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Learner Resource

SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of alcohol

SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of alcohol Learner Resource

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Overview 3
Learning outcomes 6
Topic 1: Sell or serve alcohol responsibly 7
Topic 2: Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits 13
Topic 3: Assess alcohol affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused
Topic 4: Refuse to provide alcohol 18
Review and Assessment 22

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SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of alcohol Learner Resource

• The Student Guide should be used in conjunction with the recommended reading and any further
course notes or activities given by the trainer/assessor.

5 weeks Content delivery: 3 weeks
Assessment: 2 weeks

Week Topics Content

8:30am – Introductions and housekeeping • Legislation and licensing
10:00am Topic 1: Sell or serve alcohol requirements
responsibly • Obtain proof of age
• Provide information
• Non-alcoholic beverages
• Identify risk issues
Morning tea
10:30am - Topic 2: Assist customers to drink • Prepare and serve standard drinks
11:30am within appropriate limits • Using a professional manner
• Recognise drinking patterns
• Monitor emotional and physical
• Offer food and non-alcoholic
• Declining requests and providing
11:30am - Topic 3: Assess alcohol affected • Assess intoxication levels
12:30pm customers and identify • Factors affecting individual
those to whom sale or responses
service must be refused • Identify customers that legally must
be refused
12:30pm - Topic 4: Refuse to provide • Stating reasons for refusal
1:30pm alcohol • Providing appropriate assistance
• Issuing verbal warnings
• Communication and conflict
resolution skills
• Beyond the scope referrals
• Safety and security of colleagues,
customers and property.
2:00pm - Assessment

Recommended text
The following text is recommended for this unit:
The Australian Bar Attendant’s Handbook. 5e. Pearson (2011).

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SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of alcohol Learner Resource

The Student Guide includes:
• Topics for the unit
• Activities
• Links to websites containing relevant information
• (if the links are broken, copy and paste into a web browser).

The trainer/assessor will provide a simulated work environment therefore, the activities provided in the
Student Guide:
• Reflect real life work tasks.
• Are performed to industry safety requirements as relevant.
• Use authentic workplace documentation.
• Require you to work with others as part of a team.
• Require you to plan and prioritise competing work tasks.
• Involve the use of standard, workplace equipment such as computers and software.
• Take into consideration workplace constraints such as time and budgets.
• Activities will either be self-directed or carried out as part of group or team work.
• Read through the activity carefully and ask the trainer/assessor for guidance if required.
• Time will be allocated for completing the activity, along with class discussion and feedback.
• Some activities may require you to submit work to the trainer/assessor for feedback. Where this is
the case, it will be indicated at the bottom of the activity.

Video clips:
• If presented in class, take part in any class discussions, providing feedback and contributing to
debate and arguments.
• If directed to watch the video in self-study, or independently in class, then take notes so that
contributions to any future class discussions can be made.

The trainer/assessor will direct class roleplays.
When undertaking these activities ensure that you understand the purpose of the roleplay and take part as
if you are in a professional situation to provide your fellow classmates with a true-to-life experience.
Roleplays rely on your ability to act in a manner which imitates real life situations and can provide you with
depth of understanding and practical skills.

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At the end of each session the trainer/assessor will direct you to complete any activities, questions or
reading from the day’s session as homework.
Further to this, time should be spent in self-study reading topic notes, independent research, completing
project work or watching webinars/video clips that relate to an area being covered.
Any work that you submit should be:
• Professionally typed and presented, using headings, consistent style and layout.
• Your own work and not copy and pasted information from the internet.
• If you are using information researched, reference and source the material or link.
• Submit your work to the trainer/assessor within the timeframe allocated.

Folder management and naming documents

As a guide, keep all work for this unit in a folder that has the unit code as its name, along with the name of
the student. Any activities and assessment tasks should then be saved to this folder.
Save documents logically within the folder structure, include:
• Unit code
• Task number
• Task name
• Your full name
• Student number
• The date or version number (optional)

Back up
Always have a backup of work on a different device. If the college has a student network drive this would
be the safest option, however, a backup to a USB or removable hard drive should also be undertaken. If
using a USB to save files, then ensure a backup is kept on a laptop or home computer.

