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1. Action of an organism
A. Behavior
B. Average Behavior
C. Maladaptive Behavior
D. Delinquency

2. The child is considered born if after the delivery from the mother’s
womb the umbilical cord is cut. But if the child is born with intra
uterine life, when we say that child is considered born?
A. When that child is declared by the doctor is alive
B. When that child is survived and has an independent life after 24 hours
from the delivery.
C. When the child is cries and declared by the doctor that the child was
D. When the said child was registered at municipal registry

3. Those out of school youth, and those children who commit status
offense are classified as.
A. Child in conflict with the law
B. Child at risk
C. Children as zones of peace
D. Youthful offender

4. This Theory states that criminal behavior results when a person’s

individual bond to society is weak or broken.
A. Labeling Theory
B. Social Control Theory
C. Social Learning Theory
D. Social Structure Theory

5. He argued that childhood expirience and uncincious desires ultimately

influnce our behavior as adult.
A. Abraham Maslow
B. Robert Merton
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Erick Erikosn

6. One of the factors that a person may be a victim of a crime

A. Lifestyle Choice
B. Walking alone at night
C. Creating a determined route of action
D. Disregarding safety on oneself

7. Public Order crime is commonly known as

A. Victimless Crime
B. Private Crime
C. Public Crime

8. The are “child” contemplated by RA 9344. Except;

A. Oscar a 43-year-old idiot
B. JB an imbecilic who committed a crime of theft
C. Kramsey a borderline mentally retarded
D. Kim a exactly 18-year-old sex addict

9. JB Tuazon is 17-year-old CICL who committed at RRCY is rendering 3

years at the said institution. After the court disposition when JB
Tuazon reached the emancipation age ordered to put him at correctional
institution located at Muntinlupa. The period he rendered at RRCY
shall be…
A. Credited of 1/3 of his sentence at RRCY
B. Credited half of the term rendered at RRCY
C. Not credited
D. Credited of full time

10. Tikboy Salazar was apprehended and charged with illegal

possession of dangerous drugs. He is a 16-year-old son of a
criminologist. Tikboy is
A. Exempted from criminal liability and subject for court proceedings
B. Exempted from criminal liability and subject for intervention program
C. Exempted from criminal liability and subject for diversion program
D. Is a minor

11. Kramyer Bastosnera is a 13 year old mama’s boy who committed an

offenses punishbale by RA 9165 with the penalty of 12 years of
imprisonment. Kramyer Bastosnero shall be deemed consider as-
A. Neglected Child
B. Abandoned Child
C. Child at risk
D. Child in Conflict with the law

E. In the above scenario, upon determination of probable cause,

information against Kramyer Bastosnera shall be filed at Family Court
within how many days?
F. 10
G. 15
H. 30
I. 45

12. In the above scenario, supposed that Kramyer Bastosnero is

subject for diversion. Where his diversion program is based?
A. Law enforcement officer or Punong Barangay
C. Court
13. Supposed that mama’s boy Kramyer Bastosnero is an actor in going
bulinggit. How long the period of work allowed by the law
corresponding to his age; and where his parent file an certification
for their child to be allowed to work?
A. 12; DSWD
B. 8; DILG
C. 4; DOLE

14. Arlo is a thief who is eyeing at the handbag of Ms. Kagandahan.

Patrolman Pio Sebastian is standing a few meters from Ms. Kagandahan.
The thief’s desire to steal is not diminished by the presence of the
police officer but the _______ for successful theft is.
A. Ambition
B. Intention
C. Feeling
D. Opportunity

15. It is an act which is considered anti-social if committed by a

child but not a big deal when committed by an adult.
A. Offense
B. Felony
C. Crime
D. Misdemeanor (Status Offense)

16. It is a part of the corruption continuum, wherein the honest

police officers turn bad due to repeatedly accepting free meals, free
fare and similar insignificant acts which leads t serious misbehavior
and finally corruption.
A. Eagles
B. Safe haven
C. Slippery Slope
D. Blue Shield

17. Someone in the society depicted those acts which may you call as
against the culture and norms that what we expect to them. As a
criminologist you may act as a sociologist to determine such action.
These are?
A. Criminal Behavior
B. Abnormal Behavior
C. Deviant Behavior
D. Average Behavior

