lives in the countryside. She's a little than her friends.

A. quieter B. more quiet C. noisy D. more noisy

13. Nguyen thinks city life is much.

A. more interesting B. interestinger

C. interested D. more interested

14. My garden is a lot than this park.

A. colourfuler B. colourful C. less colour D. more colourful

15. It is amazing. His house is much than a hotel.

A. comfortabler B. comfortable C. comfort D. more comfortable

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16. Mr. Brown arrived than expected.
A. more early B. earlier C. late D. more
17. We walked than the rest of the people.
A. more slowlier B. slowlier C. more slowly D. more fast
18. My mother talked than the other guests.
A. more loudly B. loudlier C. more loudlier D. loudly
19. I went home this afternoon.
A. more late B. later C. more early D. more earlier
20. He's working much.
A. harder B. more hard C. good D. gooder
21. Of course, a rabbit runs than a turtle.
A. more fast B. faster c. slower D. more slow.
22. Jim jumped than Peter.
A. more fartherly B. far c. farther D. farrer
23. Minh always answers questions than the other students.
A. weller B. good C. better D. goodly
24. Our new teacher explains the exercises than our old one.
A. more badly B. bad C. badder D. worse
25. This mechanic checks the motorbike than those mechanics.
A. thoroughlier B. thorough C. thorougher D. more thoroughly

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

25. I’m rich, (A) but I am not as (B) richer (C) as my (D) friends.

26. (A) Live in the (B) country is (C) more inconvenient than in (D) the city.

27. (A) Your picture (B) is (C) colourfuler than mine. I think you're good

(D) at painting.
28.In (A) that test, Sam did (B) more well than you. Now (C) you should try (D)
29. If you (A) want to be a big (B) man, you have (C) to eat (D) less.

V. Read the passage and decide whether the following questions are true (T)
or false (F):
It was in 2005 that David, then a 30-year-old accountant, announced that he

was bored with Bristol and wanted a rural lite.
I struggled to understand his desire to leave. We enjoyed an active social life,
receiving countless invitations to other families’ houses with the children and we
loved to host our own dinner parties too. With my parents' help we were both able
to continue our passion for triathlons.
Life wasn’t always perfect: Bella hardly slept, so neither did I. I was
committed to a tiring two-hour daily commute.
Sleep-deprived, silly things would stress me out: there was no lift to reach our
flat and, on my own, it was impossible to get two toddlers with their buggies up
the stairs.
Over time. I convinced myself that a move to the country was the right thing to
do; this was my husband, after all, the father of my children. Quite simply, I’d go
to the ends of the earth for him. We'd start again. Somewhere beautiful.

31. In 2005, the husband wanted to move to the countryside. (T)’ (F)
32. In the city, they had an active social life. (T) (F)
33. They could sleep very well when they lived in the city. (T) (F)
34. The wife realized that a move to the country was the wrong (T) (F)
35. The wife thought she could go anywhere with her husband. (T) (F)


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. buffalo B. countryside C. envious D. collection
2. A. facility B. opportunity C. comparative D. perhaps
3. A. traditionally B. generously C. usually D. difficult
4. A. populate B. tired C. optimistically D. peacefully
5. A. calculus ' B. expensive C. electric D. disturbing

II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:

6. This paddy field is than that man-made garden.
A. more beautiful B. beautifuler C. beatifuller D. beautifully

7. Things in the city are_______than in the country.

A. interestinger B. more interesting
C. interestingger D. much interesting
8. A dog is_______than a buffal

A. nicer B. more nice C. nice D. beautiful

9. This cow is_______than that chicken.

A. older B. more old C. old D. oldder

10. I go to the countryside_______than my brothers do.

A. oftener B. often C. oftenly D. more often

11. David did_______than he thought he would do on his test.
A. badly B. more badlj C. bad D. worse
12. George drives _______than his brother.

A. recklesslier B. recklessly C. more recklessly D. reckless

13.I think she did_______in the exam

A. bad B. goodly C. well D.good

14. This kind of music is_______I hardly listen to it.

A. interesting B. disturbing C. disturbed D. interested

15. It’s good_______him to have a better job.

A. for B. of C. to D. at

III. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

16. You (A) should drive (B) carefullier. (C) otherwise you will (D) cause an
17. This (A) exercise was (B) more easy (C) than I (D) expected.

18. (A) Sam didn’t (B) behave as (C) good as (D) Mike.

19. (A) In the way (B) home, Bob (C) told me a (D) funny story.

20. I (A) felt so (B) bored, so (C) last week I went (D) in a trip to the

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps.
I was just thinking the other day: Everyone I know in the country (21) _______ weird. At least for my
town, which has no stoplights and one main intersection, we are a little strange, I think. We (22) _______get
out much. We think running across the freeway is a thrill. I (23) _______up playing in mud with frogs and
snakes. Is that weird?
I feel like my friends and I have had a somewhat difficult time in (24) _______ with others. I almost feel
like if I had lived in the city, I might understand (25) _______about other types of people and (26)
_______they think and interact. I feel at times that I am behind on a lot of things, including how to be cool.
I feel fortunate at the same time that I have grown (27) _______in a rural area. I would never trade in my
memories of playing in a stream, climbing trees, (28) _______in the river, and hiking up hills for a
breathtaking view... all within a half mile from my house. I sometimes feel (29) _______for my friends who
(30) _______surrounded by asphalt, concrete, and power lines.
(https://www. coursehero, com/fde/7847530/Coimtry- Versus-City/)

21. A. are B. is C. have D. has

22. A. have B. did C. not D. don’t
23. A. grew B. grow C. grown D. did grew
24. A. to mix B. mix C. mixing D. to mixing
25. A. more B. much C. than D. as
26. A. which B. how C. where D. when
27. A. from B. to C. in D. up
28. A. walking B. running C. swimming D. climbing
29. A. sorry B.thankful C. grateful D. happy
30. A. have B. was C. were D. has



I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

1. A. ancestor B. gather C. basic D. animal

2. A. instruments B. others C. peoples D. fields
3. A. showed B. called C. lived. D. discriminated
4. A. basic B. minority C. curious 1). complicated

5. A. complicated B. costume C. majority D. recognise

II. Form the questions for these answers:

6. That Khmer man is feeding a buffalo.


7. They are dancing around the fire.


8. The children are playing in the field.


9. There'll be a Yao's traditional festival next Sunday.


10. Each of Thai families owns a stilt house.


11. Ede children go to school on foot.


12. David likes Hmong people because they’re friendly.


13. Tay people live mostly in the north of Vietnam.


14. We are going to the forest.


15. They’re hunting now.


III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16.I prefer_____blue T-shirt in the corner to red one.
A. the/ the B. the/ a C. a/ the D. the/ X
17. Their car does 160 miles _____hour.
A. a B. an C. the D. X
18. Where's_____gift I sent you last week?
A. X B. an C. a D. the
19. Do you still live in_____England?
A. the B. an C. X D. a
20. Is your mother working in_____old office building?
A. a B. an C. the D. X
21. Coco’s father works as_____electrician.
A. X B. a C. an D. the

22. The tomatoes are 100 pences_____kilo.
A. a B. an C. the D. X
23. What do you usually have for_____breakfast?
A. the B. a C. an D. X
24. Ben is sick. He has_____terrible cold.
A. a B. an C. the D. X
25. After this tour you have _____whole night free to explore the country.

A. the B. a C. an D. X

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

26. There (A) are 54 (B) people in Vietnam. They (C) live in (D) peace.
27. This task is (A) complicated. (B) I can (C) do it (D) by myself.
28. My (A) hometown has only (B) an university, which (C) is one hundred years (D) old.
29. (A) Among the (B) apples on the (C) table, it’s (D) a biggest one.
30. (A) It’s done. (B) What (C) you are going to do (D) next?

V. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):
Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional ways of life and moving to the city.
They believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful in the city.
At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with nature. Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily
destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no money until the following year. Often farmers
look for other works when they need more money for their families.
The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many cities. This puts a strain on
schools and hospitals, as well as water and electricity supplies. Increased pollution is another unpleasant
result. There is also a human side to this tragedy. Families sometimes have to live apart. In these cases,
children may live at home with relatives, while their parents go and live in an urban area.
Governments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for these migrants, but it can be quite
a problem.

31. Many people leave the countryside for the city. (T) (F)
32. Natural disasters can be a problem when living in the countryside. (T) (F)
33. The increase in population puts a positive effect on schools and (T) (F)
hospitals in the city.
34. Increased pollution is another unpleasant result of overcrowding in (T) (F)
many cities.

35. Governments all over the world do nothing to help the migrants. (T) (F)


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. complicated B. costume C. minority D. custom

2. A. insignificant B. multicultural C. speciality D. waterwheel

3. A. heritage B. majority C. curious D. recognise

4. A. unique B. gather C. diverse D. tradition

5. A. diversity B. basic C. ancestor D. ethnic

II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:

6. Lan:_____does a Yao kid never wander through?

Mai: A Yao kid never wanders through the woods.

A. Where B. What C. Who D. When

7. Hoai: _____are some of the Hmong children are playing?

Lan: Some of the Hmong children are playing hide and seek.

A. When B. Who C. What D. That

8. Minh: _____are the Odu farmers going?

Nhat: The Odu farmers are going home.

A. When B. Who C. Whom D. Where

9. Tuyet: _____ do Nung people like dancing together?

Mai: Nung people like dancing together very much.

A. How B. Who C. Whom D. When

10. Anna: _____will the Thai festival be closed?

Anh: The Thai festival will be closed until next month.

A. How about B. How long C. How often D. How much

11.I want _____apple from that tree.

A. X B. the C. an D. a
12. Miss Tina can speak_____Chinese.

A. X B. a C. an D. the

13. One of the students said,“ _____professor is so handsome”.
A. X B. An C. A D. The
14. I will take_____ umbrella in case it rains.

A. the B. a C. an D. X

15. Please give me_____ candy that is on the counter.

A. for B. the C. to D. at

III. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

16. (A) Look! He (B) can fly. (C) What (D) amazing!

17. (A) The ink (B) in my (C) pen (D) are red.

18. (A) Albany (B) is (C) the capital of (D) the New York State.

19. Mai: (A) Where did you (B) go to?

Ngoc: 1 (C) went (D) to Ha Long Bay.

20. My (A) bedroom is (B) situate on (C) the top floor of my (D) house.

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:

The Yao form (21) _____of the 54 ethnic groups officially recognized by Vietnam. In the (22)
_____census in 2000, they numbered roughly 470,000 (23) _____Vietnam.
The Yao people have been agriculturalists (24)over a thousand years, mostly harvesting rice through
plowing, (25) _____a few practice slash-and-burn agriculture. The Yao live nearby forested regions. They
also engage in (26) _____.
During the Southern Song dynasty, an imperial Chinese observer, Zhou Qufei, described the Tao as
wearing distinctive fine blue (27) _____. produced using indigo dye.
The Yao (28) _____their Pan Wang (King Pan) festival annually on the sixteenth day of the tenth (29)
_____month. The festival celebrates the mythical original story (30) _____the Yao people.
(https ://en. Wikipedia. org/wiki/Yao_people)
21. B. one C. a D. the
22. A. last B. lastly C. later D. lately
23. A. on B. at C. in D. from
24. A. for B. since C. in D. at
25. A. but B. however C. although D. despite
26. A. coaching B. farm C. hunt D. hunting
27. A. clothing B. dressing C. wearing D. putting
28. A. festival B. anniversary C. ceremony D. celebrate

29. A. solar B. moon c.lunar D. sun
30. A. in B. of C. on D. from


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. mountainous B. product C. literature D. unforgettable
2. A. southern B. highland C. clothing D. experience

3. A. following B. including C. poultry D. worship

4. A. delicious B. symbolise C. sticky D. festival

5. A. communal B. festivity C. exhibition D. museum

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:

6. There are three pictures in this museum (represent) _____the life of Sin.

7. This house is really beautiful inside. Who (decoration) _____it?

8. My uncle is Mr. Phong. He is an (ethnology) _____.

9. The teacher gave me a lot of (informative) _____about the dinosaur.

10. Once upon a time there was a boy (call) _____ Jack.

III. Rearrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence:

11. people/ Kinh/ in/ together/ lived/ a harmony/ the village/ under.


12. villages/ the/ are/ by/ surrounded/ bamboo groves.


13. considered/ the husband/ is/ the family/ of/ the head.


14. to/ went/ live/ the bride/ with/ husband's/ her/ family.


15. my/ grandfather/ water pipes/ smoking/ enjoys/ drinking/ tea/ and.


IV. Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):
In general, among all ethnic groups in Vietnam, Kinh people’s clothes and adornment seem to be the
most modem and modest. Among all kinds of symbolic clothing, “Ao dai’" (Vietnam traditional long
dress), whose basic design is of a long dress with slits on either side, is well-known to be the most
representative of the country. Its graceful and serene image has become the status for Vietnamese women,
being loved by not only the Vietnamese but also foreigners over the world. Nevertheless, formerly Kinh
people used to dress rather differently compared with nowadays. Men used to wear a long gown with slits
on side either and a turban, meanwhile women worn “Ao tu than” (four-panel traditional dress) with four
slits divided equally on its lower section.
In recent years, with the influence of Western and Eastern fashion trend, the Kinh normally wear jeans
and other casual clothes that are easily found in almost every modern country.
( http://www. alotrip. com/about-vietnam-people/kinh-ethnic-group-vietnam)

16. Among all ethnic groups in Vietnam, Kinh people’s costumes (T) (F)
seem to be the least modern.
17. Ao dai is well-known as the most representative of Vietnam. (T) (F)
18. Only Vietnamese people love Ao dai. (T) (F)
19. Formerly Kinh people used to dress rather similarly compared (T) (F)
with nowadays
20. The Kinh today normally wear casual clothes because of the (T) (F)
influence of Western and Eastern fashion.

V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:
Vietnam is a nation (21)______54 ethnic groups living together in harmony, in which Kinh people
account (22) ______86% of whole population. Kinh people scatter across (23) ______territory, yet they most
concentrate in plains and river deltas. They are owners of rice civilization. (24) ______ majority of the rest
ethnic groups live in midland and mountainous regions, stretching from north (25) ______south.
Nevertheless, ethnic minorities own uneven levels of development. In detail, residents in low-lying
areas such as Muong, Thai, Tay, Nung minorities mainly live (26) ______paddy rice and upland cultivation,
cattle and poultry raising, gatherers, hunting, and fairly exquisite craftsmanship. They chiefly concentrate in
Northern midland and mountainous region. Ethnic (27) ______ living in the South are more separated.
Except from the Cham, Khmer and Chinese living in the Central Coast, the South had a (28) ______level of

development than the majority of the rest ethnic groups. In particular, all ethnic groups retain distinct and
(29) ______cultures. Also, the belief and religion of ethnic groups (30) ______non-identical as well.
21. A. in B. for C. of D. at
22. A. to B. for C. in D. of
23. A. every B. an C. the D. a
24. A. The B. A C. An D. Every
25. A. at B. of C. in D. to
26. A. to B. by C. at D. of
27. A. minor B. minorities C. more minor D. most minor
28. A. bigger B. taller C. more D. higher
29. A. unique B. most unique C. useful D. useless
30. A. do B. have C. are D. is
VI. Writing:
Read the notes about how to make Vietnamese noodles. Then write full sentences to show a foreigner the five
steps to making them.
- linguine-shaped rice noodles
- a few herbs, salads
- meat, primarily either beef or chicken
- prepare ingredients
- stew meat - 2 hours
- season
- put noodles in a bowl
- serve with salads
Vietnamese noodles is one of the most popular dishes in the world. Cooking this food is not so difficult if you
know the key steps.


(Units 1, 2, 3)


I, Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. net lingo B. community C. convenient D. insignificant
2. A. cultural B. beehive C. disturb D. gather
3. A. activity B. nomadic C. waterwheel D. diversity
4. A. leisure B. majority C. socialise D. pasture
5. A. curious B. addicted C. electrical D. Mongolia
IL Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. He doesn't mind______the window for his father.

A. opened B. to open C. opening D. open

7. I ______to go out in the rain even if I have an umbrella.
A. detest B. hate C. mind D. adore
8. Karen loves with her sister

A. to play B. to playing C. play D. played

9. Tom’s house is______than Jerry's

A. more high B. higher C. more higher D. highest

10. Sooner or______. your parents will know it.

A. later B. late C. soon D. soonest

11. Can you speak a little______? I can’t hear it clearly.

A. more clearer B. more clear C. slowlier D. more slowly

12. Anna: ______is this book?

Elsa: It's mine.

A. Who B. Whose C. When D. That

13. Tom______going out for dinner?

Jerry: It's a good idea.

A. What to B. What C. How D. How about

14. A man in______police uniform came across the street.
A. the B. an C. a D. X
15. Tom passed the exam! It is such______good news.

A. X B. an C. a D. the
III. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

16. Kitty is really hooked playing______ with her little dog.

A. in B. out C. on D. with
17. My son is addicted to ________Pokemon Go

A. played B. play C. playing D. to playing

18. Tom’s good at studying. ________addition, he’s a good child at home

A. In B. on C. at D. with
19. This book is more___than I think.
A. interesting B. interested C. good D.gooder
20. That song gave me a________ feeling

A. peace B. peaceful C. peacefulness D. peacefully

21. They live a________life

A. abnormally B. normally C. nomad D. nomadic

22. There are 54________in Vietnam

A. personalities B. persons C. people D. peoples

23. That new drug has great________ for the treatment of this disease.
A. significance B. significant c.significantly D. insignificant
24. There are a few in the beginning but you’ll solve them soon.
A. ways B. diversities c. difficulties D. specialities

25. They are all engineers. Every customer is satisfied with their working styles.
A. disturbing B. bad C. delicious D. experienced

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Music serves as the motivation to work out harder. It is also shown that listening to those top workout
tracks can increase endurance during a tough exercise session. USA Today explains this works partly
through the power of distraction: When we’re focusing on a favorite album, we may not notice that we
just ran an extra mile.
If you are feeling down or depressed, music can be a perfect cure. Studies show that music helps put
people in a better mood and gets them in touch with their feelings. Study participants rated “arousal and
mood regulation” and “self- awareness” as the two most important benefits of listening to music.

Whether you realized it or not, listening to your favorite songs while walking to class, coming from
work, or right before bed provides your mind and body with much more than the enjoyment of the songs;
it also has several health benefits to go along with it. So keep on listening! Music is a vital part of human
(https .//www.theodyssey’online. com/the-benefits-of-listening-to-music)
26. What is the benefit of music on exercising?
A. It increases endurance. B. It listens to top workout tracks.
C. It is explained by USA Today. D. It can be the perfect cure.
27. According to USA Today, why listening to music helps people exercise longer ?
A. Because of the power of distraction.
B. Because of the power of a favorite album.
C. Because of the power of mood regulation.
D. Because of the power of enjoyment?
28. What are the two most important benefits of listening to music rated by study participants?
A. distraction and focus
B. enjoyment and sadness
C. arousal and mood regulation as well as self-awareness
D. endurance increase
29. Which of the following is true?
A. When we’re focusing on a favorite album, we will feel tired.
B. Music can be the perfect cure if you are feeling down or depressed.
C. Music has no health benefits.
D. Music is unimportant.
30. Which of the following is not true?
A. Music is a vital part of human life.
B. Music helps people feel better.
C. We should keep on listening to music.
D. Listening to your favorite songs only provides you with the enjoyment of the songs.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. bracelet B. virtual C. ethnicity D. nomad
2. A. costume B. adore C. collect D. appliance
3. A. racial B. pasture C. heritage D. unique
4. A. project B. relax C. transport D. ethnic
5. A. language B. highland C. convenient D. recognise
II. Put the words in brackets in the correct form:
6. We saw the (improve)_______in his studying.
7. (Read) _______is my favorite hobby.
8. They've founded an (organise) _______for in danger animals.
9. These flowers are (colour) _______. I like them.
10. There are many high (build) _______in the city.
11. No water. No (electric) _______. It's awful!
12. Tuan: I've got 10 marks.
Quynh: How (amaze) _______!
13. The article is (write) _______in French.
14. You should go out instead of (stay) _______at home all day.
15. He learns about (ethnic) _______. He's a (ethnic) _______.

III. Rewrite the sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original one:
Ex: James is the tallest boy in the class.
—> James is taller than any other boy in the class.
16. Milk is the most nourishing food.
—> Milk is._________________________________
17. Bombay is the richest city in India.
—> Bombay is. _________________________________
18. Iron is the most useful metal.
—> Iron is. _________________________________
19. Shakespeare is the greatest English poet.
—> Shakespeare is. _________________________________
20. Munnar is the prettiest hill station in India.
—> Munnar is. _________________________________

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:
A collection has to be cared for and stored, and those tasks train a child to be (21)________and

orderly. The entertainment value of a growing'collection (22) ________immeasurable because sorting
and admiring a collection is a source (23) ________great pleasure for a child. One day he arranges
them (24) ________ color; another day he. sorts them by type.
Labeling or arranging the items in a collection requires research and to
critical thinking. Once a collection reaches (25) ________certain size, jumbling all of the items in a
shoe box is not practical. A true collection should be showcased in 30some way - albums, display
boxes, or card files. Choosing (26) ________ arrange a collection is good for a child’s (27)
Collections (28) ________actually foster healthy relationships. When your child is known (29)
________collecting a certain object, family and friends help the collection along by bringing back
small gifts (30) ________their own travels. The new item in his collection then becomes a reminder of
that special friend or family member who was so thoughtful towards him.
. (

21. A. responding B. responsible c.response D. to response

22. A. has B. to C. are D. is
23. A. of B. from C. to D. in
24. A.of B. on C. by D. at
25. A. a B. an C. every D. each
26. A. why B. how C. when D. which
27. A. organizes B. organizing C. organize D. organizational
28. A. have B. must C. can D. need
29. A. for B. to C. by D. at
30. A. at B. for C. from D. to


I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. manner B. palm C. pass D. sharp
2. A. customs B. traditions C. opinions D. forks
3. A. used B. passed C. visited D.talked
4. A. accept B. reflect C. generation D. sense
5. A. clockwise B. compliment C. course D. offspring
II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:
6. There are plenty of potatoes in the fridge. You________buy any.
A. needn’t B. mustn't C. may not D. shouldn’t
7. We are in the hospital. You________smoke here.

