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Digital Learning
Part A: Course Design
Course Title Manufacturing Planning & Control
Course No(s) MM ZG533
Credit Units 5
Credit Model
Content Authors

Course Objectives

CO1 The course teaches the students about the major elements and concepts in manufacturing
planning and control

CO2 The course provides knowledge about different tools, techniques and systems that facilitate
manufacturing planning and control

Text Book(s)
T1 Chase, R.B., Shankar R., Jacobs, F.R, “Operations and Supply Chain Management”, 14 th ed.,
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2014

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 Krajewski, L.J., Ritzman, L.P., Malhotra, M.K., Srivastava, S.K., “Operations Management:
Processes and Supply Chains”, 9th ed., Pearson Education, 2010
Content Structure
Lecture Course- Course-sub- Topics Title Contact Session
No. module title module Number
1 Strategy, Productivity and Productivity, nature of 1
Products, and Manufacturing manufacturing, modern
Capacity Management management, performance
2 Functions in Product design, process planning, 2,3
Manufacturing, determining number of equipment
process planning
3 Processes- Methods Analysis Graphical tools for analyzing 4,5
Planning & and Work work methods, Methods for work
Design for measurement measurement, time study, PMTS
4 Production Understanding Different types of processes, 6,7
Processes and Little’s Law, Make to stock, make
Material Flow to order and assemble to order
systems, material flow
5 Plant layout and Different types of layouts, 8,9
design quantitative methods for layout
planning, criteria for assessing
layouts, activity relationships in
6 Plant layout and Machine cells in manufacturing, 9
material handling material handling concepts, types
of material handling equipment
7 Material handling Different types of material 10
handling systems and equipment,
method for selecting appropriate
material handling system, storage
8 Line Balancing Precedence diagrams and line 11
balancing, measures of
9-10 Supply & Forecasting Role of forecasting in predicting 12, 13, 14
Demand demand, different forecasting
Planning methods, quantitative and
qualitative forecasts, time series
models in forecasting, moving
average, exponential smoothing,
regression, forecast errors,
capacity planning
11 Capacity Planning Different strategies for capacity 15, 16
and Aggregate planning, aggressive and risk
Sales and averse strategies, decision trees for
Operations capacity planning, pure strategies
Planning in aggregate sales and operations
12-13 Inventory The role of inventory in 17,18
Concepts and manufacturing, costs of inventory,
Models EOQ, inventory models under
14 MRP and ERP Dependent demand systems, 19,20
Systems material requirements planning,
Lot sizing, capacity requirements
planning, implementation issues
15-16 Control Current Introduction to Lean 21, 22
Strategies Approaches in Manufacturing, basic principles
Manufacturing and tools, JIT, Pull, etc., Theory of
Constraints, financial and
operational measurements

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course the student should be able to:
No Learning Outcomes

LO1 Build a strategy to develop and manufacture a product

LO2 Draw up a list of requirements, evaluate and design the strategy, process and facilities for
manufacturing the product

LO3 Implement a forecasting, demand management, aggregate operations planning system

LO4 Design and implement an inventory management system.

LO5 Identify the need and implement appropriate controls and implement principles of lean
manufacturing and theory of constraints as dictated by organizational goals and strategy.

Part B: Contact Session Plan

Academic Term FIRST SEMESTER 2016-2017

Course Title Manufacturing Planning& Control
Course No MMZG533
Content Developer PAVAN POTDAR

Glossary of Terms:
1. Contact Hour (CH) stands for a hour long live session with students conducted either in a physical
classroom or enabled through technology. In this model of instruction, instructor led sessions will be
for 20 CH.
a. Pre CH = Self Learning done prior to a given contact hour
b. During CH = Content to be discussed during the contact hour by the course instructor
c. Post CH = Self Learning done post the contact hour
2. RL stands for Recorded Lecture or Recorded Lesson. It is presented to the student through an online
portal. A given RL unfolds as a sequences of video segments interleaved with exercises
3. SS stands for Self-Study to be done as a study of relevant sections from textbooks and reference
books. It could also include study of external resources.
4. LE stands for Lab Exercises
5. HW stands for Home Work will consists could be a selection of problems from the text.
Contact Hour 1: Productivity and Manufacturing Management
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL1.1 RL1.1.1 = Module-1 T1

