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‫ دبي‬،‫مدرسة جيه اس العالمِ ية‬


Maximum Marks: 80 DATE : 18/10/2021


1. Answer the questions by choosing the correct option after each. [1x10=10]

(i)Why were the men thrown up on the island by the ‘never surfeited’ sea? (1 Point)
a. They had committed grievous crimes
b. They had conspired against good people
c. Their ship had wrecked
d. They were not fit to live among men

(ii)Ariel tells the men that their ship wreck and the loss of Ferdinand are punishments for...
a.Colonizing the island
b.Their vulgar behaviour
c.Their arrogance
d.Endangering Prospero and Miranda

(iii) The men were unable to attack Ariel with their swords because....
a.Their swords had disappeared
b.Their swords had turned to rods
c.Ariel was too powerful
d.Ariel was too far away

(iv)Who said, “What a pied ninny’s this”?


(v) In Act III scene II how does Alonso react when Ariel accuses him of wrong doing against
a. He expresses sympathy
b.He admits guilt and expresses remorse
c.He ridicules Prospero
d. He shows anger against Ariel

(vi) Which of the following best described the character of Antonio?


(vii) On seeing Alonso 'out of hope' what plan does Antonio suggest to Sebastian?
a. Taming Ariel and other spirits
b.Taking revenge against their enemies
c.capturing the island
d.killing Alonso

(viii) Who says these lines "All three of them are desperate: their great guilt, Like poison gives to
work a great time after"?
a. Prospero
b. Gonzalo
d. Antonio

(ix) What symbolism is associated with the banquet?

a. satire on travellers demonstrates
b.Ariel's magic
c.Demonstrates Prospero's power
d.Atonement of past sins

(x) What hope did Alonso 'put off'?

a.hope of saving his life
b.hope of finding his son alive
c.hope of reaching Naples
d.hope of reconciliation with Prospero

2.Read the lines given below and answer the questions by choosing the correct option after each.

Alas now, pray you,

Work not so hard. I would the lightning had Burnt up those logs that you are enjoined to pile!
Pray, set it down and rest you. When this burns, 'Twill weep for having wearied you. My father
Is hard at study. Pray now, rest yourself.

i)What does Prospero mean by “rare affections”?

a.interesting people
b.unusual emotions
c.pure souls
d.foolish sentiments

(ii) Which aspect of Miranda's nature is revealed through her words, 'My father is hard at study; pray,
rest yourself'?
b. arrogance

(iii)What does the word 'enjoin'd' mean?


(iv)What does Ferdinand say when Miranda offers to share his labour?
a.He thanks her for offering to help
b.He blames Prospero and prefers to work with Miranda.
c.He begs Miranda to look upon him kindly.
d.He prefers to crack his muscles and break his bones

(v)How does Ferdinand compare Miranda with her father?

a.She is more polite than her father
b.She is kinder than her father
c.She is ten times more gentle than her father who is irritable.
d.She is ten times more humble than her father who is irritable.

(vi) Why does Ferdinand ask Miranda for her name?

a.To know the meaning
b.To include her name in prayers
c.To show his love to her
d.To know her relationship with Prospero

(vii) What refreshes Ferdinand's labour?

a.lifting music
b.thoughts of vengeance
c.thoughts of Miranda
d.thoughts of reunion with his father

(viii) According to Ferdinand, how does Miranda differ from women he has met?
a.She seems perfect without defeats
b.she is very beautiful and honest
c.she is more dutiful than other women
d.she is very loving and innocent

(ix)Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about Prospero in the context of the quoted
a.He has imposed menial task upon Ferdinand
b.He dislikes Ferdinand for being Alonso's son
c.He wants Ferdinand to prove his love
d.He has planned the marriage between Ferdinand and Miranda

(x)What does Miranda do in response to Ferdinand's declaration of love? (1 Point)

a.tells him she does not feel the same
b.offers to marry him
c.asks her father to punish Ferdinand
d.tells him that she needs her father's permission

B.CALIBAN: I say, by sorcery he got this isle.

From me he got it. If thy greatness will Revenge it on him—

(i) Why does Caliban consider himself to be the legal owner of the island?
a.He has inherited the island from his mother.
b.He has been brought up on the island
c.He has helped Ariel
d.He has captured the island from the spirits

(ii) What grievance did Caliban nurture against Prospero?

a.Prospero had usurped the island

b.Prospero would torture him
c.Did not allow him to marry Miranda
d.Killed his mother Sycorax

(iii) How does Caliban tempt Stephano to help him in taking revenge against Prospero? telling Stephano that he will become the king and Caliban his slave. telling Stephano that he will help him become a powerful magician.
c.By promising Stephano the dukedom of Milan.
d.By promising Stephano to show him the island.

