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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
STA. Isabel, Calapan city



An Action Research Funded Through Basic Education Research Fund (BERF)


Nerissa P. Garcia
Secondary School Teacher III

Villapagasa National High School

Bansud District
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro

December 2021


Sta. Isabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, 5200

Telephone No.: (043) 2887810 / Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
STA. Isabel, Calapan city

December 20, 2021


Director IV
Regional Director


OIC, Assistant Regional Director
DepEd MIMAROPA Region and
OIC, Child Protection Unit Head


Respectfully endorsing the completed research funded through the Basic Education
Research Fund (BERF) of:

Name of Proponent : NERISSA P. GARCIA

Position : Secondary School Teacher III
School : Villapagasa National High School
District : Bansud District
Title of Research : 

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,


Senior Education Program Specialist
SGOD – Planning and Research Section

Endorsed by:

Schools Division Superintendent


Sta. Isabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, 5200

Telephone No.: (043) 2887810 / Email Address:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
STA. Isabel, Calapan city

December 10, 2021


Director IV
Regional Director


OIC, Assistant Regional Director
DepEd MIMAROPA Region and
OIC, Child Protection Unit Head


This is to certify that the study of MS. NERISSA P. GARCIA, Teacher III of
Villapagasa National High School, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro, entitled,
BASED LEARNING, has been reviewed and edited by the undersigned.

After carefully editing the said paper, I am endorsing the study for final submission to
your good office.

Thank you very much.


Education Program Supervisor for English

Sta. Isabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, 5200

Telephone No.: (043) 2887810 / Email Address:


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
STA. Isabel, Calapan city

November 26, 2021

Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division Office of Oriental Mindoro
Sta. Isabel, Calapan City


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Chairperson, Schools Division Research Committee


This is to certify that the study of MS. NERISSA P. GARCIA, Teacher III of
Villapagasa National High School, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro, entitled, “IMPROVING
LEARNING, has been reviewed and edited by the undersigned.

After carefully editing the said paper, I am endorsing the study for final submission to
your good office.

Thank you very much.


Jurgen A. Carolino
Teacher III
Language Editor, SDO Research Management Team


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Research Theme: Teaching and Learning
Research Design: Quasi-experimental
Sampling : Purposive Sampling
Data Collection : Pre-test and Post-test
Data Analysis : Quantitative Data Analysis (Frequency,
Percentage and Mean, T-test)


This is a study using quasi-experimental method of research

which aimed to improve the computational competence on operations of
rational numbers through Kahoot Game-Based learning of Grade 7
students in Villapagasa National High School.
Results showed that the utilization of Kahoot Game-based learning
in the experimental group has a great impact between the mean results
of the pre-test and post-test from 2.27 to 14.37. It indicates that the
students’ performance greatly increased. The result implies that the
utilization of Kahoot Game-based learning is an effective approach in
teaching the operations of rational numbers.
Based on the findings, Kahoot Game-based learning was proposed
as an effective approach to improve the level of performance of the
students not only in teaching Mathematics but in other subjects as well.
Furthermore, other research regarding different strategies maximizing
Kahoot game-based learning can be conducted to determine similarities
and differences on the effects of the current study to the learning
development of the students.

Nerissa P. Garcia
Teacher III
Villapagasa National High School
Bansud District

Villapagasa National High School

Villapagasa Bansud Oriental Mindoro
Bansud District

Sta. Isabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, 5200

Telephone No.: (043) 2887810 / Email Address:


The researcher wishes to extend her deepest appreciation and gratitude to the

following individuals who unselfishly extended help in the accomplishment of this

research study.

To Dr. Nicolas T. Capulong, Regional Director, Atty. Suzette Ganaban- Medina,

Assistant Regional Director for the approval of the research through the Basic

Educational Research Fund;

To Ms. Gloria M. Cruz, Policy, Planning and Research Division, Chief Education

Supervisor for the guidance and support in the conduct of the study;

To Dr. Ritchie G. Diola, Regional Research Coordinator for giving assistance in the

documents needed in accomplishing the study;

To Susana M. Bautista, School Division Superintendent of DepEd Oriental Mindoro,

for the approval of conducting this study and for her words of encouragement to give the

best in all endeavors;

To Rafael G. Manalo, Assistant School Division Superintendent, Charity A.

Capunitan, CES, Curriculum Implementation Division of Oriental Mindoro for their

recommendations for the improvement of the research paper;

To Dr. Jonaline M. Closa, Senior Program Specialist in Research and Planning, for

her valuable sharing of her expertise and for giving technical assistance in writing and

conducting the action research;

To Dr. Aubrey A. Beredo, School Principal of Villapagasa National High School, for

giving her approval, encouragement and for giving her undying moral support from the

very beginning until the end of the research study;

For the grade 7 students, the participants of the study, for their cooperation which

contributed for the successful conduct of this research;

And to her family, friends, Villapagasa National High School teaching staff,

Municipal Research Committee members for their love, moral support and

encouragement and above all, to Almighty God, for giving strength, wisdom and good

health in the whole duration of the conduct of the research study.

To God be all the Glory!

