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P h a r m a c o l o g i c Th e r a p y f o r

H e a r t Fa i l u re w i t h
P re s e r v e d E j e c t i o n F r a c t i o n
Anthony E. Peters, MD, MSa,b, Adam D. DeVore, MD, MHSa,b,*

 Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction  Pharmacologic therapy  State-of-the-art

 An important aspect of high-quality heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) care is
confirming the diagnosis and excluding mimickers.
 Symptom management is typically done with diuretics to manage dyspnea and volume overload.
 Optimization of comorbidities is also important.
 There are specific cardiovascular therapies—angiotensin II receptor type I blockers, mineralocorti-
coid receptor antagonists, angiotensin receptor–neprilysin inhibitors, and sodium–glucose
cotransporter-2 inhibitors—with evidence to reduce HF hospitalizations that can be considered
in select patients, particularly those on the lower end of the HFpEF spectrum (i.e., heart failure
with mildly reduced ejection fraction).

INTRODUCTION HFpEF Diagnosis and HFpEF Mimickers

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction An essential step in high-quality management of
(HFpEF) is a major public health problem, affecting HFpEF is an accurate diagnosis, which can be
greater than 3.1 million Americans and increasing challenging given its heterogeneity and overlap
in prevalence over time.1–3 The pathophysiology with other conditions. Diagnostic criteria are
of HFpEF is complex with multiple potential car- most clearly outlined in the European Society of
diac and noncardiac mechanisms (Fig. 1) along Cardiology (ESC) guidelines, which describe three
with growing evidence for the paradigm of components for diagnosis: (1) signs and/or symp-
comorbidity-driven systemic inflammation.4,5 Pa- toms of HF, (2) preserved left ventricular ejection
tients living with HFpEF have a high burden of fraction [(LVEF) 50%], and (3) objective evidence
illness and poor outcomes. Compared with HF of relevant structural and/or functional heart dis-
with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), symptom ease, consistent with the presence of LV diastolic
burden and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) dysfunction/raised LV filling pressures.8 This third
is similarly severe in HFpEF,6 and intermediate- criterion is often assessed by cardiac imaging
and long-term survival is similar.7 Although the such as echocardiography (LV mass index, rela-
impact of medical therapy on clinical outcomes tive wall thickness, left atrial volume index, E/e’,
in HFpEF has been modest in the setting of the pulmonary artery (PA) systolic pressure, and
complexity and heterogeneity of HFpEF, the field resting tricuspid regurgitation velocity) or labora-
is rapidly evolving with much to consider for the tory values (B-type natriuretic peptide [BNP]/
practicing clinician in the management of symp- N-terminal [NT]-proB-type natriuretic peptide
toms and HF morbidity. [NT-proBNP]), but can also be evaluated by

Division of Cardiology, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, 200 Trent Drive,
4th Floor, Orange Zone, Room #4225, Durham, NC 27710, USA; b Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke Uni-
versity Medical Center, 200 Trent Drive, 4th Floor, Orange Zone, Room #4225, Durham, NC 27710, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Cardiol Clin 40 (2022) 473–489
0733-8651/22/Ó 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
474 Peters & DeVore

Fig. 1. Established and proposed pathophysiology of HFpEF and targets of currently available pharmacologic
therapy. CKD, chronic kidney disease; CNP, C-type natriuretic peptide; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease; DM, diabetes mellitus; Epi, epinephrine; PCT, proximal convoluted tubule.