A. needn't B. mustn't C. may not D. don't have to

8. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He________ be tired now.

A. need B. had better C. must D. mustn’t

9.I________ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco.

A. might B. can C. must D. could

10.The teacher said we________ read this book for our pleasure because it's optional.

A. should B. must C. needn’t D. can

11. If you want to speak English fluently, you ________to work hard.

A. could B. need C. needn’t D. mustn’t

12. Take an umbrella. It ________rain later.

A. need B. should C. might D. mustn’t

13. Small objects________ be swallowed by children.

A. may B. must C. need D. mustn’t

14. In this city, people________ walk on grass.

A. couldn't B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

15. ________I ask a question? Yes, of course.

A. must B. May C. should D. will

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16. Anna: I’ve hugged a bear.

Tom: What? You________!

A. be kidding B. are kid C. must be kidding D. must kidding

17. I think custom is a/ an________ way of doing something.

A. accepting B. unacceptable C. accept D. accepted

18. The education gave him a lasting respect for________.

A. tradition B. custom C. information D. difference

19. It is bad________ to talk with your mouth full.

A. manner B. manners C. tradition D. traditions

20. I’m preparing for the________ next week.

A. presentable B. present C. presentation D. presenting

21. According ________tradition, a tree grew on this spot.

A. to B. by C. with D. at

22. He broke________ the family tradition and did not go to the pagoda.

A. by B. in C. to D. with

23. Parents always want their________ to obey them.

A. ancestors B. offspring C. adults D. foreigners
24. You ________read this book, but this book makes you smarter.
A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. had better
25. This is a deeply ________piece of music.
A. different B. important C. spiritual D. disrespectful

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

26. You should (A) going out (B) more to (C) relax after (D) studying.
27. If you (A) think it is (B) going to be easy, you (C) had better (D) thinking again.
28. Visitors (A) can get a bit (B) confusing (C) because there are too many (D) customs in this country.
29. In (A) this city, we (B) have the tradition (C) to worshipping our (D) ancestors.
30. They (A) built a (B) wall to avoid soil (C) to be washed (D) away.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1.A. accept B. offspring C. oblige D. belonging
2. A. clockwise B. filmstrip C. reflect D. hostess
3. A. tradition B. manner C. sociable D. upwards

4. A. compliment B. cutlery C. unity D. generation

5. A. example B. behave C. between D. similar
II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:
6. you stand on your head for two minutes?
A. May B. Need C. Can D. Must
7. Drivers________stop when the traffic lights are red.

A. must B. could C. may D. might

8. You________ take your rain coat. It’s not raining.

A. couldn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. may not

9. I used my pencil a minute ago. It be here somewhere!
A. can B. could C. would D. must
10. Whose is this bag?

- I don’t know, but it________belong to Mata.

A. may B. could C. should D. would

11. Leona made it ________so easy, but in fact it wasn’t.
A. sounding B. sounds c. sounded D. sound
12.1 had no________ for her strange behaviour.
A. difference B. tradition c. explanation D..custom
13. Further________ is available on request.
A. informative B. information c. informations D. informing
14. We have the custom ________giving presents at Christmas.
A. of B. on C. in D. with
15. Before leaving, did you ask ________your father’s permission.
A. on B. in C. to D. for

HI. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

16. (A) We have a (B) lot of work (C) tomorrow. You (D) must be late!
17. You (A) mustn't (B) to tell anyone (C) what I just told you. It’s a (D) secret.
18. We (A) have to rush. (B) We’ve got (C) plenty of (D) time.
19. (A) When (B) chew food, (C) we shouldn’t (D) talk.

20. My family (A) has followed this (B) tradition for many (C) generation.
- It’s (D) good.

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:
Native American Indian groups in North America lived (21) ________ different cultural regions, each
of which (22) ________its own customs and traditions. A custom is the specific way in which (23)
________group of people does something. This can include how foods are prepared, what clothing (24)
________ worn, the kinds of celebrations and much more. The set of customs developed and (25)
________ by a culture over time is a tradition.
A culture's customs are often determined by (26) ________ natural resources found in their
environment. In the Desert Southwest region, cloth weaving develop (27) ________ a custom. The area
has (28) ________ large animals whose skins can be used for making clothing or blankets. Cloth weaving
was a way (29) ________meeting the need for clothing without using animal skins. In the Eastern
Woodlands area, however, hunting (30) ________fishing were daily activities. Since it was easy to get
animal skins, developing skills like weaving were less important.
21. A. in B. at C. on D. of
22. A. develops B. decreased C. developed D. decreases
23. A. the B. an C. a D. all
24. A. are B. is C. was D. were
25. A. to share B. sharing C. share D. shared
26. A. X B. an C. a D. the
27. A. as B. for C. by D. in
28. A. fewer B. less C. most D. least
29. A. by B. of C. to D. as
30. A. but B. either C. and D. so


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. mountainous B. product C. literature D. unforgettable
2. A. southern B. highland C. clothing D. experience
3. A. following B. including C. poultry D. worship
4. A. delicious B. symbolise C. sticky D. festival
5. A. communal B. festivity C. exhibition D. museum
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:

6. There are three pictures in this museum (represent)the life of Sin.

7. This house is really beautiful inside. Who (decoration)it?

8. My uncle is Mr. Phong. He is an (ethnology).

9. The teacher gave me a lot of (informative)about the dinosaur.

10. Once upon a time there was a boy (call)Jack.

III. Rearrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence:

11. people/ Kinh/ in/ together/ lived/ a harmony/ the village/ under.


12. villages/ the/ are/ by/ surrounded/ bamboo groves.


13. considered/ the husband/ is/ the family/ of/ the head.


14. to/ went/ live/ the bride/ with/ husband’s/ her/ family.


15. my/ grandfather/ water pipes/ smoking/ enjoys/ drinking/ tea/ and.


IV. Read the text and answer the following questions:

Tet, or Vietnamese New Year, is the most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. Tet celebrates
the arrival of spring based on the Chinese calendar, which usually has the date falling in January or

Tet is generally celebrated on the same day as Chinese New Year. It takes place from the first day of
the first month of the Vietnamese calendar (around late January or early February) until at least the third
day. Many Vietnamese prepare for Tet by cooking special holiday food and cleaning the house. These
foods include chung cake, day cake, dried young bamboo soup, and sticky rice. Many customs are
practiced during Tet, such as visiting a person’s house on the first day of the new year, ancestor worship,
wishing New Year's greetings, giving lucky money to children and elderly people, and opening a shop.
Tet is also an occasion for pilgrims and family reunions. They start forgetting about the troubles of the
past year and hope for a better upcoming year.
(https://en. Wikipedia. org/wiki/T%E 1 %BA %BFt)
16. What is the most important Vietnamese celebration?

A. Vietnamese New Year. B. Family reunions.

C. New Year’s greeting. D. Ancestor worship.
17. How long does Tet last?

A. From the first day of the Vietnamese calendar until at least the third day.

B. From the last day of January to the first day of February.

C. From the first day of solar calendar to the third day.
D. From January to February.
18. How do Vietnamese people prepare for Tet?

A. Opening a shop.

B. Giving lucky money to children.

C. Cooking special holiday food and cleaning the house.
D. Worshiping ancestors.
19. What customs are practiced during Tet?

A. Visiting a person’s house.

B. Cleaning the house.

C. Cooking special food. ’
D. Thinking about the troubles.
20. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Tet celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Chinese calendar,
B. Tet takes place from the first day of the Vietnamese calendar until at least the third day.
C. Special foods on Tet include chung cake, day cake, dried young bamboo soup, and sticky rice.
D. On Tet, people seldom hope for a better upcoming year.

V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps.
The end of December and the beginning of January are the (21)_____ times for the Japanese post
offices. The Japanese have a custom of (22) _____ New Year's Day postcards to their friends and
relatives, similar (23) _____ the Western custom of sending Christmas cards. Their original purpose was
(24) _____your faraway friends and relatives tidings of yourself and your immediate family. In other
words. (25)custom existed for people to tell others whom they did not often meet that they were alive and
Japanese people send these postcards (26) _____they arrive on 1 January. The post office guarantees to
deliver the greeting postcards (27) _____ 1st January if they are posted within a time limit. To deliver these
cards on time, the post office usually (28) _____students part-time to help deliver the letters.
It is customary not to send these postcards when one has had a death in the family (29) _____the year.
In this case, a family member sends a simple postcard called mochũ hagaki (mourning postcards) to
inform friends and relatives they (30) _____send New Year's cards, out of respect for the deceased.
(https ://en. Wikipedia, org/wiki/Japanese _New_ Year)

21. A. busiest B. busier C. most busy D. more busy

22. A.send B. sending C. to send D. sent
23. A. as B. with C. for D. to
24. A. of giving B. gives C. to give D. for giving
25. A. these B. a C. its D. this
26. A. for B. so C. so that D. to
27. A. in B. on C. at D. for
28. A. hires B. hire C. to hire D. hiring
29. A. during B. since C. for D. from
30. A. have to B. should C. should not D. must
VI. Writing:
Your friend from the US is visiting your house this Tet holiday. Read the email and reply to it.

Hi Mai,

Thanks for inviting me to your house. I’m really happy because it’s the first time for me to travel to

Can you tell me some customs and traditions Vietnamese people follow

during Tet?



Hi Amy.

Glad that you’ve agreed to come to visit Vietnam.

There are some customs and traditions on Tet holiday.

However, don’t worry about these because you’re our special guest.
See you soon,




I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the rest:
1. A. command B. carnival C. archway D. anniversary
2. A. instruments B. others C. basic D. groups
3. A. showed B. learned C. lived D. discriminated
4. A. rice B. carnival C. companion D. invade
5. A. emperor B. commemorate c.incense D. procession

IL Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

6. ________they were very poor, they made many tasty foods on Tet.
A. Otherwise B. As C. Even though D. If
7. Children like Tet________ they can wear new clothes and receive lucky money.
A. because B. so C. therefore D. while
8. A new filtration system has been installed to treat the waste________.the lake is no longer polluted.
A. so B. however C. because D. as
9. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the time for kids to sing, dance, and enjoy moon cakes; ________. every child likes
it very much.
A. however B. therefore C. moreover D. nevertheless
10. Festivals are very costly, ________they are culturally significant.
A. or B. and C. so D. but
11. I had to go to school that day, ________I couldn't join the ritual
A. or B. but C. and D. therefore
12. Festivals can be dangerous; ________, they may affect the environment.
A. and B. moreover C. nevertheless D. but
13.In Vietnam, ________you have a generous and kind-hearted first person to enter the house, you will have a
successful year ahead.
A. unless B. if C. even though D. while
14. Yesterday________ I was sweeping the floor, my sister was cooking.

A. while B. if C. although D. because
15. ________the Rock Festival was loud and wild, many people enjoyed it.
A. But B. When C. Although D. However

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16. I________ Thailand this summer. There must be many interesting festivals.
A. visit B. am visiting
C. visited D. have visited
17. ________come for Tet holiday?
A. Why don't you B. How about
C. What about D. Do you like
18. 1 recommend you________ go to Hue and see the festivals there.
A. with B. by C. to D. on
19. Sam regrets________ that film in the cinema.
A. to watch B. watches C. watch D. watching
20. We go to Huong pagoda every year to ________the tradition alive.
A. do B. take C. keep D. preserve
21. This is a statue in ________of a national hero.
A. commemoration B. procession
C. competition D. companion
22. I’m looking________ to the Food Festival.
A. by B. forward C. with D. in
23. Christmas is an occasion for family________ in Western countries.
A. participation B. childhood C. reunion D. blossom
24. Buffaloes are good ________of Vietnamese fanners.
A. humans B. companions C. fairies D. offspring
25. The story is part of the ancient________ of Hung King.
A. legendary B. legend C. court D. heritage

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

26. Everyone (A) in the village (B) were happy, (C) except (D) for his brother.
27.Juha’s wife (A) cooked the meat, (B) and (C) waited for long. (D) So he didn’t come back.
28. Tam (A) is (B) a beautiful (C) but (D) kind-hearted girl.
29. (A) Because she worked (B) hard, she had (C) nowhere (D) to live.
30. (A) While I (B) came, her grandmother (C) was telling her (D) a fable.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. companion B. procession C. commemoration D. magician
2. A. congratulation B. celebration C. vegetarian D. preservation
3. A. performance B. decoration C. attraction D. reunion
4. A. impressive B. addition C. cuisine D. worship
5. A. ritual B. invasion C. musician D. parade

IL Fill in each blank with one word from the box below (There are more words than blanks):


impressive regretful folk

carnival defeat display

6. Quan Ho is a kind of Vietnamese ________music.

7. People waited for hours to see the firework________.
8. It's one of the most ________performances I’ve watched. Amazing!
9. The ritual is held to commemorate the ________of the young but brave emperor.
10. I wish one day. I could join the ________in Rio, Brazil. I want to dress in colorful clothes and dance.
ritual anniversary ancestors
clasp specialities scenery

11. My father and my uncle often________ hands and wish good luck when they
meet on the first day of the year.

12. In India, it takes several days to complete the wedding________.

13. They held celebrations to mark________ the of Mozart's death.

14. Tet is an occasion for Vietnamese people to worship their________.

15. There is a ceremony of offering incense and________ such as chung cakes.

day cakes and five-fruit trays to the Kings.

III. Combine each pair of sentences into a compound or complex sentence, using the words in brackets:
16. Lan picked Peter up at the airport. They went to the Lanterns Festival. (THEN) •


17. Her mother thinks Marry should go to Huong Pagoda. Marry wants to join the ritual. (BECAUSE)


18. Before Tet, everyone cleans their house. During Tet, no one sweeps the floor. (BUT)


19. Doug didn’t know how to play human chess. He asked his father. (SO)


20. The kids didn't want to prepare for the holiday. Their parents asked them to do. (HOWEVER)


21. Minh needs to learn how to sing qitan ho. I will teach him. (AS)


22. It was raining outside. The ritual still took place. (ALTHOUGH)


23. Jenny needs to ask me. I will show her how to make chung cakes. (IF)


24. Ha was young. She loved chung cakes very much. (WHEN)


25. Franklin wants to join the Hue Festival. He is preparing for his trip. (BECAUSE)


IV. Read the passage and choose A, B, c, or D to complete each blank:

Hue Festival

Hue Festival is a big cultural event of Hue City that is held every two years. It is the (26)_______to honor
cultural and historical values of that Vietnam’s former capital city. The first Hue Festival (27) _______place in
At the beginning of Hue Festival, visitors can enjoy (28) _______ colorful and grand opening ceremony with
unique (29) _______of several art groups from Vietnam and other countries. During the festival, there is a variety
(30) _______ cultural events such as Hue Poetry Festival, Massive Street Arts Performances, Art Exhibitions, the
Week of Vietnam's historical films. (31) _______, visitors can come and explore some traditional values.of
Vietnam at Gastronomy Quarters, Traditional Kite Flying Festival (32) _______atch "Ao dai” Grand Show,
"Oriental night” Show, and sporting activities (33) _______boat race, human chess, etC. Especially, many ancient
scenery of Nguyen Dynasty are also reproduced (34) _______provide tourists an insight nto Vietnam's feudal era.

Hue Festival is well-known as an (35) _______festival where cultures of many countries converge together as
well as where Vietnamese traditional and cultural values are widely presented to the world.
(http .//WWW.

26. A. procession B. performance C. worship D. occasion

2". A. lasted B. occurred C. took D. happened
28.A. every B. a C. any D. both
29. A. performances B.reunions C. worships D. offerings
30. A. from B. of C. at D. to
31. A. Nevertheless B. However C. Otherwise D. Therefore
32.A. nor B. so C. but D. or
33. A. like B. love C. hate D. enjoy
34.A. therefore B. so C. and D. but

35. A. uninteresting B. international C. unsuccessful D. undecided


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. contemporary B. memorable C. colorful D. prosperous
2. A. offering B. tribute C. generous D. technician

3. A. spectacular B. display C. information D. environment
4. A. heritage B. addition C. nation D. willing
5. A. description B. occasion c.event D. presentation

II. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets:

6. You will like various musical_______ by the Cham. They are very unique,

7. I like carnivals because they are. _______ (color)

8. There are _______with the sounds of gongs, (process)

9. Because he is a_______, he decided to eat as a vegetarian. (Buddhism)

10. Although the Mongols were very powerful, Tran Quoc Tuan_______them
three times during the 13th century, (defeat)

III. Put the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue:

_______A. Hey Linh, it’s great that we’re going to join NhaTrang Carnival this Saturday!
_______B. I think we should take a bus. It’s cheap and safe, right?
_______C. We need some impressive clothes.
_______D. That's a good idea! How about a mask? We can disguise as princesses.
_______E. You'll look beautiful that day. Oh, why don't we bring a camera? We may want to take some
_______F. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. What should we prepare?
_______G. Interesting! I like taking photos.
_______H. Sounds great! I’ve always dreamt of becoming a princess.
_______I. How can we get there? It’s quite far.
_______J. I agree. So let’s meet at the bus station at 8AM.

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:

The Songkran festival

The Songkran festival is the Thai New Year's festival. The Thai New Year’s Day is 13 April every
year, but the holiday period includes 14-15 April as well.
The Songkran celebration is rich with symbolic traditions. Mornings begins with merit-making.
Visiting local temples and offering food to the Buddhist monks is commonly practiced. On this specific
occasion, performing water pouring on Buddha statues is considered an iconic ritual for this holiday. It

represents purification and the washing away one’s sins and bad luck. As a festival of unity, people who
have moved away usually return home to their loved ones and elders. As a way to show respect, younger
people often practice water pouring over the palms of elders’ hands. Paying respect to ancestors is also
an important part of Songkran tradition.
The holiday is known for its water festival which is mostly celebrated by young people. Major streets
are closed for traffic, and used as areas for water fights. Celebrants, young and old, participate in this
tradition by splashing water on each other.
(https ://
21. How long does the Songkran festival last?

A. 3 days B. 1 day C. 13 days D. 14 days

22. What does water pouring on Buddha statues symbolize?

A. Bad luck B. Purification C. Respect D. Ancestors

23. Younger people often pour water over the palms of elders' hands to show ay!
A. good luck B. unity C. purification D. respect
24. Why the Songkran festival is a festival of unity?
A. Because younger people will pay respect to ancestors.
B. Because water is poured on Buddha statues.
C. Because yoynger people will show respect to the elderly.

D. Because people who have moved away usually return home to their loved ones and elders.
25. Which of the following statements is not true of the water festival?
A. Major streets are closed during the festival.
B. People splash water on each other.
C. Major streets are closed for water fights.

D. Young people do not usually celebrate the water festival.

V. Find a mistake in each sentence and correct it:

26. Because most people book tickets long in advance, they cannot return home for Tet.
27. While spring comes, many Vietnamese people prepare for a new festival

28. We do not have many carnivals in Vietnam; while we have many traditional festivals.
29. He was a talented and kind emperor, so he had to suffered poor health.

30. Her voice is beautiful, when her performance is not skillful

VI. Writing:
Imagine you have been to the Songkran Festival in Thailand. Write a letter (60-80 words) to your
friend, telling him/ her about what you did and what you like about the fest ival. Remember to use conne
ctors when necessary.
Dear Minh,
it's great to know that your family had a good time in Thailand. We also had a wonderful time in
Thailand last April. We were lucky to be there right at the time of the Songkran Festival. We

Hope to see you soon to show you the pictures we took there.



I. Choose the word which has the from underlined part pronounced differently
the rest:

1. A. brave B. dragon c. fable D. amazing

2. A. lion B. giant c. knight D. prince
3. A. wicked B. princess c. legend D. emperor
4. A. glitch B. fierce c. wise D.cunning
5. A. ancient B. dangerous c. moral D. brave

II. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

6. When we arrived, Cinderella ____________with the prince.
A. will be dancing B. is dancing C. was dancing D. danced
7. This time yesterday, I ____________the story of Saint Giong.
A. was reading B. read C. am reading D. had read
8. The wolf ____________to Granny’s house and Granny.
A. ran/ swallowed B. ran/ was swallowing

C. was running/ swallowed D. had run/ swallowed

9. What____________ at 7 PM last Sunday?

A. did you do B. were you doing

C. you were doing D. you are doing

10. The tortoise ____________.hard-working, so he the race.

A. did/ had won B. had,7 was winning

C. was being/ won D. was/ won

11. The eagle____________ him and____________ to help.

A. had heard/ was agreeing B. heard/ agreed

C. was hearing/ agreed D. heard/ had agreed

12. ____________the Hue Festival on TV at 9PM yesterday?

A. Did you watch B. Were you watching

C. Had you watched D. You were watching

13. While I____________ my baby sister a fable, my mother____________, my father

a five-fruit tray.