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Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit, you will be able to have the skills and knowledge required to responsibly sell or
serve alcohol.

Responsible practices must be undertaken wherever alcohol is sold or served, including where alcohol
samples are served during on-site product tastings. This unit, therefore, applies to any workplace where
alcohol is sold or served, including all types of hospitality venues, packaged liquor outlets and wineries,
breweries and distilleries.

It applies to all levels of sales personnel involved in the sale, service and promotional service of alcohol in
licensed premises. Those selling or serving alcohol may include food and beverage attendants; packaged
liquor sales persons selling in person, over the phone or online; winery, brewery and distillery cellar door
staff; and supplier sales representatives. The unit also applies to security staff who monitor customer
behaviour and to the licensee who is ultimately responsible for responsible service of alcohol (RSA)

The unit incorporates the knowledge requirements, under state and territory liquor licensing law, for
employees engaged in the sale or service of alcohol.

Certification requirements differ across states and territories. In some cases all people involved in the sale,
service and promotional service of alcohol in licensed premises must be certified in this unit. This can
include the licensee and security staff.

This unit covers the RSA skill and knowledge requirements common to all States and Territories. Some
legislative requirements and knowledge will differ across borders. In some cases after completion of this
unit, state and territory liquor authorities require candidates to complete a bridging course to address these
specific differences.

Those developing training to support this unit must consult the relevant state or territory liquor licensing
authority to determine any accreditation arrangements for courses, trainers and assessors.

Outcomes include:
• Sell or serve alcohol responsibly
• Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits
• Assess alcohol affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused
• Refuse to provide alcohol

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Topic 1: Sell or serve alcohol responsibly

• Legislation and licensing requirements

• Obtain proof of age
• Provide information
• Non-alcoholic beverages
• Identify risk issues

Legislation and licensing requirements

If you want to work in a job serving or selling alcohol within Australia, you need to show responsible service
of alcohol and comply with laws regarding the sales, services, supply and promotion of alcohol.

Responsible service of alcohol (known as RSA) training is a form of education provided to servers and
sellers of alcohol to prevent intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking. In Australia this training
is regulated by state laws.

You need to complete the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training. When you finish the course you
will receive an RSA certificate.

Each state of Australia has its own requirements for RSA training. This means, that if you want to work in
more than one state of Australia, you may need more than one RSA certificate.

- NSW: To work in the liquor industry in NSW, you must hold a valid NSW RSA competency card or
interim certificate. Refresher training is mandatory every five years to renew your NSW competency
- South Australia: If you want to work and serve alcohol in a licenced venue in South Australia, you
MUST have a valid South Australia RSA certificate.
- Western Australia: If you want to work and serve alcohol in a licenced venue in Western Australia, you
MUST have a valid West Australian RSA certificate
- Northern Territory: if you want to work and serve alcohol in a licenced venue in the Northern Territory,
you MUST have a valid Northern Territory RSA certificate.
- Queensland: If you want to work and serve alcohol in a licenced venue in Queensland, you MUST
have a valid RSA certificate.

RSA training applies to:

- club secretaries and club directors (if they serve alcohol)
- licensees and managers
- service staff
- RSA marshals
- crowd controllers
- security staff
- promotional staff
- volunteers.
- Sell or serve alcohol according to provisions of relevant state or territory legislation, licensing
requirements and responsible service of alcohol principles.

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Liquor Act 1992:
The main objectives of the Act are:
• To regulate the liquor industry in a way compatible with minimising harm caused by alcohol abuse
and misuse.
• To facilitate and regulate the optimum development of the tourist, liquor and hospitality industries in
Queensland having regard to the welfare, needs and interests of the community and the economic
implications of change.
The Act regulates the wholesale and retail sale and supply of liquor in Queensland and applies to liquor
producers and sellers who are required to be licensed under its provisions.
It sets out the conditions and requirements relating to licensing and the obligations on all persons in terms
of the supply of alcohol.
Liquor Regulation 2002: The Liquor Regulation 2002 supports the operation of the Liquor Act. The
Regulation prescribes licence conditions and other requirements applying to licensed premises, including
mandatory RSA training requirements.