invasive hemodynamics. The American Heart As- (Table 1, Fig. 3). For pharmacologic treatment of
sociation/American College of Cardiology guide- well-established cardiomyopathies with targeted
lines include similar diagnostic criteria.9,10 therapies, we refer the reader to the following
In challenging or borderline cases, the use of guidelines, society statements, and reviews—
risk scores/algorithms, invasive hemodynamics amyloidosis,17,18 sarcoidosis,19 and hypertrophic
with exercise, and exercise stress testing can be cardiomyopathy.20
useful. Specifically, the H2FPEF score11 and Heart
Failure Association Pre-test assessment, Echo-
Symptom Management
cardiography and Natriuretic Peptide, Functional
testing, Final etiology (HFA-PEFF) algorithm12,13 Loop diuretics remain the cornerstone of pharma-
are well-validated metrics to support the diag- cologic management of symptoms in HFpEF. While
nostic process in HFpEF. The HFA-PEFF algorithm there are few dedicated trials of diuretics targeting
and the 2021 ESC updated guidelines (IIb recom- morbidity/mortality outcomes in HF (especially in
mendation) both specifically mention the use of HFpEF or HFmrEF specifically), experience has
invasive hemodynamics to confirm suspected been extended from subsets of HF studies such
HFpEF in select patients.8,12 Over the past as the DOSE study as well as meta-analyses of di-
decade, exercise hemodynamics have been uretics in HF across the LVEF spectrum which
established as a reliable method to identify demonstrate that diuretics likely improve exercise
exercise-induced elevation in pulmonary capillary capacity.21 Data from remote monitoring, for which
wedge pressure (PCWP) and PA systolic pressure the predominant response to abnormal data was
and thereby diagnose a form of HFpEF in symp- diuretic changes, also provides indirect evidence
tomatic patients with normal baseline pressures.14 that diuretics may reduce hospitalization risk in
A representative approach from the Duke Univer- HFpEF.22 The ROPA-DOP trial studied different
sity Medical Center is shown in Fig. 2.15 Exercise diuretic strategies in patients with HFpEF specif-
stress testing with imaging can also be used to ically and found that dopamine did not affect renal
elicit and measure abnormal hemodynamic re- function or any secondary outcomes, and that
sponses to exercise, as referenced in the HFA- continuous loop diuretic use was associated with
PEFF algorithm.12 worse renal function but did not have a significant
Ruling out mimicking diseases in the diagnosis effect on clinical outcomes.23 With this back-
of HFpEF is also an important step. Prior HFpEF ground, furosemide (oral, intravenous—intermit-
trials have likely been limited by including a tent, or continuous) remains the dominant,
broadly defined group of “HFpEF” patients with clinically utilized drug in HF overall and in HFpEF
the inclusion of diagnosed and/or undiagnosed specifically. There is some evidence to support
cardiomyopathies such as amyloidosis.16 Identi- the unique benefits of torsemide over furosemide,
fying signs of HFpEF mimickers and sending including higher bioavailability, longer duration of
timely workup before treating as typical HFpEF is effect, minor renal excretion, decreased potassium
critical to ensure patients with overlapping condi- excretion in the urine, and enhanced natriuresis/
tions, such as sarcoidosis, are able to receive tar- diuresis.24,25 Additionally, torsemide may have dif-
geted therapies such as immunosuppression ferential effects on renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
Pharmacologic Therapy for HFpEF 475

Fig. 2. Setup and protocol for invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing with hemodynamics. The experimental
setup in the catheterization laboratory is presented. All testing is performed in a fasting state. All invasive hemo-
dynamic measurements are recorded in the supine position. Right heart catheterization through the internal ju-
gular vein and a radial arterial catheterization are used to assess central hemodynamics, arterial pressures, and
for blood gas analysis. Resting invasive measurements are obtained w15 min after placement of central lines, sen-
sors, and mask fitting (30–45 min), once steady state is achieved (legs down and up on the bike pedals). Following
resting hemodynamics, patients undergoes supine cycle ergometry testing with simultaneous expired gas anal-
ysis. Patients are tested at a fixed workload of 20 W until patients reached a steady state of expired VO2 or up
to 7 min. After reaching steady state, patients are exercised to peak with a stepwise increase of 20 W every min-
ute. Hemodynamic assessment during exercise is performed at 20 W and at peak exercise. Following exercise, re-
covery hemodynamics are assessed at 2 min and 5 min after peak exercise. Intracardiac pressures are taken as the
average end-expiratory values across multiple respiratory cycles over a 10-s period. Breath-by-breath oxygen con-
sumption is measured continuously throughout the study. Cardiac output is calculated via direct Fick method
(VO2, AVO2-diff). Peak VO2 values are determined by two readers independently. The Borg scale of perceived
exertion (6–20) and assessments of leg fatigue (scale 0–10) and shortness of breath (scale 0–10) are obtained
throughout the exercise phases at the same time intervals as the cardiac hemodynamic measurements. No gen-
eral anesthetic agents are used during the study.