A. was reading/ cooked/ prepared

B. was reading/ was cooking/ was preparing

C. read/ cooked/ prepared

D. had read/ was cooking/ prepared

14. We ____________dinner when the phone.

A. were having/ rang B. had/ rang

C. had/ was ringing D. had had/ rang

15. When the princess ____________the spindle she____________ into a deep sleep.

A. was touching/ fell B. had touched/ fell

C. was touching/ felt D. touched/ fell

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16. Many ____________wanted to rescue the princess but they failed.

A. ancestors B. knights C. ogres D. legends

17. You should not be ____________like the elder brother in The Star fruit Tree story.

A. greedy B. kind C. legendary D. cheerful

18. One day, the queen gave ____________to a lovely baby girl. '

A. spindle B. life C. birth D. witch

19. When the enemy____________ his country, Thanh Giong helped Hung
Vuong the Sixth defeat the enemy.
A. came/ Legend B. won/ Saint
C. boasted/ Queen D. invaded/ Emperor
20. Prince Tiet Lieu and his wife created two types of rice cakes that ________Heaven and Earth.
A. icon B. presented C. represented D. symbol

21. The ____________wolf lied to Little Red Riding Hood so that he could eat her.
A. cunning B. kind C. brave D. fairy
22. The eagle was ____________to the younger brother, so he promised to repay
him in gold.
A. rich B. grateful C. cruel D. giant
23. A____________ rescued Little Red Riding Hood and Granny.
A. dragon B. wolf C. woodcutter D. prince
24. They were dancing ____________when Cinderella suddenly left the party.
A. fiercely B. merrily C. greedily D. bravely
25. When Alice heard footsteps behind her, she was ____________so she started to
run away.
A. fierce B. frightened C. wicked D. mean

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

26. (A) The king (B) was decided to give the (C) crown (D) to Tiet Lieu.
27. The (A) hare always (B) boast about how (C) fast he (D) could run.
28. (A) Because of her kindness, (B) the frog (C) was changing into (D) a handsome prince.
29. (A) When 1 was (B) ate snacks, someone (C) knocked(D) on the door.
30. The dragon (A) flew over the tower (B) when he (C) heard the princess (D) cry for help.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. cunning B. expensive c.cruel D. wicked
2. A. eagle B. emperor C. dragon D. gigantic
3. A. tortoise B. woodcutter C. considerate D. giant
4. A. amazing B. legend C. fable D. evil
5. A. represent B. palace C. unicorn D. story

wicked folk mean

god brave cheerful

IL Fill in each blank with one word from the box below (There are more words than blanks):

6. Thanks to the ____________prince who was not afraid of anything, the princess
was saved.
7. The ____________witch cast a spell on the princess.
8. We tried to keep the queen ____________and optimistic, but she kept crying.
9. Chung Cakes, Day Cakes is a____________ tale.
10. Her sister is generous, but she is very____________. She never wants to share anything with anyone.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

11. When I (wait) ____________for you, I (meet) ____________a poor little girl.
12. At this time yesterday, we (discuss) ____________our project.
13. When he (lie) ____________on the bed, he (hear) ____________someone call for help.
14. Lac Long Quan (miss) ____________his life under the sea, so he (decide) ____________
to take fifty of his sons back there.
15. The tortoise (see) ____________that an eagle (fly) ____________in the sky.
16. The princess (be injured) ____________while she (play) ____________in the garden.
17. When we (walk) ____________in the park, it (start) ____________to rain.
18. We (sit) ____________on a bench in the park when the phone (ring) ____________.
19. When the teacher (ask) ____________me a question. I (not listen) ____________.
20. We (listen) ____________to music at 7 P.M yesterday.

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:

The Fox and the Grapes

One afternoon a fox (21) ____________through the forest and saw a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty
“Just the thing to quench my thirst,” said he.
Taking a few steps back, the fox (22) ____________and just missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took
a few paces back and tried to reach them (23) ____________ still failed.
Finally, giving (24) ____________, the fox turned up his nose and (25) ____________, “They're probably sour
anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.
(https://www. umass. edu/aesop/content.php?n= 10&i= Ì)

21. A. walks B. had walked C. is walking D was walking

22. A. had jumped B. was jumping C. had said D. would jump

23. A. so B. but C. jumped D. however

24. A. up B. on C. or D. out

25. A. was saying B. said C. in D. would say

V. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given:
26. Town Mouse/'visit/ cousin/ the country.
A. A Town Mouse went to visit his cousin in the country.
B. Town Mouse was going to visit cousin in country.
C. A Town Mouse went to visit cousin in the country.
D. The Town Mouse goes to visit a cousin in the country.
27. Wind/ blow/ hard/ it could/ the traveler.
A. Wind began to blow as hardly as it could upon the traveler.
B. The Wind was beginning to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler.
C. Wind had begun blowing hard so it could upon the traveler.
D. The Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler.
28. When/ a Lion/ asleep, a little Mouse/ begin/ run up/ down/ upon him.
A. When Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up but down upon him.
B. When a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him.
C. When the Lion was being asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him.
D. While a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse was beginning to running up and down upon him.
29. As soon as/ the eldest/ fifteen, she/ allowed/ rise/ the surface/ the ocean.
A. As soon as the eldest is fifteen, she was allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean.
B. As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was allowed rising to the surface of the ocean.
C. As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean.
D. As soon as the eldest was fifteen, she was being allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean.
30. The little mermaid/ sighed/ looked/ sorrowfully/ her fish’s tail.
A. The littlemermaid sighed, and looked sorrowfully at her fish’s tail.
B. The littlemermaid was sighing, and looked sorrowfully at her fish’s tail.
C. The littlemermaid sighed, and was looking sorrowfully at her fish’s tail.
D. The littlemermaid was sighed, and looking sorrowfully at her fish's tail.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. B. c.a D
2. torto
B. nnounc
C. .se D
A. colo fairy .
3. B. C. D
4.A retur
. B. legend
C. . D
.5. title
B. charact
C. . D
A. swal stepsist .

II. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets:
6. The tortoise (challenging)_______him to a race.
7. The elder brother was (surprise) _______, so he asked his brother to explain.
8. We have heard many stories about (wickedly) _______witches.
9. The eagle was very (generosity) _______to repay the younger brother in gold.
10. The princess saw an old (serve) _______spinning.

III. Put the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue:
_______ A. What were you doing at 7 P.M yesterday?
_______ B. In the story, a father taught his children about the strength of unity.
_______ C. Sure. I will give you tomorrow.
_______ D. What is the story about?
_______ E. But how? Did he use the bundle of sticks?
_______ F. No, it is a fable.
_______ G. Oh! Sounds interesting. Could you lend me the story?
_______ H. I have not heard about it. Is it a fairy tale?
_______ I. I was reading a story named The bundle of sticks.
_______ J. Yeah. He asked the children to break the bundle of sticks, but no one was able to do it. It is
difficult to break the bundle of sticks at the same time. But if you break one by one, it is easier. Right?

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A shepherd-boy, who watched a flock of sheep near a village, deceived the villagers three or four
times by crying out, “Wolf! Wolf!”. But when his neighbors came to help him, he laughed at them..
The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The shepherd-boy, was now really frightened, shouted in a
terror: “Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep”; but no one paid any attention to his
cries, nor gave any assistance. The Wolf, not fearful of anything, destroyed the whole flock.
(http://fablesofaesop. com/the-boy-who-cried-wolf.html)
21. How did the shepherd deceive the villagers?
A. By crying for help while in fact, there was no wolf.
B. By laughing at the villagers.
C. By destroying the whole flock.
D. By watching a flock of sheep.
22.When the neighbors heard the shepherd's cry for help for the first time, what did they do?
A. They came to laugh at him. B. They came to help him.
C. They came to frighten him. D. They came to destroy the flock.
23. What did the shepherd do when the wolf truly came?
A. He laughed at the villagers. B. He destroyed the flock.
C. He frightened the wolf. D. He called for help.
24. What did the villagers do the last time?
A. They shouted in a terror. B. They prayed.
C. They were frightened. D. They did not come to give help.
25. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The Wolf did come at last.
B. The shepherd deceived the villagers many times.
C. The flock was destroyed at last.
D. The villagers never came to help the shepherd.

V. Find a mistake in each sentence and correct it.

26. Because the husband was not come back, the wife got hungry.


27. The King decided to organized a competition to choose the heir.


28. When the bus arrived, we missed it because we talked.


29. They get married and lived happily ever after.

30. While the tortoise was run, the hare was sleeping

Write a narrative of a folk tale/fable/fairy tale/ legend (80-100 words)




(Units 4, 5, 6)


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. B. C. D
A. B.
reflec C.
cerem . D
3. carni
B. monst
C. . D
4. infor
B. imagin
C. . D
5. comp
B. manne
C. . D
A. fairy invade .dra

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. Many Vietnamese people believe that we _______go to the pagoda to pray

for health and success.

A. ought B. must C. have D. should
7. When she was little, she usually played in the garden alone.

A. was/ played B. was/ was playing

C. is/ played D. is/ is playing
8. While the teacher, _______Mai_______ on her smart phone.

A. taught/ played B. taught/ was playing

C. was teaching/ played D. was teaching/ was playing
9. We_______ clean and decorate our house before Tet. It is our long-lasting
A. may B. do not have to C. should not D. have to
10. If you visit a family on Tet, remember to give children some lucky money.
A. Unless B. If C. So D. However
11. You_______ feel sad on Tet holiday. It may bring bad luck
A. may not B. should not C. must D. have to
12. _______we were young, we usually dreamt of becoming princes or princesses.
A. When B. Although C. So D. But
13. When she was crossing the road, she met her childhood friend.
A. crossed/ met B. was crossing/ met
C. crossed/ met D. was crossing/ was meeting
14. _______she was poor, she was kind and generous.
A. Otherwise B. Even though C. Nevertheless D. Moreover
15. Her mother was sick, _______she had to take care of her.
A. but B. and c. so D. or

III. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

16.To start the party, they_______ champagneall over the table.
A. sprayed B. invaded c. commanded D. obliged
17. UNESCO has recognized the Hue_______ Court Music was recognized
as a “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity'’ in 2003.
A. vital B. royal c. social D. moral
18. In the UK. you are not_______ to carry any form of identification.
A. regretted B. obliged c. passed D. united
19. The prince managed to bring peace and_______ to the people of his nation.
A. ceremony B. commemoration C. unity D. belonging
20. The festival is designed to_______ the diversity of the nation.
A. accept B. offer C. defeat D. reflect
21. You should help the_______ with washing-up if you are close to him.
A. host B. hostess C. ogre D. witch
22. He was turned into a rat by a wicked_______.
A. witch B. ancestor C. companion D. woodcutter
23. You should teach your child more strictly. He has very bad table_______.
A. cutleries B. types C. manners D. prongs ng
24. Every teacher paid her a compliment because she performed perfectly.
A. commemoration B. unity C. command D. compliment
25. We went through a stone _______into the castle.
A. archway B. course C. sense D. spot

IV. Read the passage and choose A, B, c, or D to complete each blank:

The British generally (26) _______a lot of attention to good table (27) _______. Even young children
(28) _______expected to eat properly with knife and fork. We eat most of our food with (29) _______.
The foods we do not eat with a knife, fork or spoon include sandwiches, crisps, corn on the cob. (30)
If you cannot eat a certain type of food (31) _______have some special needs, tell your (32)
_______several days before the dinner party. If you are a guest, it is polite (33) _______ _______until
your host starts eating or indicates you (34) _______do so. It shows consideration. Always chew and
swallow all the food in your mouth (35) _______taking more or taking a drink. Always say thank you
when served something. It shows appreciation.
(http:/7resources. woodiands-junior. kent. sch. uk/customs/behaviourfood. html)
26. A. pass B. C D
27. A. kinds B.
keep C
. have . payD
28.A. have B.
clas . C . D
29. A. cutlery areB. C
. were . hadD
30. A. nor B.
knig . C . tip D
31. A. yet andB. . butC . so D
32. A. glitch B.
there . or C . butD
33. A. to wait empB. . C . hostD
34. A. ought B.
wait . C . haveD
35. A. after B.
must . C . haveD

V. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given:
36. During Tet/ Vietnamese people/ buy/ sweets/ make/ chung cakes.
A. During Tet, Vietnamese people buy all of sweets to make chung cakes.

B. During Tet, Vietnamese people buy all kinds of sweets and make chung cakes.

C. During Tet, Vietnamese people buy all kinds of sweets so make chung cakes.
D. During Tet, Vietnamese people buy all of sweets to make chung cakes.
37. The elephant races/ get/ attention/ the crowds/ therefore/ they/ very popular.
A. The elephant races get the attention of the crowds; therefore, they are very popular.
B. The elephant races get the attention from the crowds therefore they are very popular.
C. The elephant races get attention to the crowds; therefore, they are very popular.
D. The elephant races get an attention of the crowds therefore, they are very popular.
38. Thanks/ technology/ we/ now/ preserve/ culture/ future generations
A. Thanks of technology, we should now preserve our culture for future generations.

B. Thanks for technology, we must now preserve our culture to future generations.

C. Thanks to technology, we can now preserve our culture for future generations.
D. Thanks to technology, we now have to preserve our culture to future generations.
39. When/1/ wander/ the castle/1/ see/ old servant/ spin.
A. When I were wandering through the castle, I saw an old servant spinning.

B. When I was wandering through the castle, I saw an old servant spinning.

C. When I wandered through the castle, I was seeing an old servant spinning.
D. When I am wandering through the castle, I had seen an old servant spinning.
40. The custom/ we/ have/ cook/ new dish/ each year.
A. The custom is that we have cooked a new dish each year.

B. The custom is we have cook the new dish each year.

C. The custom is that we have to cook the new dish each year.
D. The custom is that we have to cook a new dish each year.

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. B. C. D
A. B.
differ C.
expre . D
A. B.
worsh C.
ancie . D
A. B.
decor C.
reco . D
A. B.
comm C.
pago . D
A. ocean Vietn .
II. Rearrange the words to form complete sentences:

6. afraid/1/ I’m/ can’t/ tennis/ tomorrow/ play.


7. test/ the/ at/ starts/ 10:30. You/ late/ be/ mustn't.


8. Pauline/ to/ loves/ go/ to/ beach/ the/ and/ spend/ days/ her/ sunbathing.

9. dislikes/ Bruno/ sitting/ the/ on/ beach; he/ always/ a/ gets/ sunburn/ nasty.

10. this/ time/ at/ yesterday, I/ homework/ my/ doing/ was.


III. Combine each pair of sentences into one complete sentence using the
words given:

11. Tom asked his teacher for help. He also asked his parents for help, (and)


12. We needed some food for the week. We went to the supermarket, (so)

13. I would like to play tennis today. If I don't play tennis, I would like to play golf, (or)


14. Henry studied very hard for the test. He passed with high marks, (so)


15. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National Museum, (and)


16. 1 prefer to watch TV by streaming over the internet. It allows me to watch what I want when I want, (since)


17. I usually work out at the gym early in the morning. I leave for work at 8A.M. (before)


18. Alexander has been working sixty hours a week. There is an important presentation next week, (as)


19. I really enjoyed the concert. The music was too loud, (although)


20. Cindy and David had breakfast. They left for work, (after)

IV. Put the words in brackets in the correct form:

21. There was a complete (strange)______sitting at my desk.
22. He finished all his work before (leave) ______.

23. The council has placed a (preserve) ______order on the building.

24. We can't (competition) ______with them on price.

25. A great (cheerful) ______went up from the crowd.

VI. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or false (F):
The 2015 Da Lat Flower Festival will be held from December 30th. 2015 to January 3rd. 2016 in Da
Lat City and neighbouring districts in Lam Dong Province.
The sixth festival will include a flower exhibition, a carnival, a market, a scientific conference on
flowers, a street displaying Lam Dong’s wine, tea and coffee, a space for calligraphy and flower
Besides, there will be a flower space in residential areas, and a trade and tourism promotion fair and a
Sunday specializing in flowers.
The biannual festival aims to promote the Da Lat trademark - a city famous for its tourism and
relaxation, and to honour the flower planters and Da Lat’s flower value to domestic and foreign friends.
(http:Anni’. vietnamtowism. com/en/index.php/news/items/9491)

26. The 2015 Da Lat Flower Festival will be the (T) (F)
27. The 2015 first festival.
festival will include a flower exhibition, a carnival, (T) (F)
a market, and a scientific conference on flowers.
28. There won't be any trade in the 2015 festival. (T) (F)
29. The festival aims to promote the Da Lat (F)
30. The Da Lat Flower Festival is held every year. (T) (F)

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
1. A. recognition B. C. D

2. A. companion addictio
B. ele
C. . D

3. A. legend processi
B. ge
C. . D

4. A. emperor comme
B. fai
C. . D
evil pri .
5. A. musician B. C. D
magicia pol .
II. Choose the correct answer for each question:
6. Anna loves______ out with her friends at the shopping mall.
A. hanging B. to worship C. to sit D. watching
7. I have had the good ______to meet some brilliant Thai friends.
A. fortune B. procession C. respect D. custom
8. A ______is a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially
one with animals as characters.
A. tale B. fable C. folk D. fairy
9. Even though I first met Yao families, I soon had a sense of. ______ I felt very close to them.
A. regretting B. reunifying C. belonging D. returning
10. The site has UNESCO World______ status.
A. Ritual B. Performance C. Heritage D. Buddha
11. Now teenagers have more______ activities to do than in the past.
A. free B. relax C. leisure D. anniversary
12. The Hung Kings Festival is organized to ______the contribution of Hung Kings.
A. commemorate B. pay C. preserve D. celebrate
13. We must take immediate action to our beautiful traditions.
A. do B. preserve C. make D. produce
14. Parents in Western countries may have more problems with their teenage
than those in Eastern countries.
A. ancestors B. emperors C. nomads D. offspring
15. On Tet holiday, people usually dress traditional.
A. customs B. costumes C. companions D. evils

III. Choose the correct answer for each question:

16. Country folk are ______than city folk.
A. friendlier B. more friendly C. most friendly D. friendliest
17. Cinderella______ when a fairy.
A. was crying/ appeared B. cried/ was appearing
C. cried/ appeared D. was crying/ appeared
18. Do you fancy ______in your spare time?
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. to swimming
19. Normally I like dancing, ______today I don’t.
A. but B. or C. although D. so
20. Thai women______ wear their traditional costumes.
A. shouldn’t B. have to c. mustn’t D. need
21.1 detest ______the house to prepare for Tet holiday.
A. to cleaning B. clean c. to clean D. cleaning
22. Tom: ______the most important festival in Vietnam?
Ha: It’s Tet holiday, I think.
A. Why is B. What is C. What are D. How is
23. When you ______me last night, I ______a fairy tale for my little sister.
A. called/ was reading B. called/ read
C. was calling/ was reading D. had called/ had read
24. Lan: ______their own language?
Mai: Yes, of course.
A. What the Hmong have B. Do the Hmong have
C. Does the Hmong have D. How do the Hmong have
25. In Russia, you ______stand in the doorstep because it can bring bad luck.
A. don’t B. have C. shouldn’t D. should

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Ethnic Groups

Vietnam is a multi-nationality country with 54 ethnic groups. The Viet (Kinh) people account for 87% of
the country’s population and mainly inhabit the Red River delta, the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta
and major cities. The other 53 ethnic minority groups, totaling over 8 million people, are scattered over
mountain areas (covering two-thirds of the country’s territory) spreading from the North to the South.
Among ethnic minorities, the most populated are Tay, Thai, Muong, Hoa, Khmer, Nung... with a
population of around 1 million each, while the least populated are Brau, Roman, Odu with several hundred
people each.
A number of ethnic minorities had mastered some farming techniques. They grew rice plants in
swamped paddy fields and carried out irrigation. Others went hunting, fishing, collecting and lived a semi-
nomadic life. Each group has its own culture, diverse and special. Beliefs and religions of the Vietnamese
ethnic minority groups were also disparate from each other.

26. Why Vietnam is a multi-nationality country?

A. Because there are 54 nationalities in Vietnam.
B. Because the Kinh is the most major ethnic group in Vietnam.
C. Because there are many people in Vietnam.
D. Because there are 54 peoples in Vietnam.
27. Who is the more populated people in Vietnam ?
A. The Kinh . B. The Thai C. The Tay D. The Khmer
28. Where do ethnic minority groups mainly live?
A. In lowland areas B. In major cities
C. In mountainous areas D. In the Mekong delta
29. Which of the following statements is true of minor ethnic peoples?
A. They account for 87% of the country's population.
B. Many were good at farming methods.
C. The least populated are Tay, Thai, Muong, Hoa, Khmer.
D. All groups have the same culture.
30. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The least populated are Brau, Roman, Odu.
B. The (Kinh) people mainly inhabit the Red River delta, the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta and
major cities.
C. Beliefs and religions of the Vietnamese ethnic minority groups were the same.
D. Some minor groups went hunting, fishing, collecting and lived a semi- nomadic life.

V. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using the words in brackets:
31. The fairy appeared. She turned Cinderella’s ragged clothes into a beautiful gown. (WHEN)


32. Tam worked hard. Her stepmother never treated her kindly. (BUT)


33. I have a wish. I will wish every poor but hard-working girl a happy life. (IF)


34. Tam was working hard. Cam was sleeping. (WHILE)


35. In Japan, bowing is so important. It is a way to show respect. (BECAUSE)




I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. B. C D
2. A.
nation B.
gram . C . D
3. A. histor
B. . C . D
4. A. econo
B. . C . D
5. A. prese
B. . C . D
enviro atmos . .