RL1.1.2 = Module 1.2 - Manufacturing Context

RL1.1.3 = Module-3
RL1.1.4 = Module-4
RL1 1.1.5 = Module-5

During CH1 CH1.1 =Introduction to course

CH CH1.2 =Method of course a devaluation scheme
CH1.3 =Lecture summary
CH1.4 =Example problems on performance metrics

Post CH SS1

Post CH HW1

Post CH LE1

Post CH QZ1
Contact Hour 2: Functions in Manufacturing, manufacturing process planning
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL2.1 RL2.1.1 =Module-1 T1

RL2.1.2 = Module-2
RL2.1.3 = Module-3
RL2.1.4 =Module-4

During CH2 CH2.1 =Business strategy T1

CH CH2.2 =Product development
CH2.3 = Product design
CH2.4 =Example on Breakeven

Post CH SS2

Post CH HW2

Post CH LE2

Post CH QZ2

Contact Hour 3: Functions in Manufacturing, manufacturing process planning

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL3.1(same as RL2.1.1 =Module-1 T1

for contact RL2.1.2 = Module-2
hour 2) RL2.1.3 = Module-3
RL2.1.4 =Module-4

During CH3 CH3.1 =QFD

CH CH3.2 =Example on Process
planning-process sheets, operation
CH3.3 =Examples on Determining
processing capacity requirements

Post CH SS3

Post CH HW3

Post CH LE3

Post CH QZ3
Contact Hour 4: Methods Analysis and Work measurement
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL4.1 RL4.1.1 = MPC_RL_3.1 T1

RL4.1.2 = MPC_RL_3.2
RL4.1.3 = MPC_RL_3.3

During CH4 CH4.1 =Lecture/topic summary T1

CH CH4.2 =Problem on activity and
methods analysis

Post CH SS4

Post CH HW4

Post CH LE4

Post CH QZ4

Contact Hour 5 Methods Analysis and Work measurement

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL5.1 RL4.1.1 = MPC_RL_3.4 T1

RL4.1.2 = MPC_RL_3.5
RL4.1.3 = MPC_RL_3.6

During CH5 CH5.1 =Lecture/topic summary

CH CH5.2 =Examples on time study
CH5.3 =Example on sampling

Post CH SS5

Post CH HW5

Post CH LE5

Post CH QZ5
Contact Hour 6: Understanding Processes and Material Flow
Time Type Sequence Content Reference
Pre CH RL6.1 RL6.1.1 = MPC_RL_4.1 T1
RL6.1.2 = MPC_RL_4.2

During CH6 CH6.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH6.2 =Example using
predetermined standard time
CH6.3 =Discussion/examples on
MOST studies

Post CH SS6

Post CH HW6

Post CH LE6

Post CH QZ6
Contact Hour 7: Understanding Processes and Material Flow
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL7.1 RL6.1.1 = MPC_RL_4.3 T1

RL6.1.2 = MPC_RL_4.4
RL6.1.3 = MPC_RL_4.5

During CH7 CH7.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH7.2 =Examples on process flow
calculations, process design

Post CH SS7

Post CH HW7

Post CH LE7

Post CH QZ7

Contact Hour 8: Plant layout and design

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL8.1 RL8.1.1 = MPC_RL_5.1 T1

RL8.1.2 = MPC_RL_5.2
RL8.1.3 = MPC_RL_5.3
RL8.1.4 = MPC_RL_5.4
RL8.1.5 = MPC_RL_5.5

Pre CH RL8.2 RL 8.2.1 =

RL 8.2.2 =
RL 8.2.3 =
RL 8.2.4 =

During CH8 CH8.1 =Lecture/topic summary

CH CH8.2 =Example on flow chart
and cell/layout design

Post CH SS8

Post CH HW8

Post CH LE8 Exercise on simulation using excel

Post CH QZ8

Contact Hour 9: Plant layout and material handling

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL9.1 RL9.1.1 = MPC_RL_6.1 T1

RL9.1.2 = MPC_RL_6.2
RL9.1.3 = MPC_RL_6.3
RL9.1.4 = MPC_RL_6.4
RL9.1.4 = MPC_RL_6.5

Pre CH RL9.2

During CH9 CH9.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH9.2 =Example on activity
relationships/systematic layout
CH9.3 =Discussion/exercise on
creation of machine cells

Post CH SS9

Post CH HW9

Post CH LE9

Post CH QZ9
Contact Hour 10:Material Handling
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL10.1 RL10.1.1 = MPC_RL_7.1 Lecture notes/ppt