N. P. G.



Title Page……………………………………………………………………… i

Endorsement from the SDS ………………………………………………… ii

Endorsement from the Division Language Editor (English)………………


Endorsement from the District Language Editor (English) ……………… iv

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………….. v

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………… vi-vii

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………… viii

I. Context and Rationale …………………………………………………… 1

II. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy …………………….. 11

III. Action Research Questions ……………………………………………..11

IV. Action Research Methods ………………………………………………12

Research Design …………………………………………………………… 12

Participants and / or other Sources of Data and Information …………. 13

Data Gathering Methods ……………………………………………......... 14

V. Discussion of Results and Reflection ………………………………… 14

VI. Action Plan ………………………………………………………………. 25

VII. References ………………………………………………………………26

VIII. Financial Report ………………………………………………………..27


Approved Letter of Request to Conduct theStudy…………………………28

Questionnaire / Interview Guide …………………………………………… 29

Sample Signed Letter of Parental Consent ……………………………… 31

I. Context and Rationale

Mathematics occupies a prominent place in human knowledge, and a

prerequisite in all aspects of life. It has become the fuel that drives the movement of

society to move forward without obstacles because of its wide applications and necessity

in an individual’s life.

Rational numbers in mathematics are well known to be difficult to learn. Various

hypotheses have been proposed to explain those difficulties: fractions can denote

different concepts; their understanding requires a conceptual reorganization with regard

to natural numbers; and using fractions involves the articulation of conceptual knowledge

with complex manipulation of procedures. In order to encompass the major aspects of

knowledge about fractions, the test was carried out and administered to the fourth-, fifth-

and sixth graders from the French Community of Belgium. The results showed large

differences between categories. Students seemed to master the part-whole concept,

whereas numbers and operations posed problems. Moreover, pupils seemed to apply

procedures they do not fully understand. Our results offer further directions to explain

why fractions are amongst the most difficult mathematical topics in primary

education. (Gabriel et. al, 2013)

Another example of disconnection among the rational numbers is students’

tendency to compute with written symbols in a mechanical way without considering what

the symbols mean. Two simple examples illustrate the point. First, the result from the

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) showing that more than half of

U.S. eighth graders chose 19 or 21 These choices do not make sense if

students understand what the symbols mean and are reasoning about the quantities

represented by the symbols. Another survey of students’ performance showed that the

most common error for the addition problem 4+.3=? is .7, which is given by 68% of sixth

graders and 51% of fifth and seventh graders. Again, the errors show that many
students have learned rules for manipulating symbols without understanding what those

symbols mean or why the rules work. Many students are unable to reason appropriately

about symbols for rational numbers and do not have the strategic competence that

would allow them to catch their mistakes.

Moreover, most research that documents children’s and adults’ difficulties in

understanding rational numbers, as well as many recent educational interventions that

aim to alleviate these difficulties, focus on the fact that both natural and rational numbers

represent magnitudes (Siegler, et. al. 2013).

The performance on standard fraction and decimal arithmetic problems is weak.

It was presented by the 6th and 8th graders with eight types of fraction arithmetic

problems: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with equal or unequal

denominators. The 6th graders correctly answered 41% of problems, the 8th graders

57%. (Siegler and Pyke 2013)

Meanwhile, in the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepED)

conducted annually the National Achievement Test (NAT) for second year high

school students. DepED has embarked on intervention programs aimed at improving

key performance indicators in basic education. Based on the result of the previous

years, the mathematics achievement of the students is very low (DepED Press Release,


In the Division of Davao City, it was observed that students’ performance in

Mathematics is very low. Based on the ranking of all the Divisions in Region XI, Davao

City is considered as low performing. This shows that math teachers through the

cooperation of the students shall do something in order to attain its objective to mastery

level especially in Mathematics achievement (DepED Advisory, 2011).

On the other hand, operations in rational numbers are one of the most important

concepts in mathematics that must be mastered by the students. Low attainment in

foundational skills areas especially in numeracy can significantly contribute to lower

overall achievement, non-engagement, poorer attendance and lower retention levels for

many students ( Siegler, et al 2013).

On part of the students, they have difficulties in understanding the concepts in

Mathematics specifically the operation of rational numbers. Regarding with this problem,

the facilitator of learning must be equipped with teaching strategies and tools that is

appropriate to the students. In addition, the teacher is expected to possess a thorough

knowledge of the criteria of good teaching, the mastery of the subject matter and a broad

knowledge of various teaching methods and approaches or strategies (Zulueta, 2013)

Teaching strategy greatly influences the learning process of a student. In the

traditional curriculum, the students are taught the same materials at the same point of

view; students that did not learn quickly enough failed, rather than being allowed to

succeed at their natural speeds. On the other hand, in progressive curriculum, the

educators use different tools to engage their students in meaningful and fun activities.

Also, teaching techniques and methods lead to influence the meaningful learning

process of a student. The students learn best when they interact with their environment

and were actively involved with the school curriculum. Students were better served if

they took an active part in the process of their own learning (Dewey, 2011).

Moreover, some instructors have started to use online platforms to assist in

instruction so that students can engage in learning activities online, and discuss with

other students. Experiment results proved that adding game elements in operating

system courses can increase the level of attraction of courses to the students and the

students would be willing to spend time in courses because they want to win thus

fulfilling the purpose of elevating learning motivation. ( C-H. Lai et al.)