Individuals who do not follow the Liquor Act and sell alcohol in an irresponsible manner will have to face a
fine or other forms of penalties. The penalties are applicable to both liquor licensees and staff members.

For example, according to the QLD Liquor laws, all licensees and staff members need to follow the steps
below to avoid any kind of penalties:
- They have to refuse any more drinks to individuals already intoxicated
- They will have to ask the intoxicated person to leave the premises
- They will call the local police if the intoxicated person refuses to leave
- They should prevent anyone getting intoxicated.

The Liquor Act states that a person is intoxicated if:

- the person’s speech, balance, co-ordination or behaviour is noticeably affected, and
- it is reasonable in the circumstances to believe that the affected speech, balance, co-ordination or
behaviour is the result of the consumption of liquor.

If an intoxicated person is found on a licenced premises, the licensee would need to prove to authorities
that the intoxicated person did not consume alcohol on their premises. If this cannot be proved, they could
be fined.

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Activity: Further reading

Use the following link to read further information:

Obtain proof of age

Any kind of sale, services or supply of alcohol to a person who is below 18 years of age is an offence.
Licensees and or the minor face heavy fines if caught selling or buying liquor.

This can also lead to imprisonment of individuals found selling alcohol to minors.

A proof of age card is for people over the age of 18. It can be used for accessing licensed premises and
also for general identification.

Activity: Further reading

Proof of identity cards, application and information can be found at the following websites:

Activity: Group work

Divide into groups.
Each group is to find an image of the proof of identity photo card for Queensland.
Also find a fake proof of identity.
Each group will then present their real card OR fake card. The rest of the class should try to identify the
correct one.

Checking for evidence of age (QLD)

Activity: Role Play

Divide into pairs.
Use a proof of identify photo card that you currently hold to role play this activity. If you do not have one
then source an appropriate card for your state online. Make sure that you know your date of birth and
age that is associated with the ID.

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In your group, take it in turns to ask the other person for evidence of their age.

Provide information
Provide accurate information to customers on alcoholic beverages according to organisation or house
policy and government legislation.

Information can be given verbally, by referring to signage, using fact sheets, or through advertising material
on display.
In order to effectively comply with legislation, licensees and staff should:
- keep up-to-date with changes in legislation
- monitor patrons consumption patterns and recognise any signs of impending intoxication
- discourage patrons from engaging in activities which can harm themselves or others
- understand the principles of ‘standard drinks’ and how alcohol can affect individuals
- be aware of the impact of alcohol abuse and misuse on the community.

RSA means that licensees and staff must comply with all liquor laws, and:
- promote and support a safer environment by only selling, serving or promoting alcoholic beverages
in a professional and responsible manner.
- undertake good RSA practices help to ensure that patrons do not become intoxicated and then
become a problem for staff, management and the local community.

Providing information to customers can include:

- understanding liquor licences
- knowing the trading hours for selling and supplying alcohol authorised by law
- intoxication guidelines
- alcohol measures and strengths
- legislation and regulations
- legal limits for driving
- organisational or house policies and procedures.

Organisational or house policies

Club Rivers RSA policy:
Nambucca RSL House policy:

Activity: Research and discussion

For each state in Australia, research the BAC for alcohol and driving for:
A person who is 18.
A person who drives on Green P plates.
A person between the ages of 30-45.
A driver of a taxi.
At least four factors that can cause different people to have different BAC levels.

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Non-alcoholic beverages
Assist customers with information on the range of non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase
When selling or serving alcohol responsibly, you can support patrons by providing information on the range
of non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase.
Non-alcoholic pub drinks:

Class activity: Research and discussion

Find the non-alcoholic beverage!
Divide into small groups.
Each group is to find what is contained in each of the following drinks.
Shirley Temple
Rock Shandy
Virgin Mary
Phil Collins
Each group will be asked for at least one drink that they can read out the ingredients to the rest of the

Activity: Further reading

Dry January: The rise of the grown-up non-alcoholic beverage (The Upsider)

Identify risk issues

Identify issues related to the sale or service of alcohol to different types of customers, especially those at
risk, and incorporate them into sales or service.

