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Exercise 6u Solve the following equations: 1. 25 128 2, 3° = 243 3. 5#*= 625 4, 7X=2401 8. 2= 1024 6. 164¥-2= 42"+5, find p. 7. If 2744? = 35-4, estimate the value of g. 8. Given that 2433-? = 3P-3, evaluate the magnitude of p. 2 Given that 2 401’~5 = 7°"-, calculate and state the value of r. 10. Solve 7295-5 = 3%'-9 for s. 11. Solve the equation 6 x 6° = 36 x 6-7. 12. Find the value of x for which (34)(9*-') = 27. 13. Solve (4*)(8***!) = 64 for x. 14. Given that (5*)(25**-?) = 625, estimate the value of x. - 15, Ifai*5 = a?-?, find p. 16. Solve (m™)(m*-") = m***5 for x. Solve: i at acl = 17. Bag 18. 8* = 36 19, 9 re} ‘ 1 1 r= r= 20. 25% =i 21, 49 343 Scanned with CamScanner 6.33 STANDARD FORM OR SCIENTIFIC NOTATION A number is said to be written in standard form oF scientific notation when itis in the form A x 10", where 1S A.< 10 and. is an integer, that ism 6 2. EXAMPLE 64 Express each of the following numbers in standard form correct to 3 significant figures: (1964 «) 768 S00 (©) 0.06347 (@) 0.000 4376 (@) Now 964 x 1000 964% 10? 1.9610" (instandard form correct t03 sf.) (©) Now 768.500 7.685 x 100 000 7.685 x 10° 7.69.x10"(in standard form correct t03 sf.) © Now 0.063 472 S387 = 6347x102 = 635x107 (instandard form correct t0 3 sf.) 316 Now 1 = A316 - (® Now 0.0004376= 4376 ~ 4.376% 10 = 4.38 x10“ (instandard form correct 103 sf) From the above examples it can be seen that the number between J and 10, that is A, gives us our answer correct toa given number of significant figures. EXAMPLE 65 (3) Express ¥25 600 in standard form. () Bvalante (1.4 105, giving your answer standard form, ane (€) Estimate VO.000 9% 10%, stating your answer in stating standard form, (4) Evaluate (0.09, giving your answer in standard 225 form. 266 = V256%100 = VIE x10 16x10 16x 10% 10 1.6 x 10!*! 1.6 x 10? (in standard form) (a) Now v85 600 2x 108)! = 124d x 10%4 .2! x 10? 2x10? (in standard form) (©) Now W0009x10 =V9x 10x 10% NORIO 29x10" AF KIO" =3x10*(instandard form) @ Now = faoy _ fox 225. VV 1S* 3 “15 0.02 =2.0X10" (instandard form) (by Now (144x104) From the above examples it can be seen that any number whose square root is to be found must be written as a power that is a multiple of 2 (i.e. as an even Power 2n) before its square root can be found. Whete neZ. EXAMPLE 66 (a) Express 427000 in standard form. (6) Evaluate (2.7 x 10°), giving your answer in standard form, (©) Estimate 10,000 8 10%, stating your answer in standard form, [0008 Evaluate} 755~, giving your answer in standard form. @ (@) Now 187000 = TRIO We = 3x 10! (in standard form) Scanned with CamScanner ) Now 27x10)! VTA Ste Vinci © 310? Gn standard form) fe) Now Monn 8x10 = Vaio x 107 4x04 0x10" x10" 1010" (instandard form) From the above examples it can be seen that any number whos cube root is to be found must be written as a power that is a multiple of 3 (ic. an odd power 3n) before its cube root can be found. Where neZ. EXAMPLE 67 Calculate the exact value of the following: Ga) Sx 10H 2X1 (b) SAX 105.110 0)? () 0.3 x10F ® (33 ) (a) Now 3.5 x10! + 2.1.x 10? =3.5 x 10! + 0.21 X10! (3.5 +0.21)x 10° = 3.71 x10 (in standard form) =3.4x10°-0.51 x 10° = (34-051) x10" = 2.89 x10" (in standard form) (by Now 3.4 x10°-5.1 x10 (13 x 107 = 1.3182 x 10" 13?x 10" 1.69 x10 (in standard form) (c) Now (ES 10? (ts #1 (dy Now (Sey =(F4 ) (54107 si t0 Sat 2410 510K 10 Sanit S117 (on standard forms) Alternatively oF From the above examples it can be seen that hea we are adding or subtracting numbers written in standard “form, then we must convert each number to b= ‘highest power given before we can proceed to add or subtract them. Exercise 6v Express each of the following numbers in standard correct to 3 significant figures: 1, 147 2. 253 3 768 4, $250 8.9435 6 75360 7. 124000 8 347 300 9, 9.487 00 10, 76800000 11. O.043 12 Q007 83 13, 0.004 853 14 0.000 761 2 16 @.OODEN? 45) 15, 0.000487 1 17, OCOOOIS TH AS, 0.000 003 12 19, 0.000. 004 897 20, 0.000 000 184 8 Eapresy the following numbers «9 sa Me v2 100 wv Scanned with CamScanner 23. 22500 24, 28900 28, 36100 Evaluate the following numbers, giving your answers in standard form: 26. (3.24x 104 27. (5.29 x 10! 28. (6.25 x 105! 29, (2.89 1054 30. (57.6 x 1074 Estimate the following numbers, stating your answers in standard form: 31. VO0004 x 10% 33, YO0I44x 10% 38. YO0s 1x10 Evaluate the following numbers, standard form: 32, YOO02Sx 104 34, YOO Sx1O¥ ing your answers in ‘oo om 36. [38 on, [22 om [om165 Et 225 = 676 ao, [20158 256 Express the following numbers in standard form: 41. ¥64000 42, VI25000 43, ¥216000 44, ¥E000000 45, ¥27000000 Evaluate the following numbers, giving your answer in standard form: 46. (64x 10 47. (1.25 x 108) 48. (3.43 x 1083 49. (5.12x 1054 50. (7.29x 10} Estimate the following numbers in standard form: 51. 0.027% 10 82. YOOI2Sx 10 53, 10.021 6x 107 $4, 0.00008% 107 8s. 10.000 64x 107 268 Evaluate the following numbers, giving your answer in standard form: = 2f 9.064 [2 1 ae 8 [on 29. Vraos wD 6°. 000064 Calculate the exact value of the following: 61. 45x 10'+3.2x 10 62, 6.1 x10'+ 4.7 10" 63, 5.3104 82x 10° 64, 7.8 x 107 +5.9 x 10" 65. 81x10'+9.4x 10? Caleulate the exact value of the following : 66. 47x 10-83 x 10? 67. 58x 109.5 x 10° 68. 65x 10°-5.3x 10" 69. 7.8.x 10°-6.5 x 10 70. 9.4.x 10? -8.1 x 108 Calculate the exact value of the following: Ti. (1.2 10)? 72. (1.5 «105 73, (1.7 x 108 74. (1.9.x 108 75, (2.0.x 107? Calculate the exact value of the following: 16. (aey i aoxiery ™ (Pore) m. (yey 80. ee Scanned with CamScanner

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