Many studies have used the instructional strategy of game-based learning to help

students learn. Among those, the elevation of learning motivation has frequently been

used as an instructional strategy for the elevation of learning accomplishments. The

purpose of this game-based learning is to stimulate learners’ learning motivation.

Nowadays, in which Covid 19 pandemic greatly affects the context of teaching

and learning process, most countries around the world have temporarily closed

educational institutions to contain the spread of the virus and reduce infections. Thus, it

is timely to use applications in facilitating teaching and learning process to enhance the

learnings of the students (Tria, 2020).

The rapid evolution of information and communication technology (ICT) is

changing the face of education and making information universal. ICT has become an

indispensable tool in enhancing the learning of the students like using digital game-

based approach in learning. Also, it can help make teaching and learning into

meaningful experiences.

Also, the integration of ICT particularly the Kahoot game-based learning in

Mathematics is a tool in teaching wherein the students engage in more fun and

meaningful learning. The students are not just passive learning anymore, but they have

to “ learn by doing” and pursuit knowledge by active learning method.

Kahoot game-based learning is an online multi-player real-time quiz game that

allows students to measure learning in an engaging, immediate and entertaining

manner. Lecturers can measure how well students absorb information and tailor their

teaching to the next step or re-teach a concept after poor uptake by students. It is a

game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in schools and other

educational institutions.

The attractive features of computer games that keep the users occupied and the

potential they have led to new approaches in every field, including the field of education.

Games offer an environment where learners are actively interested in and are able to

continue their activities individually, as well as opportunities to learn by doing living.

Digital games have been used as effective tools for facilitating learning in various

domains such as computer science, communication science, language-learning,

engineering, health, and education.

Moreover, in the Philippines, the use of ICT in all administrative offices and

schools is governed by DEPED Order no. 109 s. 2009 which also recognizes that ICT is

a huge factor in student’s development. Furthermore, RA 10844 Section 2, which aims

to promote the use of ICT for the enhancement of education supported this study (DICT

Act of 2015).

As a facilitator of learning in the public secondary school for three years, the

researcher encountered many students who need help in solving the operations of

rational numbers. Specifically, in the current school year 2019-2020, 10 out of 40

students in Grade 7 class of Villapagasa National High School can successfully solve

operations of rational numbers without or with just little help from the teacher. The rest

need to be guided to understand the problem.

This study provided educational support for Mathematics performance of Grade 7

students in operations of rational numbers through engaging Kahoot game-based

learning in teaching and learning process. It improved the computational competence of

the students in terms of solving the operations of rational numbers.

Review of Related Literature

A perusal of available materials and other pertinent information from different

sources revealed that the following related literature will be useful in this proposed study

in order to give more depth in the assessment of improving the computational

competence in operations of rational numbers through Kahoot Game-based Learning.

The attractive features of computer games that keep the users occupied and the

potential they have led to new approaches in every field, including the field of education.
Games offer an environment where learners are actively interested in and are able to

continue their activities individually, as well as opportunities to learn by doing-living.

Digital games have been used as effective tools for facilitating learning in various

domains such as computer science, communication science, language-learning,

engineering, health, and education.

First, a study by Chang et al. (2017) examined the differences in flow

experiences between game-based learning and non-game-based learning groups and

on the types of intrinsic, relevant, and extraneous cognitive load. One hundred and three

participants were assigned to the experiment group (50 students) and the control group

(53 students). The results indicated that the flow-based learning group had more flow

experience than the non-game-based learning groups. Another difference is that game-

based learning groups differ from another group in terms of their ability to concentrate on

their own learning as well as the ability to control.

Braghirolli et al., 2016 cited that the use of games in engineering education

assessed the use of educational games as an introductory activity in the first year of the

undergraduate program in industrial engineering. In this study, the effects of the game

on the students were evaluated using the questionnaire. In light of the acquired

information, it was found that the educational games play a successful role in terms of

both a better understanding of the course content by the students and the participation

of the students in this process.

Bakan (2018) found that game studies, as well as the cognitive understanding

and application-level knowledge of the field are more effective in learning and in student

achievements in terms of retention.

Stonayova (2017) cited the results in gamification of mathematics lesson with

Kahoot follows to the more effective in educational process. The students are more

motivated and concentrated. They are happy to study mathematics, nevertheless that

their interest is not related with mathematics.

Licorish (2018) claimed that game-based student response systems

have been found to foster students’ engagement, enhance classroom dynamics and

improve overall students’ learning experience. Other factors that contributed to students’

enhanced learning included the creation and integration of appropriate content in

Kahoot! providing students with timely feedback, and gameplay (gamification) strategies.

Khateeb (2019) found out that the use of mobile games an effective

practice for providing educational support to the students in mathematics. In addition, the

size of the effect of using mobile games was significant, a fact which supports the

effectiveness of the mobile games in math achievement among the 4th graders.

Accardo (2017) stated that the students increased their vocabulary

assessment scores when Kahoot was played twice weekly. The use of Kahoot also

increased student focus and on task behavior. The results of the student satisfaction

survey indicated that students enjoyed playing Kahoot and found it easy to use.