Types of issues could be:

- the demeanour and mood of a patron
- the effects of illicit and other drugs
- the health status of a patron
- physical stature
- how familiar the licensee is with the patron
- social context issues.

Those at risk can include:

- Minors/underage drinkers and the affects of alcohol
- People with health problems
- People with drug/alcohol problems
- Other patrons
- The Licensee.

Strategies that can be used include minimising the risk of intoxication through:
- Promoting low or non-alcoholic drinks
- Offering water
- Offering food or having food available
- Using the house policy to implement procedures on the refusal of service
- Training staff

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Activity: Further reading

Use the following link to read further information:
Element 3 – Impact of alcohol

Class activity: Presentation

Divide into small groups, dividing the work equally.

Source a RSA policy for a licenced premises. This could be a RSL club, a Pub or a Winery.
You are to present the policy to the rest of the class as if it was training for the organisation in its house
policy for responsible service of alcohol.
Summarise the contents of the policy using a presentational aid to support the delivery.
The presentation must clearly outline:
The house policy.
Legislation regulations for RSA.
BAC for drivers (in the state that the premises is located)

Be prepared to answer any questions from the people attending the training (ie your class and or

The information researched must be professionally presented and in a clear, easy to follow structure.

The presentation should be visually appealing with transitions, animations and consistent styles and

During the presentation you must demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
- Responding to questions as required
- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

If you are undertaking this activity with a team, each person in the group must contribute equally to the
design, development of the presentation and also each member must take part in the delivery.

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Topic 2: Assist customers to drink within appropriate


• Prepare and serve standard drinks

• Using a professional manner
• Recognise drinking patterns
• Monitor emotional and physical states
• Offer food and non-alcoholic beverages
• Declining requests and providing reasons

Prepare and serve standard drinks

The following website provides information on standard drinks in Australia:
Alcohol guidelines quiz:

Activity: Role-play
Use the following Standard Drink Tool to prepare a sample standard drink, according to industry
requirements and professional standards:
Prepare a standard drink for:
A large wine glass
A small Wine glass
A fortified Wine Glass
A sparkling wine glass
A middy glass
A schooner glass
A pint glass
A shot glass
A whisky glass

Take a screen shot of each result and submit to your trainer/assessor to demonstrate that you have
carried out the task.

Using a professional manner

Licensees and staff must comply with all liquor laws and promote and support a safer environment by only
selling, serving or promoting alcoholic beverages in a professional and responsible manner.

Good RSA practices help to ensure that patrons do not become intoxicated and then become a problem for
staff, management and the local community.

Encouraging customers to drink within appropriate limits can be through:

- Speaking in a friendly and respectful manner
- Promoting responsible drinking

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- Providing relevant and appropriate information to support decision making

- A commitment to provide a range of interesting light or non-alcoholic drinks for drivers
- Following the house policy for professional conduct procedures.

Recognise drinking patterns

Recognise erratic drinking patterns as an early sign of possible intoxication and take appropriate action.
Intoxication guidelines:
Erratic drinking patterns could include:
- Mixing a range of drink types
- Drinking quickly
- Asking for drinks immediately after service
- Ordering more than one drink at a time for self consumption
- Mixing with illicit or prescription drugs
- Ordering multiple or large tasting samples
- Ordering triple shots or extra-large drinks.

Monitor emotional and physical states

Monitor emotional and physical state of customers for signs of intoxication and effects of illicit or other drug
Emotional states can be:
- Aggression
- Rude
- Argumentative
- Offensive
- Bad tempered
Physical states can include:
- Disorderly
- Drowsiness or sleeping
- Vomiting
- Rapid drinking
- Unable to walk/wobbly on the feet.

Monitoring these states can be through:

- Observation
- Communication with the patron
- Identification of irresponsible drinking behaviours
- Communicating with staff

Activity: Further reading and research

Further reading:
Effects of drugs:
Types of drugs:
Pharmaceutical misuse:
Drug facts:

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Find out the effects of three types of drugs. Write the name of the drug, how it can affective a person
and the risks.
Type up in a report and submit to your trainer/assessor for feedback.