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. Many aquatic animals and plants have died _______the oil spill.

A. because B. due to C. since D. as

7. If 1 you. _______I try to save water.

A. were/would B. am/will -C. am/would D. were/would

8. Water pollution has_______ many diseases for plants, animals,

and especially people.

A. led B. made C. caused D. done

9. Polluted air in the city made Bob_______ ill.

A. become B. became C. to become D. becoming

10. If tourists _______rubbish in the river, the W'ater would be cleaner now.

A. don't throw . B. threw C. throw D. didn’t throw

11. Acid rain can lead _______atmospheric pollution.

A. of B. to C. in D. from

12. the soil is too dry, many kinds of trees can’t grow here.
A. Owing to B. due to C. Since D. because of

13. Holes in ozone layer can_______ in skin cancer.

A. lead B. result C. cause D. make-

14. People_______ suffer from noise pollution if they an airport in this area.

A. will/build B. will/ built C. won’t/built D. wouldn't/build

15. If we _______all waste more carefully, dangerous chemicals_______ get

into our water supply.

A. treated/ would B. treat/ would C. treated/ won’t D. treat/ won’t

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

16. Water pollution can put negative _______on our health.

A. contamination B. affects C. effects D. problems

17. A. How can light pollution

D. lead
B. It can make animals change their behavior patterns.
D. Soil
A. cause B. make C. affect

18. _______pollution can directly cause hearing loss.

A. Noise B. Visual C. Thermal

19. A lot of waste from hotels and factories is_______ into the lakes.
A. contaminated B. dumped C. affected D. polluted

20. _______are things that make the air, water, and soil unclean or contaminated.

A. Radiation B. Losses C. Pollution D. Pollutants

21. .Any factories breaking the rules will be heavily_______.

A. canceled B. prevented C. fined D. protected

22. Some aquatic creatures find it difficult to_______ in high temperature.

A. change B.renew C. reproduce D. expose

23. To protect the environment, we should use more_______ sources of energy such as wind and
solar power.

A. renewable B. reused C. recycled D. reproduced

■ 24. In the environment class, we _______up with some good ideas to save water.

A. did B. made C. got D. came

25. According to scientists, exhaust fumes are _______our hometown.

A. treating B. poisoning C. radiating D. measuring

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence:

26.My father (A) worked in a noisy factory (B) for a long time, (C) since he suffered from hearing (D)

27. Tve decided (A) to clean my room (B) because of my mother (C) got angry
n (D) at me.

28.Water (A) from power (B) stations may (C) cause water in rivers (D) and lakes become hotter.

29. If I (A) were you, I (B) will plant vegetables (C) in (D) the garden. .

30. What (A) will happen (B) if we (C) used electricity more (D) properly?


I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1.A. B. C. D
2. A.
recy B.
medic C.
chemi .D
3. A.
pollu B.
botani C.
conta .D
4. A.
into B.
history tinyC. .D
5. A.
emis B.
electri C.
econo .D
ocea factor conta .
II. Fill in each blank with one word from the box below (There are more words than blanks):

s blo p outbreak(s)
e odcon da
e tamin m

6. People drinking untreated water can lead to frequent _______of cholera and
other diseases.

7. Poisonous substances in the water can cause_______ to the environment.

8. _______should be treated in a proper filtration system before being dumped into rivers, or lakes.

9. If poisonous waste is untreated, it can_______ the water.

10. This device is used to_______ the level of radiation in the atmosphere.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

11. If you (promise) _______to use water more carefully, I (give) _______ more pocket money.

12. If I (be) _______you, I (ride) _______a bike to school instead of driving a motorbike.
13. If we (stop) _______damaging the environment, now there (not be) _______too many kinds of

14. People (suffer) _______;from hearing loss if they (listen) _______to too loud music.

15. If we (teach) _______children the importance of the environment, they (become) _______more aware of
saving the energy.

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

16. Many people are wearing masks _______the exhaust smoke from all means
of transportation.
A. because B. due for C. because of D. as
17. Dustbins have been placed in various places to make people _______littering.
A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. stopped
18. A new filtration system has been installed to treat the waste, _______the lake is no longer polluted.
A. so B. however C. because D. as
19. Looking at the messy room caused me _______stressed.
A. feel B. to feel C. feltD. felling
20. Dumping too many clothes or school things on the floor can_______ in
visual pollution.
A. lead B. make C. cause D. result

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:

Effects of noise pollution

Generally, there are three major effects of noise pollution. Firstly, long exposure to noise will (21)______
people's eardrum, which may result in a (22) _____hearing loss. Secondly, (23) _____ noises affect aquatic
(24)_____in one way or another. For example, noise pollution is (25) _____a lot of injuries and deaths to (26)
_____. Thirdly, health effects of noise (27) _____ anxiety and stress. Some people feel stressed and tired (28)
_____they listen to loud music (29) _____karaoke bars every day. In short, the consequences can be very (30)
(Adapted from http://eschooltoda\'. com/pollution/noise-pollution/effects-of-noise-
21.A. B. C. D
cause B.
make C.
pollute . D
23.A. pollut
B. perman
C. . D
too B.
exces C.
much . D
25. food
B. objects
C. . D
A. causi resultin .
26. B. C. D
A. B.
monk C.
whales . D
A. to B. C.
includes . D
beca B.
due C.
because . D
A. to B.
betwe fromC. . D
V. Rewrite the second sentence
A. in such a way that it has the same
worry worrymeaning as the one
. before it:
31. You can’t have a good health unless you exercise more.
32.Visual pollution happens when there are too many telephone poles, advertising billboards, or shop signs.

Too many. _____________________________________________

33. Unless we take action immediately, the air will become completely polluted.
If we. _____________________________________________
34. Herbicides kill both weeds and aquatic plants.
Both weeds and aquatic plants die. _________________________________
35. The environment is now in danger because many people do not respect it.
If many people_____________________________________________
36. The water is contaminated, so people get more diseases.
Since. _____________________________________________
37. My uncle suffered from lung cancer because he breathed in unclean air.
Because of. _____________________________________________
38. Unless people stop tin-owing rubbish in the street, the street won’t look attractive.
The street will look. _____________________________________________
39. Because it rained heavily, the road in front of my house was flooded.
Due. _____________________________________________
40. Too much use of electric lights in cities may cause light pollution.
Light pollution may result. _____________________________________________

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. B. c.en D.
2. A. pollu
B. ergy
C. chemic
3. A. disp
B. scient
C. protect
4. A. cont
B. perm
C. environ
5. A. illum
B. radio
C. contami

II. artific
Complete pestiusing the correct
the sentences, herbi billboar
form of the words in brackets:
6.The disposal of_______ sewage in rivers and oceans leads to water
pollution, (treat)
7.Water pollution can be caused by _______substances from factories, (poison)
8.Cutting down trees causes a lot of_______ damage, (environment)
9. Sewage from the market may make water in rivers and lakes_______. (contaminate)
10. There is a link between exposure to_______and cancer, (radiate)

III. Answering the questions, using conditional sentences type 1 or type 2:

11. What would you do if you were an environmentalist?


12. If you listen to loud music for a long time, what will happen to you?


13. If you see people littering on the street, what will you do?


14. What would happen to humans if there were no water?


15. If you throw plastic bags into the sea, what will happen to the fish?

III. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using the words in brackets.
16. I am a member of the anti-pollution program in my school. I often go to school by bus. (so)


17. The trees in this area were cleared off. Public facilities would be constructed, (because of)


18. Fresh, clean water is very important to life. No one can live long without it. (since)


19. Kim never cleans her room. Her mother is complaining, (because)


20. Many aquatic animals are dead. The water is polluted, (due to)


IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:

Types of pollution

In total, there are eight sources of pollution in the modem world, which put negative effects on the natural
world and the health of human beings.
Air Pollution
Air pollution comes from many sources such as vehicle exhaust, and construction. Several effects are
smog increases, higher rain acidity, and higher rates of asthma.
Water Pollution
Water pollution can be caused by improper waste disposal and littering. Some effects of water pollution
are decreasing the quantity of drinkable water, and affecting aquatic life.
Soil Pollution
Soil pollution sources include poisonous waste, sewage spills, household dumping and littering. Soil
contamination can lead to loss of wildlife habitat.
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution can come from traffic, airports, railroads, construction, and concerts. Hearing loss is one
example of noise pollution effects.
Radioactive Pollution
Sources of radioactive contamination include nuclear power plant accidents, and improper nuclear waste
disposal. Radiation pollution can cause birth defects, cancer, and other health problems.
Thermal Pollution
Thermal pollution may be caused by power plants, air pollution, and deforestation. As tcm i matures
increase, wildlife populations may be unable to recover from quick changes.
Light Pollution
Sources include large cities, billboards and advertising. If it is near residential areas, light pollution can
decrease the quality of life for residents.
Visual Pollution
Visual pollution can be caused by other pollution or just by undesirable, unattractive views. It may lower
the quality of life, or affect property values and personal enjoyment.
21. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. types of pollution B. ways to protect the environment
C. the current environment D. environment in the future
22. How many kinds ofpollution are there in the world now?
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 11
23. Which of the following is not the effect of air pollution?
A. It increases smog. B. It increases rain acidity.
C. It increases rates of asthma. D. It causes birth defects.
24. What Is the effect of water pollution?
A. It makes water drinkable.
B. It increases the amount of clean water.
C. It increases the quantity of water
D. It decreases the amount of clean water.
25. Soil pollution may be caused by________.
A. traffic B. vehicle exhaust
C. billboards D. sewage
26. Noise pollution can lead to________.
A. cancer B. birth defects C. hearing loss D. asthma
27. Because of increased temperature, it can be ________for wildlife species to
recover from quick changes.
. A. easy B. likely C. able D. difficult
28. If light pollution happens near places where many people live, it can________.
A. lower the quality of life B. create better living standard
C. cause health problems D. affect aquatic life
29. Unattractive views can make people feel________.
A. aware B. stressed C. excited D. happy
30. Any kinds ofpollution can affect our lives________.
A. in a positive way B. in a better way
C. in a bad way D. in a neutral way

V. Writing:
Imagine that you are participating in a competition named “Save energy, save our earth You have to
present some ways to help save energy. Read the following notes and write your answer in the space. You do
not need to use all the ideas.
 Walk or ride Cl hike when possible
• Take public transport
• Turn oft the lights when you leave a room
• Use a fan instead of air conditioning
• Choose products that use recycled materials
• Recycle paper, plastic, etc.
There are several ways to help save energy. Firstly, we should



I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. engineer B. refugee c. trainee D. guarantee
2. A. Japanese B. Vietnamese c. Chinese D. Portuguese
3. A. kangaroo B. committee c. official D. iconic
4. A. interviewee B. absolutely c. interviewer D. wonderful
5. A. symbolize B. amazing c. monument D. icon

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. Don't worry if you have some difficulty________ with foreigners.

A. communicated B. communicating C. communicate D. to communicate

7. Since its opening. Disneyland ________a number of expansions and major renovations.

A. has undergone B. underwent C. undergoes D. has underwent

8. Tom: How do people ________New Year in your country?

Mai: Families ________at home and prepare food.

A. to celebrate/ gathering B. celebrate/ to gather

C. celebrate/ gather D. to celebrate/ to gather

9. In most American families, parents________ less influence on their children than parents in other
parts of the world.
A. having B. have C. have had D. had
10. Linda: Hi, Chris. Where have you been for so long? I________. you for ages.
Chris: I________ to Thailand with my family.
A. didn’t see/ traveled B. haven't seen/ traveled
C. don’t see/ have traveled D. don’t see/ travel
11. The flight ________off at 19:10, so we need to hurry up.
A. is going to take B. takes C. will take D. took
12. Linda: Have you________ any problems during your trip to the USA?
Lan: Of course, yes. At first, I found it difficult________ my American partner.
A. got/ to understand B. get/ understand
C. got/ understood D. get/ understood
13. Australians________ English as their mother tongue.
A. used B. have used C. have use D. use
14. The Music Festival________ place this Sunday night, in the central stadium.
A. takes B. will take C. is going to take D. has taken
15. Thanks to the summer camp in England, my English________ a lot.
A. improved B. have improved C. improves D. has improved

III. Choose the correct answer for each question:

16. Ha: Hi. Long time no see. Did you enjoy your vacation in India?
Hai: Yes. I loved it. It was________.
A. awful B. disappointing C. awesome D. absolute
17. New Zealand is ________for
its________ beauty.
A. known/ nature B. known/ natural C. famous/ natural D. famous/ nature
18. The dove is a universal ________of peace.
A. symbolizing B. symbolize C. symbolic D. symbol
19. The city has an atmosphere which is quite________. You will never feel like that in other places.
A. important B. normal C. unique D. common
20. The country’s ________language is Spanish.
A. officially B. official C. office D. speaker
21. Ao Dai is the traditional________ for Vietnamese people.
A. garment B. skirt C. clothing D. suit
22. ________says that the Huong River was found by a Nguyen king.
A. Legendary B. People c. Legend D. It
23. Some of the town’s Roman________ still survive.
A. moments B. parades c. theme parks D. monuments
24. If you have a chance to visit Thailand, come to see the Grand Palace. It is one
of the most popular tourist ________in Thailand.
A. attracts • B. attractive C. attracted D. attractions
25. Vinpearl Land. Walt Disney World, Disneyland are all examples of________ parks.
A. amusement B. amusing C. national D. local

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence:

26.Ky Lua market (A) was open for (B) hundreds of years for (C) local people (D) and foreigners.

27.The River Thames (A) flows through (B) southern England and (C) connect London (D) with the sea.

28.The most recognizable (A) symbolic of Paris (B) is (C) the Eiffel Tower on the (D) bank of Seine.

29.In the USA, there (A) is great differences (B) of climate and (C) landscape in just one (D) region.

30.I'm (A) looking forward (B) to see you in China. Don’t forget (C) to come to the airport (D) on Apr 10th.

V. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple): Lan: (31) (you/ be/ ever)
to________ London?
Vinh: Yes. 1 (32) (be) ________there three times.
Lan: When (33) (you/ last visit) ________there?
Vinh: Last summer, I (34) (spend) ________two weeks in Brighton with my parents and we (35) (go) ________
to London one weekend.
Lan: (36) (you / like) ________it?
Vinh: Oh yes. We really (37) (have) ________a great time in London.
Lan: (38) (You/ use) ________English frequently when you were there?
Vinh: Of course, yes. That’s why my English (39) (improve) ________a lot.
Lan: Lucky you! I (40) (be/ never) ________to London.

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. iconic B. monument c. freedom D. opera
2. A. liberty B. visitor C. symbolize D. tradition
3. A. religious B. forest c. event c. D. schedule
4. A. nation ■ B. nature cartoon D. ancient
5. A. canyon B. ancient C. capita] D. Scotland

II. Fill in each blank with one word from the box below (There are more words than blanks):

m sy acc
ysterious absolut
mbol ent fest
ely ive

6. This picture depicts________ scenes during Lunar New Year in China.

7. Because legend says that the castle is________ by ghosts, not many tourists
dare to visit it.
8. The garden looked dark and________ in the sunset.
9. You’re ________right about the importance of The Statue of Liberty.
10. The Berlin wall was the ________of the Cold War.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

11. It’s the first time I (be) ________to China.

12. On the first days of Tet, people often (visit) ________relatives and friends.
13. Thanksgiving (be) ________celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November.
14. In recent years, Vietnam (develop) ________quite rapidly.
15. The last train of the day (leave) ________at 23:40.

III. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given:
16. I/ look forward to/ hear/ you/ soon
A. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
B. I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
C. So am I looking forward to hearing from you soon.
D. I look forward to hear from you soon.
17. The number/ English speakers/ increase/ recent years
A. The number of English speakers increase in recent years.
B. rhe number of English speakers have increased in recent years.
C. The number of English speakers increased in recent years.
D. The number of English speakers has increased in recent years.
18. in Sweden/ people/
celebrate/ Easter/ the end/ winter
A. In Sweden people have celebrated Easter at the end of the winter.
B. In Sweden, people celebrate Easter at the end of the winter.
C. In Sweden, people celebrate Easter for the end of the winter.
D. In Sweden, people celebrate Easter since the end of the winter.
19. At midnight/ New Year's Eve/ it/ traditional/ people/ sing "Auld Lang Syne’’ 2
A. At midnight on New Year’s Eve. it’s traditional people to sing “Auld
Lang Syne".
B. At midnight on New Year's Eve, it traditional for people to sing “Auld '
Lang Syne’’.
C. At midnight on New Year's Eve, it’s traditional for people to sing “Auld Lang Syne".
D. At midnight on New Year's Eve, it's traditional for people sing “Auld Lang Syne".
20. The Great Pyramid/ survive/ present day.
A. The Great Pyramid survived to the present day.
B. The Great Pyramid survives to the present day.
C. The Great Pyramid has survived to the present day.
D. The Great Pyramid is survived to the present day.

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:
The Statue of Liberty, one of New York’s most popular (21) ________ attractions, has attracted travelers from all
over world (22) ________over one hundred years. Lady Liberty is a universal (23) ________of freedom and
democracy and has (24) ________in many movies.
The Statue of Liberty was actually given (25) ________the United States as a gift from France in honor of the
Centennial of American Independence. The Lady of Liberty (26) ________shipped overseas to New York in 350
pieces and it took four months (27) ________ her together. The Statue of Liberty has towered above the New York
Harbor (28) ________ 1886 and was designated as an American National (29) ________in 1924. The Statue of
Liberty is an (30) ________sight to see.
(http://ww\V. B.tour C. tourism D. tourist
22. A. in com/liherty
nyctourist. B. since C. for D. on
23. A. symbolic B. symbol C. symbolize D. symbolism
24.A. appeared B. appear C. appears D. appearing
25.A. by B. to C. from D. with
26. A. is B. were C. was D. has been
27. A. has put • B. putting C. puts D. to put
28. A. since B. for C. to D. in
29. A. Model B. Momentum C. Monument D. Moment
30. A. unamazing B. unforgettable C. unique D. unforgiven

V. Complete the following conversation with the sentences A - E:

Nga: Have you had any plans for the summer?
Minh: (31)_____________________________________________
Nga: Fantastic! It must be so fun.
Minh: I hope so. Remember Phong, my cousin? He had a wonderful time in the summer camp last year.
Nga: (32)______________________________________________
Minh: He joined some life skill classes and did some teamwork with friends from different countries.
Nga: (33)______________________________________________
Minh: At first, he did but gradually everything became better.
Nga: I guess he has made a lot of friends.
Minh: Sure. His English has improved amazingly, too.
Nga: (34)_______________________________________________
Minh: (35)______________________________________________
Nga: Good idea. Thanks.
(A) He is so lucky. 1 wish 1 were him.

(B) Why don't you apply for this summer camp? I think the deadline hasn't come yet.

(C) Really? What did he do while he was there?

(D) Well. I'm going to take part in a summer camp in China this July.

(E) Did he have any difficulty communicating with them?

VI. Rewrite the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one before it:

36. It is a long time since we last met.

—> We haven’t..
37. When did you have it?

—> How long?

38. This is the first time I had such a delicious meal.

—> I haven’t.
39. I haven't seen him for 8 days.

—> The last:.

40. I haven't spoken English since last summer.

—> It is a year.

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. puzzling B. confusing c. accent D. castle
2. A. koala B. official c. pasture D.canoeing
3. A. spacious B. scenic c. spectacular D. scenery
4. A. desert B. incredible c. excursion D. adventure
5. A. disagree B. degree c. trainee D. obese

II. Fill in each blank with one word from the box below (There are more

words than blanks):

confusing accent spacious

incredible koala pasture

6. The castle is surrounded by_______ gardens.

7. It seems_______ to me that we have just come back from New York.

Everything was amazing there.

8. Tom is a tall boy with a Canadian_______.

9. By the time we got the cows back into the_______it was dark.

10. The two new members had the same name, which made things_______

III. Find the mistakes in these sentences and correct them:

11. I. Have everyone remembered to bring sweets and fruits?


12. Chinese people have depended on the lunar calendar to prepare for their New Year Eve.
13. We are all look forward to our family reunion at Christmas.


14. His soft skills improve a lot since his trip to Canada.

15. The bus to the museum will leave at 9:00 every day.


III. Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning.

16. This is the first time he went abroad.

-> He hasn't. _________________________________________________

17. She started learning French 1 month ago.

She has. _________________________________________________

18. We began eating when it started to rain.

-> We have. _________________________________________________

19.1 last had my hair cut when I left home.

■—> I haven't. _________________________________________________

20. The last time she talked to me was 5 months ago.

—> She hasn't. _________________________________________________

IV. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day has been an annual holiday in the United States since 1863. Thanks giving Day is
traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. The meal often includes a turkey,
stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, and vegetables. Thanksgiving Day is a time for many
people to give thanks for what they have.
Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and towns on or around Thanksgiving Day. Some parades
or festivities also mark the opening of the Christmas shopping season. Some people have a four-day weekend so it is
a popular time for trips and to visit family and friends.