Theoretical Framework

This study was supported by the theories and philosophies of well-known

educators and psychologists.

Dewey (2011) Theory of Pragmatism claimed that experience is not an object

known, but rather an action performed. He proposed that students learn best when they

interacted with their environment and were actively involved with the school curriculum.

He argued that rather than the child being a passive recipient of knowledge, students

were better served if they took an active part in the process of their own learning.

It is related in the study since it discussed the experiential learning. Through

Kahoot game-based learning the students could discover for themselves the answers for

every question. The teachers facilitate the learning while the students develop as active

and independent learners.

Neumann (1944) Mathematical Theory of Games stated that interactions of

choices of economicagents produce outcomes withrespect to

the preferences (or utilities) of those agents, where the outcomes in question might have

been intended by none of the agents. It is also known as interactive decision theory

which studies the behavior of decision makers in situations of strategic interdependence.

Lastly, they also view game theory as providing an explanatory account of actual human

strategic processes.

Game theory is related to Kahoot game-based learning since it also implies

actual explanatory account of actual human strategic processes. The students learn the

operations of rational numbers through their own strategic and rational thinking to win

the game. The students will interact to each other to be able to understand the

operations of rational numbers and defeat other groups in solving operations of rational


Lave (1990) Situated learning theory stated that learning is unintentional and

situated within authentic activity, context, and culture. Knowledge needs to be presented

in authentic contexts-settings and situations that would normally involve that knowledge.

Social interaction and collaboration are essential components of situated learning—

learners become involved in a community of practice which embodies certain beliefs and

behaviors to be acquired.

It is related in the Kahoot game-based learning because learning takes place

through the relationships between people and connecting prior knowledge with

authentic, informal, and often unintended contextual learning. Kahoot game-based

leaning involves students in cooperative activities where they are challenged to use their

critical thinking and kinesthetic abilities

Bruner (1961) Theory of constructivism stated that learning is an active process

wherein learning is acquired through connecting past experiences to the new ones.

Learners construct their own knowledge and do this by organizing and categorizing

information using a code system. The coding system of information is acquired through

discovering rather than being told.

The theory of constructivism further implied that Kahoot game-based learning as

a good way for direct learning since the constructed understandings are also being

discussed and dealt in topic like solving the operations of rational numbers.

Constructivism suggests that learners construct knowledge out of their experiences. The

learners construct new ideas upon current and past knowledge or experience. This is

anchored in the present study since constructivism allows the students to construct their

own way of solving operations of rational numbers.

Kolb (1984) proposed the Theory of Experiential Learning that believes learning

is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.

The theory presents a cyclical model of learning consisting of four stages: concrete

experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active


Meanwhile, the theory of Experiential Learning is also related to the present

study because the utilization of kahoot game-based learning in solving operations of

rational number creates meaningful experiences to students. The students learn through

games and active experimentation to solve the problems easily.

Skinner (1938) viewed operant conditioning which as the changing of behaviour

by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response. There are three

responses or operant that can follow a behaviour. If a student accidentally hits the right

answer in solving operations of rational numbers, he is encouraged to go on solving

similar problems; otherwise, he tries to find other solutions until he finds the correct one.

The student is an active one and the element of trial and error is present in solving

operations of rational numbers.

It is related to the present study since operant conditioning theory emphasize the

use of reinforcement which is also included in the use of Kahoot game-based learning.

The student is positively reinforced by the given situation.

Research Paradigm
In view of the study, the following research paradigm was built.

Level of Performance Using Level of Performance Using

Lecture-Discussion Method Kahoot Game-Based Learning

Pre-test Pre-test

Post-test Post-test


Figure I. Hypothesized Differences between and among the variables

of the study

The study examines the differences between the variables based on their

pre-test and post-test scores.

II. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

As every teacher or researcher strives to create more fun and interesting activity for

the benefits her students, the author of this study believed that this research creates

more effective teaching and learning process. In fact, that we are surrounded by modern

technology, students nowadays love and expressed themselves with this kind of


For the interventions, the researcher will create more activities regarding the

operations of rational numbers using Kahoot application. It involves addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and division of rational numbers. The students could also play individually

and in group using this application. For the strategy, the author in conducting this

research should make sure that most of the students must have their own mobile


III. Action Research Questions

This study aimed to improve the computational competence on operations of

rational numbers of Grade 7 students of Villapagasa national High School through

Kahoot Game-Based Learning. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of pre-test and post-test performance of the participants using

lecture-discussion method?

2. What is the level of pre-test and post-test performance of the participants using

Kahoot game-based learning approach?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test performance of the participants

using lecture-discussion method and Kahoot game-based learning approach?

4. Is there a significant difference between the post-test performance of the participants

using lecture-discussion method and Kahoot game-based learning approach?

5. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test performances of

the participants using lecture-discussion method?

6. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test performances of

the participants using Kahoot game-based learning approach?

7. What intervention program may be implemented to further enhance the computational

competence in operations of rational numbers of Grade 7-students of Villapagasa

National High School?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused in improving the computational competence using Kahoot

Game-based learning in operations of rational numbers of the sixty (60) Grade 7

Students in Villapagasa National High School. It included only the performance of the

students in the pre-test and post-test using lecture-discussion method and Kahoot

game-based learning approach.