Offer food and non-alcoholic beverages

One of the factors that affect BAC levels is food. If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, BAC levels are
higher than for a person who has eaten.
Food slows the absorption of alcohol in the bloodstream.
Serving free water and food or offering alternative non-alcoholic drinks can be used to support patrons in
not becoming intoxicated.

How to lower BAC levels:

Absorption rate factors:

Declining requests and providing reasons

Decline requests for alcohol to be dispensed in a manner that is irresponsible and advise customers of the
reasons for the refusal.

A request from a patron that is irresponsible could include:

- Jugs of spirits
- Large taste samples
- Yard glasses
- Shooters
- Multiple samples for self-consumption

Declining a request should include the reasons for the refusal. For example, the licenced premises must
follow legislation such as the Work Health and Safety Act and the Liquor Act.

Liquor promotion guidelines: Non-standard measures

Activity: Further reading

Use the following link to read further information:

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Topic 3: Assess alcohol affected customers and

identify those to whom sale or
service must be refused

• Assess intoxication levels

• Signs of intoxication levels
• Identify customers that legally must be refused

Assess intoxication levels

Assessing intoxication levels of customers can be done through:
- Observing changes in behaviour
- Observing emotional and physical states
- Monitoring noise levels
- Monitoring drink purchases
- Following guidelines in the House Policy.

Activity: Video and class discussion

Watch the following videos of role plays for RSA training.
During the videos take note of how the bar tender assessed the intoxication levels of the patrons.
The trainer/assessor will facilitate a class discussion about the outcomes from the videos.

Signs of intoxication levels

Factors affecting individual responses can include:
- The amount of food eaten
- Gender
- Health
- If other substances have been taken, such as illicit drugs
- Rate of alcohol consumption
- Weight
A person can be considered to be intoxicated through noticeable signs in:
- Speech
- Balance
- Coordination
- Behaviour

Identifying signs of intoxication:

There are conditions that can exhibit similar symptoms and signs to intoxication. These can be acute
medical conditions, disabilities or use of drugs for a medical condition. Examples are:
- Diabetes
- Hypoglycaemia
- Brain trauma/tumour

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- Acquired brain injury

- Acute infections
- Epilepsy
- Stroke
- Seizure.

Activity: Video

Signs of intoxication: (05:07) (02:13)

Identify customers that legally must be refused

Identify customers to whom sale or service must be refused according to state and territory legislation.
- Licensees and staff must refuse alcohol service to minors and people who are intoxicated,
disorderly or violent.
- A person can be refused entry or as they attempt to purchase alcohol.
If a person is refused entry or service then they must leave the premises. If they refuse then the police
should be contacted.

According to legislation, a person may be refused service because:

- The law requires it (if they are a minor, unduly intoxicated or disorderly)
- The safety of the patron is in jeopardy
- The safety of others is in jeopardy
- The licensee considers it warranted (as long as it is not discriminatory).
A customer can be refused entry or service if they show signs of undue intoxication.

Activity: Quiz

Take the following quiz – Unduly intoxicated patrons and the RSA. Take a screen shot of your final

Activity: Video and discussion

Watch the following 5 RSA scenarios:

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Topic 4: Refuse to provide alcohol

• Stating reasons for refusal

• Providing appropriate assistance
• Issuing verbal warnings
• Communication and conflict resolution skills
• Beyond the scope referrals
• Safety and security of colleagues, customers and property

Stating reasons for refusal

Refusing service or entry should be undertaken in a professional manner, stating the reason for the refusal
and applying techniques to reduce any potential risks:
- Approach the person as early as possible, provide introductions
- Speak with the person in a friendly and respectful manner
- Avoid emotion and in-depth discussion
- Make a clear statement for refusal. Point out any signage
- Notify the supervisor, security or manager who will then ask the person to leave
- Notify other staff of the refusal of entry or service
- Record the incident.

You can also:

- State the law
- Apologise
- Let the customer know they are welcome another night
- Speak calmly and quietly

Business that are licensed to sell liquor are required to display mandatory signage on their premises.
For more information see:

Providing appropriate assistance

Appropriate assistance can include:
- Connecting a patron with their designated driver
- Assisting with finding transport home
- Offering alternatives to alcohol such as:
o food
o non-alcoholic beverages
- Providing information on taxi’s
- Being supportive
- Communicating clearly how you can assist.