RL10.1.2 = MPC_RL_7.2
RL10.1.3 = MPC_RL_7.3
RL10.1.4 = MPC_RL_7.4
RL10.1.5 = MPC_RL_7.5
RL10.1.6 = MPC_RL_7.6

Pre CH RL10.2

During CH10 CH10.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH10.2 =Case study of material
handling system

Post CH SS10

Post CH HW10

Post CH LE10

Post CH QZ10

Contact Hour 11:Line Balancing

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL11.1 RL11.1.1 = MPC_RL_8.1 T1

RL11.1.2 = MPC_RL_8.2

RL11.1.3 = MPC_RL_8.3
RL11.1.4 = MPC_RL_8.4
RL11.1.5 = MPC_RL_8.5

Pre CH RL11.2

During CH11 CH11.1 =Lecture/topic summary

CH CH11.2 =Example on precedence
charting and line balancing

Post CH SS11

Post CH HW11 Solving problems on line balance

Post CH LE11

Post CH QZ11

Contact Hour 12:Forecasting

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL12.1 RL12.1.1 =MPC_RL_9.1 T1

RL12.1.2 = MPC_RL_9.2
RL12.1.3 = MPC_Rl_9.3
RL12.1.4 = MPC_RL_9.4
RL12.1.4 = MPC_RL_9.5

Pre CH RL12.2 RL 12.2.1 =

RL 12.2.2 =
RL 12.2.3 =
RL 12.2.4 =

During CH12 CH12.1 =Lecture/topic summary

CH CH12.2 =Examples on Time series
models, exponential smoothing

Post CH SS12

Post CH HW12

Post CH LE12 Using Excel for forecasting

Post CH QZ12

Contact Hour 13:Forecasting

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL13.1 RL13.1.1 = MPC_RL_10.1 T1

RL13.1.2 = MPC_RL_10.2
RL13.1.3 = MPC_RL_10.3

Pre CH RL13.2 RL 13.2.1 =

RL 13.2.2 =
RL 13.2.3 =
RL 13.2.4 =

During CH13 CH13.1 =Lecture/topic summary

CH CH13.2 =Example on regression
and casual relationships

Post CH SS13

Post CH HW13

Post CH LE13 Using Excel sheets for forecasting

Post CH QZ13
Contact Hour 14:Forecasting
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL14.1 RL14.1.1 = MPC_RL_10.3 T1

RL14.1.2= MPC_RL_10.4
RL14.1.3 = MPC_RL_10.5

Pre CH RL14.2

During CH14 CH14.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH14.2 =Examples on forecast
CH14.3 =Discussion on
collaborative forecasting
CH14.4 =

Post CH SS14

Post CH HW14

Post CH LE14

Post CH QZ14

Contact Hour 15: Capacity Planning and Aggregate Sales and Operations Planning
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL15.1 RL15.1.1 = MPC_RL_11.1 T1

RL15.1.2 = MPC_RL_11.2
RL15.1.3 = MPC_RL_11.3

Pre CH RL15.2

During CH15 CH15.1 =Lecture/Topic Summary

CH CH15.2 =Problem using Decision
CH15.3 =Using Learning curves

Post CH SS15

Post CH HW15

Post CH LE15 Implementing a decision tree using


Post CH QZ15
Contact Hour 16: Capacity Planning and Aggregate Sales and Operations Planning
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL16.1 RL16.1.1 = MPC_RL_11.4 T1

RL16.1.2 = MPC_RL_11.5

Pre CH RL16.2

During CH16 CH16.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH16.2 =Solving Examples on
aggregate planning

Post CH SS16

Post CH HW16

Post CH LE16 Using Excel models for aggregate


Post CH QZ16

Contact Hour 17: Inventory Concepts and Models

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL17.1 RL17.1.1 = MPC_RL_12.1 T1

RL17.1.2 = MPC_RL_12.2
RL17.1.3 = MPC_RL_12.3
RL17.1.4 = MPC_RL_12.4
RL17.1.5 = MPC_RL_12.5

Pre CH RL17.2

During CH17 CH17.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH17.2 =Problems based on
Inventory models
CH17.3=Usage of Pareto principle
in inventory management/analysis

Post CH SS17

Post CH HW17

Post CH LE17

Post CH QZ17

Contact Hour 18: Inventory Concepts and Models

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL18.1 RL18.1.1 = MPC_RL_13.1 T1

