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You can ... ?

1 Or describe three things you have to do in certain sports using a

verb and a preposition of motion.
 ¨¨ in volleyball you must receive the ball by raising your arms
and flexing your feet
 in soccer the ball is kicked and one runs to try to take the ball
from the opponent
 in basketball, the ball is bounced off the floor and the ball is
thrown so that it reaches the basket
2 Or make true sentences with take off, go down and
look after
 my boyfriend's sister is taking off tomorrow morning.
 Jaime has to go down the hill to get to his school
 Maria must take care of her little brothers while her mother
3 Or say true things about yourself: your partner responds
with so (it's me, etc.) and Ileither (I do, etc.)
 I am engineer.
 I traveled to Brazil
 I will study abroad.
 I would have good grades if I would study
4 Or continue these sentences with the past perfect:
a) I arrived at the train station, but it had already closed
b) When I saw him, I was surprised because he was traveling
5 Or report two things someone told you yesterday using said or told
 Carlos told me that he would wait for me at the stadium
 the engineer said to present the plans first thing tomorrow
A typhical day
I always get up late, I usually stay in bed for a few minutes and check some
messages on my cell phone. then I get up to make breakfast afterwards I sit
down to have breakfast quietly I like to watch what is happening on the internet.
I start to clean the house and I propose new goals for the week and I write them
down in my diary, during the morning my daughter's classes start I help her with
her work then we go to have an ice cream to pass the time, we go shopping to
we stock up on the weekend we finish shopping and we go back home, during
the afternoon we play a little we finish our homework and so we go to sleep

Que es gossip.
The gossip is to say hmm, it can be a lie or something that
happened at some point and it can make a person look and look bad
or sometimes it can be that the gossip is for something good.
For example, my cousin was unemployed and the neighbors
gossiped about it, but happily the gossip reached the ears of an
engineer who was able to give him a job.
algunas chismes sobre my
. When I was a child, I went with my parents to the playground and
when we left my parents were mistaken as a daughter, they almost
took another girl and left me in the park, I cried and ran after them
and just died. He says that the girl who was walking next to them
was not me. 2. When I went to Puerto Maldonado with my friends,
we went to a river where we went to play volleyball, but one of my
friends didn't know how to swim and he slipped, he almost drowned!
We were very scared, happily it was just a scare. 3. This coming
summer I plan to go on a trip to Lima to continue my studies, I plan
to take different courses to complement my profession and I also
plan to stay and work there. 4. The weekend was my brother's
birthday and we had a small meeting, then we were talking and
dancing and time passed very quickly, when we realized it was
already early morning and everyone was scared because it was too

Algun chisme de mi amigo

Last weekend he had a party at her house. This happened when I
received a call from one of his friends and he was watching a movie,
and when he told him that he would visit me with other friends, he
took care of preparing everything for the party. and suddenly his
neighbors called the police and spoiled his party. He said we must
respect security protocols.

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