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Issuing verbal warnings

The licensee may have a written policy that outlines how to deal with a refusal of service, providing staff
with clear guidelines of their responsibilities and the steps that should be taken when refusing to serve
Where appropriate, you may need to give a patron a verbal warning and ask them to leave the premises if
they are not complying to the house policy or state/territory legislation and regulations. This can be carried
out by:
- Obtaining agreement from a supervisor
- Notifying security or the manager
- Being tactful and polite, informing the patron that they cannot be served or they must leave.
- Point out any posters or signs to reinforce the regulation
- Explain the reason for the refusal of service (this could be inappropriate behaviour or the patron
showing signs of intoxication).
- Be clear and act quickly

Polite ways to reject a customer:


Activity: Video
How to Refuse service to an intoxicated customer:

Communication and conflict resolution skills

Use appropriate communication and conflict resolution skills to handle difficult situations.
If when refusing a service or entry it must be handled with sensitivity and tact and in a respectful and
professional manner. Strategies to avoid difficult situations:

- Using open and non-aggressive body language and verbal communication

- Moving away from others to diffuse the situation
- Using house policy and legislation to relate to the refusal
- Monitoring the actions of others
- Using the early warning signs to intervene before a person is intoxicated
- Not becoming physical
- Using positive body language
- Remaining calm courteous and tactful

Conflict resolution skills:

Detecting and dealing with disorderly patrons:


Dealing with conflict:

- Listen carefully to the patron
- Show that you understand
- Apologise
- Seek a solution
- Do not raise your voice
- Do not argue

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- Remain calm
- Escalate to a supervisor if necessary.

Activity: Video
Responsible Service Practice – Refusal of service

Beyond the scope referrals

If someone refuses to leave or becomes angry, you may need to refer the issue to a manager or someone
in a higher role.
It is important that staff members are confident that they will be backed up by their manager or supervisor.
The licenced premise may have a house policy where procedures are in place to escalate any difficult

Safety and security of colleagues, customers and property

Refusing service or entry helps to improve the safety of the premises, patrons and staff. This includes:
- Harm minimisation for public health and safety
- Alcohol related violence, crime and noise disturbance

Using a risk assessment can determine overall levels of risk and put into place measures to manage these.
It can also identify any further training required for staff.
Risk Assessment Management Plan:

Problem situations can be:

- Scenarios of large single sex groups
- Domestic arguments
- Games and sports

Identifying situations can be through:

- Observation
- Body language
- Referring to past incidents

Preventing trouble, conflict and situations that pose a threat to the safety or security of colleagues,
customers or property, can be dealt with by dealing promptly with any situations and seeking further
assistance from colleagues, supervisors or the police.

Using a framework or policy for patrons and staff in understanding the responsible service principles can be
used to reinforce acceptable serving practices. It can include:

- Restrictions on the types of drinks sold

- Restrictions on drinks after a certain hour
- Offering discounted non-alcoholic drinks
- Not serving minors alcohol
- Ensuring food and water is available
- Not conducting irresponsible alcohol promotions.

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Staff should be trained in the house policies and procedures and updated with any changes in legislation or
serving practices.

Activity: Group work

Divide into small groups.

Create a program that could be used for instructing staff on underage drinking.

You should include:

- How to prevent underage drinking

- How to say no to underage drinkers

- How to identify or check for evidence of age

Type up in a professional document and submit to your trainer/assessor for feedback.

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Review and Assessment

The content of this unit has now been covered. The next two weeks have been allocated for completing the
assessment for this unit. The assessment has been provided in a separate document.

Review and completion

Ensure any outstanding activities, reading, role-plays, meetings, presentations or further tasks that require
observation or submission to the trainer/assessor has been completed.

Assessment Tasks
The trainer/assessor will discuss each task in detail – please ensure the assessment procedures,
submission instructions and deadlines are clear, and you understand any expectations.

The trainer/assessor will provide support when required. If any reasonable adjustment is required please
speak with the trainer/assessor or college support services.

Gamma Education and Training Pty Ltd RTO Code 41477 CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03580F v1.0. 05 2020 Page 22

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