RL18.1.2 = MPC_RL_13.2
RL18.1.3 = MPC_RL_13.3
RL18.1.4 = MPC_RL_13.4
RL18.1.5 = MPC_RL_13.5

Pre CH RL18.2

During CH18 CH18.1 =Lecture/Topic Summary

CH CH18.2 =Solving MRP calculation

Post CH SS18

Post CH HW18

Post CH LE18

Post CH QZ18

Contact Hour 19: MRP and ERP Systems

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL19.1 RL19.1.1 = MPC_RL_14.1 T1

RL19.1.2 = MPC_RL_14.2

Pre CH RL19.2 RL 19.2.1 =

RL 19.2.2 =

During CH19 CH19.1 = Lecture/Topic summary

CH19.2 = Problem on Capacity
CH19.3 =

Post CH SS19

Post CH HW19

Post CH LE19 Excel sheet models for Capacity


Post CH QZ10

Contact Hour 20: MRP and ERP Systems

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL20.1 RL20.1.1 = MPC_RL_14.3 T1-

RL20.1.2 = MPC_RL_14.4
RL20.1.3 = MPC_RL_14.5

Pre CH RL20.2

During CH20 CH20.1 =Lecture/Topic summary

CH CH20.2 =Problems on Lot sizing
CH20.3= Case on MRP/ERP

Post CH SS20

Post CH HW20 Assignment related to MRP/ERP

system implementation

Post CH LE20 Developing Excel Sheet Models

for lot sizing

Post CH QZ20

Contact Hour 21: Current Approaches in Manufacturing-Lean Manufacturing

Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL21.1 RL21.1.1 = MPC_RL_15.1 T1, lecture notes

RL21.1.2 = MPC_RL_15.2
RL21.1.3 = MPC_RL_15.3
RL21.1.4 = MPC_RL_15.4
RL21.1.5 = MPC_RL_15.5

Pre CH RL21.2 RL 21.2.1 =

RL 21.2.2 =
RL 21.2.3 =

During CH21 CH21.1 = Lecture Summary

CH CH21.2 = Problem illustrations

CH21.3 = Case study

Post CH SS21

Post CH HW21

Post CH LE21

Post CH QZ21

Contact Hour 22: Current Approaches in Manufacturing-Theory of constraints
Time Type Sequence Content Reference

Pre CH RL22.1 RL 22.1.1 = MPC_RL_16.1 T1

RL 22.1.2 = MPC_RL_16.2
RL 22.1.3 = MPC_RL_16.3
RL 22.1.4 = MPC_RL_16.4
RL 22.1.4 = MPC_RL_16.5

Pre CH RL22.2

During CH22 CH22.1 =Lecture Summary T1

CH CH22.2 =CaseStudy/Example in
applying Theory of Constraints
CH22.3 =Comparing Synchronous
Manufacturing (TOC) with
traditional approaches
CH22.4=Concluding remarks

Post CH SS22

Post CH HW22

Post CH LE22

Post CH QZ22

Evaluation Scheme:
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session
No Name Type Duration Weight Day, Date, Session, Time
EC-1 Quiz-I/ Assignment-I Online - 5% September 1-10, 2016
Quiz-II 5% October 1-10, 2016
Quiz-III/ 5% October 20-30, 2016
EC-2 Mid-Semester Test Closed 2 hours 35% 25/09/2016 (AN) 2 PM TO 4 PM
EC-3 Comprehensive Open 3 hours 50% 06/11/2016 (AN) 2 PM TO 5 PM
Exam Book

Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in Session Nos. 11

Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics (Session Nos. 1 to 22)
Important links and information:
Elearn portal:
Students are expected to visit the Elearn portal on a regular basis and stay up to date with the latest
announcements and deadlines.
Contact sessions: Students should attend the online lectures as per the schedule provided on the Elearn
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. EC-1 consists of either two Assignments or three Quizzes. Students will attempt them through the
course pages on the Elearn portal. Announcements will be made on the portal, in a timely manner.
2. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
3. For Open Book exams: Use of books and any printed / written reference material (filed or bound) is
permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is permitted in all
exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
4. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the student
should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam which will be made available on
the Elearn portal. The Make-Up Test/Exam will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the
dates to be announced later.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self study schedule as
given in the course handout, attend the online lectures, and take all the prescribed evaluation components
such as Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam according to the evaluation scheme
provided in the handout.

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