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Student Name : Agung Budi Prayitno

Student Identification Number/ NIM : 043764428

Code/Course Name : ISIP4216/Social Research Method

UPBJJ Code/Name : 20/UPBJJ-UT-Bandar Lampung

Exam Period : 202 1/2 2 .2 (2022.1)



1. Tell difference knowledge and science knowledge and importance ethics in study
social !
1. difference knowledge and science knowledge and importance ethics in study social

Knowledge is answer to curiosity _ man about incident or symptoms that occur in nature
universe , ok in form fact ( abstraction from incident or symptom ), concept
( group from fact ), or principle ( network ) from concept ) or by short is information will
something events that have not tested the truth . Whereas
Knowledge Knowledge
is acquired knowledge _ with method certain , i.e method or method scientific or in short
is gathering knowledge that has been tested correct and compiled by systematic based on
with method scientific . So , if something knowledge gained _ from non - scientific ways
not yet tested the truth and not arranged based on method scientific , then knowledge
the not yet worthy called as knowledge knowledge .

Ethics is something very thing _ important in study social , because part big study social
involve member Public as object research . Deviation to the rules _ ethics could cause
member participating community _ in study harmed good by material , moral , or physical
. Besides that , by scientific results _ study could doubtful validity if rules ethics violated .
because of that , for To do study social , a researcher must understand right with ethics
study social .

2. Tell trees researched problem _ in knowledge social and variety approach in
research !
2. Trees researched problem _ in knowledge social among others:
a. Knowledge Political
Studying one _ aspect from life related community _ with power (power),
power or prestige , authority , domination and subordination among _ _ _
member society . Inside _ To do study , science political using the state as the
unit of analysis . Including in attention knowledge political is knowledge
administration , that is method use state organization implementation wisdom
general .
b. Anthropology
I science about humans. Anthropology comes from the Greek word (read:
anthropos ) which means " man " or "people", and logos which means "
discourse " ( in Greek). the notion of " reasoning ", " reasonable ") or by
etymological anthropology means science that studies human . [1] In To do
study to human , anthropology put forward two draft important namely :
Holistic and Comparative . Therefore, anthropological studies are very
concerned with historical aspects and comprehensive explanations to describe
humans through knowledge of social sciences, life sciences (nature), and also
the humanities .
Anthropology aims to better understand and appreciate humans as biological
entities of homo sapiens and social beings in framework interdisciplinary and
comprehensive work . _ because of that , anthropology use theory evolution
biology in give meaning and facts history in explain journey people humans on
earth from the very beginning .
c. Psychology
Studying special related things _ with behavior but in emphasis
individual.Behavior under study Psychology is emergent behavior _ from in self
man alone , no coercion from outside . Example , influence hobby student to
enthusiasm student in follow extracurricular certain .
d. Sociology
Studying factors that maintain stability inside _ something society and the
factors that lead to change even destruction something society . Emphasis
study sociology is behavior in the collective unit or society , no individual . For
example , a student should go to school and study as habits that exist in
society, if there is students who don't do thereby because he no want , then
member other communities can give the reaction that can be caused
appearance view negative, punishment or treatment no friendly to himself .
e. Knowledge Communication
Studying special related things _ with behavior individual in good
communication _ communication between private , between culture , as well
as communication individual in group mass .

Variety approach in study Among other :

a. Approach Study Historical
Used if something study aim for make reconstruction of the past by systematic
and objective , with method collect , evaluate , perform verification , and
perform synthesis evidence for enforce facts and get strong conclusion . _
b. Approach Study Descriptive
Often also called with study survey , selected if researcher mean for make
description about situations or events . Study descriptive is purely research _
To do basic data accumulation in method descriptive , no look for or explain
each other relationship , test hypothesis , make forecast , or get meaning and
implications . Research that can entered to in approach study this is study
surveys and censuses .
c. Approach Study Development
Chosen if study aim for investigate pattern and sequence growth and or
change , influencing factors _ development the variables studied , and how
factors the each other relate . Study development center attention to
development variables _ _ study the During a number of month or year . Study
development is normal called with name longitudinal research .
d. Approach Study Cases and Research Field
Chosen if study aim for learn by intensive background behind state now , and
interaction environment a social unit , individual , group , institution , or
society . Research _ case is study deep about the social unit certain which
results is complete and organized picture _ good about the unit . Compared to
with study inclined survey _ for researching amount small variable in large
units , study case tend researching number of small units but about big
variables and conditions _ _ _ amount .
e. Approach Study Correlation
Chosen if something study mean for detect the extent to which variations in a
variable study relate with variations on one or more variable study another .
Connection between one variable with one or more that other variable no
character causes . _ _
f. Approach Study Causal Comparative
Chosen if something study aim for researching possibility connection cause
and effect Among variable study one with variable study other , with method
researching consequences that exist and seek return possible factors _
Becomes the cause .
g. Approach Study Experimental Real (True Experimental Research)
Something purposeful research _ for researching possibility each other
connection cause and effect Among variable one with variable other , with
method wearing to one or more group experimental with one or more
condition treatment and compare result with one or more group control that
doesn't accompanied condition treatment .
h. Approach Study Experimental Pseudo ( Guasi Experimental Research)
Similar study experimental , but conducted because circumstances that are
not allow for control and or manipulate all relevant variables . _
i. Approach Study Kaji Action (Action Research)
Chosen if something study aim for develop skills new or method approach new
and for solve problem with application straight to the world of work or the real
world other .