18. As per to Sigmund Freud this is the primary source of human

behavior, feeling of anger, frustration, anxiety which comes out. In
logically speaking it’s like an iceberg, the most important is the
part that you cannot see.
A. Conscious Mind
B. Unconscious Mind
C. Pre-Conscious Mind
D. Id

19. Aggression is a behavior perpetrated or attempt with the

intention of harming one or more individual physically or
psychologically, but one must always remember that all violent
behaviors are aggressive but not all aggressive behavior are violent.
In these 2 kinds of aggression, it produces by our anger-conducive
condition that makes a person to deliver an aggression.
A. Hostile Aggression
B. Instrumental Aggression
C. Native Aggression
D. Local Aggression

20. This theory argued that intelligence is not inherited and that
low-IQ parents do not necessarily produce low-IQ children.
Intelligence must be viewed as partly biological but primarily
A. Nature Theory
B. Nurture Theory
C. Moffit Development Theory
D. Cognitive Theory

21. One Oli Magano was frequently stimulating when his left leg is
much longer than his right leg but in usual bot are in the same length
in the perception of others. As a criminologist with a of knowledge in
the field of psychology the former may you diagnose with what kind of
A. Hypochondriasis
B. Factitious Disorder
C. Conversion Disorder (Hysteria)
D. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

22. The following is not a distinction between psychology and

psychiatry, except
A. Psychologist is the study of human behavior while psychiatry is study
of human mind
B. Psychologist prescribed medication and psychiatrist is more on
psychotherapy or talk therapy
C. Psychologist is a Doctor of Medicine while psychiatrist is not
D. None of the above

23. Lj Ramirez is extinct those act that against what is expected in

his sister’s wedding, he behaves accordingly in an occasion, depicting
gentlemanliness, standing like a man and not a single individual out
in the street where he typically associated. He acts in relation to
custom of what we expect on such occasion. Lj shown was a having;
A. Ethics
B. Values
C. Morality
D. Right

24. P/Lt. Manamis Namis of Iligan Municipal Police Station bribed one
of the well-known media man of ABS-CBN channel 7 to not to disclose
into the public the humiliated behavior of his policemen on the said
station in gathering information of one suspected felon. What type of
police lying shown in the scenario above?
A. Accepted Lying
B. Tolerated Lying
C. Deviant Lying
D. White Lie

25. In General Adaption Syndrome of Hans Selye, in this stage

provides a burst of energy when a stressful material/situation comes
to one individual.
A. Alarm Stage
B. Resistance Stage
C. Exhaustion Stage
D. Stage of Stress

26. The following are the three parts of the mind stressed by Carl
Jung in his Analytical Psychology, except
A. Conscious ego
B. Personal unconscious
C. Collective unconscious
D. Persona and shadow

27. According to this theory, criminal solutions maybe more

attractive than lawful ones because they usually require less work for
a greater payoff.
A. Positivst Theory
B. Classical Theory
C. Demonological Theory
D. Social Conflict Theory

28. Differential assiciation theroty was explained by Sutherland

as; Except:
A. Criminal behavior is learned
B. Criminal behavior can be learned through interraction with others in
the process of communication
C. The process of learning criminal behavior excludes law abiding members
of the society
D. The principal part of learning is within the most intimate personal

29. This theory exlains that those who in the lower class are
prone to commit illegitimate means to gain success in life than those
person who in the upper class society.
A. Differential Association Theory
B. Differential Opportunity Theory
C. Strain Theory
D. Imitation Theory

30. He proposed that individuals who posse’s criminal

characteristic should be prohibited to conceived or to have a children
because he believed criminal traits can be passed from parents to
offspring through the genes.
A. Richard Dugdale
B. Charles Goring
C. Henry Goddard
D. Adolphe Quetelet

31. In general, hostage-takers are emotionally tense; when trapped,

they expend great deal of emotion, physical and psych energy, hence;
A. Swift and precise attack will be one advantage for the authorities
B. Shortening the time will press him to surrender
C. Prolonging the passage of time shall wear them down
D. Aggravating their stress will lead them to surrender

32. Hallucination is experienced by having;

A. False belief
B. False sensory perception without stimulus
C. False perception with stimulus
D. Misunderstanding perception

