The Boy Who Broke The Bank Notes

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~ fxhnusted
' ,:i) .bo.n 16iupt

l~ )! LOl!apse
~ distress
5) "1Ctpid,~
: 1'"ckne:;s j s~
6) ~alms
:t)i ~ OCl) · rna11 ~ J clof-h-s and -toed °ff)a 1:- QJJe_ t'
+v f\'.lol

Q Stnc<lJ open hartj_ ca0 f iv fti-, +iuo tJhee k

; .UkeJ'd -hi ho.rpen Ve:,iQ ~l)

; Q j4dde ~ a.rxl :St>i iO LU, rr,,;., Vitlu.e

; a_ prolol ema.b·c Sih_id; cm ,·h 10'1 r&. a d i t¢iu.d.t
dioice hDh fv be made ·

~ ~ "Fllowiq 'f-1e,,,h~.5
.-to hi'Mdf ~

0I 1vh~ did i\lalliu f141'flb/e
aj ltix-.u ct,q si¾a.rr, ~ ·Iv helf tJa 1-h u ,
3) ; rvha.t di'.d ~6- 6'Jrvcu.h:wa, +db ~ - Bhu,,~
abut /-he ~nk _,
How did the net.u'.l ~r('a~
ill f'rpo/r)Qr ')

4) / Hoco d,'cl -the

/-[P)e lnuv~/ ~,~rr-,e:1/5 oq +~ bani< at- Pri,al ni001 ~ ead--+n
j nh-cd.uchcm :-
n RUbkrn bonl' f.s btHe,'1 knoLcn Q.t:J <1 rdran ~11d~ I
I\J&a+li : tk I:, crte
aard oJ l,jlitiriq ictill1) do, c.hil~ n. -/k

:S\-a.,,W 10;-i-1-i1 t1ovcb a't -the_ at

04 l""t • He 91 e.ceJved
~hi'W1 -fl Q ellv001d •Q nJ fbd rna.shni. .fk c'..o'l'l tinll o, +v

/viY1 +he heo.,-ifi D~ ,the. ~eadens inhu.iti·nv and

CS) cldr~ hfiw ~ ,u . rh e: bo~ 1-0ho boke -the. ba11k de.ab 1vith
Ith e ,i b/e. 'f YI umoL015 1 1 mob 1:s~ w ~ .o n::I +he.
:n1·eannes.s "J hulYJQn beJ, l; ·
Coritent ~-

,\la 1-h u ) (l' ~ w~r .

botj in cd,a nk) Gi 'fUIYlble.o aHhe

: ~Q8ino inQ o~ ¼e /26: gf nof-flelHnq p~_ /uke i1nd
"1.l'~U.I rot oah,i Valt,o
,ffIf +I, e_ ~o t1, tJd. mo11ih • 1n Ii I:, drArl"1a tiol)
!he mentf OY16 to +he. km,h~ boy 6 itctna~ •-that Me_ ~Ylt;-
' V,
I.ti leave the )ob • Th~ tvQ6he,t l:,6 ~ in hml') iriJorme.:, 1

. l"hf>• ~ ivQ.btavo.. 1vho ID in need ~ Q !.hJ eerYI . The-

i.71u.mOW'J +ha. t -the. ·bank b Uh able. to Fa I ~DU> rom
/"4Jv., , 6YiVQbhth av0- -1-o f'll r6 • ehu6 QY)' • ~ - su~han ~ldd$
he:n Oltm eoloto1 }n +he ne~ and tdb h~ hllbbo>A..1

M.,i -Bhu .san #x:l.Htie. ba.-ik had Col lo.rsed . itle :Wmll~ lll
,/h(_ ba Ilar,e ri~b~a+h in -!he markd- Ofld jtn b
:th'foihou~ pipal Yl/1~0'1 ivith "1llfid:~ Oj~Y0' f't"- ·
tve,-i~ bo,
jto,-it fo/1<1'1)1 about -lk baJ tvllafs"- ,
---- -- -- ----- - --- -- - - ---~-· -- -~--
.-·- · .

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