The study was conducted in Villapagasa National High School, Bansud Oriental

Mindoro during the School Year 2020-2021.

IV. Action Research Methods

Research Design

This research utilized the quasi-experimental method which aims to determine

the effectiveness of Kahoot Game-based learning approach in computational

competence in operations of rational numbers over lecture-discussion method in

Villapagasa National High School.

Quasi-experimental research is a study in which a treatment, procedure, or

program is intentionally introduced, and a result or outcome is observed. For many true

experimental designs, pretest-posttest designs are the preferred method to compare

participant groups and measure the degree of change occurring because of treatments

or interventions.

In this design, which used two groups; the experimental group used Kahoot

game-based learning approach while the control group used lecture-discussion method

and the results gathered at the end over the same period of time but underwent exactly

the same tests.

Participants and Other Sources of Data and Information

The random sampling technique was used in this study wherein sixty (60) of the

Grade 7 students in Villapagasa National High School were taken as participants of the


The Grade 7 students of Villapagasa National High School comprising a total of

sixty (60) from section Lotus and Sampaguita were taken as the participants of the

study. The thirty (30) students from Sampaguita were the control group while the (30)

students from Lotus served as the experimental group. Though all the students in the

said section were under instruction only 30 students were selected as participants from

each section. To determine the 30 students from each section, they were grouped into

five groups according to their mathematics grades in the first and second grading using

the brackets 90 and above, 85-89, 80-84, 75-79, 74 and below. The distribution of

student participants is shown below:

Table A. Distribution of Student-Participants

Grade Control Group Experimental Group

90 and above 6 6

85-89 6 6

80-84 6 6

75-79 6 6

74 and below 6 6

Total 30 30

Data Gathering Methods .

With the permission/approval from the School Head, class adviser, barangay and

the parents, the conduct of study was administered. The pre-test was administered to

the control group and the experimental group before the integration of lecture-discussion

method and Kahoot game-based learning approach. The lecture discussion method was

administered to the control group while the experimental group was taught using Kahoot

Game-Based Learning Approach. Post-test was administered in the control and

experimental group after the conduct of the study.

V. Discussion of Results and Reflections

Analysis, interpretation, and discussion of the gathered data from the groups of

participants. Each group of data was analyzed and interpreted with corresponding tables

for clear presentation of the results based on the problems raised in the study.

Table 1. Performance of the Control Group during the Pre-test and Post-Test using

the Lecture-Discussion Method

Scores Freque
Frequency Percentage Description Percentage Description
17-20 0 0 Outstanding 0 0 Outstanding

13-16 0 0 Very 2 6.66 Very

Satisfactory Satisfactory

9-12 0 0 Satisfactory 8 26.66 Satisfactory

Fairly Fairly
5-8 7 23.33 15 50
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Did not Meet Did not Meet
0-4 23 76.66 5 16.66
Expectations Expectations

TOTAL 30 100 30 100

MEAN 1.63 Did Not Meet Expectations 7.06 Fairly Satisfactory

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the pre-test scores and

post-test scores of the participants using traditional-lecture method.

As observed on the table, in the pre-test, 23 students or 76.66% of them are in the did

not meet expectations level whose scores are ranging from 0-4; while 7 or 23.33% of the

students are in the fairly satisfactory level whose scores are ranging from 5-8. The

results imply that twenty-three students possess a limited knowledge about operations

on rational numbers. They can be considered as students who need attention from their


Therefore, the participants are in the did not meet expectations level as revealed in

the mean score 1.63. This seems to indicate that majority of the students under the

control group had very low performance during the pre-test on the operations of rational


Moreover, as shown in the same table, 15 or 50% of the students got 5–8 score

which described as fairly satisfactory, 5 or 16.66% of the students got a did not meet

expectations from 0-4 scores. This indicates that there are some students who need

attention of the teachers.

As a result, the students got a total mean score of 7.06 described as fairly satisfactory

which implies that the students in the control group have an improvement of their

performance after the teacher’s utilization of the traditional method of lecture- discussion

method. This post-test result can imply also that the traditional method is fairly effective

in applying to the operations of rational numbers.

A simple attribution that could justify this result is that no acts of teaching yet was

applied to the group when pre-test was administered, indicating that the scores were but

products of the retrieved background knowledge of the students. Hence, it can be

implied that this group of students may tend to achieve a much higher level of

performance if properly taught and nurtured according to the basic principles of teaching.

Table 2. Performance of the Experimental Group during the Pre-test and Post-Test

using the Kahoot Game-Based Learning

Frequency Percentage Description Frequency Percentage Description
17-20 0 0 Outstanding 8 26.67 Outstanding
Very Very
13-16 0 0 12 40
Satisfactory Satisfactory

9-12 2 6.7 Satisfactory 8 26.67 Satisfactory

Fairly Fairly
5-8 3 10 2 6.66
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Did not Meet
Did not Meet
0-4 25 83.3 Expectation 0 0
TOTAL 30 100 30 100
MEAN 2.27 Did not Meet Expectations 14.37 Very Satisfactory

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the scores in the pre-test

and the post-test of the participants from the experimental group taught using Kahoot

game-based learning.