33. Characterized by feelings hopelessness and extreme sadness

A. Mood Disorder
B. Affective Disorder
C. Bipolar Disorder
D. Depression

34. Patrolman Jose Burgos is subject for promotion this year, but
that said promotion is associated with the duty to be deploy at Jolo,
Sulu where a mile farther from his family. What conflict faced by the
said police man?
A. Avoidance-Avoidance conflict
B. Approach-Approach conflict
C. Dilemma
D. None of the above

35. A crime in which the offender evaluates their skills, motive,

needs, and fear before deciding to commit the criminal act.
A. Offender-specific crime
B. Offense-specific crime
C. Choice crime
D. Optional crime

36. He who explains the mathematical calculation of criminal behavior

is equal to criminalistic tendencies plus crime inducing situation
divided by persons mental or emotional resistance to temptation.
A. Criminologist of 20th century
B. Abrahamsen
C. Felix Bautista
D. Generoso Reyes

37. Legal doctrine holding parents liable for injuries caused by

child’s negligent driving or other action.
A. Family purpose doctrine
B. In loco parentis
C. Guardian ad litem
D. None of the above

38. Jenny is a reviewee of Carl Bajita Review Academy, she’s a

retaker for criminologist licensure examination but at this time she
did not have a financial capability for her tuition fee, in regards to
that matter Jenny offer his fascinating feminity to her well known
foreigner in exchange for money to support her financial incapability.
Is the act of Jenny may consider as public order crime?
A. Yes, the act shown is prostitution
B. Yes, it is a good example of victimless crime
C. Yes, the act is committed even if there’s no complaining victim
D. No

39. Father of positivism and featured that Human behavior is a

function of external forces that are beyond the individual control and
used of scientific basis to solve problem.
A. Cesare Lombroso
B. Cesare Beccaria
C. Auguste Comte
D. None of the foregoing

40. Intimate distance of hostage taker and a negotiator in face to

face conversation.
A. 1-3ft
B. 6inches
C. 12ft
D. 20inches

41. In criminologicals sense, criminals are?

A. A person who committed a crime and has been convicted by a court in
violation of criminal law
B. A person is already considered as criminal the moment he committed a
C. A person who violated a social norm or one who did an anti-social act
D. All of the above

42. The state shall see to it that no child is refused admission to

public school. All parents are required to enroll their child in
schools to complete at least, an…
A. Elementary Education
B. High School
C. College
D. Post-Graduate Education

43. Statement no. 1; Probation to the first-time minor offender is

shall only be granted if the said minor is having a penalty imposed by
the court of exactly 6 years. Statement no. 2; A child sentenced by
the court for conviction may apply for probation within 15 days before
the sentence become final.
A. All statements are correct
B. Only statement 1 is wrong
C. Both statements are false
D. Only statement 1 is correct

44. Is essential only when the identity of perpetrator is in doubt

A. Intent
B. Motive
C. Opportunity
D. Capability

45. Statement no.1 Minors may be detained, but not imprisoned, and
only if absolute if necessary and for shortest possible time.
Statement no.2 If detained, minors must be placed in youth detention
homes, not jail.
A. Only statement no. 1 is false
B. Only statement no. 2 is correct
C. Only statement no. 1 is correct
D. Both statements are correct

46. An act strengthening the Juvenile Justice Welfare Council

A. RA 9344
B. RA 10630
C. RA 10640
D. PD 603

47. They considered as the “DOER” in the organizational structure of

A. Leader
B. Active Cadre
C. Passive Cadre
D. Supporters

48. It is an act which is considered anti-social if committed by a

child but not a big deal when committed by an adult.
A. Offense
B. Felony
C. Crime
D. Misdemeanor (Status Offense)
49. According to this theory in victimology, the greater their
exposure to dangerous places, the more likely people are to become
victims of crime and violence.
A. Deviant Place
B. Lifestyle Theory
C. Precipitation Theory
D. Defensible Space Theory

50. Persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm

through conducts that are through behaviors that are not criminalized
by national laws but violate internationally recognized norms of human
A. Victimizer
B. Victim
C. Criminal
D. Offender


Prepared by: Pat. Lorenzo Ramirez, RCrim, MSCrim (u)

National Review Lecturer

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