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Electric Circuits-I

Class: Name: Student ID:
(Note: Please highlight your answer clearly.)
1. The voltage and current at the terminals of the circuit element in Fig. 1 are zero
for t < 0 and t > 40 s. In the interval between 0 and 40s the expressions are
v = t(1 - 0.025t) V, 0 < t < 40 s;
i=4-0.2t A, 0 < t < 40 s.
(a) At what instant of time is the power being delivered to the circuit element
(b) What is the power at the time found in part (a)? (4%)
(c) At what instant of time is the power being extracted from the circuit element
maximum? (4%)
(d) What is the power at the time found in part (c)? (4%)
(e) Calculate the net energy delivered to the circuit at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 s. (4%)

Fig. 1
[a] We can find the time at which the power is a maximum by writing an expression
for p(t) = v (t)i (t), taking the first derivative
of p(t) and setting it to zero, then solving fort. The calculations are shown below:
p = 0 t < 0, p == 0 t > 40 s
p = vi== (t - 0.025t2)(4 - 0.2t) == 4t - 0.3t2 + 0.00記 W 0 < t < 40 s
- 4 - 0.6t + 0.015t2 == 0
Use a calculator to find the two solutions to this quadratic equation:

t1 = 8.453 s; t2 = 31.547 s
Now we must find which of these two times gives the minimum power by
substituting each of these values for t into the equation for p(t):
鷉) = (8.453 - 0.025(8.453) 勺 (4 - 0.2·8.453) = 15.396 W

鄢) = (31.547 - 0.025(31.547)勺 (4 - 0.2·31.547) = -15.396 W

Therefore, maximum power is being delivered at t = 8.453 s.
[b] The maximum power was calculated in part (a) to determine the time at which
the power 1s maximum: Pmax = 15.396 W (delivered)
[c] As we saw in part (a), the other "maximum" power is actually a minimum, or
the maximum negative power. As we calculated in part (a), maximum power is
being extracted at t = 31.547 s.
[d] This maximum extracted power was calculated in part (a) to determine the time
at which p ower 1s maximum: Pmaxext = 15.396 W (extracted)

[e] w = fo。tpdx =「(4x - 0.3x2 + 0.005x3)dx = 2t2 - O.lt3 + 0.00125t4

w(O) = 0J w(30) = 112.50 J
w(lO) = 112.50 J w(40) = OJ
w(20) = 200 J
To give you a feel for the quantities of voltage, current, power, and energy and
their relationships among one another, they are plotted below:
(a) Find the currents ig and io in the circuit in Fig. 2(9%)
(b) Find the voltage vo. (4%)
(c) Verify that the total power developed equals the total power dissipated. (4%)

Fig. 2

3 a




v3 0


v6 C" C"

g v。

[a] Write a KVL equation clockwise around the right loop:

-V60 十砈O + Vgo = 0

From Ohm's law,

國= (60 n) (4 A) = 240 V, 呃o = 30i0, Vgo = 9Qi。


-240 V + 30i0 + 90i0 = 0 so 120i0 = 240 V

. 240V
Thus i0 = = 2A
Now write a KCL equatiohn at the top middle node, summing the currents
-i9 + 4 A + i0 = 0 so i9=4 A+2A =6A
[b] Write a KVL equation clockwise around the left loop:
-v。+ V50 =0 so V。= v6o = 240V
[c] Calculate power using p = vi for the source and p = Ri2 for the resistors:
Psource = -V。ig ==刊240V)(6A) = -1440 W

P6on = 4氕60) = 960W

P3on = 30且= (30)22 = 120 W

pgon = 90凡= (90)22 = 360 W

芝 Pdev = 1440W LPabs = 960 + 120 + 360 = 1440W

3. The variable resistor R in the circuit in Fig. 3 is adjusted until ia equals 1 A. Find
the value of R. (8%)

Fig. 3

- c

一 I


180 0 12 O

18 0
Vab = 240 - 180 = 60V ; therefore, ie = 60/1 5 = 4A
ic = ie - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3 A; therefore, Vbc = lOic = 30 V
瞬= 180 - Vbc = 180 - 30 = 150 V;
ther efor e, 紅= Vcd/(12 + 18) = 150/30 = 5A
祁=冧- ic = 5- 3 = 2A
Vac = Vab + Vbc = 60 + 30 = 90 V
R = Vac/ 邳= 90/2 = 450
CHE CK: 杓=祁十 ie = 2+4 = 6A
Pdev = (240)(6) = 1440 W
严Pdis = 1(180) + 4(45) + 9(10) + 25(12) + 25(18) + 16(15) = 1440 W (CHECKS)
4. The current in the 9 Ω resistor in the circuit in Fig. 4 is 1 A, as shown.
(a) Find vg. (9%)
(b) Find the power dissipated in the 20 Ω resistor. (4%)