During the pre-test, 83.3 % of the participants got the highest frequency scores that

range from 0-4 with a did not meet expectations description and 3 or 10% of participants

got fairly satisfactory scores that range from 5-8. Meanwhile 2 or 6.7% of the students

got the score that range from 9-12 described satisfactory. As a whole, the participants

got a mean score of 2.27 which can be described as did not meet expectations.

Meanwhile, the same table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the

scores in the post-test of the participants using kahoot game-based learning.

During the post-test, 8 or 26.67% of the participants gained outstanding performance

ranging their scores from 17-20. A very satisfactory performance was registered under

13-16 bracket of scores with the highest frequency of 12 equivalent to 40%. On the other

hand, 8 or 26.67% of the participants got a satisfactory score ranging from 9-12 and 2 or

6.67% of the participants got a fairly satisfactory ranging from 5-8. In conclusion, the

mean performance of the participants is 14. 37, described as very satisfactory.

The results implies that the students learn effectively in engaging them through

Kahoot game-based learning. Further, motivation through games helps the students to

participate actively in the operations of rational number.

This finding is strengthened by the theory of Experiential Learning that kahoot

game-based learning creates meaningful experiences to students. In this case, the

students learn through games and active experimentation to solve the problems easily.

3. Difference in Performance in the Pre-test of Control and Experimental Group

Table 3. T– Test Results on the Difference in Performance in the Pretest of the

Control and Experimental Group.

Compared Group N Mean SD Result

Control Group 30 1.63 2.7
Experimental significant
30 2.27 2.9

Table 3 shows that the pre-test mean score of the control group using traditional

learning through lecture discussion method is 1.63 and that of the experimental group

using Kahoot game-based learning is 2.27. The means are not statistically significant at

0.05 levels with 58 degrees of freedom since the computed p-value is greater than 0.05

level of significance. The p-value of 0.385 is greater than 0.05 level of significance.

Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.

As shown, there is no significant difference between the pretests utilizing lecture-

discussion method and Kahoot game-based learning as revealed by the computed p-

value of 0.385 which is greater than from the 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the

null hypothesis is failed to be rejected which states that there is no significant difference

between the pretest performances in utilizing lecture-discussion method and Kahoot

game-based learning.

This finding implies that the participants have shown similar performance before

utilizing the lecture-discussion method and Kahoot game-based learning. Both groups

do have little prior knowledge on the given subject matter.

4. Difference in Performance in the Post-test using Lecture-Discussion Method

and Kahoot Game-based Learning

Table 4. t – Test Results on the Difference in Performance in the Post-test of the

Control and Experimental Group.

Compared Group N Mean SD Result

Control Group 30 7.07 3.43 < .001 Significant

30 14.37 3.54

The data in Table 4 reveals the post-test mean score of the control group and

experimental group. As reflected, an evident increase in the mean scores is seen in the

table. It is quite remarkable that the control group employed with the traditional teaching

method with a mean score of 7.07 is left behind by the experimental group treated with

Kahoot game-based learning with a mean score of 14.37. From this result, it is clear that

Kahoot game-based learning is more effective than the lecture discussion method. Such

difference in the means is enough to conclude that students would perform better if they

would be using Kahoot Game-based learning.

The table also shows that the p- value of < 0.001 is less that the level of

significance of 0.05 with 58 degrees of freedom. This result led to the rejection of the null

hypothesis which implies that there is a significant difference between the post-mean

scores of the control group and experimental group being treated with lecture-discussion

method and Kahoot game-based learning.

The results show that participants have a great increase in their performance

upon utilizing kahoot game-based learning compared to lecture discussion method. It

implies that kahoot game-based learning is effective when utilize in operations of rational

operations. Students become well-motivated when they have a multi-sensory learning


Educational games and game-based student response systems both increase

student motivation and engagement especially in circumstances where conventional

lecture style or chalk and talk teaching are resented by students and induce boredom

(Cheong 2013)

5. Difference between the Mean Performance of the Pre-test and Post-test using
Lecture- Discussion Method

Compared Computed
N Mean SD Result
Group p-value

Pretest 30 1.63 2.7

< .001 Significant
Posttest 30 7.06 3.43

Table 5 are the results of the T-Test of difference between the pre-test and post-

test scores of the control group who were taught using lecture-discussion method. As

shown, the computed p–value which is <.001 is less than 0.05 level of significance with

degrees of freedom of 29. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the mean

performance of the pre-test and post-test in the control group. Thus, the null hypothesis

is rejected.

The result shows that the study was in line with that of Rahman (2011). The

effectiveness of lecture-discussion method points out a good increase in performance

compared to its pre-test. Through this teaching learning process, the learning one

student is affected by the behavior of other students. The teaching strategy may

stimulate students to think but not may result in meaningful learning outcomes.

6. Difference between the Mean Performance of the Pre-test and Post-test using
Kahoot Game-based Learning

Table 6. T– test Results on the Difference in Pretest and Posttest Performance the
Participants in Experimental Group.

Compared Computed
N Mean SD Result
Group p-value

Pretest 30 2.27 2.9

< .001 Significant
Posttest 30 14.37 3.53

Shown in Table 6 are the results of the t-test of difference between the pre-test

and post-test scores of the experimental group who were taught using Kahoot Game-

based learning.