system (RAAS) and fibrosis regulation, although ev- mass, and therefore is a reasonable first-line agent
idence is mixed.26–28 Further, there is limited high- for HTN in patients with HFpEF with LVH.33 As dis-
quality evidence on torsemide’s association with cussed later, angiotensin receptor–neprilysin in-
HF hospitalizations and mortality.29,30 In this hibitor (ARNI) therapy can also improve
setting, the ongoing TRANSFORM-HF trial, which outcomes in patients with HFpEF and be consid-
compares torsemide to furosemide in hospitalized ered for HTN control.
HF across the LVEF spectrum, should be informa- AF burden (and associated or distinct left atrial
tive to guide diuretic choice.31 The trial is expected myopathy) can also be impactful in HFpEF, often
to complete enrollment in 2022. resulting in a cyclical downward relationship be-
tween the pathologies of AF and HFpEF.34–36 Anti-
Optimization of Comorbidities coagulation is important as directed by guidelines
Both cardiac and noncardiac comorbidities are and risk stratification. Several meta-analyses have
influential in the outcomes of patients with HF indicated that mineralocorticoid receptor antago-
and are particularly common and impactful in nist (MRA) therapy may reduce AF burden (first
HFpEF.32 Important cardiovascular (CV) comor- occurrence and recurrence) and recent finerenone
bidities include hypertension (HTN), atrial fibrilla- data support this potential class effect.37–39 Rate
tion (AF), and coronary artery disease (CAD), and or rhythm control are both reasonable options,
careful management of these conditions is the although there is early evidence that catheter abla-
key to optimal HFpEF management. For HTN in tion may improve LV diastolic function, symptom
patients with HFpEF, there are no definitive, first- burden, and the New York Heart Association
line agents to achieve blood pressure (BP) control, (NYHA) functional class in patients with
but targeting a goal systolic BP of less than HFpEF.40,41 Distinguishing whether AF or HF is
130 mm Hg is recommended in the guidelines.10 more responsible for driving patients’ symptoms
Other comorbidities and patient-specific factors can be difficult; however, achieving predominant
(age, renal function, preferences, and so forth) sinus rhythm and reassessing symptoms can be
typically drive antihypertensive choices. useful in this regard. Given these limited data
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi)/ and clinical context, it remains important to
angiotensin II receptor type I blockers (ARBs) consider the risks/benefits of rhythm control,
may reduce left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)/LV including ablation, in patients with AF and HFpEF.
476 Peters & DeVore

Table 1
HFpEF mimickers

Additional Workup/
Mimicker Select Signs and Symptoms Diagnostic Testing to Consider
Amyloidosis Prominent LVH, apical- Tc-PYP scan, light chains, CMR,
sparing, low voltage, TTR genotyping
gastrointestinal symptoms
Cardiac sarcoidosis Arrythmias 1 conduction CMR or PET, extracardiac or
disease, syncope or aborted endomyocardial biopsy
sudden cardiac death, signs
of extracardiac sarcoidosis,
unexplained dilated or
restrictive cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Variable ranging from Cardiac imaging led by
asymptomatic to DOE, echocardiography 1/– CMR
fatigue, chest pain, and and exercise testing
exertional syncope; family
history of HCM or
unexplained LVH
Right ventricular myopathies Presyncope/syncope, Echocardiography or CMR
(i.e., ARVC or RV infarct) palpitations, arrhythmias; and/or hemodynamic
symptoms of RV failure cardiac catherization
Valvular disease Murmur on exam; HF, angina, Cardiac imaging 1/–
or syncope symptoms; hemodynamic catherization
predisposing condition (i.e.,
rheumatic disease, bicuspid
aortic valve, aging)
Pulmonary arterial HTN Exertional dyspnea, fatigue; Right heart catherization;
prominent P2 and RV heave autoimmune and HIV
on exam serologies, and liver/thyroid
function tests
Constrictive pericarditis Fluid overload, exertional Echocardiography 1/–
dyspnea and fatigue; hemodynamic cardiac
elevated JVP and Kussmaul catherization
High-output HF Signs/symptoms of underlying Echocardiography 1/– right
disorder (i.e., obesity, liver heart cardiac catherization
disease, arteriovenous
shunt, etc.), persistent
tachycardia, typical signs/
symptoms of HF but warm
and well-perfused
Pulmonary embolism (acute) Tachycardia, chest CTPA, V/Q scan
pain/cough in setting of
exacerbating circumstance
followed by (chronic)
exertional dyspnea
Pulmonary disease Predominant dyspnea PFTs, pulmonary HRCT
(parenchymal or symptoms with euvolemic
obstructive) exam