21. Thanksgiving is celebrated every year. (T) (F)

22. A turkey, potatoes, vegetables, and pumpkin pie are often seen (T) (F)
in the meal on Thanksgiving Day.
23. Thanksgiving Day is an occasion for people to say goodbye to CD (F)
unlucky things.
24. Some festivals and parades mark the end of the Christmas (T) (F)
shopping season.
25. It is not common for people to travel during this occasion. (T) (F)

V. Writing:
Read the TV schedule this Sunday and write five sentences about the programmes.
Date: Sunday. August 21

Time Programme Description

8.00 English for everyone Don’t miss the chance to follow
Visiting Scotland Tom to Scotland.
8.30 Game show Watch teenagers from around the

Who’s millionaire? world answer questions about

English speaking countries.
9.00 Food around the world Know more about Amsterdam's

Amsterdam’s street food street food.

10.00 Vietnam Discovery A documentary about Ba Be Lake,

Ba Be Lake the largest natural lake in Vietnam.

11.00 Art Attack Learn to make a lamp from used
How to make a lamp things like paper.
12.00 Cartoon An animals’ world where equality
Zootopia is important.
Art Attack is on at 11.00. This week this show teaches US how to make a lamp from used things like paper.







I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. technology B. geography C. biology D. bibliography
2. A. zoology B. psychological C. psychology D. biography
3. A. typhoon B. volcano C. hurricane D. tornado
4. A. collapse B. erupt C. destroy D. scatter
5. A.rescue B. supply C. provide D. evacuate

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. ________about the storm that stroke Hanoi last night?

A. Did you hear B. Do you hear

C. Have you hear D. Did you heard

7. By the time people________, the storm________.

A. had woken up/ calmed down B. woke up/ calmed down

C. woke up/ had calmed down D. had woken up/ had calmed down

8. Many people________ because of the earthquake last week.

A. did injure B. injured

C. have injured D. were injured

9. Hundreds of buildings ________when the earthquake________ the city.

A. were destroyed/ was hit B. were destroyed/ hit

C. destroyed/ hit D. destroyed/ was hit

10. Villagers________ before the volcano________.

A. had already evacuated/ had erupted

B. had already evacuated/ erupted

C. had already been evacuated/ erupted

D. were already evacuated/ had erupted

11. Tsunamis________ when the sea floor suddenly________.

A. is caused/ move B. was caused/ moved

C. has been caused/ move D. can be caused/ moves

12. When the rescue team________, the fire________ 10 and________ 50 people.

A. arrived/ had killed/ injured B. had arrived/ killed/ injured

C. arrived/ killed/ injured D. had arrived/ had killed/ injured

13. Ann: Where ________you when the earthquake________?

Nick: I________,at school. How about you?

A. were/ had begun/ had been B. had been/ began/ was

C. were/ began./ was D. had been/ had begun/ had been

14. My house, which________ in the storm, ________next week.

A. was destroyed/ will be rebuilt B. is destroyed/ is rebuild

C. destroyed/ will rebuild D. was destroy/ be rebuilt

15. By the time we ________the shelter, some of us________ sick.

A. have found/ became sick B. found/ had become

C. had found/ had become D. had found/ became

III. Choose the correct answer for each question:

16. They tried to find________ from the rain.

A. homes B. places C. shelter D. buildings

17. The volcano could________ at any time.

A. erupt B. strike C. hit D. rage

18. ________from the explosion was flying all over the place.

A. Supplies B. Buildings C. Shelter D. Debris

19. Three hundred people were left________ by the earthquake.

A. destroyed B. rescued C. homeless D. damaged

20. The town was________ by ________

A. scattered/ a landslide B. damaged/ landslide

C. destroyed/ a landslide D. sheltered/ landslide

21. We became________ by the rising floodwater. We couldn’t move to anywhere else.

A. trapped B. rescued C. reported D. evacuated
22. News of their safety came as a great________ to her. She had been so worried about them.
A. disaster B. risk C. property D. relief
23. After the typho.on, they had to move into________ accommodation where they would stay in 10 or 15
A. permanent B. temporary C. quick D. personal
24. You should become ________with the guidelines for________ because disasters can happen at any
A. familiar/ evacuation B. similar/ shelter
C. used/ emergency D. used/ evacuation
25. The government is sending aid to flood victims.
A. victims B. people C. villagers D. residents

IV. Find the mistake in each sentence:

26. (A) Much of the town was (B) reconstruct (C) after the (D) tornado.
27. The winds (A) were so strong (B) for trees, cars and (C) even houses (D) were picked up.
28. (A) By the (B) next morning, several villagers (C) was buried in ash (D) and debris.
29. (A) Natural disasters can be (B) destroyed; they can (C) cause loss of life and (D) damage to property.
30. We should (A) tell more (B) respect (C) to the (D) natural environment.

V. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:
On 11 March 2011, Japan suffered the (31) ________earthquake in its history. The 2011 Tõhoku earthquake
measured 9.0 on the moment magnitude scale and produced (32)________tsunami approximately 10 meters (33)
________. Despite the warning systems, thousands (34) ________killed by the quake and tsunami. Over 100,000
buildings were (35) ________with several towns completely destroyed. The tsunami (36) ________nuclear
accidents, and the associated (37) ________zones affecting hundreds of thousands of residents.Many electrical
generators were taken down, and at (38) ________three nuclear reactors suffered explosions. (39) ________within a
20 km radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and a 10 km radius of the Fukushima Daini Nuclear
Power Plant were (40) ________.
(https ://en. in_Japan)
31. A. strong B. strongest c. stronger D. strength
32. A. a B. an c. the D. no article
33. A. height B. higher c. high D. heighten
34. A. was B. were c. had D. have
35. A. constructed B. supplied c. damaged D. injured
36. A. made B. had c. led D. caused
37. A. evacuation B. reaction
c. eruption D. shelter
38. A. most B. least c. less D. fewest
39. A. Employers B. Managers c. Workers D. Residents
40. A. evacuate B. evacuates
c. evacuated D. evacuating

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. severe B. extensive C. rescue D. forest
2. A. trap B.rage c.shake D. earthquake
3. A. evacuate B. scatter C. village D. natural
4. A. erupt B. tsunami C. mudslide D. public
5. A. property B. shelter C. accurate D. recent
II Use the words from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences (There are more words than

rescue collapse accommodate

injure erupt mass

6. The explosion made a______ hole in the ground.

7. After two days being trapped in debris, they were luckily______ by helicopter.

8. His______leg prevented him from walking.

9. The family is staying in temporary______ until their house is rebuilt.

10. Mount St. Helens is the most deadly and economically destructive volcanic______in the history of the
United States.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

11. Those drivers (drive) ______for three hours when a heavy storm suddenly (break) ______.

12. Many believe only animals (endanger) ______.

13. What (you/ do) ______when the fire (occur) ______?
14. in the news last night, the injured people (report) ______to have recovered quickly from the earthquake.
15. The machine (use) ______to measure the magnitude of earthquakes.
16. The evacuation (complete) ______3 hours before the storm (hit) ______ the village.
17. Not much (say) ______about the accident since then.
18. By the time 1 (arrive) ______home, my family (take) ______to the shelter without me.
19. Since the last mudslide, no one (see) ______Jim again.
20. For the last five days, the baby (keep) ______in the public shelter to protect from (affect) ______by the

III. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given:
21. According/ latest report/ the number/ people/ injured/ typhoon/ nearly/ 150.
A. According to the latest report, the number of people injured in the typhoon was nearly 150.
B. According to the latest report, the number of people were injured in the typhoon was nearly 150.
C. According to latest report, the number of people injured in the typhoon were nearly 150.

D. According to the latest report, the number of people have injured in the typhoon was nearly 150.
22. Tsunamis/ also/ refer/ the public/ tidal waves.
A. Tsunamis are also referred to the public as tidal waves.
B. Tsunamis also refer to the public as tidal waves.
C. Tsunamis is also referred as the public as tidal waves.

D. Tsunamis are also referred to the public as tidal waves.

23. After/1/ call/ my mother/1/ feel/ relieved.
A. After I called my mother, I felt relieved.
B. After Ỉ had called my mother, I felt relieved.
C. After I called my mother, 1 had felt relieved.

D. After 1 called my mother, I have felt relieved.

24. Fortunately/ food / medical supplies/ already/ send/ there
A. Fortunately, food and medical supplies were already been sent there.
B. Fortunately, food and medical supplies has already sent there.
C. Fortunately, food and medical supplies have already been sent there.
D. Fortunately, food and medical supplies have already sent there.
25. Residents/ in/ evacuation zones/ should/ take/ temporary/ shelters.
A. Residents in evacuation zones should take to temporary shelters.
B. Residents in evacuation zones should be took to temporary shelters.
C. Residents in evacuation zones should be taken to temporary shelters.
D. Residents in evacuation zones should have taken to temporary shelters.
26. Heavy rain/ predict/ continue/ until/ Friday.
A. Heavy rain is predicted to continue until Friday.
B. Heavy rain predicted to continue until Friday.
C. Heavy rain will be predicted to continue until Friday.
D. Heavy rain predicts to continue until Friday.
27. Debris/ need/ clean/ for/ safety/ people.
A. Debris needs to clean for the safety of people.
B. Debris needs clean for the safety of people.
C. Debris needs to be cleaned for the safety of people.
D. Debris needs to cleaning for the safety of people.
28. Disaster victims/ should/ treat/ care.
A. Disaster victims should treat to care.
B. Disaster victims should be treated with care.
C. Disaster victims should treat with care.
D. Disaster victims should have treated with care.
29. It/ first time/1/ see/ a/ destructive/ storm.
A. It was the first time I saw a destructive storm.
B. It had been the first time I saw such a destructive storm.
C. It had been the first time I had seen a destructive storm.
D. It was the first time I had seen such a destructive storm.
30. I/ live/ village/ 3 months/ before/ flood/ occur.
A. I had been living in the village for 3 months when the flood occurred.
B. I had been living in the village since 3 months when the flood occurred.
C. I lived in the village for 3 months when the flood occurred.
D. I lived in the village since 3 months when the flood had occurred.
IV. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or false (F):
In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck Vietnam, days after leaving thousands dead and
widespread devastation in the Philippines. Al-Jazeera reported: "The national weather forecaster said
Haiyan made landfall in northern QuangNinh at 5AM local time on as a tropical storm. It was moving
towards southern China and is expected to weaken later on Monday”. Downpours hit the capital, Hanoi,
and houses in some northern provinces were damaged by strong winds. Several hundred houses had
their roofs ripped off. Thousands of trees in the province were uprooted,” said a disaster official in
Quang Ninh province. "Three people were reported missing,” he added. National disaster officials said
no deaths had been reported so far on Monday, although state media said five people had died during
preparations for the typhoon.
( 3/1 l/typhoon-haiyan-bears-down-
vietnam-20131111Ì135204425. html)

31. Before hitting Vietnam, Typhoon Haiyan had struck the (T) (F)
32. According to the national weather forecaster, Haiyan hit (T) (F)
southern Quang Ninh.
33. Haiyan caused damage to property in Hanoi and some northern (T) (F)
34. The typhoon didn’t affect any trees. (T) (F)
35. Five people died while preparing for Haiyan. (T) (F)

V. Complete the following conversations with the sentences A - E:

36. Nga: Luckily, no one got injured in the flood.

37. Andy: Some people weren’t evacuated due to the irresponsibility of the authority.

Minh: _________________________________! I can’t believe it!

38. Tom: I’ve got an award for my essay about natural disasters.

Jerry: _________________________________! You did a great job!

39. Hade: My uncle was badly injured because of the sudden storm.

Harry: _________________________________! I feel so sorry for him.

40. Peter: I’m going to have my house rebuilt.
Zack: _________________________________!
(A) Thai's awful. (B) Woa! (C) That's a relief!
(D) How wonderful! (E) Oh no!

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. volcanic B. natural c. tropical D. serious
2. A. sociology B. astrology c. bibliography D. climatology
3. A. derive B. displace c. refer D. bury
4. A. technology B. zoology c. radiography D. geography
5. A. hurricane B. typhoon c. earthquake D. mudslide

IL Put the words in brackets in the correct form:

6. The hurricane caused loss of life. There were few (survive)______.

7. Three people were reported (miss) ______in the storm.

8. Debris (scatter) ______across the countryside by the strong winds last night.

9. South-west England and south Wales have been hit by a (power) ______storm that has left thousands of
homes without power.
10. The floods (severe) ______damaged homes, highways, power lines, and railroads.

11. Early (warn) ______systems for natural disasters have been shown to be effective.

12. Eventually the storm (weak) ______and turned south.

13. The church was rebuilt after a (disaster) ______fire in 1824.

14. Three hundred people were left (home) ______by the earthquake.

15. Last night, we (shelter) ______from the rain in a doorway.

III. Rewrite the sentences using the correct passive voice.

16. The fire badly damaged the town hall.


17. They have to repair their garage. ___________________________________________________

18. The teacher is going to show us a documentary about severe floods.


19. The police haven’t found the flood victims yet.

20. It is said that many people are homeless after the flood.

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Severe flooding occurred during the 2011 monsoon season in Thailand. The flooding began at the end of
July caused by the landfall of Tropical Storm Nock- ten. These floods soon spread through the provinces of
northern, northeastern, and central Thailand along the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins. In October
floodwaters reached the mouth of the Chao Phraya and mace parts of Bangkok flooded. Flooding continued
in some areas until mid-January 2012, and resulted in a total of 815 deaths (with 3 missing) and 13.6 million
people affected. Sixty-five of Thailand’s 77 provinces were declared flood disaster zones, and over
20,000km2 of farmland was damaged. The disaster has been described as ‘The worst flooding in teims of the
amount of water and people affected.”
(https Wen. Wikipedia, org/wiki/201 I -Thailand-floods)
21. What is the cause of the 201Ỉ flooding?

A. The landfall of Tropical Storm Nock-ten

B. The monsoon season
C. The Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins
D. The mouth of the Chao Phraya
22. The floods occurred in some provinces except_______.

A. Southern Thailand B. Northern Thailand

C. Central Thailand D. Northeastern Thailand
23. When did the flooding end?

A. at the beginning of July, 2011

B. at the end of July, 2011
C. at the middle of January, 2012
D. at the end of January, 2012
24. Which of the following is true?

A. Floodwaters reached the mouth of the Mekong.

B. Parts of Bangkok flooded.
C. 77 provinces in Thailand were declared flood disaster zones.
D. This flooding is considered the worst flooding in terms of property dạmage.
25. Which of the following is caused by the flooding?
A. 815 died and went missing.
B. 13.6 billion people were affected.
C. The Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins were damaged.
D. 20,000km2 of farmland was negatively destroyed.

V. Writing:

You have experienced a natural disaster. You made some notes about it in the table below. Use your notes to
write a news report.

Type of natural disaster Flood

What is this disaster? A large amount of water covering an area that is usually
When and where did the - Late 1999
disaster occur?
- Central provinces in Vietnam
What are the effects of - 793 people lost their lives
this disaster? - 55,000 were made homeless,
- $290 million of damage was caused to the region
- 1.7 million people in the central provinces were
What has been done to - Rescue workers have freed people trapped in collapsed
help the victims of the or damaged homes.
disaster? - Rescue workers are clearing up the debris.

- Rescue equipment, as well as food and medical

supplies have already been sent there.
- Homeless people have been taken to safe areas.

- Temporary shelters will be built to house them.

(Units 7, 8, 9)


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. biology B. psychology C. economic D. geography
2. A. sociology B. physics C. lunatic D. traffic
3. A. Japanese B. engineer C. bibliography D. technology
4. A. geology B. referee C. Vietnamese D. Nepalese
5. A. classic B. historic C. logic D. tsunami

IL Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. Those foreign tourists are looking forward_______ Vietnamese Tet holiday

with excitement.
A. enjoying B. to enjoy C. enjoyment D. to enjoying
7. If you spoke more slowly, _______ he you.

A. would understand B. will understand

C. understood D. understands
8. When I met Jim in the summer camp, he_______ English for 5 years already.

A. was learning B. learnt C. has learnt D. had been learning

9. It_______ that the thinning of the ozone layer by smoke from

mills, factories, and industry.

A. believes/ causes B. is believed/ causes
C. believes/ is caused D. is believed/ is caused
10. When I looked at the river. I knew it _______for a long time.

A. had contaminated B. had been contaminated

C. was contaminated D. contaminated
11. All flights to Hanoi had to be cancelled_______ the storm.

A. as a result B. due to C. because D. so

12. When we were young, we_______ in the river near our home.

A. used to swim B. have swum

C. had swum D. were swimming
13. On Tet holiday, people often_______ relatives, friends, and_______ to the
pagoda to pray for luck.
A. visit/ went B. visit/ go .
C. have visited/ have gone D. visited/ went
14. The first Thanks giving_______ by the Pilgrims in 1621.

A. celebrated B. was celebrated

C. is celebrated D. has been celebrated

15. If I _______a chance to go abroad, I China.

A. had/ will visit B. had/ would visit

C. have/ will visit D. had/ visit

III. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

16. How the massive stones were brought here to build the Pyramid remains a_______

A. mystery B. mysterious C. mysteriously D. mysticism

17. The waste from the chemical factory is extremely_______.

A. harmless B. harmful C. harm D. unharmed

18. Niagara Falls is a great_______ on the border of the USA and Canada.

A. tradition B. evacuation C. spectacle D. relaxation

19. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most famous_______ wonders of
the world.
A. artificial B. natural C. temporary D. modern
20. The factory was fined for_______ chemicals into the river.

A. erupting B. providing C. dumping D. supplying

21. Several villages around Mount Sinabung were buried in_______ and_______.

A. destruction/ injury B. eruption/ lava

C. ash/ debris D. aid/ shelter
22. Today, more and more teenagers are taking part in a local or international_______.

A. game B. amusement
C. wonder D. summer camp

23. Extensive_______ was caused to property, including homes and businesses.

A. damage B. destructions C. construction D. injury

24.The noise of vehicles, mills, and factories, which may lead to_______
pollution, can be really unbearable.
A. visual B. noise C. light D. thermal
25. Visitors to Scotland can spend endless days_______ its historic castles even
though they are said to be_______ by ghosts.
A. discovering/ amazed B. cycling/ spectacular
C. raging/ evacuated D. exploring/ haunted
IV. Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence:

26.attracted/ people/ opened/ Disneyland/ has/ over/ 1955/ in/ 670/ since/ million/ it/.

27. to/ the/ property/ caused/ storm/ damage/ extensive/.

28. construction/ my/ factory’s/ had/ clean/ before/ hometown/ the/ been/ very/.

29. 750/ in/ world/ there/ about/ million/ speakers/ are/ English/ the/.

30. reported/ more/ being/ the/ on/ natural/ are/ disasters/ news/.

V. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Most of us are very used to the sounds we hear in everyday life. (31) _______, when the sound of the
television keeps you (32) _______sleeping all night or the traffic starts to give you a headache, it stops
becoming just noise and starts turning into noise (33) _______ , which can affect both people and animals in
negative ways.
First, constant exposure to loud levels (34) _______noise can easily result in the damage of our ear drums
and (35) _______ of hearing. It also reduces our sensitivity to sounds that our ears pick up unconsciously
(36) _______regulate our body’s rhythm.
In addition, excessive noise pollution in working areas such as offices, construction sites, bars and (37)
_______in our homes can influence psychological health. Studies show that the occurrence of aggressive
behavior, disturbance of sleep, constant stress, and fatigue (38) _______ be linked to excessive noise levels.
These in turn can cause more severe and chronic health issues later in life.
Last but not least, wildlife faces far more problems than humans (39) _______. noise pollution since they
are more dependent on sound. The ill effects of excessive noise begin at home. Pets react more aggressively
in households (40) _______there is constant noise.
31. A. However B. Therefore C. So D. Hence
32. A. to B. for C. from D. with
33. A. disease B. pollution C. exhaustion D. fume
34. A. in B. of C. at D. on
35. A. shortage B.lose C. loss D. lack
36. A. for B. at C. against D. to
37. A. so B. ever C. even D.such
38.A. need B. can C. had D. have
39. A. because B. so C. nevertheless D. however
40. A. which B. why C. what D. where


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. climate B.rage C. familiar D. traditional
2. A. endless B. legend C. scenic D. century
3.A.serve B. increase C. symbolize D.sound
4. A. cholera B. church c.change D. challenge
5. A. property B. emergency C. quickly D. typhoon

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

6. The storm which (occur) _______at the end of January (destroy) _______
several houses.
7. I (speak) _______to her since she (move) _______to England.
8. By the time the rescue team (arrive) _______, 50 people (injure) _______ in the fire.
9. If I earn enough money, I (buy) _______a machine which can predict disasters.
10. If we become more aware of the environment, many diseases can (prevent) _______

11. If you (not play) _______such loud music, your parents wouldn’t get so angry now.
12. In this region, the local language (speak) _______a hundred years ago.
13. There is a boat which (leave) _______the harbor at 7.30 A.M every day.
14. According to the news, last week’s concert (raise) _______$500 for flood victims.
15. Up till now, three public shelters (build) _______around the town.
III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box below (There are more words and

emergency dumping cyclone radioactive

littering uninhabitable legendary landscape
parade shake drought territory

16. The island was hit by a _______which caused considerable damage to both
people and property.
17. He was fined $5 for_______ in public places.
18. Sylvia Earle is a________environmentalist who fought against over-fishing
during the 20lh century.
19. The government has declared a state of _______following the earthquake.
20. Those houses were made _______by radioactive contamination. No one
could live there.
21. Thousands of people were at the_______ to celebrate the birth of the
little princess.
22. The ground began to_______ when the earthquake occurred.
23. We need to put a ban on the_______ of radioactive waste at sea.
24. Some of the newer plants in the garden died during the_______ due to
lack of water.
25. This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English_______. You can see it almost
everywhere in England.

