Rest 5

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 To be healthy, your body needs plenty of rest. Sleep is your body’s way of recharging
to meet the challenges of each new day.

Good Night!
 What’s the secret to a sound night’s sleep? Develop sound sleeping habits. Getting
enough rest helps you look and feel your best.
 Stick to a regular bedtime. One of the best ways to ensure a good night’s sleep is to
get up and go to bed at the same time every day. If you sleep late one morning, then
get up early the next, you may feel tired and groggy all day and have trouble sleeping
that night.
 Develop a routine. It’s a good idea to create a ritual, a special routine, that tells your
body it’s time to go to sleep. Listen to gentle music, take a warm bath, read a book,
or weite in a journal. Try to repeat your ritual every night at the same time.
 Exercise. Active girls who exercise regularly are often the soundest sleepers of all.
Exercise helps release extra energy and tension that can interfere with sleep. But
don’t exercise too close to bedtime or you may have trouble winding down!
 Watch what you drink. Many sodas ___ especially coals ____ contain a substance
called caffeine that can make you feel jumpy and wide awake. Caffeine is also in
coffee, tea, and chocolate. Avoid anything with caffeine at night, especially close to


How many ZZZs?

 Some girls need mote sleep than others, but most girls your age need at least ten
hours of sleep per night. When your body is growing and changing, you may need
more sleep than usual. Aim to get the same amount of sleep each night to give your
body consistency _____ this is the very best way to start healthy and to grow well.
But if you have a few nights in a row of staying up late and you feel exhausted, you
may want to try catching up on the weekend by going to bed early, sleeping in, or
even napping.

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