3. Explain steps tree in research !
3. Steps tree in research , is as following :
a. Identification , Selection , and Formulation Problem
Problems to be solved or answered through study always available and
sufficient a lot , stay researcher identify it , select it , and formulate it .

After trouble identified , not yet is guarantee that problem the worthy and
appropriate for researched . Usually , in effort identify or find problem
research , found more from one problem . of several problem that , need
choose the one that is most appropriate and appropriate for researched . If
identification problem only find one any problem , problem the permanent
must considered worthy and appropriate for researched .
Consideration for determine is something problem worthy and appropriate for
researched or no, on basic conducted from two side , that is side the problem
and side candidate researcher . After trouble identified , then problem that
need formulated . Formulation problem this important , because result
will Becomes guide for problems next .
b. Review References or Compilation Base Theory
After trouble formulated , then step next is look for theories , concepts ,
generalizations obtained _ _ _ from results research ever _ conducted
previously that can made base theory for research that will done . Base theory
this need established so that research that will conducted have solid
foundation , and not just activity try try ftrio ! and errors). For get information
about various the things mentioned above , we _ need To do study library .
This thing no can avoided , because indeed in general more of 5084 activities
study is reading ( study ) library ). because of that , source reading is part
support essential research . _
c. Formulation Hypothesis
Hypothesis study is answer temporary to problem research , the truth still
must tested by empirical . In Suite steps research , hypothesis is summary from
conclusions theoretically obtained _ from study bibliography . By technical
hypothesis could defined as statement about population that will tested the
truth based on the data obtained from sample research .
d. Formulation Definition Operational Variables
Before To do research , of course already identified variables what do you
want researched . After doing identification variables research , need defined
variables _ _ the by operational . Formulation definition operational this need
because will direct to tool proper data collector for used in study meant .
Definition operational is based definition _ on traits defined variable that can _
observed or observed . Definition operational variable that can be observed or
could observed this important because variable that can be observed that
open possibility for others to To do something similar , so _ what do
researchers do ? open for tested returned by someone else.
e. Compilation Design Study
Design study determined by variable research that has been identified , and
hypotheses to be tested the truth . In determine design research , need
remember that whole component study must intertwined by neat and
orderly . In general , design study at the same time is also design data analysis .
f. Selection and Development Tool Data Collector
In something research , tools data collector or instrument determine data
quality that can be collected , and the quality of the data determines quality
research . Hence , the tool data collector must done by careful and have terms
as tool good data collector , i.e reliable and valid.
g. Determination Population and Sample Study
Due to various reason , no all thing you want explained , predicted , or
controlled could researched . Study scientific can said almost always only
conducted to part just from the things that used to be want to researched . So
study sometimes only conducted to sample , not to whole population . Though
so , result study could worn or generalizable to the population .
h. Data Collection
Data quality is determined by quality tool collector the data . If tool collector
the data is valid and reliable , then the data collected will also be valid and
reliable. Though so , still there is one again factor important thing to do
noticed , that is qualification data collector . A number of tool data collector
demands requirements qualification collector the data by strict must also
fulfilled .
i. Data Processing and Analysis
Collected data then must processed . First the data must be selected based on
its reliability and validity . Low data reliability and validity , aborted and lacking
data complete replaced with data substitution . Then the data that has been
selected that set in tables , matrices , or others for convenience _ analyzed .
j. Interpretation of Data Analysis Results
The results of data analysis may said still factual , not yet mean nothing , so _ _
still must given meaning by researchers . Research results can compared with
hypothesis research , discussed or discussed , and finally concluded . In every
research , researcher always expect the hypothesis stand the test, or proven
the truth . If the hypothesis proven , then role discussion or discussion can no
stand out . But if hypothesis no proven , or rejected , then role discussion
Becomes very important because researcher must could explain why Thing
that can happen . Researcher Required explore all possible sources _ Becomes
because no prove it hypothesis research . A number of possibility because
hypothesis no proven is factor : foundation theory , sample , tool data
collector , design research , calculations , and variables outside .
k. Compilation Report
Step final from whole Suite study is composing report . Report study this is
very step _ important because with report that condition openness knowledge
knowledge and research could fulfilled . Through report that scientist could
understand , judge , if need test return results research obtained . _ With
method thereby solving problem will get strengthening and progress .

Source :
Method Research Social (ISIP4216) Module 1 to with Module 3

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