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions:

New Zealand is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country
geographically comprises two main landmasses - that of the North Island, and the South Island,-
and numerous smaller islands. Because of its remoteness, it was one of the last lands to be
settled by humans. During its long period of isolation. New Zealand developed a distinctive
biodiversity of animal, fungal and plant life. The country's sharp mountain peaks, such as the
Southern Alps, owe much to the uplift of land and volcanic eruptions. New Zealand's capital
city is Wellington, while its most populous city is Auckland.
The official languages are English, Maori and New Zealand Sign Language. English is the
predominant language in New' Zealand, spoken by 98 percent of the population. Many places
have both their Maori and English names officially recognized. New' Zealand Sign Language is
used by about 28,000 people. It was declared one of New Zealand's official languages in 2006.
(https ://en. Wikipedia. org/wiki/New_ Zealand)
26. New Zealand was one of the last lands to be settled by humans because of
A. volcanic eruptions B. mountain peaks
C. diverse biodiversity D. remoteness
27. What city has the largest population in New Zealand?

A. Auckland B. South Island

C. Wellington - D. Maori
28. There are how many official languages in New Zealand?

A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D.4
29. Why English is the predominant language in New Zealand?

A. Because it is spoken by 28000 people.

B. Because it is spoken by the majority of the population.

C. Because it became the official language in 2006.

D. Because English names cannot be easily recognized.
30. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. English is the most spoken language in New Zealand.

B. Welling is the capital of New Zealand.

C. New Zealand Sign Language hasn’t been one of New Zealand’s official languages since
D. There are many islands in New Zealand.

V. Rewrite the sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original one:
31.The damage of our ear drums and loss of hearing can be caused by constant exposure to
loud noise.
—> Constant exposure to loud noise can_______________________
32. They shipped the Lady of Liberty overseas to New York in 350 pieces.

—> The Lady of Liberty______________________________

33.The high noise leads to a situation when a normal person loses the .ability to hear properly.

-» Due to___________________________________________
34. Many fish die because sewage is dumped directly into the river.

-> If ____________________________________________________
35.1 had never seen such a destructive storm.
—> It was the first_________________________________________

VI. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or false (F):
Lotus flower has been regarded as Vietnam’s national flower. Lotus symbolizes the beauty,
commitment, health, honor and knowledge. Lotus flowers grow from the muddy pond but their
seed grow toward the direction of the sun light, which represent the purity of spirit. Lotus is said
to be the symbol of summer as it often blossoms in summer time when there is a lot of bright
sunlight. At night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again.
Lotus flowers are beautiful in both appearance and smell. The color of lotus flowers usually
are pink, red. white, blue and purple, each color has different meaning but they all have pleasant
smell and people simply love them at first sight.
Different parts of lotus can be used for different purposes: the flowers are used for praying;
the seeds are used for making lotus tea and medicine while the green leaves are used to wrap
chicken rice - a very delicious dish. If you visit Viet Nam next time, remember to pay a visit to
the lotus pond and you will definitely be amazed by its beauty.

36. Lotus is a symbol of the beauty, commitment, health, honor (T) (F)
and knowledge.
37. Lotus often blossoms when there is no bright sunlight. (T) (F)
38. Lotus flowers are beautiful in both appearance and smell. (T) (F)
39. All colors of lotus have the same meaning. (T) (F)

40. Different parts of lotus can be used for different purposes. (T) (F)


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. talkative B. creative C. positive D. negative
2. A. active B. quality C. quantity D. attractive
3. A. curiosity B. opportunity C. community D. interactive
4. A. majority B. minority C. competitive D. nationality
5. A. activity B. atmosphere C. factory D. temperature

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. She intends________ a swimming course this summer.

A. taking B. to take

C. to taking D. A&B

7. Mai: How about at 7 P.M?

Lan: Sorry, I can't. I________ then.
A. meeting/ will study B. to meet/ will have studied
C. to meet/ will study D. meeting/ will be studying
8. Teenagers now prefer_________on the computer to_______face to face.
A. chatting/ meet B. to chat/ meeting
C. chatting/ meeting D. to chatting/ meeting
9. Famous people often wear masks to avoid__________
A. being recognized B. to be recognized
C. to recognize D. recognizing
10. Tills time tomorrow, I__________on the beach.
A. will lie B. will lay
C. will have lied D. will be lying
11. The laptop can be used________information and __________assignments.
A. to search/ type B. searching/ typing
C. to search/ typing D. searching/ to type
12. If you are the last one________the room, remember__________the light.
A. leaving/ to turn off B. to leave/ turning
C. to leave/ to turn off D. leaving/ turning
13. My father warned me_______too much time_______on the Internet.
A. to not spend/ chatting B. not to spend/ chatting
C. not spending/ to chat D. not spend/ to chat
14. When you arrive, I__________at the cinema entrance.
A. will be waiting B. will wait
C. am waiting D. were waiting
15. Anna: __________telepathy to communicate in 200 years?
Amy: I think so. It_________ so interesting.
A. Will we use/ will be B. Will we be using/ will being
C. Will we have used/ would be D. Will we be using/ will be

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

16. They got on quite well despite the language__________.

A. communication B. breakdown
C. bamer D. telepathy
17. His mother is so worried now. The only thing he__________ with is his

smart phone.
A. interacts B. speaks C. sends D. uses
18. Send a__________ message to 9354 to vote for your idol.

A. text B. cyber C. multimedia D. snail

19. A lot of waste from hotels and factories is__________ into the lakes.

A. contaminated B. dumped c. affected D. polluted

20. I posted a question on__________ board and got many interesting answers.

A. cyber B. media c. Internet D.message

21. Anh and Tom have never met__________ before. They only chat on Facebook.

A. eye-to-eye B. head-to-head
C. face-to-face D.should-to-shoulder
22. Students should learn how to use__________ communication, such as hand
gestures and eye contact to communicate successfully.
A. netiquette B. verbal C. non-verbal D. body
23. Cultural difference can lead to communication__________.

A. breakdown B. break-up C. success D. failure

24. Smiling and frowning are examples of facial__________.

A. intonation B. language C. communication D. expressions

25. There can be three forms of communication, which are verbal, non-verbal and__________

A. netiquette B. multimedia C. body language D. cyber world

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence:

26. (A) At 11AM yesterday, he (B) will be having a video (C) conference with his (D) colleagues in
27. When I (A) lived with my grandparents, they (B) did not let me (C) watch TV at night. I was made
(D) study a lot.
28. We (A) have arranged (B) meeting (C) the Physics teacher (D) tomorrow.

29. When you (A) arrive in (B) the airport, we will (C) waiting at (D) Gate 5.

30. It is (A) no use (B) to repair the laptop. It (C) would be cheaper (D) to buy a new one.

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
II. Use the words from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences (There are more

1. A. understand B. shrug c. culture D. communicate

2. A. speech B. chatting c. cheer D. chemistry
3. A. distance B. conference c. comment D. face
4. A. multimedia B. opportunity c. using D. music
5. A. netiquette B. media c. message D.text

words than blanks):

trouble complicated shorthand

represent(s) glance(s) communicate (s)

6. If someone__________:at his watch, he may want to leave.

7. Each color __________a different country.

8. Dolphins use sound to __________with each other.

9.1 had interacting with my Chinese friends due to cultural difference.

10. It’s not __________at all to sign up for a Facebook account.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

11. He (wait) __________for you when you (get) __________back tomorrow.

12.If you call her at 6 P.M, she can’t answer you. She (practice) __________ the violin then.

13. I’m not sure if I have met Ms. Maureen, but I remember (hear) _______her name.

14. Don’t call me at 5 P.M. I (attend) __________an English class at that time.

15. The machine is used (record) __________our speech.

16. The teacher hopes we (pass) __________the high school entrance exams.

17. Mai hates (photograph) __________by her parents.

18.1 regret (attend) __________that class. It is not worth (listen) __________.

19.1 (give) __________him the book when I (see) __________him.

20. At this time next week, we (join) __________the biggest concert in Vietnam.

III. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given:

21. We/ use/ art/ communicate/ 200 years.

A. We will be using art to communicate in 200 years.
B. We will use art for communicating for 200 years.
C. We will have used art to communicating in 200 years.
D. We will be using art for communicating by 200 years.
22. My mother/ hesitant/ use/ multimedia/ interact/ others.
A. My mother is hesitant to use multimedia interacting with others.
B. My mother is hesitant using multimedia to interact with others.
C. My mother is hesitant using multimedia to interact others.
D. My mother is hesitant to use multimedia to interact with others.
23. When/ we/100 years old/ we/ communicate/ by/ telepathy.
A. When we were 100 years old, we are communicating by telepathy.
B. When we are 100 years old, we will be communicating by telepathy.
C. When we will be 100 years old, we are communicating by telepathy.
D. When we will be 100 years old, we will be communicating by telepathy.
24. She/ dislike/ communicate/ message boards/ online meetings
A. She dislike communicating through message boards and online meetings.
B. She dislikes to communicate through message boards and online meetings.
C. She dislikes communicating through message boards or online meetings.
D. She dislikes to communicating through message boards and online meetings.
25. We/ need/ follow/ netiquette/ when/ communicate/ online.
A. We need to follow netiquette when communicate online.
B. We need follow netiquette when communicate online.
C. We need to follow netiquette when communicating online.
D. We need following netiquette when communicating online.

IV. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or false (F):
Phone conversations have now become a common part of the background noise during bus rides,
grocery shopping excursions, picnics, sidewalk strolls, waits in airport terminals and many other public
To see how people are responding to these changes, people were asked about their views on general
cellphone etiquette in publiC. About three-quarters of all adults, including those who do not use
cellphones, say that it is “generally OK” to use cellphones in unavoidably public areas, such as when
walking down the street, while on public transportation or while waiting in line. At the same time, the
majority of Americans do not think it is generally acceptable to use cellphones in restaurants or at
family dinners. Most also oppose cellphone use in meetings,places where others are usually quiet (such
as a movie theater), or at church or worship service.

26. Cellphone use in public places is becoming more common. (T) (F)
27. 75% of adults say it’s generally acceptable to use cellphones on (T) (F)
public transportation.
28. Most Amerricans say it’s generally acceptable to use cellphones in (T) (F)
29. Many American thing it is generally unacceptable to use cellphones (T) (F)
in restaurants or at family dinners.
30. Not many people disagee with cellphone use in quiet places. (T) (F)

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. repetitive B. language C. barrier D. channel
2. A. message B. multimedia C. purity D. innocence
3. A. nationality B. possibility C. sensitivity D. telepathy
4. A. infinitive B. repetitive C. interactive D. competitive
5. A. communicate B. represent C. interact D. understand

II. Put the words in brackets in the correct form:

6. We plan (go)_______camping this Sunday. Hopefully, it (not rain) _______.

7. Jane (be) _______at my house when you (arrive) _______.

8. This time next week we (have) _______a party.

9. My brother keeps (play) _______online games although my parents ask him


10.1 postponed (meet) _______my pen pal because I'm afraid she won’t like me.

11. What (you/ do) _______at 9 P.M tomorrow?

12.1 don’t recommend (make) _______friends on the Internet. It’s very risky

13. This evening at 8 o’clock, she (talk) _______with her brother on Skype.

14. Unfortunately, we can’t afford (buy) _______a new laptop this year.

15. At 3 P.M tomorrow, we (get) _______ready to go out.

III. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Technology has advanced to the point where instant communication anywhere in the world is an
everyday fact of life. Technology (16) _______improved, and had a positive impact on communication
as a whole in many (17) _______. It has increased the reliability of sending (18) _______to others,
made it easier to meet new people and keep (19) _______touch with friends.
Modern communication is handled by wireless signals, undersea cables, satellites and other (20)
_______technology, ensuring the fast delivery of messages and data to (21) _______locations. The
accessibility of technology also means (22) _______you don't need to be in any special locations like a
post office or mail room to send a message; all you need is a cell phone.
Online communication has (23) _______the door to new ways of communicating (24)
_______strangers and taking part in communities. Chat rooms, (25) _______forums and dating sites let
people meet each other and get to know more people without having to be there in person.

16.A. have B. has C. is D. had

17. A. methods B. means C. forms D. ways
18. A. signs C. messages D. pictures
19. A. on B. out C. for D. in
20. A. advanced B. high C. simple D. basic
21. A. every B. no C. any D. a few
22. A. what B. which C. that D. why
23.A. opened B. closed C. been opened D. been closed
24. A. on B. to C. for D. with
25. A. channel B. discussion C.cyber D. media

IV. Match the statements in column A with the statements in column B to make mini-dialogues:

26. I need to discuss teamwork assignment A. You should go and ask him to
with Amy, but I don't know how to explain.
contact her.
27. Sometimes I find it difficult to express B. Don't worry. You two can talk on
my feelings to my parents by words. Skype.
28. His shorthand makes no sense to me. C. I’m not sure. I think it’s better to
It’s too complicated. learn some Thai words.
29. Thai people don’t speak much English. D. Why don’t you send her a
Will we have any trouble during our stay? message on Facebook? Fler

30. My brother hạs flown to America. I'm account

E. Well, howisabout
Amy using
afraid we will lose contact. language?

V. Writing:

You received the text message below from your friend.

Hi. Do you want to see the movie Tam Cam tomorrow with Lan and me? I heard that the scene is
breathtaking and the actors are beautiful. The movie starts at 7PM, so why don't we meet at 6PM to
have some snacks first? Reply to me soon. Love J Write a text message to tell your friend whether you
can join her.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. unlucky B. unacceptable C. impossible D.unneccessary
2. A. unaffected B. improbable C. unlimited D. unnatural
3. A. unfriendly B. unsure C. unrealistic D. unchanged
4. A. undeveloped B. unimportant C. unaware D. imbalanced
5. A. useless B. unable C. imperfect D. unhealthy

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. Watch out! You_________.

A. will have fallen B. will fall C. will be falling D. are going to fall
7. Tom told me that he_________ Steve Jobs in real life.

A. had met B. met C. has met D. meets

8. This time next week, I _________on a beach on Cu Lao Island.

A. am going to lie B. are lying

C. will be lying D. will lie

9.1 I__________ you everything I know, and you have to do the same.

A. would tell B. told C. will tell D. will be telling

10. By 2100 all families (own) _________their own robots at home.

A. will be owing B. are going to own C. will own D. will have owned

11. Mai says she _________to become a computer programmer.

A. wants B. wanted C. had wanted D. will want

12. Steve said that he had worked as a game designer five years_________.

A. ago B. then C. before D. later

13. The teacher advised her students_________ jobs carefully because they
important for.

A. chose/ were/ you B. to choose/ would be/ them

C. choose/ will be/ you D. will choose/ will be/ them
14. When you arrive, I _________my homework.

A. will be doing B. will do C. am doing D. was doing

15. She told me that I _________to be quite if I to be told off.

A. have/ won’t want B. have/ don’t want

C. had/ wouldn’t want D. had/ didn’t want

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

16. Students can meet a career_________ and discuss what they should do.

A. inventor B. adviser C. programmer D. developer

17. I’ve been working in the _________of medical science for nearly 10 years.

A. work B.job C. career D. field

18. Edison took out a/ an_________ on the light bulb.

A. patent B. paper C. invention D. technology

19. Over decades, vaccines have saved a/ an _________number of lives.

A. little B. big C. enormous D. many

20. The city has undergone rapid_________.

A. education B. technology C. key D. development

21.1 love my family so much. They have always been extremely_________ to me.

A. mature B. realistic C. supportive D. known

22. I _________can see the that such activities give children.

A. measurement B. benefits C. replacement D. inventions

23.Today, technology is the _________to connecting people.
A. key B. book C. field D. lock
24. The design combines the most recent technological_________.
A. explorations B. qualities C. yields D. advances
25. This farming method produces higher_________.
A. production B. yield C. engine D. science

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence:

26. Mai said (A) that she (B) has (C) always dreamt (D) of becoming an English teacher.
27. Look (A) at (B) those grey clouds! It (C) will rain (D) soon.
28. It (A) is expected that all schools (B) have been equipped (C) with laboratories (D) by 2050.
29. Nam (A) told me that he (B) would be attending (C) a science course at 9 A.M (D) tomorrow.
30. My teacher said (A) the first escalator (B) was produced (C) in the (D) 1890s.

l. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. benefit B. improve C. discover D. precise
2. A. machine B. technique C. archeology D. chemistry
3. A. transform B. enormous C. discover D. support
4. A. limit B. patient C. invent D. technical
5. A. polite B. wise D. medicine
II. Use the words from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences

(There are more words than blanks):

precisefTp) transform(ed) quality
oversleep (overslept) publish(ed) cure(d)

6. The place was_________ from a quiet village into a busy port.

7. Mary explained to the teacher that she had_________ and missed the bus.

8. Development in technology would improve the_________ of life.

9. Doctors found it hard to _________explain the cause of her illness.

10. It is better to prevent rather than_________ diseases.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

11. You (not get) _________what you want unless you work harder.

12. The teacher said this water (be) _________too contaminated to be used.

13. Development in medical science (help) _______people live longer in the future.

14. If we had flying cars now. we (solve) _______the problem of traffic jams.

15. Anna said she (be) _______going to leave when Tom came.

16. My family (attend) _______a flower festival this time next week.

1 7. The mother told her son (not behave) _______:so impolitely.

18.Phong said that he (help) _______his parents to clean the house at 4 A.M the previous day.

19. By the time you receive the letter. I (leave) _______for Paris.

20. By this time next summer, you (complete) _______your final exam.

III. Rearrange the words to form a complete sentence:

21. when/ sun/ wake/ tomorrow/ will/ we/ shining/ morning/ hopefully/ up/ the/ be/.
22. students/ told/ to/ her/ leave/ she/ Amy/ then/ had/ that.

23: his/ exam/ the/ best/ promised/ day/ to/ following/ John/ do/ in/ the.

24. we/ beach/ Hawaii/ of/ this/ be/ tomorrow'/ lying/ the/ on/ time/ will/.

25. people/ bring/ will/ benefits/ technology/ to/ many/ certainly/.

IV. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or false (F): .
Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist famous for his discoveries of the principles
of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. He is remembered for his remarkable
breakthroughs in the causes and preventions of diseases, and his discoveries have saved countless lives
ever since. He reduced mortality from puerperal fever, and created the first vaccines for rabies and
anthrax. His medical discoveries provided direct support for the germ theory of disease and its
application in clinical medicine. He is best known to the general public for his invention of the
technique of treating milk and wine to stop bacterial contamination, a process now called pasteurization.
He is regarded as one of the three main founders of bacteriology, together with Ferdinand Cohn and
Robert Koch, and is popularly known as the "father of microbiology’'.
Pasteur also made significant discoveries in chemistry, most notably on the molecular basis for the
asymmetry of certain crystals and racemization. Early in his career, his investigation of tartaric acid
resulted in the first resolution of what we now call optical isomers. His work led the way to our current
understanding of a fundamental principal in the structure of organic compounds.
26. Pasteur’s discoveries haven’t saved any lives (T) (F)
27. Pasteur created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax. (T) (F)
28. He is most famous for what is now called pasteurization. (T) (F)
29. Pasteur is regarded as the only father of bacteriology. . (T) (F)
30. Our current knowledge of organic compounds led the way to (T) (F)
Pasteur's works.


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. admire B. insect C. fiction D. progress
2. A. biologist B. chemist C. scientist D. physicist
3. A. unsurprising B. undecided C. undeveloped D. uninteresting
4. A. improbable B. programmer C. unlimited D. designer
5. A. unusual B. unwise C. unicorn D. computer

II. Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences:

6. My mother is the best (cook)_______in my eyes. I love every single dish she cooks.

7. John wants to become a great (mathematics) _______.

8. Just taking vitamin tablets will not turn a/ an (health) _______diet into a good one.

9. I’d been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting (patient) _______.

10. A (zoology) _______is a scientist who studies zoology.

III. Find the mistakes in these sentences and correct them:

11.1 will be attend an artificial intelligence course at 9 A.M tomorrow.

12. My mother said it is impolite to leave without saying goodbye.

13. She needs to improve her interview technology to get the job.

14. My parents always say I had to become a doctor.

15. She promised to hand in her assignment tomorrow.

III. Change these sentences into reported speech:

16. “I’ve been learning English for 10 years.”

—> He said that___________________________________________________.

17. “There are many grey clouds. It’s going to rain.”

—> My friend said_________________________________________________.

18. “1 have never seen this kind of robot before.”

-> Lan said_______________________________________________________.

19. “The lesson will start in 30 minutes.”

-> The teacher announced that________________________________________.

20. “You have to behave politely if you want to stay here.”

—> She told me that_______________________________________________.

IV. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):


After seeing a decline in earnings for the first time in nine years, McDonal's plans
(21)________something no other fast food restaurant has ever done (22) ________; open a store run
entirely by robots.
The store is set to open July 4th in Phoenix, Arizona once the state-of-the-art robot remodel is
complete. The restaurant would still (23) ________a small team of human employees to ensure all of
the robots are working correctly. Visitors to the (24) ________will see these new robots working in
harmony at a speed of 50 times faster (25) ________the average McDonald’s employee, with no chance
of error. If the test launched for the store (26) ________a success, people can expect to see robots
working in all McDonald’s restaurants.
The store's new manager. Peter Gibbons, told CNN that he (27) ________ worked with the robots at
a product (28)facility in San Francisco for the last six months.
Paul Horner, a spokesman for McDonald's told reporters, that the company (29) ________with the idea
of a restaurant run entirely by robots (30) ________ years and believed their "McRobots" would be the
21. A. to do B. doing C. to be done D. to doing
22. A. next B. before C. already D. later
23. A. employed B. employing C. employ D. unemployed
24. A. food B. robots C. restaurant
25. A. than B. more C. more than D. to
26. A. will be B. has been C. is D. would be
27. A. has B. had C. was D. did
28. A. develop B. developing C. developed D. development
29. A. has played B. would play C. was playing D.had been playing
30. A. for B. in C. to D. since
V. Writing:

Write a paragraph of about 70 words on the follow ing topic.