Abbreviations: CMR, Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; CTPA, computed tomography pulmonary angiogram; HIV, Hu-
man immunodeficiency virus; HRCT, High-resolution computed tomography; PFTs, Pulmonary function tests; Tc-PYP, Tech-
netium phyrophosphate scintigraphy; TTR, transthyretin; V/Q, ventilation–perfusion.
Pharmacologic Therapy for HFpEF 477

Fig. 3. Approach to diagnosis and pharmacologic management of patients with HFpEF. CKD, chronic kidney dis-
ease; DM, diabetes mellitus.

CAD in patients with HFpEF is another indepen- signal of reduced risk of HF hospitalization in
dent risk factor for poor outcomes and should also HFpEF. More recently, both ARNI and SGLT-2I
be aggressively investigated and managed; obser- have demonstrated the ability to significantly
vational data have demonstrated that revasculari- reduce HF hospitalization risk on top of estab-
zation is associated with preservation of LVEF and lished, standard therapy. In addition, the recent
lower mortality though higher-quality data are EMPEROR-PRESERVED trial was the first to
lacking.42 Type II diabetes overlays with HFpEF definitively meet its primary composite outcome
phenotypes and should be managed as directed in an HFpEF-specific population. Before reviewing
by established guidelines and scientific state- the primary trial data for each drug class, it is
ments43 with preference given to metformin and/ important to note that patients with HFpEF with
or sodium–glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors recovered EF (i.e., previously with an LVEF <
(SGLT2I) therapy when possible. Other common 40%) should generally receive continued HFrEF
and impactful comorbidities including chronic therapy. Additionally, the theme of differential ef-
obstructive pulmonary disease, anemia, sleep- fects across the spectrum of LVEF within HFpEF
disordered breathing, and obesity should be opti- is a common finding in trials across drug classes
mally treated as possible as part of complete and is supported by detailed analyses and recent
HFpEF care. ESC guidelines.

Pharmacologic Therapy to Reduce HF Events Angiotensin II Receptor Type I Blockers

Clinical trials specific to pharmacologic treatment ARBs inhibit the RAAS by blocking the angiotensin
of HFpEF have traditionally fallen short of meeting type I receptor on which angiotensin II acts,
primary outcomes of mortality/hospitalization (Ta- thereby leading to arterial and venous vasodila-
ble 2). While multiple clinical trials found that prior tion, reduced BP, and decreased aldosterone
interventions, specifically ACEi/ARB and MRA, did secretion among other effects. ARBs clearly have
not improve mortality, they did demonstrate a a role in HFpEF as part of antihypertensive
Table 2
Selected HFpEF trial data and outcomes

