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Kalyani Government
Engineering College


ROLL NO.:- 10200120039
Semester: - 5th Sem (3rd year)
Stream: - Computer Science and Engineering

Software Engineering
PCC-CS 503

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1. What is feasibility study? Write sort notes on Cost
Benefit Analysis.
Ans Feasibility Study is essential to evaluate cost &
benefit of the proposed system based on which decision
is taken on whether to proceed or to postpone the
project or to cancel the project.
Cost benefit is a tool which modern financial
analysts adopt before undertaking any financial
operation or commercial activity as the ultimate aim of
a business organization is to make profits. Therefore,
any system in the organization must produce more
benefits as compared to its costs for the organization to
survive & prosper. CBA is a process that presents a
picture of various costs & benefits associated with an
information system. CBA is a process consists of 3 basic
activities viz.
Identification Evaluation of Choice of
of Costs & costs & System
benefits benefits

It is unlikely to be a useful technique unless 2 conditions

are met:
• Investment must be sufficiently large or important
to merit time and cost of CBA
• Social and other intangible costs and/or benefits
must be prospectively and sufficiently large for

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selection by cost-in- use or investment appraisal to
be invalid.
2. A project size of 200 KLOC is to be developed. Software
development team has average experience on similar
type of projects. The project schedule is not very tight.
Calculate the Effort, development time, average staff
size, and productivity of the project.
AnsThe semidetached mode is the most appropriate
mode, keeping in view the size, schedule and experience
of development time.
E = 3.0(200)1.12 = 1133.12 PM
D = 2.5(1133.12)0.35 = 29.3 PM
Average Staff Size (SS) = E / D = 1133.12 / 29.3
= 38.67 persons
Productivity = KLOC / E = 200/1133.12
= 0.1765 KLOC/PM
= 176.5 LOC/PM

3. For a given project was estimated with a size of 300

KLOC. Calculate the Effort, Scheduled time for
development by considering the developer having high
application experience and very low experience in

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Ans Given the conditions, the first case is of embedded
mode requiring high application experience while the
other can be considered as organic mode for having low
experience in programming.
Case 1: High application Experience
E = 3.6(300)1.20 = 3379.47 PM
D = 2.5(3379.47)0.32 = 33.66 PM
Case 2: Low application Experience
E = 2.4(300)1.05 = 957.60 PM
D = 2.5(957.60)0.38 = 33.95 PM.

4. Draw the Data Flow Diagram of Library Management

System up to level-2.
AnsDFD Level 0 shows the entities that interact with
the system. It defines the border between the system
and its environment. This context diagram shows
Library Management Project at a high level.

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The DFD Level 1 shows the wider details of Library
management system DFD Level 0. This is to clarify the
paths (flow) of data and its transformation from being an
input to an output. The designed DFD level 1diagram
portrays two different scenario which is the Book
Delivery and the topic search.

Level 2 DFD is also called the highest abstraction of

data flow diagram. This level also broadens the idea
from the DFD level 1. It includes the sub-processes
from level 1 as well as the data that flows. This diagram

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has elaborated the sub-processes derives from “topic
search” process. The sub-processes were get book,
search book position, and update. These processes were
invoked by the book borrower and then catered by the

5. Draw the Data Flow Diagram of ATM Management

System up to level-2.
Ans DFD Level 0 shows the entities that interact with
a system and defines the border between the system
and its environment. This diagram also depicts the
ATM system at a high level.

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The detonated view of the context diagram is ATM DFD Level
1. Its function is to deepen the concept derive from the
context diagram. Specifically, level 1 shows the broader details
of ATM System DFD Level 0. This is to clarify the paths (flow)
of data and its transformation from input to output.

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DFD Level 2 is the highest abstraction of the data flow
diagram. This level also broadens the idea from the DFD
level 1. It includes the sub-processes from level 1 as well as
the data that flows.

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