(iv) According to Caliban, what must be done to wrest power from Prospero?
a.wage war against him
b.steal his books
c.abduct Miranda
d.steal his clock

(v) At what time does Caliban plan to kill Prospero?

a.during his evening nap midnight
c.when he is in his cell
d.during his afternoon nap

(vi) To ensure the success of the plan to kill Prospero the conspirators will have to.....
a.break his skull with stones and steal his staff
b.break his skull with a log of wood and choke him
c.cut his stomach with a knife and steal his robe
d.break his skull with a log, rip his stomach with a stake and cut his windpipe with a knife

(vii) What does Stephano dream about after becoming the king?
a.Miranda will become his wife and Caliban and Trinculo his viceroys
b.he will be able to banish his enemies
c.he will have control over the island
d.he will he able to control the spirits

(viii) What trick does Ariel perform to divide and create tension among Caliban, Stephano and
a.calls Caliban a cheater and sings a song
b.takes the form of a hound
c.Change his voice to sound like Trinculo.
d.changes his voice to sound like Stephano.

(ix) What does Ariel do to lead the men astray and interrupt their plans to kill Prospero?
a.plays the tunes
b.hangs clothes
c.sets dogs at them
d.uses charm

(x) What do you conclude about Caliban's nature from his interactions with others in the scene?
a.he is ambitious
b.he is suspicious of Stephano
c.he is loyal towards Trinculo
d.he is cunning and villainous

3.(i) In the story To build a Fire, what was the name of the newcomer in the land?

(ii) What possibility had the man come to look at in the islands in Yokon?
a.reaching the camp quickly
b.getting logs in the spring
c.establish a farm
d.setting up a cabin in the wild

(iii) Why was Mrs Mallard told gently about her husband's death? (1 Point)
a.she was very sensitive
b.she was very close to her husband
c.she was afflicted with a heart trouble
d.she was too ill

(iv) In the short story To Build a Fire, what theme does the author explore, specially in the
relationship between the man and the dog?
a.nature vs man
b.reasoning vs instinct
c.nature vs reasoning
d.nature vs nurture

(v) Mrs Mallards cause of death is described as 'joy that kills'. What is ironic about the phrase?
a.Mrs Mallards death was caused by the joy of seeing her husband alive.
b.The loss of Mrs Mallard's independence caused her death.
c.Her overwhelming sense of hope on being alive caused her death.
d.Her overwhelming sense of joy on seeing the doctor caused her death.

(vi) Why does the second fire go out?

a.the dog snatches the log
b.the man gets the log wet
c.the blizzard snuffs it out
d.the snow falls on it

(vii) What does the imagery from the natural world reflect in The Story of an Hour?
a.death and destruction
b.happiness and joy
c.freedom and rebirth
d.hourglass movement

(viii) What adds to the sense of gloom as the man heads out on his journey through the Yukon?
a.miles of nothing but ice and snow
b.absence of the sun
c.freezing temperature
d.travelling alone

(ix) Why was there a'feverish triumph' in Mrs Mallard's eyes?

a.because she had finally gotten rid of her husband
b.because she was glad to know of her husband's return
c.because she had found happiness in her new relationship

d.because she finally felt free

(x)In Kate Chopin’s ‘The Story of an Hour,’ what does Louise discovers after her husband’s death?
(a) Her husband’s death brings her a sense of freedom.
(b) She discovers that there was never any love in her marriage.
(c) She finds independence frightening.
(d) She discovers that her husband has huge amount of debts.

4. Read the lines given below and answer the questions by choosing the correct option after each.
The fire was a success. He was safe. He remembered the advice of the old timer on Sulphur Creek.

(i) What did the old man at sulphur creek warn the protagonist about?
a.the dangers of a blizzard
b.the dangers of being alone with the dog
c.the dangers of getting stuck alone
d.the dangers of travelling alone in sub zero temperature

(ii) What opinion did the man have about the old timer?
a.they were careless
b.they were womanish
c.they were daring
d.they had very little experience

(iii)What mistake did the man make while building the fire?
a.did not use matchsticks properly
b.built fire under snow land spruce tree
c.did not pay heed to the old man's advice
d.used wet logs

(iv) Which word best describes the character of the man?


(v) What wild idea did the man have about the dog?
a.he wanted to kill the dog and warm his hands
b.he wanted to huddle with the dog
c.he wanted to send the dog for help
d.he wanted to move on with the help of the dog

(vi) How has the dog acquired knowledge about the danger of the cold?
a.It had studied the land
b.It had inherited the knowledge of the cold
c.It had lived in the cold for years
d.It has learned from the man

(vii) What did the man do when a certain fear of death came to him?
a.started shivering with cold
b.cursed his bad luck
c.held the dog in his arms
d.started running blindly.