Peters & DeVore

Primary Outcomes
Drugs Trials Populations n HFpEF Imaging Criteria Primary Outcomes HR/OR/RRa Notes
ARB CHARM-PRESERVED44 Age 18 3023 LVEF >40% CV mortality and 0.86 [0.74–1.00] P50.051 Trend driven by HF
(candesartan) HF hosp hospitalizations
Unadjusted HR 50.89
(0.77–1.03), P50.12
I-PRESERVE (irbesartan) Age 60 4128 LVEF 45% All-cause mortality 0.95 [0.86–1.05] P50.35
Other potential echo and CV hosp
criteria if no recent HF
hospitalizations to
ACEi PEP-CHF48 (perindopril) Age 70 850 2 of 4 criteria among: All-cause mortality 0.69 [0.47–1.01] P50.055 1/4 of pts withdrew to
 LVWMI of 1.4–1.6 and HF hosp go on open label ACEI
 LAd >0.25 mm/m2 BSA at 1 year
or >0.40 mm
 IVS or PWT 12 mm
 Evidence of impaired
LV filling by at least
one of:b
 E/A ratio<0.5
time >280 ms from
mitral inflow pattern
 Isovolumic relaxation
time >105 ms
Spiro TOPCAT50,51 Age 50 3445 LVEF 45% CV mortality, Full cohort: Full cohort:
aborted cardiac 0.89 [0.77–1.04] P50.14 Reduced HF
arrest, and HF hospitalizations - HR
hosp 0.83 [0.69–0.99], P 5
Americas: Americas:
0.82 [0.69–0.98] P 5 Reduced HF
0.026 hospitalizations - HR,
0.82 [0.67–0.99], P 5
BB SENIORS57 (nebivolol) Age 70 2128 Any LVEF All-cause 0.86 [0.74–0.99] P 5
 Mean LVEF was 36% mortality and 0.039
 35% had LVEF >35% CV hosp
J-DHF60 (carvedilol) Age 20 245 LVEF >40% CV mortality 0.90 [0.55–1.49] P 5 0.69 Significant reduction in
and HF hosp primary outcome in
patients treated
with >7.5 mg/day
ARNI PARAGON-HF54 Age 50 4822 LVEF 45% CV mortality and 0.87a [0.75–1.01] P 5 Trends toward
(sacubitril/valsartan LA enlargement (LA HF hosp 0.06 reduction in outcome
vs. valsartan) diameter  3.8 cm, LA of HF hospitalizations
length  5 cm, LA area Significant
 20 cm2, LA volume improvement in
 55 mL, or LAVI  29 NYHA class and
mL/m2) nonsignificant
OR LVH (IVST or PWT  improvement in KCCQ
1.1 cm) Significant reduction in
risk of composite
renal function
SGLT-2 EMPEROR-PRESERVED63 Age 18 5988 LVEF >40% CV mortality and 0.79 [0.69–0.90] P<0.001 Effect driven primarily
(empagliflozin) HF hosp by HF hospitalizations
Digoxin DIG-PRESERVED67 Age 21 988 LVEF >45% HF mortality 0.82 [0.63–1.07] P 5 0.14 Ancillary substudy
and HF hosp within DIG trial

Pharmacologic Therapy for HFpEF

Trend toward decreased
HF hospitalizations
(HR 0.79 [0.59–1.04],
P 5 0.09
Trend toward increased
unstable angina

Abbreviations: IVS, intraventricular septum; LAd, left atrial diameter; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; PWT, posterior wall thickness
RR 5 rate ratio (all others are hazard ratios); note this RR is compared to valsartan control, as opposed to placebo control for other studies.
Criteria recommended by the ESC Study Group on Diastolic Heart Failure.