Do you agree or disagree with the following idea?

The invention of robots brings many benefits to people.

You may find the following ideas helpful.

• If you agree:

- Using robots can help save time (doing housework, working in the restaurant, etc.)

- Robots can take care of the elderly.

- Robots can work more effectively than humans

• If you disagree:

- Using robots can make many people become unemployed.

- Using robots can make people become lazy.

- Robots cannot work as properly and effectively as humans.



I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. weightless B. beautiful C. useless D. forgetful
2. A. wonderful B. emotionless C. ambitionless D. regardless
3. A. surface B. underground C. Jupiter D. Saturn
4. A. terrorist B. alien C. galaxy D. enable
5. A. helpful B. meaningful C. resourceful D. useful

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. Tom asked his science teacher whether_________ in the Moon

A. we could live B. could we live C. can we live D. we can live

7. The teacher asked what planet_________ to live in.

A. asked/ did we want B. asked/ do we want

C. asked/ we wanted D. asked/ will we want

8. He said he _________come after dinner.

A. can B. will C. did D. might

9. There _________be life in other planets, but I can’t be sure.

A. should B. might C. will D. must

10. John asked_________ I wanted to leave on the Moon.

A. what B. how C. whether D. who

11. He_________ get there in time, but 1 can’t be sure.

A. had to B. should C. needed to D. might

12. My father says we_________ go out when we have finished our project.

A. may B. need C. must D. might

13. High school students _________use mobile phones at school.

A. might B. have to C. may D. should

14. John asked Mary _________any UFOs before?

A. if she had seen B. had she seen

C. whether she seen D. what she saw

15. Can you tell me?

A. how many planets orbiting the Sun

B. how many planets orbit the Sun

C. do how many planets orbit the Sun

D. how many planets do orbit the Sun

III. Choose the correct answer for each question:

16. This modern plane is capable of_________ 60 passengers.

A. tracing B. placing C. accommodating D. experiencing

17. It’s exciting to discover _________of creatures from other planets.

A. spaces B. experiences C. weights D. traces

18. The _________are threatening to blow up the plane.

A. treks B. adventures C. buggies D. terrorists

19. Do you think that_________ are physically similar to earth people?

A. messengers B. terrorists C. aliens D. adventurers

20. She believes there is life on other_________.

A. spaces B. Mars C. UFOs D. planets

21. Astronauts work in_________ conditions.

A. weightless B. weights C. weighty D. weight

22. This chemical is ______to many forms of life. It can cause deaths or diseases.

A. harmless B. poisonous C. useful D. special

23. Most people don't realize that they are________ polluted air.

A. tracing B. breathing C. standing D. weighting

24. A/ An________ is a spacecraft that aliens travel in.

A. accommodation B. flying saucer C. planet D. galaxy

25. The software________ US to get pictures from other planets.

A. enables B. controls C. returns D. capable

IV. Find the mistake in each sentence:

26. Students (A) might only use (B) the laboratory (C) once (D) a week.
27. She (A) asked me (B) if(C) could aliens speak (D) human languages.
28.Mai (A) wanted to know (B) what I thought (C) will happen to Earth (D) in the future.
29. Aliens (A) should have (B) no (C) hair (D) like humans.
30. Students (A) asked (B) what the scientists (C) explored (D) other planets.

V. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:
An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a
known object or phenomenon. Culturally, UFOs have become (31) ________subjects in fiction. While
UFOs are often later (32) ________, sometimes identification (33) ________not be possible due to the
usually low quality of evidence related to UFO sightings.
Stories of fantastical celestial apparitions have been told (34) ________years, but the term “UFO”
(35) ________officially created in 1953 by the United States Air Force.
During the late 1940s and through the 1950s, UFOs were often referred (36) ________as “flying
(37) ________” or “flying discs”. The term UFO became more widespread during the 1950s, at (38)
________in technical literature, but later in popular use. Various studies (39) ________concluded that
the phenomenon does not represent a (40) ________to national security nor does it contain anything
worthy of scientific pursuit.
(https://en. Wikipedia. org/wiki/Unidentified_flying__object)

31. A. popular B. popular C. uncontrolled D. weightless

32. A. identified B. popular C. identity D. identification
33. A. may B. should C. must D. would
34. A. since B. to C. for D. in
35. A. were B. was C. had D. have
36. A. at B. in C. to D. for
37. A. aliens B. sauces C. saucers D. dishes
38. A. last B. firstly . C. second D. first
39. A. have B. were C. was D. had
40. A. poison B.threat C. benefit D. trace

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. adventure B. accommodate C. atmosphere D. allow

2. A. trace B. space C. danger D. surface

3. A. Neptune B. messenger C. trek D. terrorist

4. A. Venus B. Jupiter C. weightless D. alien

5. A. galaxy B. planet C. alien D. animal

II. Use the words from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences (There are
more words than blanks):

outer space suit astronomers mankind

telescope powerful appropriate nourish(ed)
biosphere mission oxygen thrilling

6. ________continue to discover new stars.

7. Tom said he had seen a UFO on the way home. It sounds________.

8. A________ a special suit that allows somebody to survive and move around

in space.

9. None of the passengers or________ were injured.

10. Is now a/ an________ time to leave for another planet?

11. I looked at the moon through a ________to see it more clearly.

12. Most plants are________ by water drawn up through their roots.

13. After dark the plants stop producing________.

14. They have carried a successful spacecraft ________to Venus.

15. The future of ________on the earth is unpredictable, so we need to find life in

other planets soon.

III. Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given:

16. In past/ people/ think/7 we/ never able/ reach Moon.

A. In the past, people thought we would never be able to reach the Moon.

B. In the past, people thought we will never be able to reach Moon.

C. In the past, people think we will never be able to reach Moon.

D. In the past, people think we will never be able to reach the Moon.

17. The child/ want to know/' if' we/ able/ live on Venus/ next century.

A. The child wanted to know if would we be able to live on Venus next century.
B. The child wanted to know if will we be able to live on Venus the next century.
C. The child wanted to know if we would able to live on Venus next century.
D. The child wanted to know if we would be able to live on Venus the next century.
18.I/ want/ know/ if/ aliens/ emotionless.
A. I wanted to know if aliens are emotionless.
B. I want to know if aliens are emotionless.
C. I want to know if aliens were emotionless.
D. I wanted to know if aliens will be emotionless.
19. The science teacher/ ask/ students/ how many/ planets/ in/ Solar System.
A. The science teacher asked to students how many planets were there in Solar System.
B. The science teacher asked students how many planets there are in Solar System
C. The science teacher asked students how many planets there were in the Solar System
D. The science teacher asked students how many there are planets in the I Solar System.
20. He/ wonder/ there/ rain/ on/ Moon.
A. He wondered whether there was rain on the Moon.
B. He wondered how there was rain on the Moon.

C. He wondered whether there is rain on the Moon.

D. He wondered what there was rain on the Moon.

IV. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true [
(T) or false (F):
A telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects. The first
known practical telescopes were invented in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 1600s.
by using glass lenses. They found use in both terrestrial applications and astronomy
Within a few decades, the reflecting telescope was invented, which used mirrors to collect
and focus the light. In the 20th century many new types of telescopes were invented,
including radio telescopes in the 1930s and infrared telescopes in the 1960s. The word
telescope now refers to a wide range of instruments capable of detecting different regions of
the electromagnetic spectrum, and in some cases other types of detectors.
The word telescope was invented in 1611 by the Greek mathematician Giovanni Demisiani
for one of Galileo Galilei’s instruments presented at a banquet at the Accademiadei Lincei.

21. A telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of (T) (F)
very close things.
(T) (F)
22. The first known practical telescopes were invented in the
Netherlands at the beginning of the 1600s, by using astronomy.
23. In the 20th century only a few types of telescopes were invented. (T) (F)
24. Radio telescopes and infrared telescopes are examples telescopes (T) (F)
invented in the 20 century.

25. The word telescope was first invented in 1611 by the Greek (T) (F)
mathematician Giovanni Demisiani.

V. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:
Venus is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. It has the
longest rotation period (243 days) of any planet in the Solar System and rotates in the
opposite direction to most other planets. It has no natural satellite. It is named after the
Roman goddess of love and beauty. It is the second-brightest natural object in the night
sky after the Moon.
Venus is a terrestrial planet and is sometimes called Earth’s “sister planet” because of
their similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun, and bulk composition. It is radically
different from Earth in other respects. It has the densest atmosphere of the four terrestrial
planets, consisting of more than 96% carbon dioxide. The atmospheric pressure at the
planet’s surface is 92 times that of Earth. Venus is by far the hottest planet in the Solar
System, with a mean surface temperature of 462°c, even though Mercury is closer to the
It has been made sacred to gods of many cultures, and has been a prime inspiration for
writers and poets as the “morning star” and “evening star”. Venus's thick clouds prevent
observation of its surface impossible in visible light; and the first detailed maps did not
emerge until 1991.
(https ://en. Wikipedia, org/wiki/Venus)
26. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of________.
A. love and beauty B. agriculture
C. the sea D. the sky
21. Why Venus is sometimes called Earth’s "sister planet"?
A. Because they are similar in brightness and density.
B. Because Venus is a terrestrial planet.
C. Because they are similar in size, mass, closeness to the Sun, and bulk composition.
D. Because Venus has been made sacred to gods of many cultures.
28. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Venus is the second-brightest natural object in the night sky.
B. Venus is hotter than any other planets in the Solar System.
C. Venus consists of more than 96% carbon dioxide.
D. Venus rotates in the same direction as most other planets.
29. What makes it impossible to observe Venus's surface in visible light?
A. Its temperature B. Its thick clouds
C. Its atmospheric pressure D. Its closeness to the Sun
30. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Venus has been an inspiration for writers and poets.
B. Venus is closer to the Sun than Mercury is.
C. It takes Venus 255 days to orbit the Sun.
D. The first detailed maps of Venus had appeared before 1911.

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. careless B. emotionless C. terrorist D. meaningful
2. A. hopeful B. hopeless C. captain D. successful
3. A. appropriate B. similar C. powerful D. homeless
4. A. return B. destroy C. thoughtful D. accommodate
5. A. galaxy B. powerful C. unsuitable D. thunder

II. Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences:
6. 1 don't think we can survive on Neptune. The climate there is (friend) ,_______,
with a temperature of around 300°C.
7. He drives really (care)________one day he’s going to have an accident.
8. 71% of Earth’s surface is (cover) ________with water.
9. Because of his bad English, he was (success) ________in his job application.
10. Scientists are looking for other planets to accommodate our (increase) ________ population.
11. The (invent) ________of telescope helped people to understand that the
Moon is not a god.
12. Smoking is (harm) ________to your health.

13.1 feel (hope) ________that we'll find life in other planets very soon.

14.1 can’t breathe because it’s (air).

15. It’s (likely) ________that any living creatures can survive on a cold planet like Neptune.

III. Change these sentences into reported speech:

16. "Who thinks there is life in Mars?”, my mother asked.

My mother asked______________________________________________.
17. “What planet do you want to live in the future?", Kate asked me.

Kate asked me________________________________________________.

18. “I think aliens have very big heads anil triangle faces", Sally said. '

Sally thought_________________________________________________.
19. “Did you watch the fiction movie last night?”, Jill asked me.

Jill asked me_________________________________________________.

20. “The Martians may travel in flying saucers”, Tom answered Jerry.
Tom thought_________________________________________________.
21. “How long will it take to travel from Earth to Venus?”, Peter asked.

Peter wanted to know__________________________________________.

22. “Will aliens get on well with humans?”, Sara asked her teacher.

Sara asked her teacher_________________________________________.

23. “How can humans communicate with Martians?”, Harry asked his friends.

Hany asked his friends_________________________________________.

24. “I believe scientists have found ways to travel to the Moon”, Tom said.

Tom believed .
25. “When will humans live on the Moon?”, Sheila wondered.

Sheila wondered______________________________________________ .

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question:

The idea of building a lunar outpost has long captured people's imaginations. But what would it really be
like to live on the moon?
Space exploration has long focused on the moon, with Earth’s satellite the setting for a number of
significant missions. A 1959 Soviet spacecraft photographed the moon’s far side for the first time, and in 1969,
NASA landed people on the lunar surface for the first time. Numerous missions followed, including NASA’s
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter that beamed home the highest-resolution topographical lunar map to date,
covering 98.2% of the moon’s surface.
Altogether, data beamed back from numerous missions suggest that no place on the moon would be a
pleasant place to live, at least compared with Earth. Lunar days last for about 14 Earth days with average
temperatures of 123 °C, while lunar nights also last 14 Earth days and maintain a frigid cold of minus 233°c.
"The only place we could build a base that wouldn’t have to deal with these extremes is near the lunar
poles,” said Rick Elphic, project scientist for NASA’s LADEE probe. These areas likely store vast amounts of
water-ice and enjoy low levels of light from the sun for several months at a time.
( com/28494-hoyv-to-live-on-the-moon.html)

26. When the moon 's far side was first photographed?
A. 1959 B. 1969 C. 1979 D. 1989

27. What happened in 1969?

A. NASA first photographed the lunar surface.
B. NASA first built a base on the moon.
C. NASE first landed people on the moon.
I). NASE first beamed home the highest-resolution topographical lunar map.
28. Which of the following statements is true?
A. On the moon, it’s very hot during the day and very cold at night.
B. Space exploration has just focused on the moon in recent years.
C. The most suitable place we could build a base is far from the lunar poles.

D. There is no water-ice on the moon.

29. Why the moon is not a pleasant place to live compared with Earth?
A. During the day, it’s too hot.
B. Lunar days or nights last much longer than Earth days.
C. At night, it’s too cold.

D. All of the above.

30. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. People have imagined building a lunar outpost for long.
B. The only place we could build a base stores vast amount of water-ice.
C. It is not as pleasant to live on the moon as on the Earth.
D. In 1959, NASA landed people on the lunar surface for the first time.
V. Imagine you have talked to Neil Armstrong, the first to step onto the Moon. Write a letter to your friend and
describe your talk with him:
Dear Ben,
It ’s great to know that you travelled to Mars during your holiday. We were also very lucky to talk to Neil
Armstrong when we were on the moon. He looked very brave and intelligent. When I asked

Hope to see you soon to show you the pictures we took with him. Love,
(Units 10,11,12)

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. polite
B. hopeful C. authority D. priority
2. A. unintelligent
B. creativity C. capability D. stability
3. A. thoughtful
B. unattractive C. negative D. positive
4. A. battery
B. complexity C. unhealthy D. impatient
5. A. electricity
B. unacceptable C. gravity D. unbelievable

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

6. Tom wondered how we _________without technology.

A. will live B. live

C. can live D. could live

7. Harry wanted ________the latest technology, so he decided ________the

first iPhone 7.

A. to use/ to buy B. using/ buying

D. using/ to buy.
C. to use/ buying

8. Amy told me that time the next day, she________ to Mars

A. will be travelling B. would travel

C. was travelling D. would be travelling

9. You___________ leave the exam room if you ________the speaking test.
A. may/ will have finished B. might/ have finished
C. might/ will be finishing D. may/ have finished

10. Zedd wanted to know___________ trees on Venus.

A. which can we grow B. how we could grow

C. what we could grow D. why could we grow

11. Mary said she ________in NASA, so she________ her best.

A. intends working/ will try B intended to work/ would try
C. intends to work/ had tried D. intended working/ was trying
12. When we were young, we usually wondered _________aliens________like monsters.
A. whether/ looked B. how/ had looked
C. what/ looked D. if/ looking
13. When I_________ enough money to buy an Ipjhone 6, an Iphone 10_____
A. save/ will have being invented B. save/ will have been invented
C. will have saved/ will be invented D. will save/ has been invented
14. In 50 years, we_________ telegraphy to communicate.
A. will have been using B. will be using
C. will be used D. use
15. My mother said by 2050, we_________ in flying cars.
A. would travel B. will be travelling
C. would have travelled D. will have travelled

III. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:

16. Peter has always dreamt of becoming a_____________ because he loves

A. chemist/ chemistry B. chemist/ chemist

C. chemistry/ chemist D. chemistry/ chemistry

17. The teacher said a/ an cultural_________.breakdown might happen due to

A. chat/ similarities B. communication/ differences

C. mission/ differently D. invention/ similarly

18. In the future, we may use________ saucers to travel to other planets.

A. chatting B. flying C. texting D. discovering
19. I think _______sites such as Facebook or Twitter are changing the way
people communicate, work, and study in negative ways.
A. non-verbal communication B. body language
C. social media D. communication channel
20. She was the only _______ to the UFO, so she was interviewed a lot.

A. messenger B. terrorist C. alien D. witness

21. A _______is.a heat engine that runs on steam.

A. steam engine B. technical engine

C. steam bulb D. steam discovery
22. The space _______started to shake, but the astronaut managed to
control it later.
A. buggy/ uncontrollably B. car/ controllable
C. bike/ controllably D. plane/7 uncontrollable
23. When I was young, 1 usually called my friends on the _______instead of
using advanced technology like today.
A. website B. chat room C. landline D. snail mail
24. We need to encourage students to feel free to _______ ideas and information.

A. trace B. transform C. change D. exchange

25. _______in the field of telecommunications has developed greatly over the last 10 years.
A. Technology B. Medicine C. Development D. Conservation

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Martin Cooper (born December 26, 1928) is an American engineer. He is a pioneer and visionary in the
wireless communications industry. With eleven patents in the field, he is recognized as an innovator in radio
spectrum management.
While at Motorola in the 1970s, Cooper conceived the first handheld mobile phone (distinct from the car
phone) in 1973 and led the team that developed it and brought it to market in 1983. He is considered the
“father of the cell phone-’ and is also cited as the first person in history to make a handheld cellular phone call
in public.
Cooper is co-founder of numerous communications companies with his wife and business partner Arlene
Harris; also known as the “first lady of wireless." He is co-founder and current Chairman of Dyna LLC, in Del
Mar, California. Cooper also sits on committees supporting the U.S. Federal Communications Commission
and the United States Department of Commerce.
26. Cooper had 11 patents in which of the following fields?

A. Radio spectrum management B. Wireless communications

C. Engineering D. Business

27. When was the first handheld phone brought to market?

A. 111 1983 B. 1111970s C. In 1973 D. In 1928

28. Cooper is considered as _______.

A. the father of American engineering B. the first lady of wireless

C. the father of the cell phone D. the first man of wireless

29. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Cooper didn’t get married.

B. Cooper comes from America.

C. Cooper was driving a car when he conceived the mobile phone.

D. He is the only founder of Dyna LLC.

30. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Cooper and his wife founded many companies together.

B. Cooper conceived the first handheld mobile phone in the 1970s

C. Cooper worked with a team to develop the first mobile phone.

D. Cooper’s mobile phone is the same as the car phone


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. unfamiliar B. unsuitable C. unfortunate D. illogical
2. A. repetitive B. creative C. astronaut D. astronomer
3. A. exploration B. conservationist C. immature D. persuasive
4. A. relative B. informative C. inaccurate D. untold
5. A. communicative B. negative C. unpromising D. irrelevant
IL Rearrange the words to form complete sentences:
6. said/ all/ Milky/ my/ it/ Way/ the/ teacher/ count/ to/ important/ stars/ said/ was/ the/ in/.

7. the/ Jupiter/ look/ Dung/ asked/ of/ Jupiter/ inhabitants/ might/ like/ what/.


8. will/ Venus/ this/ I/ be/ to/ time/ flying/ tomorrow/.

9. all/ replaced/ ones/ by/ books/ will/ 2050/ have/ electronic/ paper/ been/ ones/.

10. become/ save/ doctor/ many/1/ a/ to/ lives/ of/ people/ will/ great/ the/.

HI. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

11. Linh said: “I prefer texting to sending letters.”

12. My mother said: “I hope there won’t be traffic jams in 20 years’ time.

13. The teacher asked: “What is a language barrier?'

14. Tom wondered: “Will robots replace teachers in class?'

15. Jerry said: “Last night, 1 dreamt of flying to Venus.

IV. Put the words in brackets in the correct form:

16.The school believes that (interact)________teaching methods will bring many benefits to students.

17.There must be some (misunderstand) - I thought I ordered the

beefsteak, not the omelet.

18.For the more (adventure) tourists, there are trips into the mountains

with a local guide.

19. International (teiTorism)__________are threatening to blow up the spacecraft.

20. We offer free (technique) __________support for those buying our software.

21. His burning (ambitious) __________was to become a doctor.

22. There is strong public (support) __________for the mission to explore Neptune.

23. (Poison)chemicals will cause our planet to become uninhabitable.

24.(Sun) __________year is the time it takes the earth to go around the sun once, around 36514 days.

