Jurisdiction Challenges May 2017

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Jurisdiction Challenges

The importance of jurisdiction

Challenging the jurisdiction of the

English courts

The risk of submitting to the jurisdiction

What to do if proceedings are brought in a

foreign court in breach of an English
jurisdiction clause or arbitration clause

The importance of jurisdiction Make an application to contest the jurisdiction of
Where a claim is litigated can be very the Court
The location of the court which determines a
important. If you wish to contest the jurisdiction of
dispute can make a great deal of difference. At
This inbrief provides you with a guide the very least it may be inconvenient to instruct the English courts you must (a) file an
lawyers in an unfamiliar jurisdiction and for you “acknowledgment of service” ticking the box
on how to challenge the jurisdiction of
and all of your witnesses to attend trial in another to state that you intend to contest jurisdiction,
the English courts if a claim is started and (b) within 14 days (or 28 days in Commercial
country. Parties may also be concerned about the
here. We also highlight the steps that time it will take a court to make a decision, the Court cases) of filing the acknowledgment make
can be taken in England if a claim is likely costs of litigating in a particular jurisdiction an application to contest jurisdiction.
commenced elsewhere, even though (including whether or not those costs are
If you file an acknowledgment but do not make
you believe it should be litigated or recoverable), whether the procedural rules will end
an application within the specified period, you
arbitrated in England. up favouring one party over another (for example,
will be taken to have submitted to the jurisdiction.
what are the rules on disclosing documents?) or
The position if you make no response to the
the ease with which a judgment from a particular
claim form at all depends upon whether or not
court can be enforced in other jurisdictions. In
you are domiciled in an EU member state. If you
addition, the remedies available in one jurisdiction
are, the court will have to satisfy itself that it has
may be unavailable in another which could
jurisdiction over the claim before entering default
include the level and type of damages you may
judgment against you, if you are not, the court
be awarded. In extreme cases parties may even
can proceed directly to entering default judgment.
be concerned about corruption or the quality of
Once default judgment has been entered it is too
judicial decision making.
late to contest jurisdiction (unless it can be shown
It is therefore worthwhile knowing what options that service was never effected on you).
are open to you if a claim is commenced against
If your application is successful, the English court
you in the “wrong” jurisdiction, and better still,
will grant an order containing a declaration that
what you can do to avoid this happening in the
the English courts have no jurisdiction or will not
first place.
exercise its jurisdiction, and in addition may also
make orders: setting aside the claim form; setting
Challenging the jurisdiction of the aside service of the claim form; and staying the
English courts proceedings.
What should you do if you are served with
proceedings which have been commenced in Grounds for challenging
the English courts and you wish to challenge the jurisdiction
jurisdiction of the English courts?
Irregular service
Do not do anything to submit to the jurisdiction
Firstly, a defendant may wish to challenge the
Firstly, you must be very careful not to do anything
court’s jurisdiction on the basis that there was a
which could be construed as submitting to the
technical defect in the service of the claim form.
jurisdiction of the English courts. This means that
For example, on the basis that the necessary forms
you should avoid taking any substantive steps
were filled out incorrectly or were incomplete, or
in the proceedings other than contesting the
that local rules regarding service were not adhered
jurisdiction of the court. If, for example, you enter
to. Ultimately, this may only serve to buy you more
a defence, apply to have the claim struck out or
time, as the court may make an order declaring
make a counterclaim, you will be taken to have
the original service valid, or the claimant may
submitted to the jurisdiction.
simply just remedy the defect in service by serving
In advance of proceedings being served you the claim documentation correctly. However, if
should be careful not to agree anything in writing the claimant is up against a limitation period, this
which could be interpreted as an agreement to could be an effective way of dealing with a claim.
have any disputes heard in the English courts, nor
should you authorise anyone to accept service of