480 Peters & DeVore

regimens, but can also be considered for the sepa- reduce HF hospitalization risk and improve func-
rate indication of reducing CV events. While ARBs tional status, especially if the patient has (1) a
reduce systemic HTN, facilitate LV remodeling in concomitant indication such as HTN and (2) has
HFpEF, and improve outcomes in HFrEF among some burden of impaired functional status and
other indications, there has not been definitive ev- HF hospitalization or potential risk as deemed by
idence for improvement in clinical outcomes in the the provider. There is insufficient evidence to
full spectrum of patients with HFpEF. Still, evi- compare ACEi and ARBs in HFpEF or to use
dence from the full, primary CHARM-Preserved them interchangeably.
trial demonstrated a trend toward a reduction in
the primary outcome (reduced HF hospitaliza-
Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists
tions/CV mortality), driven by reduction in HF hos-
pitalizations.44 Further, post hoc analyses of the MRAs bind to the mineralocorticoid receptor,
full CHARM Program45 and recurrent hospitaliza- thereby inhibiting the action of aldosterone, lead-
tions in CHARM-Preserved46 are encouraging for ing to increased natriuresis, decreased kaliuresis,
potential efficacy, particularly in HFmrEF and and reduced BP among other effects. There is
particularly when considering the full burden of substantial mechanistic evidence that MRAs,
rehospitalizations (instead of the first event alone). namely spironolactone, improve pathophysiology
The I-PRESERVE trial also investigated the use of in HFpEF from the Aldo-DHF trial, which demon-
ARBs (irbesartan) in HFpEF; this trial was more strated an improvement in E/e0 ratio and a
clearly neutral and notably included a slighter decrease in LVH and NT-proBNP levels.49 Evi-
higher LVEF cutoff (45% instead of 40%) and stud- dence of clinical outcomes comes largely from
ied all-cause mortality and CV hospitalizations as the Treatment of Preserved Cardiac Function
its primary outcome (instead of HF-specific out- Heart Failure with an Aldosterone Antagonist
comes). ARB therapy has also been studied in pa- (TOPCAT) trial.50 Overall results from the primary
tients with HTN and diastolic dysfunction in the analysis of the TOPCAT trial were neutral, but
VALsartan In Diastolic Dysfunction (VALIDD) trial; there are several secondary, post hoc, and sub-
this study was neutral with diastolic relaxation ve- group analyses that support the benefit of spirono-
locity improving with lowering BP irrespective of lactone in HFpEF. First, the secondary outcome of
the particular antihypertensive agent used.47 HF hospitalizations (hazard ratio [HR] 0.83 [0.69–
Taken together, ARBs may be considered in pa- 0.99], P 5 .04) was reduced in the full cohort anal-
tients with HFpEF to reduce HF hospitalization ysis. Second, post hoc analysis of the Americas
risk, especially if the patient has (1) a concomitant subgroup demonstrated significant improvement
HTN indication, (2) demonstrates below normal in primary outcome (HR 0.82 [0.69–0.98],
LVEF, and (3) has some burden of HF hospitaliza- P 5 .026).51 This subgroup analysis was initiated
tion or potential risk as deemed by the provider. due to an “unusually large (wfourfold) difference”
in placebo group primary event rate in patients
from Russia/Georgia compared to those from the
Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Americas and demonstrated distinct baseline dif-
ACEi work by inhibiting ACE, and thereby reducing ferences, outcomes, and potential treatment ef-
the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, fects (renal, hyperkalemia, and BP) in the
leading to arterial and venous vasodilation, population enrolled from Russia/Georgia, raising
reduced BP, and decreased aldosterone secre- concern for whether these patients had “true
tion. ACEi and ARBs are used interchangeably in HFpEF” and reliability of delivery of spironolactone
many conditions including HTN and HFrEF. In in the intervention arm.51,52 Additionally, post hoc
HFpEF, the data for ACE inhibitors are somewhat analysis of the influence of LVEF on outcomes
weaker than for ARBs. The Perindopril in Elderly demonstrated a significant treatment modification
People with Chronic Heart Failure (PEP-CHF) trial effect for the primary outcome and HF hospitaliza-
was the primary study to evaluate ACEi in this pop- tions with stronger benefit in patients with LVEF
ulation and it was relatively underpowered due to less than 50%.53 It is reasonable to consider spiro-
low enrollment and event rates.48 In this setting, nolactone in patients with HFpEF with appropriate
the primary outcome of clinical morbidity/mortality renal function and potassium (estimated glomer-
was neutral. Still, the study demonstrated ular filtration rate >30 mL/min and potassium
improved functional class and 6-min walk distance <5.0 mEq/L) reduce HF hospitalization risk, espe-
and reduced HF hospitalizations at 1 year along cially if the patient has (1) some burden of HF hos-
with trends toward reduction in the primary pitalization or potential risk as deemed by the
outcome at 1 year. Given these findings, ACEi provider, (2) has additional relative indication/
can be considered in patients with HFpEF to benefit of use including volume control,
Pharmacologic Therapy for HFpEF 481