25. The word (Mars) __________ is used to describe an imaginary creature from
the planet Mars.
V. Read the passage and answer the questions:
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, after Mercury.
Named after the Roman god of war, it is often referred to as the “Red Planef ’ because the iron oxide prevalent
on its surface gives it a reddish appearance. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface
features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps of
The rotational period and seasonal cycles of Mars are likewise similar to those of Earth, as is the tilt that
produces the seasons. Mars is the site of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano and second-highest known
mountain in the Solar System, and of Valles Marineris, one of the largest canyons in the Solar System. The
smooth Borealis basin in the northern hemisphere covers 40% of the planet and may be a giant impact feature.
Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregularly shaped. These may be captured
asteroids, similar to 5261 Eureka, a Mars trojan.

26. Which planet is the smallest in the Solar System?

A. Earth B. Phobos C. Mars D. Mercury
27. Why Mars is often referred to as the “Red Planet”?

A. Because of its reddish appearance

B. Because of the Roman god of war

C. Because of its thin atmosphere

D. Because of two moons, Phobos and Deimos

28. What feature covers 40% of Mars?

A. Olympus Mons B. Valles Marineris

C. Phobos D. Borealis basin
29. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thick atmosphere

B. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun

C. The rotational period and seasonal cycles of Mars are similar to those of Earth

D. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the Solar System. ■

30. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Olympus Mons is the highest known mountain in the Solar System.

B. Mars is the second planet from the sun.

C. Martian surface features are reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the valleys, deserts,
and polar ice caps of Earth.

D. Phobos and Deimos are two small and regularly shaped moons.

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. billboard B. rescue C. oversleep D. galaxy
2.A. scenic B. Chinese C. volcanic D. addictive
3. A. explorer B. engineer C. supportive D. biology
4. A. iconic B. airless C. thoughtful D. permanent
5. A. geology B. unchanged C. technology D. referee

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

6. John said he (stay)________ in the public shelter during the disaster time.

7. Look at the boy! He (fall) ________.

8. By the time 1 arrived in the class, every student (divide) ________into three teams.

9. If I were richer. I (travel) ________to the Moon.

10. By 10 A.M tomorrow, the first astronaut (step) ________ on Venus.

11.Nancy asked me why 1 (attend) ________the summer camp in New York a year ago.

12.My grandmother said in that region, the local language (speak) ________for a hundred years.

13. The lady said the train (depart) ________at 8 A.M the following day.

14. We plan (leave) ________tomorrow afternoon.

■15. If we (invest) ________more in space science, we (get) ________ a lot more benefits.

III. Choose the correct answer for each question:

17. In 1995 he was granted a________ for his invention.

A. patent B. state C. technique D. barrier

18. The media play an important ________in connecting people.

A. messenger B. cause C. parade I), role

19. Factories should stop ________waste into rivers.

A. erupting B. burying C. dumping D. exploring

20. The spacecraft disappeared without a________.

. A. trace B. puzzle C. sewage D. surface

21. I could tell from her________ language that she was angry although she
said nothing.
A. eye B. body C. text D. netiquette
21. At the moment it is difficult to measure the extent of the________ caused by
the earthquake.
A. injury B. collapse C. billboard D. damage
22. Many trees have died due to the ________soil.
A. injured B. contaminated C. raged D. transformed
23. Three hundred people were left_______by the storm. They had nowhere to stay.
A. homeless B. weightless C. airless D. uncontrollable
24. The Huong River is______of my hometown.

A. icon B. symbolic C. permanent D. precise

25. The country_______language is Spanish.

A. accurate B. snail C. official D. shorthand

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Body language is a kind of nonverbal communication, where thoughts, intentions, or feelings are expressed
by physical behaviors, such as facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of
space. Body language exists in both animals and humans, but this article focuses on interpretations of human
body language.
Body language must not be confused with sign language, as sign languages are full languages like spoken
languages and have their own complex grammar systems, as well as being able to exhibit the fundamental
properties that exist in all languages. Body language, on the other hand, does not have a grammar and must be
interpreted broadly, instead of having an absolute meaning corresponding with a certain movement, so it is not
a language like sign language, and is simply termed as a "language" due to popular culture.

26. Facial expressions, body posture, gestures, and eye movement are examples of________.
A. culture language B. sign language
C. verbal language D. body language

27. Why body language is different from sign languages?

A. Because sign languages have their own complex grammar systems.
B. Because body language is like spoken language.
C. Because body language has a grammar.

D. Because body language has an absolute meaning.

28. Body language exists in________.
A. humans only B. animals only
C. both humans and animals D. plants
29. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Sign languages must be confused with body language.

B. Body language must be interpreted broadly.

C. Because it became the official language in 2006.

D. The article focuses on interpretations of animal body language.

30. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Body language is simply termed as a “language” due to popular culture.

B. Body language exists in both animals and humans.

C. In body language, thoughts, intentions, or feelings are expressed by words.

D. Sign languages are full languages like spoken languages.

V. Rewriting the sentence in such a way that it is similar to the previous one:

31.1 haven’t seen such a strange creature before.

-> It’s___________________________________________________________.

32. “How do you like your new smart phone?” his mother asked.

-> His mother asked him how________________________________________.

33. You can't visit NASA unless you have an invitation letter.

—> If you_______________________________________________________.

34. I’m going to attend a summer camp next week.

—> I plan_______________________________________________________.

35. They will have to repaint the house.

-> The house____________________________________________________.


Unit 1:
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. D
11. C 12. B . 13. B 14. A 15. A
16. D 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C
21.D 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. A
26. B (reading) 27. A (playing) 28.C(go)
29. B (in) 30. B (reasons)
31. F 32. F 33. T 34. F 35. T

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D
ll.B 12.C 13. D 14. B 15. A
16. B(on) 17. B (playing) 18. D(is) 19. A (In) 20. c (helping)
21.B 22.D 23. B 24. A 25. C
26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. skating 7. detests 8. swimming 9. listening 10. collection
11. There are a lot of things I like to do in my free time.

12. Annie usually throws away the common stamps.

13. How often do you do sports and exercise?

14. I started to learn how to play the guitar three weeks ago.

15. Drawing is one of her leisure activities.

16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D

21. B 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C
26. A 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C
31. A 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C

There are many benefits of having hobbies. Firstly, having hobbies can help people reduce stress. For
example, a person can feel less stressed after playing football or watching TV. The second benefit is people
can have better physical health. Studies have shown that engaging in enjoyable activities can lower blood
pressure. Finally, people can make friends with those who have the same hobbies. They can share experiences
and have fun together.

Unit 2:
1. B 2. D 3.C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B
11. C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. D
16. B 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A
21. B 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. D
26. B (rich) 27. A (living) 28. C (more colourful)
29. B (better) 30. D (more)
31. T 32. T 33. F 34. F 35.T

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A
6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D
11. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A
16. B (more carefully) 17. B (easier) 18. C (well)
19. A (On) ■ 20. D(on)
21. B 22. D 23. A 24. c 25. A
26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C

1.C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. quiet 7. be 8. bigger 9. shopping 10. pollution
11. She prefers to live in a large city.

12. Only four hundred people live in this village.

13. Sometimes it is hard to breathe in the city.

14. They have gone to work in larger towns.

15.1 think living in the countryside is better.

16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. T
21. B 22. D 23. A 24. c 25. A
26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C

Sample answers:
1. I prefer life in the city to life in the countryside because of three main reasons. Firstly, there are many
schools in the city. Therefore, students can choose the most suitable school for them. In addition, there are
many hospitals, so if anyone gets ill. they do not have to travel a long way to the nearest hospital. Finally, there
are many entertainment facilities such as cinemas, parks, and so on. which allow people to relax more easily.
2. I love living in the countryside because of three main reasons. Firstly, life in the countryside is peaceful
because people are not as busy as people in the city. In addition, the air is fresh and not polluted. It is usually
very cool there thanks to many green trees and paddy fields. Finally, the people are friendly. They are always
willing to give help and take care of each other.

Unit 3;


I. C 2. A 3.D 4. B 5. D

6. What is that Khmer man feeding?

7. Who is dancing around the fire?

8. Where are the children playing?

9. When will there be a Yao's traditional festival?

10. What does each of Thai families own?

11. How do Ede children go to school?

12. Why does David like Hmong people?

13. Who live mostly in the north of Vietnam?

14. Where are we going?

26. B (peoples) 27. A (simple) 28. B (a)
15. When are they hunting?
29. D (the) 30. C (are you)
16. A 17. B 18. D 19. C
31. T 32. T 33. F 34. T 35. F 20. B
22. C 22. A 23. D
24. A 25. A
l.C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A
6. B 7. C • 8.D 9. A 10. B .
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B
16. C (How) 17. D(is) 18. D(x)
19. A (Which place) 20. B (situated)
21. B 22. A 23.C 24.A 25. C
26. D 27. A 28.D 29.C 30. B

l.D 2. D 3.B 4.A 5. C
6. representing 7. decorates 8. ethnologist
9. information 10. called
11. Kinh people lived together in a harmony under the village.

12. The villages are surrounded by bamboo groves.

13. The husband is considered the head of the family.

14. The bride went to live with her husband’s family.

15. My grandfather enjoys smoking water pipes and drinking tea.

16. F 17. T 18. F 19. T 20. T

21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D
26. B 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. C

Vietnamese noodles is one of the most popular dishes in the world. Cooking this food is not so difficult
if you know the key steps. Firstly, you need to prepare ingredients, such as rice noodles, a few herbs, salads
and meat, especially beef or chicken. Then, stew meat for around 2 hours to make the broth. Remember to
season properly. After that, put noodles and salads in a bowl and pour the broth over them. Finally, serve this
dish with salads.
(Units 1,2,3)

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. D 12. B. 13. D 14. C 15. A
16. C 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. B
21. D 22. D 23. A 24. c 25. D
26. A 27. A 28. c 29. B 30. D
31.T 32. T 33. F 34. T 35. F

l.C 2. A 3.D 4. B 5. C

6. improvement 7. reading
8. organisation 9. colourful
10. buildings 11. electricity
12. amazing 13. written
14. staying 15. ethnology/ ethnologist
16. Milk is more nourishing than any other food.

17. Bombay is richer than any other city in India.

21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. A
26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C

Unit 4:


1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D
11. B 12. c 13. A 14. B 15.B
16. C 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C
23. B 24. C 25. C
21. A 22. D
28. B (confused) 29.C 30.C
26. A (go) 27. D (think)

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. A
11. D 12. c 13. B 14. A 15. D
16. D (mustn’t) 17. B (tell) 18. A (don’t have to)
19. B (chewing) 20. C (generations)
21. A 22. C • 23. C 24. B 25. D
26. D 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5.C
6. representing 7. decorates 8. ethnologist

9. information 10. called

11. Kinh people lived together in a harmony under the village.

12. The villages are surrounded by bamboo groves.

13. The husband is considered the head of the family.

14. The bride went to live with her husband's family.

15. My grandfather enjoys smoking water pipes and drinking tea.

16. A 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. C

21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. D
26. C 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. C

Hi Amy,
Glad that you’ve agreed to come to visit Vietnam.
There are some customs and traditions on Tet holiday.
Firstly, Tet is the time for family reunions, so people will try to return home no matter how busy they
are. On Tet, we should keep ourselves from getting angry or depressed and have happy smiles on our
faces for a happy new year. In addition, we shouldn’t say bad things or have ugly arguments with others.
Otherwise, you will encounter unlucky things all year. Lastly, Vietnamese people often avoid sweeping
the house or emptying the trash bin especially on the first day of the New Year because doing that will
make your money and luck out of your home.
However, don’t worry about these because you’re our special guest.-
See you soon.

Unit 5:
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A
6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D
11. C 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C
16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C
22. B 25. B
21. A 23. C 24. B

26. B (was) 27. D(But) 28. D (and)

29. D (Although/ Though/ Even though) 30. A (When)

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. folk 7. display 8. impressive 9. defeat 10. carnival
11. clasp 12. ritual 13. anniversary 14. ancestors 15. specialities
16. Lan picked Peter up at the airport, then they went to the Lanterns Festival.
17. Her mother thinks Marry should go to Huong Pagoda because Marry wants to join the ritual.
18. Before Tet, everyone cleans their house but during Tet. no one sweeps the floor.
19. Doug didn't know how to play human chess, so he asked his father.
.20. The kids didn't want to prepare for the holiday; however, their parents asked them to do.
21. Minh needs to learn how to sing Quan ho. so I will teach him.
22. Although it was raining outside, the ritual still took place.
23. If Jenny asks me, I will show her how to make chung cakes.
24. When Ha was young, she loved chung cakes very much.
25. Because Franklin wants to join the Hue Festival, he is preparing for his trip.
26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. B
31.C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B


1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D

6. performances 7. colorful 8. processions

9. Buddhist 10. defeated

11. A 12. F 13. C 14. D 15. H

16. E 17. G 18.1 19. B 20. J
21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. C
26. Because -> Though/ Although/ Even though
27. While -> When

28. while —> however/ nevertheless

29. so —> but

30. when -> but

Dear Minh,
It'S great to know that your family had a good time in Thailand. We also had a wonderful time in
Thailand last April. We were lucky to be there right at the time of the Songkran Festival. We visited a
local temple and performed water pouring on Buddha statues, which was considered an iconic ritual of
this holiday, so many people did it. We also gathered in major streets, which were closed for the
festival, and splashed water on each other. Although we got soaked, I liked it very much because I felt I
was totally free when I was doing that. We took some great pictures while we were joining this festival
Hope to see you soon to show you the pictures we took there.

Unit 6:
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C
6.C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D
11. C 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D
16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C
21. A 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B

26. B (decided) 27. B (boasted) 28.C(changed)

29. B (eating) 30. A (was flying)

l.B 2. D 3.C 4. A 5. A
6. brave 7. wicked 8. cheerful 9. folk 10. mean
11. was waiting/ met 12. were discussing
13. was lying/ heard 14. missed/ decided
15. saw/ was flying 16. was injured/ was playing
17. were walking/ started 18. were sitting/rang .
19. asked/ was not listening 20. were listening
21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B
26. A 27. D . 28. B 29. C 30. A

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. challenged 7. surprised 8. wicked 9. generous 10. servant
11. A 12. I 13. H 14. F 15. D
16. B 17. E 18. J 19. G 20. C
21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. C
26. was —> did 27. organized —> organize
28. talked -> were talking 29. get -> got 30. run -> running

WRITING: Student’ s answers.

(Units 4, 5, 6)

1. B 2. D 3.B 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B
11. B 12. A 13.B 14. B 15. C
16. A 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. D
21. A 22. A 23. c 24. D 25. A
26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. B
31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
36. B 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. D

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C

6. I’m afraid I can’t play tennis tomorrow.

7. The test starts at 10:30. You mustn’t be late.

8. Pauline loves to go to the beach and spend her days sunbathing.

9. Bruno dislikes sitting on the beach; he always gets a nasty sunburn.

10. At this time yesterday, I was doing my homework.

11. Tom asked his teacher for help, and he asked his parents.

12. We needed some food for the week, so we went to the supermarket.

13.1 would like to play tennis today, or 1 would like to play golf.

14. Henry studied .very hard for the test, so he passed with high marks.

15. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle, and to visit the National Museum.

16.Since it allows me to watch what I want when I want, I prefer to watch TV by streaming over the internet.

17.1 usually work out at the gym before I leave for work at eight.

18. As Alexander has an important presentation next week, hè has been working sixty hours a week.
19.1 really enjoyed the concert although the music was too loud.

20. After Cindy and David had eaten breakfast, they left for work.

21. stranger 22. leaving 23. preservation

24. compete 25. cheer

26. F 27. T 28. F 29. T 30. F

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D
16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. C
21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B
16. A 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. B
21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. C
26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C

31.When the fairy appeared, she turned Cinderella’s ragged clothes into a beautiful gown.

32. Tam worked hard, but her stepmother never treated her kindly.

33. If I have a wish, I’ll make every poor but hard-working girl a happy life.

34. While Tam was working hard, Cam was sleeping.

35. In Japan, bowing is so important because it is a way to show respect.

Unit 7:
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D
11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D
16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. C 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B
26.C(so) 27.B (because) 28. C (make) 29. B (would) 30. C (use)

l.A 2. D 3.C 4. D 5. A
6. outbreaks 7. damage 8. sewage 9. contaminate 10. measure
11. promise/ will give 12. were/ would ride
13. stopped/ would not be 14. will suffer/ listen
15. teach/will become
16. C 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B
26. C 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B

31. If you don’t exercise more, you can’t have a good health.
32. Too many telephone poles, advertising billboards, or shop signs can cause/ lead to/ result in visual
33. If we don’t take action immediately, the air will become completely polluted.
34. Both weeds and aquatic plants die because of/ due to/ as a result of herbicides.
35. If many people respected the environment, it wouldn’t be in danger now.
36. Since the water is contaminated, people get more diseases.
37. Because of (breathing in) unclean air, my uncle suffered from lung cancer.
38. The street will look attractive if we stop throwing rubbish in the street.
The street will look unattractive unless we stop throwing rubbish in the street.
39. Due to the heavy rain, the road in front of my house was flooded.
40. Light pollution may result from too much use of electric lights in cities;

l.B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. untreated 7. poisonous 8. environmental
9. contaminated 10. radiation

11. If I were an environmentalist, 1 would protect the environment from being polluted.
12. If I listen to loud music for a long time, I will suffer from hearing loss.
13. If 1 see people littering on the street, I will tell them not to do that.

14. If there were no water, humans would become extinct.

15. If 1 throw plastic bags into the sea, the fish will die.

16. I am a member of the anti-pollution program in my school, so I often go to

school by bus.
17. The trees in this area were cleared off because of the construction of public facilities./ Because of the
construction of public facilities, the trees in this area were cleared off.
18. Fresh, clean water is very important to life since no one can live long without it.

19. Because Kim never cleans her room, her mother is complaining./ Her mother is complaining because Kim
never cleans her room.
20. Many aquatic animals are dead due to the polluted water.

21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. D

26. C 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C
There are several ways to help save energy. Firstly, we should go to school on foot, by bike or by bus if it is
possible. Turning off the lights when we leave a room is also a good way. Moreover, we should choose
products that used recycled materials. Finally, it’s more environmentally friendly to recycle paper or plastic
instead of throwing them away.

Unit 8:

l.C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. B 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. D
16. C 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. A
26. A (has been) 27. C (connects) 28. A (symbol)
29. A (are) 30. B (to seeing)
31. Have you ever been 32. have been

33. did you last visit 34. spent

35. went 36. Did you like
37. had 38. Did you use
39. has improved 40. have never been
1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B
6. festive 7. haunted 8. mysterious 9. absolutely 10. symbol
11. have been 12. visit 13. is
14. has developed 15.leaves
16. A 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. C
21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B
26. C 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B
31. D 32. C 33. E 34. A 35. B

36. We haven't met for a long time.

37. How long have you had it?

38.1 haven't had such a delicious meal.

39. The last time I saw him was 8 days ago.

40. It is a year since I last spoke English.

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. spacious 7. incredible 8. accent 9. pasture 10. confusing
11. have has 12. have depended —> depend
—>look — looking 14. improve —> have improved
15. will leave —» leaves

16. He hasn't gone abroad before.

17. She has learned/ learnt French for 1 month.

18. We have eaten since it started to rain.

19.1 haven’t had my hair cut since I left home.

20. She hasn’t talked to me for 5 months.

21. T 22. T 23. F 24. F 25. F


Sample answer:
1. English for everyone is shown at 8.00. This week the program gives TV viewers a chance to discover
Scotland with Tom, the tour guide.
2. The game show Who is millionaire is on at 8.30. In this week we will watch teenagers from all over the
world answer the questions about English speaking countries.
3. At 9.00, there -is Food around the world. This time we will know more about Amsterdam’s street food.

4. Vietnam Discovery is on at 10.00. It is a documentary about Ba Be Lake, the largest natural lake in
5. 12.00 is the time for cartoon with Zootopia, a fdm about an animal's world where equality is important.

Unit 9:

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C
11. D 12. A .13.C 14. A 15. B
16. C 17. A 18. D 19. cC 20. C
21. A 22. D 23.B 24. A 25. A
26. B (reconstructed) 27. B (that) 28. c (were)
29. B (destructive) 30. A (pay)
31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. C
36. D 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. C
1. C 2. A 3.C 4. B 5. D
6. massive 7.rescued 8. injured
9. accommodation 10. Eruption
11. had driven (had been driving)/ broke 12. are endangered
13. were you doing/ occurred 14. were reported
15. is used 16. had been completed/ hit
17. has been said 18. arrived/ had been taken
19. has seen 20. has been kept/ being affected
21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C
26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A
31. T 32. F 33. T 34. F 35. T

36. C 37. A 38. D 39. E 40. B


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B

6. survivors 7. missing 8. was scattered

9. powerful 10. severely 11. warning

12. weakened 13. disastrous 14. homeless 15. sheltered

16. The town hall was badly damaged.

17. Their garage has to be repaired.

18. A documentary about severe floods is going to be shown by the teacher.

19. The flood victims haven’t found yet.

20. Many people are said to be homeless after the flood.

21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D

In late 1999, a flood occurred in central provinces of Vietnam. This disaster caused serious damage to both
people and property. 793 people lost their lives. 55,000 were made homeless. $290 million of damage was
caused to the region. 1.7 million people in the central provinces were affected. To help the flood victims, many
things were done. Rescue workers freed people trapped in collapsed or damaged homes. They also cleared up
the debris. Rescue equipments, as well as food and medical supplies were sent there. In addition, homeless
people were taken to safe areas. Temporary shelters would be built to house them in a few day.

(Units 7, 8, 9)
l.C 2. A 3.D 4. A 5.B

6.D 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B

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