The table indicates that the computed p– value which is < .001 is less than

0.05 level of significance using 29 degrees of freedom. Therefore, there is a significant

difference between the pre-test and post-test in the experimental group. Thus, the null

hypothesis is rejected.

Based on the findings, the utilization of Kahoot Game-based learning in the

experimental group has a greater impact between the mean results of the pre-test and

post-test from 2.27 to 14.37. It indicates that the students’ performance greatly

increased. The result implies that the utilization of Kahoot Game-based learning is an

effective approach in teaching the operations on rational numbers.

Furthermore, by collecting student’s reports of their preferred learning styles,

Kahoot is effective because it allows images to be imbedded in questions. Students are

more likely to learn and perform better on subsequent formal assessment if Kahoot is

tailored to their learning style. (Hwang, 2012)

The positive impact of using Kahoot in the class is not only limited to grades or

test scores either. It improved classroom dynamics and more positive learning

environment. It improves the classroom dynamics as the system provides students with

real-time feedback of their performance and to some extent adapt teaching strategies

based on student’s responses to quizzes. (Plump 2017)

Findings and Conclusions

Research Questions Findings Conclusions

1. What is the level of The mean gathered is 1.63 Lecture- discussion method
the pre-test and post- in the pre-test while 7.06 in improved the level of
test performance of the post-test which fell on did performance of the
participants using not meet expectations and participants which can be
lecture-discussion fairly satisfactory, seen on the data presented.
method? respectively. In addition to The traditional method is fairly
that the p-value is <0.001. effective in applying to the
operations of rational numbers
2. What is the level of The overall mean of pre- The utilization of Kahoot
pre-test and post-test test was 2.27 while the game-based learning
performance of the post-test got 14.37, in approach to the students
participants using which the pre-test fell on engaged them in meaningful
Kahoot game-based Did Not Meet Expectations learning situations and
learning? while post-test placed on engaged them effectively in
Very Satisfactory which had the teaching learning process.
a computed p-value of As a teaching strategy, it has
<0.001. a great impact to boost the
interest of the learners.

3. Is there a significant There was no significant The participants have shown

difference between the difference in the similar performance before
pre-test performance of performance of the utilizing the lecture-discussion
the participants using participants in the pre-test method and differentiated
lecture discussion of lecture discussion Kahoot game-based learning.
method and Kahoot method and Kahoot game- The students have very low
game-based learning based learning with a performance during the pre-
approach? computed p-value of 0.385. test, prior to the conduct of the
4. Is there a significant There was a significant There was a real huge gap
difference between the difference in the between the scores of the
post-test performance performance of the students from the two different
of the participants using participants in the post-test groups and it was shown in
lecture discussion of lecture discussion the presented table that the
method and Kahoot method and Kahoot game- students from the
game-based learning based learning with a experimental group have
approach? computed p-value of great performance comparing
<0.001. to the result on the traditional
5. Is there a significant The pre-test and post-test The effectiveness of lecture-
difference between the performances of lecture- discussion method points out
result of the pre-test discussion method got 1.63 a good increase in
and post-test and 7.06 respectively, performance compared to its
performances of the which had the p-value of pre-test. Through this
participants using <.001. teaching learning process, the
lecture-discussion learning of students is slightly
method? improved.

6. Is there a significant The pre-test and post-test Based on the findings,

difference between the performances of Kahoot the utilization of Kahoot
result of the pre-test game-based learning got Game-based learning in the
and post-test 2.27 and 14.37 experimental group has a
performances of the respectively, which had the greater impact between the
participants using p-value of <.001 mean results of the pre-test
Kahoot game-based and post-test from 2.27 to
learning approach? 14.37. It indicates that the
students’ performance greatly
increased. The result implies
that the utilization of Kahoot
Game-based learning is an
effective approach in teaching
the operations on rational

7. What intervention There was a greater The researcher, based on the

program may be difference in the mean data gathered, concluded that
implemented to further performance of the the use of Kahoot game-
enhance the student’s pre-test and post- based learning was a great
computational test using Kahoot game- help in the operations of
competence in based learning compared rational numbers. In addition,
operations of rational to lecture-discussion compilation of activities on the
numbers of Grade 7 method. Kahoot app can help the
students of Villapagasa teachers to facilitate the
National High School? learning more effectively.


Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are

1. It is recommended that teacher utilize lecture-discussion method in teaching

Mathematics and should use varied strategies which is aligned to the learning styles of

the students.

2. Teachers are highly encouraged to employ Kahoot game-based learning for the

students’ better learning outcome and better performance not only in solving operations

of rational numbers but also in other topics.

3. Teachers may use pretest to diagnose students’ capacity in solving operations of

rational numbers.

4. To determine the effectiveness of both lecture-discussion method and Kahoot game-

based learning in measuring students’ performance in operations of rational numbers of

teachers should conduct post-test in every chapter.

5. Teacher may use lecture-discussion method to improve the level of performance of

the students in operations of rational numbers.

6. Teacher may use the Kahoot game-based learning to improve the level of

performance of the students in operations of rational numbers.