(viii) What has weakened the man's chance of survival?
a.pride and arrogance
b.old man's advice
c.respect for nature's strength
d.his relationship with the dog

(ix) What two contrasting traits have been highlighted in the story?
a.intellect and instinct
b.knowledge and intellect
c.bashfulness and courage
d.dignity and rationale

(x) Why does the man lie down on the snow and sleep off to death?
a.he was exhausted
b.he had hurt himself
c.he was confident of being rescued
d.he decides to meet death with dignity

5. Fill in the missing information from the short story 'The Story of an Hour'.

(i)She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death; ............
a.the face that had never looked save with hatred upon her.
b.the face that had never looked save with love upon her.
c.the face that had never looked save with anger upon her.
d.the face that had never looked save with fondness upon her.

(ii) It was Brently Mallard who entered, little travel stained, composedly carrying his.........
a.nap sack and walking stick
b.grip sack and umbrella
c.nap sack and luggage
d.grip sack and walking stick

(iii) And yet she loved him


(iv) Go away. I am not making myself ill. No, she was ..................
a.walking around the room
b.drinking the very elixir of life
c.mentally prepared to move on in life
d.carrying herself like a goddess

(v) Mrs Mallard's brief moment of illumination was ............

a.she would live for herself
b.she missed her husband
c.she wanted to go out into the world
d.she ought to be care full about her health.

6. Choose the correct option after each question: [1X10=10]

(i)In the poem, Crossing the Bar, what do the sunset and evening star symbolize?
c.old age

(ii)In the poem Birches, when does the speaker dream of going back to be the swinger of birches?
a.When he sees the bent trees
b.when life gets tough
c.during the ice storm
d.when he feels nostalgic

(iii)What image does the poet use to compare the bowed birch tree?
a.girls on hands and knees drying their hair
b.heaps of broken glass
c.withered leaves dragged by the load
d.boys drying their hair in the sun

(iv)In what context is the word Pilot used in the poem Crossing the Bar?

(v) What does the act of swinging symbolise?

a.the importance of scientific truth
b.the desire to escape reality
c.the desire for change
d.the importance of understanding the natural phenomenon

(vi) In the poem Crossing the Bar, what does the poet hope for after he has crossed the bar?
a.meeting his beloved
b.seeing his maker face to face
c.hearing the moaning sound
d.escaping the reality of death

(vii) In the poem 'The Darkling Thrush' what is not true about the speaker? (1 Point)
a.He appears to be gloomy
b.He sought the comfort of the household fires
c.He is outside contemplating the bleak landscape
d.He heard a voice from among the leafless branches

(viii)On what note does the poem 'Birches' end?

a.Pessimism and desparation
b.hopeful reconciliation
c.realistic expectation
d.resignation and optimism

(ix)In what context has the word 'spectre grey' been used in the poem 'The Darkling Thrush'?
a.grey sky

c.ghostly village
d.thin ghostly looking men

(x)What impression does the poet create in the first stanza of 'The Darkling Thrush'?
c.Sense of loss
d.None of the above

7.Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option
after each: [1x10=10]

The land's sharp features seemed to be The Century's corpse outleant,

His crypt the cloudy canopy,
The wind his death-lament.
The ancient pulse of germ and birth...

(i) What is the poet mourning in the above lines? (1 Point)

a.death of his creative abilities
b.the end of the day
c.passing of an era
d.bleak and desolate day

(ii) What does the geographical aspect of the above lines suggest?

(iii) What is lamented by the wind?

a.end of the day
b.death of a century
c.end of mankind
d.death of nature

(iv) What does the 'cloudy canopy' symbolise?

a.clouds hanging over the earth of the bird in the sky
c.tomb for the century
d.all of the above

(v) What is meant by the ancient pulse of germ and birth?

a.germination of ancient seeds
b.ancient landscape
c.birth of a new century
d.seeds of spring

(vi)What happened to the ancient pulse of germ and birth during winter?
a.It is buried underneath frost
b.It becomes hard and dry
c.It becomes soft and soggy
d.It is carried away by wind

(vii) What does every spirit upon earth seem to be?

a.cheerful and excited

b.extremely zealous
c.lacking in passion
d.full of passion

(viii) What breaks the heaviness and desolation all around? of the bird
b.the sunrise
c.the singing of people
d.a dirge

(ix) Which word does the poet use to describe the change in mood?
a.sadness and anxiety
b.hope and warmth
c.limitless happiness
d.frail and gaunt

(x) What do the words 'corpse', 'crypt' and cloudy canopy' convey in the poem?
a.absence of harmony in the speaker's life
b.feeling of pain
c.sense of life and hope
d.funeral march

8.Given below are sentences from the poem Birches.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences from the options given after each:

(i) I like to think some boy's been ............ them.


(ii) Doesn't bend them down to stay as ............. do.


(iii) loaded with .......... a sunny winter morning.

b.heaps of glass

(iv)After ...........theyclickuponthemselves.
a.a storm
b.a rain
c.a hail storm erosion

(v) Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed...........

a.dry leaves
b. snowflakes
c.crystal shells
d.withered bracken


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