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[8508:15268:0326/] Session start.

cmdline is [--reporter-url= --application-name=mBlock5 "--crashes-directory=C:\

Users\gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes" --v=1]
[8508:15268:0326/] window handle is
[8508:15268:0326/] pipe name is \\.\pipe\
mBlock5 Crash Service
dumps at C:\Users\gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes
[8508:15268:0326/] checkpoint is C:\Users\
gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes\crash_checkpoint.txt
server is
maximum 128 reports/day
reporter is electron-crash-service
[8508:15268:0326/] Ready to process
crash requests
[8508:14360:0326/] client start. pid =
[8508:15268:0326/] session ending..
[8508:15268:0326/] clients connected :1
clients terminated :0
dumps serviced :0
dumps reported :0
[8508:15268:0326/] Session end.
return code is 0
[3980:7232:1023/] Session start.
cmdline is [--reporter-url= --application-name=mBlock5 "--crashes-directory=C:\
Users\gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes" --v=1]
[3980:7232:1023/] window handle is
[3980:7232:1023/] pipe name is \\.\pipe\
mBlock5 Crash Service
dumps at C:\Users\gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes
[3980:7232:1023/] checkpoint is C:\Users\
gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes\crash_checkpoint.txt
server is
maximum 128 reports/day
reporter is electron-crash-service
[3980:7232:1023/] Ready to process
crash requests
[3980:15152:1023/] client start. pid =
[3980:608:1023/] client end. pid = 8540
[3980:608:1023/] zero clients. exiting
[3980:7232:1023/] session ending..
[3980:7232:1023/] clients connected :1
clients terminated :1
dumps serviced :0
dumps reported :0
[3980:7232:1023/] Session end. return
code is 0
[7888:18072:0904/] Session start.
cmdline is [--reporter-url= --application-name=mBlock5 "--crashes-directory=C:\
Users\gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes" --v=1]
[7888:18072:0904/] window handle is
[7888:18072:0904/] pipe name is \\.\pipe\
mBlock5 Crash Service
dumps at C:\Users\gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes
[7888:18072:0904/] checkpoint is C:\Users\
gigi6\mblock\temp\mBlock5 Crashes\crash_checkpoint.txt
server is
maximum 128 reports/day
reporter is electron-crash-service
[7888:18072:0904/] Ready to process
crash requests
[7888:8344:0904/] client start. pid =
[7888:16132:0904/] client end. pid = 16628
[7888:16132:0904/] zero clients. exiting
[7888:18072:0904/] session ending..
[7888:18072:0904/] clients connected :1
clients terminated :1
dumps serviced :0
dumps reported :0
[7888:18072:0904/] Session end.
return code is 0

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