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Department of Education


General Luna, Surigao del Norte
1st Summative Test in ENGLISH 7
School Year 2022-2023

Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________ Score: ________________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Write ONLY THE LETTER of the best answer for each question on the space
provided before the number. NO ERASURES.

_____ 1. It is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places,
actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.
a. Noun b. Pronoun c. Verb d. Adverb
_____ 2. These are names of concepts, qualities, emotions, conditions and attitudes that have no material existence.
a. Concrete nounsb. Abstract nouns c. Proper nouns d. Common nouns
_____ 3. It is a type of noun which names a particular person, place, thing or idea. It usually begins with a capital letter.
a. Concrete nounsb. Abstract nouns c. Proper nouns d. Common nouns
_____ 4. When two or more words are used together to form a single noun, it is called _________.
a. Proper nouns b. Common nouns c. Compound nouns d. Collective nouns
_____ 5. It is a noun or pronoun referring to a female being.
a. Common noun b. Neuter noun c. Masculine noun d. Feminine noun
_____ 6. A noun or pronoun referring to a thing without a life is called ______.
a. Common noun b. Neuter noun c. Masculine noun d. Feminine noun
_____ 7. It is a distinction according to sex. It refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, expressions
and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people.
a. Identity b. Expression c. Sex d. Gender
_____ 8. It refers to the biological differences between males and females.
a. Identity b. Expression c. Sex d. Gender
_____ 9. Choose the correct plural form of the following noun.
a. father-ins-law b. fathers-in-law c. father-in-laws d. father-in-law’s
_____ 10. Choose the correct plural form of the following noun.
a. editor-ins-chief b. editor-in-chief’s c. editors-in-chief d. editor-in-chiefs

II. Identification. Identify what is being asked in the following items.

A. Write the plural form of the nouns given below. Write your answers inside the box. NO ERASURES.
Singular Plural Singular Plural

11. Child 21. Cactus

12. Man 22. Potato

13. Woman 23. Tomato

14. Wife 24. Toe

15. Knife 25. Church

16. Roof 26. Category

17. Kidney 27. Son-in-law

18. Glass 28. Brother-in-law

19. Ox 29. Gas

20. Athlete 30. Flash

B. Fill in the blanks with masculine gender or feminine gender of the words as the case may be. Write your answers on the blanks.
31. ____________ = aunt

32. boy = ____________

33. ____________ = spinster

34. duke = ____________

35. husband = ____________

36. ____________ = waitress

37. actor = ____________

38. ____________ = lady

39. brother = ____________

40. ____________ = princess

41. king = ____________

42. headmaster = ____________

43. ____________ = niece

44. emperor = ____________

45. ____________ = grandmother

46. master = ____________

47. ____________ = she-bear

48. tiger = ____________

49. ____________ = bride

50. stallion = ____________

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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