Application for a declaration that the English obtain the English courts’ permission to serve
courts have no jurisdiction in respect of the out of the jurisdiction before serving the claim Claims made in another
claim form. In such a case, the defendant must jurisdiction
If service was effected in accordance with the argue that that permission should not have What can you do if you are sued in a foreign
relevant rules, you may argue that the court does been granted, that it should now be rescinded jurisdiction and you think that the case should
not have, or should declare that it does not have, and that service should be set aside. be heard in England? Aside from challenging the
jurisdiction over you in respect of the claim. When jurisdiction of the foreign court in the court itself,
A defendant wishing to challenge the English
hearing such an application the English courts will is there anything that you can do in England?
courts’ jurisdiction must show that one or
apply either the rules contained in EU Regulation more of the following requirements for
1215/2012 (“the Recast Brussels Regulation”) or Claims made in the courts of EU member
being granted permission to serve out of the
the common law rules. states
jurisdiction were not satisfied:
Pursunt to Article 31(2) of the Recast Brussels
• Claims covered by the Recast Brussels −− there is a serious issue to be tried on the
Regulation, if a claim is brought in another
Regulation merits (this means that the claim has a
Member State in breach of a jurisdiction
In the case of defendants which are domiciled real as opposed to a fanciful prospect of
agreement granting jurisdiction to the English
in the EU, the relevant rules are contained success);
courts, the defendant in those proceedings can
in the Recast Brussels Regulation. Under the −− there is a good arguable case (meaning bring a claim in the courts of England and require
Recast Brussels Regulation, the default position that that one side has a much better the court first seized to stay its proceedings.
is that a defendant should be sued in his, her argument than the other) that the claim
or its country of domicile. This default position falls within one or more classes of case Damages for breach of an agreement on
can be varied by a written agreement between in which permission to serve out may be jurisdiction
the parties as to which courts shall have given set out in paragraph 3.1 of Practice If proceedings were brought in breach of a
jurisdiction. In matters relating to contract, a Direction 6B to the Civil Procedure Rules. jurisdiction agreement granting jurisdiction to
defendant can be sued in the courts for the These classes of case include: claims in the English courts, the defendant could claim
place of performance of the obligation in respect of contracts where the contract damages in England for losses flowing from
question (being the country where goods were was made in England, the breach of that breach of contract. Damages for breach of
to be delivered or services provided), whilst contract occurred in England, the contract such a clause may be difficult to quantify, but
in matters relating to tort, a defendant can is governed by English law or has a clause the threat of such proceedings could make a
be sued in the courts for the place where the granting the English Courts jurisdiction; party think twice about starting proceedings in
harmful event occurred or may occur. If a claim and claims made in tort where the damage
the wrong jurisdiction. It may also be possible
is brought in breach of any of these rules, was sustained, or caused by an act
to sue the lawyers acting for the party or parties
an English court should rule that it does not committed, in England.
that commenced proceedings in breach of a
have jurisdiction. Note that the Recast Brussels
−− that in all the circumstances England is jurisdiction clause for the tort of inducing a breach
Regulation does not apply to tax matters,
clearly or distinctly the appropriate forum of contract.
liability of the state, matrimonial, bankruptcy,
insolvency and arbitration claims. (See below for the trial of the dispute, and that in
all the circumstances the court ought to Anti-suit injunctions
for further information on arbitration).
exercise its discretion to permit service of If a claim has been commenced in a court outside
The Recast Brussels Regulation (in an the proceedings out of the jurisdiction. This of the EU, the defendant in those proceedings
amendment to the original Brussels Regulation) will involve considerations of convenience may seek an order addressed to the party or
now also applies to cases, regardless of where and expense, the governing law and parties who commenced them directing them to
the parties are domiciled, where there is a whether the claimant could obtain justice discontinue the proceedings (such an injunction
written jurisdiction clause specifying that in another jurisdiction. is not available in respect of claims brought in
the courts of a Member State shall have
• Other grounds the courts of EU Member States following the
jurisdiction. Article 31(2) of the Recast Brussels
European Court of Justice’s ruling in Turner v
Regulation provides that it will be for the A defendant may also seek to set aside Grovit).
courts of the Member State specified in the jurisdiction on the grounds that the subject
clause to rule on their own jurisdiction. matter of the claim is not within the court’s Pre-emptive strike
• Claims subject to the common law rules jurisdiction (e.g. because it relates to title to
If a party is concerned about proceedings being
foreign land, or a foreign patent), or because
In a case not covered by the Recast Brussels commenced in another jurisdiction, it can make
of state or diplomatic immunity.
Regulation, the claimant would have had to a pre-emptive strike and issue proceedings in

England. This option is also open to parties which enter into agreements regarding the courts which
might naturally be the defendant in proceedings, are to hear any disputes between them. Such
by seeking a “negative declaration” confirming agreements may of course be breached, but with
that they are, for example, not in breach of the English courts’ recognition that damages can
contract. be awarded for the breach of such agreements,
the possibility of obtaining an anti-suit injunction,
Proceedings brought in breach of and the new Brussels Regulation, do offer real
an arbitration clause
If proceedings are commenced in the English
The impact of Brexit
courts in breach of an arbitration clause, the
other party to those proceedings can apply under For as long as the UK remains an EU Member
section 9 of the Arbitration Act 1996 for an order State, the Recast Brussels Regulation will apply
to it, and so the position as set out above will
staying those proceedings. As with applications
remain unchanged. Unless the UK secures some
to contest jurisdiction, you must bring such
other agreement with the EU, perhaps like the
an application after acknowledging the legal
Lugano Convention (to which Denmark, Iceland,
proceedings, but before making any step in those
Norway and Switzerland are parties and which is
proceedings to answer the substantive claim.
in substantially the same terms as the old Brussels
Where proceedings are brought in a foreign court Regulation), then the common law rules will apply
in breach of an arbitration agreement, the English together with such other international agreements
court may order an anti-suit injunction where which are not dependent upon EU membership.
those proceedings are commenced in the courts of
a non-EU Member State. Where proceedings are
commenced in an EU Member State, the position
used to be that such an injunction was not
available following the European Court of Justice’s
ruling in Alliance SpA v West Tankers. It remains
to be seen whether the CJEU takes a similar view
For further information
following the coming into effect of the Recast
on this subject please contact:
Brussels Regulation on 10 January 2015 (which
provides that a Member State’s court’s ruling as
to whether or not an arbitration agreement is Nigel Enticknap
enforceable will not be capable of recognition Managing Associate
in other Member States, but makes no specific T + 44 (0) 20 7074 8336
reference to anti-suit injunctions). nigel.enticknap@lewissilkin.com

The value of a jurisdiction clause

In order to avoid potentially expensive jurisdictional
battles, parties should seek, where possible, to

This publication provides general guidance only:

expert advice should be sought in relation to
particular circumstances. Please let us know by
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