AC - Exercise 3 - Expository and Argumentative Essays

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Exercise 3

Expository and Argumentative

In the next two weeks, you will learn about writing Expository and Argumentative Essays, together
with some relevant grammar lessons. You will gain knowledge on these topics by going through
curated support materials, and reflecting on what you’ve read through answering the exercises.
By the end of the 4th week, you will submit your Expository/Argumentative essay, which serves
as an assessment of your understanding of the key points discussed from the reading.

Duration: Nine (9) hrs
Read Support Material 3 - Expository and Argumentative Essays. Afterwards, answer the
following activities.

ACTIVITY 1 - Expository Essay

What is one new skill that you have learned during the pandemic? Explain to us more about it.

1. What skill is it called? Being open minded in politics

2. When and where did you learn it? When the candidates in 2022 election are
3. How do you perform the skill? I perform it by doing research in each candidate’s
4. What are other details we should know about the skill? You should know the
consequences because if you open your eyes in politics, you will opening your
eyes too in other people who will criticize you

ACTIVITY 2 - Argumentative Essay
Read the topics below. Put a check mark next to the ones that could be good topics for
argumentative essays (clue: there are three out of five topics). Afterwards, fill-out the Pro-Con T-
Chart for each argumentative essay topic.

___ 1. The first time I flew on a plane

√ 2. Teachers should be given a salary increase.
√ 3. Online shopping should be taxed.
√ 4. Animals should not be used for cosmetic testing.
___ 5. Steps in obtaining a professional driver’s license.

1. Thesis statement: Teachers should be given a salary increase


The teachers will be happy about that The government will be sad because there
fund will be decreased

2. Thesis statement: Online shopping should be taxed


It will be legal and safe The seller will be more stressful because it
has a tax

3. Thesis statement: Animals should not be used for cosmetic testing


Animal would live freely and happy Marketing will go down because the animals
are tools in creating products

ACTIVITY 3 - Choose your essay

Recall the topic that you have chosen in Exercise 2 - Narrative and Descriptive Essays,
Activity 3. Continuing from that topic, you may either:

1. Write an expository essay elaborating a skill that is crucial for your chosen discipline
especially in these times of crisis, or
2. Write an argumentative essay persuading your readers that your future profession
remains to be crucial and essential amidst these times of crisis.

Choose ONLY ONE (1) type of essay between Expository and Argumentative essays. Using the
essay writing organizer you have chosen below, write a draft of your essay. Afterwards,
proofread and edit your written essay. You may consult your instructor in the essay writing


Introduction Paragraph




Body Paragraphs

Topic Sentence

Supporting Evidence





ESSAY TITLE: Being a Apolitical

Introductory Paragraph

Hook Many of the people in Philippines now are arguing about their
candidates in 2022 national election, others say that leni is only giving
lugaw, other say that marcos is liar or marcos is corrupt, other say that
pacquiao only know is to help the poor people and lastly their have a
problem too in a apolitical person.

Connecting Here in our country, if you failed just a little bit or act something stupid,
information you will be criticize of many citizen here. Being apolitical is not mean
that you will not vote. I don’t know why people are so many mad if they
knew you’re apolitical

Thesis statement For my own perspective, being apolitical is not all about you’re not
voting , it is also deciding who you will vote, because for me, I don’t
know for now who will I vote. Other voters say that if you a apolitical it
means your not aware or you don’t have care in your country but the
truth is, were only deciding who will deserve our vote.

Body Paragraphs

Background Many of people are have so much hate in apolitical because their
Information thought that we don’t have care in our country but the truth is were only
deciding critically. Also were investigating the behaviors of every
candidates. To be honest im a BBM before but when I saw the attitude
and doing of BBM, to be honest I turn to be a apolitical.

Reasons or There so much reason to support my claim because I have a good

Evidences to Support intention in doing this and I do research in every candidates, also a
Your Claim stalk them in all social media platforms, and I do not support fake
news, if I see that it seems fake news, I do research about it and
prove that is fake news and that’s the reason why you need to support
my claims

Addressing the
Opposite Side/ In other terms the people who hate in apolitical have a point too and I
Counterargument see that there so many apolitical who are not seeking the truth or not
deciding totally who will they vote, but many of apolitical have a same
mindset on me that we are deciding critically who deserve our vote


If you are a BBM, KAKAPINK, or ISKO, please be educated when you are arguing to
someone because if you talk rude, they are also response to you like what you act,
many of us are not ready to hear the truth and many of us are being upset when they
hear the truth, the only I will say is , seek more, do research more when you need a

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