7. Other research regarding different strategies maximizing Kahoot game-based learning

can be conducted to determine similarities and differences on the effects of the current

study to the learning development of the students.

Data Analysis

This concerned with the organization and the interpretation of information in

order to discover any important underlying patterns and trends. The data collected

through conducting the study specifically the pretest and posttest will be presented and

gathered in tabular data.

The analysis process was accomplished by coding data and sorting the data to

identify the effectiveness of Kahoot game-based learning approach in operations of

rational numbers. The data collected identified, explained, and interpreted to the data

obtained from pretest and posttest using different statistical tools.

In order for the researcher to measure and tabulate the data, she utilized the

following statistical tools in making this study valid and reliable.

Frequency and Percentage was used to describe the performance in

computational competence in operations of rational numbers of Grade 7 students

whether it reaches the given description or not.

Arithmetic Mean was used to determine the performance level in computational

competence in operations of rational numbers development for 7 students.

T – Test was used to determine the difference between the performance in the

pre-test and post-test in operations of rational numbers for Grade 7 students using

traditional-lecture method and Kahoot game-based learning approach.

Ethical Issues

During the transcription, the researcher used pseudonym for the participants to

maintain confidentiality.

VI. Action Research Work Plan

Given that education serves as bridges towards success, the researcher

positively believes that through the wide implementation of this study, students could be

more active and more aware on the correct usage of technology since it is widely used in

globalization. Therefore, the researcher tried and put some risk to make this study within

the reach of our hands.

The advocacy of the researcher in making this research is to make learning more

interesting and long-lasting. The researcher believes that through this project, students

will find learning enjoyable. They would also feel that they are not being deprived in

using technology in their learning.

Plans for Dissemination/Advocacy

The findings of this study will be presented to the school administrator to intensify

its program to improve the computational competence of the Grade 7 students.

Mathematics teachers can use the Kahoot game-based learning to improve the

performance of the students in Mathematics. Researchers may also use Kahoot game-

based learning in other topics in Senior High and Junior High to generate more

evidences on the effectiveness of the games in improving the performance of the

students in mathematics subjects.

VII. References

Bakan (2018) Game-Based Learning Studies in Education Journals: A Systematic Revie


Bruce (2014). Fractions Operations: Multiplication and Division Retrieved F


Don (2019), "Game Theory",  The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , Edward

Zalta (ed.), URL <

Fiore, C. (2011). Hands-on Learning for Children. Retrieve from


Gabriel et. al (2013) A componential view of children's difficulties in learning fractions

Kolb & Lewin Learning styles Retrieved August 26 2012 from https://rapidbi

Licorish et. al (2018) Students’ perception of Kahoot!’s influence on teaching and

Pede (2017) The effects of the online game Kahoot on science vocabulary

Santangelo et. Al (2012). The Effect of Differentiated Instruction on Student
Mathematics Achievement in Primary School Classrooms.Retrieve
Shin (2017). Virtual Manipulatives: Tools for Teaching Mathematics
Learning Disabilities. Retrievef rom
Sorensen, V. (2008). Motivating Middle School Mathematics Students. Retrieved
Stanoyova et. al (2017) Gamification in 11th Grade Mathematics Lessons – One
Possible Interactive Approach
Zulueta, F. 2012. Principles and Methods of Teaching. National Book Store.
Mandaluyong City

VIII. Financial Report

The following were the materials needed, quantity, unit price and total cost of the

activities in the study.

Materials Unit Total

Activities Needed Quantity Price Cost

Notarial fee  150.00

Bond paper A4 2 reams 280.0 400.00
Research conduct supplies ink 2 bottles 0 560.00
A4 folder 5 pcs. 280.0 710.00
Fastener 10 pcs. 0
Ink 1 bottle 400.0
 Research paper printing Bond paper 2 reams 0
Bond paper 2 reams 280.0
Final Printing of research paper ink 1 bottle 0 680.00

Total 2500.00

Approved Letter of Request to Conduct the Study

Research Instrument
Name:__________________ Score:______________
Grade and Section:__________ Time Started:________
Date: __________ Time Ended:_________
Total Time Consumed:_______

Directions: Evaluate each of the following rational numbers. Simplify your


A. Addition

2 1
1. What is + ?
4 4

1 2
2. Find + .
3 6

2 1
3. Evaluate + .
5 5

2 3 1
4. Evaluate 2 + + .
7 7 7

2 3
5. Find +
5 10

B. Subtraction

4 3
6. Solve – .
8 8

6 5
7. Solve 3 - 1
8 8

5 2
8. Evaluate -
6 3

1 2
9. What is 2 - 1 ?
3 9

6 1
10. Find -
12 12

C. Multiplication
5 1
11. Solve x .
4 3
3 2
12. Find x .
4 5

1 2
13. What is 2 x1 ?
2 3

5 1
14. What is the product of and ?
11 4

2 1
15. What is the product of and ?
3 4

D. Division

16. Evaluate10 ÷ .

1 2
17. Evaluate ÷ .
15 3

4 5
18. What is the quotient of and ?
6 6

1 4
19. Evaluate ÷
2 6
20. Solve 5 ÷

Sample of Signed Letter of Parental Consent


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