Fig. 4
[a] v9n == (1)(9) = 9 V

i2n = 9/ (2 + 1) == 3 A

互n == 1 + 3 = 4 A;
V25n = (4)(4) + 9 = 25 V

i2sn = 25/25 == 1 A;
扉= i25n + ign +國= 1 + 1 + 3 = 5 A;

V40n = V2sn + V3n = 25 + (5)(3) = 40 V

i4on = 40/40 = 1 A

i5112on == i4on + i2sn + i4n = 1 + 1 + 4 = 6 A

vs112on = (4)(6) = 24 V

V32n = V4on + vs112on == 40 + 24 = 64 V

i32n == 64/32 = 2 A;
园=國n + is112on = 2 + 6 = 8 A
v9 = 10(8) + V32n = 80 + 64 == 144 V.
(V51l20訌 242
[b] P2on = =—= 28.8 W
20 20
(a) Use the node-voltage method to find vo in the circuit in Fig. 5(12%)
(b) Find the power absorbed by the dependent source. (6%)
(c) Find the total power developed by the independent sources. (6%)

Fig. 5


450mA(1' 這 1000 501 仃J 45V


The node voltage equation is:

V。 V。- 6 . 25i~V。 -45
-0.45 +— 十 + == 0
The dependent source constraint equation is:
Place these equations in standard form:
1 1 1 6.25 45
V。(而 +5 +)
+' 5) - 25
+ 0.45
V。(直) 十困 1)
Solving, v。= 15 V; it::. = 1.2 A
V。- 6.25it:::. 15 - 7.5
[b] ids= = __ = 1.5 A
P<ls = [6. 25 (1 .2)] (1. 5) = 11.25 W
Thus, the dependent source absorbs 11.25 W
[c] P4 50m A== -(0 .4 5) (1 5) == -6 .7 5 W
P4 5V ==— (1 .2) (4 5) == -5 4 W
芝Pdev = 6.75 + 54 = 60.75 W
Th us the ind ep en de nt so ur ce s develop 60.75 W
Al so ,
严P<lis = Pas + P10on + Ps n + P2 m
= 11.25 + (15) 勺 100 + (1.5) 氕5) + (1.2)2 (25)
= 11 .25 + 2.25 + 11.25 + 36 = 60.75 W (ch ec ks
6. The variable dc voltage source in the circuit in Fig. 6 is adjusted so that io is zero.
(a) Find the value of Vdc. (12%)
(b) Check your solution by showing the power developed equals the power
dissipated. (6%)

Fig. 6
[a] 300\

睪 3V~ 100~

25 0

Write the mesh current equations. No

te that if i0 = 0, then 勺 =0 :
-2 3 + 5(玉) + lO(-i3) + 46
= 0
30i2 + 15(i2 - i3) + 5i2 = 0
Vdc + 25i3 - 46 + lOi3 + 15(i3 玉)
= 0
Place the equations in standard fonn:
硏 5) +i 正 10) + Vdc(O) = -2 3
叫30 + 15 + 5) + i正 15) + Vdc
(O) = 0
硏 15) + i3(25 + 10 + 15) + Vd
c(l) = 46
Solving, 砭 =0.6A; 祕= 2 A; Vdc = -4 5 V
Thus, the value of Vdc required to make
io = 0 is -4 5 V.
[b] Calculate the power:
P23V =一 (23)(0) = 0 W
p46v = -(46)(2) = -9 2 W
氏C = (-45)(2) = -9 0 w
p3011 = (30)(0.6)2 = 10.8 W
p緝 = (5)(0.6)2 = 1.8 w
p15n = (15)(2 - 0.6)2 = 29.4 W
Prnn = (10)(2)2 = 40 W
p20n = (20)(0)2 = 0 W
p25n = (25)(2)2 = 100 W

芷Pdev = 92 + 90 = 182 W

芷歸s = 10 .8 + 1.8 + 29.4 + 40 + o+

100 = 182 W(checks)

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