hypokalemia, or HTN, and/or (3) demonstrates specificity) and result in reduced chronotropy
below normal LVEF. and inotropy, decreased renin release, and, for
nonselective BBs, peripheral vasodilation. BBs
Angiotensin Receptor–Neprilysin Inhibitors are often utilized in patients with HFpEF, but this
is predominantly driven by other indications: AF,
ARNI therapy combines the prodrug sacubitril with
angina/CAD, and HTN, among others. Several
ARB therapy, thereby adding the effect of a nepri-
studies and meta-analyses have investigated use
lysin inhibitor, preventing the breakdown of natri-
of BB in HF across the EF spectrum
uretic peptides and leading to prolonged effects
(HFrEF 1 HFpEF) with encouraging results. Spe-
of peptides including natriuresis and vasodilation
cifically, the Study of the Effects of Nebivolol Inter-
among other pleiotropic effects. The pivotal trial
vention on Outcomes and Rehospitalisation in
of ARNI therapy in HFpEF was the Prospective
Seniors with Heart Failure (SENIORS) found a pos-
Comparison of ARNI with ARB Global Outcomes
itive primary outcome of all-cause mortality and
in HF with Preserved Ejection Fraction
CV hospitalization in a large, elderly HF popula-
(PARAGON-HF) trial.54 In this trial, the primary
tion.57 Interaction analysis of this study has
outcome of CV mortality and HF hospitalizations
demonstrated no interaction effects by the LVEF
was neutral with a trend toward reduced risk
group, but notably, only 35% had LVEF greater
(rate ratio 0.87 [0.75–1.01], P 5 .06). There were
than 35%, and few had LVEF greater than 50%.
further encouraging findings with a significant
Therefore, one should exercise caution in extrapo-
improvement in NYHA class and in the renal com-
lating this finding to the full spectrum of patients
posite outcome with ARNI therapy. Prespecified
with HFpEF.58 Additionally, a large meta-analysis
subgroup analyses also suggested a higher de-
of BBs according to LVEF demonstrated that the
gree of benefit in women and patients with median
beneficial effects of BBs in HFrEF with respect to
LVEF 57% and the intervention arm also demon-
mortality and hospitalization may extend to LVEF
strated a lower incidence of hyperkalemia. Further
40% to 49% but not for LVEF  50%.59 The Jap-
post hoc analyses underscored these interaction
anese Diastolic Heart Failure Study (J-DHF) is one
effects of sex and LVEF, particularly with regards
of the few studies to examine the use of BBs spe-
to HF hospitalization and demonstrating a higher
cifically in patients with HFpEF and found neutral
LVEF cutoff for statistically significant effect
results for the primary outcome of CV mortality
among women (LVEF 65%–70%) versus men
and HF hospitalizations, although there was
(LVEF 55%–60%).55 In the setting of the borderline
some evidence of a significant reduction in this
outcome of PARAGON-HF and phase 2 evidence
outcome in a small subgroup at closer to the target
for a reduction in NT-proBNP through sacubitril/
dose (carvedilol > 7.5 mg/d; target 5 20 mg/d).60
valsartan use, another large, phase 3 trial was pur-
Lastly, there is growing evidence that HR-limited
sued to assess NT-proBNP levels, exercise ca-
exercise intolerance (symptomatic chronotropic
pacity, and quality of life: the Prospective
incompetence) may play a significant role in
Comparison of ARNI versus Comorbidity-
HFpEF, and this evidence base now includes a
Associated Conventional Therapy on Quality of
recent randomized, controlled trial demonstrating
Life and Exercise Capacity (PARALLAX) trial.56
that BB withdrawal improves peak VO2 in patients
While this trial redemonstrated a significant reduc-
with HFpEF.61 Taken together, these studies sup-
tion in NT-proBNP levels in the intervention arm,
port the select use of BBs in patients with HFpEF
there was no significant difference in 6-min walk
to reduce HF mortality and hospitalization risk,
distance, KCCQ clinical summary score, or
only if the patient (1) demonstrates below normal
NYHA class. Given this evidence base to date,
EF, (2) has additional relative indication/benefit of
ARNI therapy can be considered in patients with
use including AF or HTN, and/or (3) is not HR-
HFpEF to reduce HF hospitalization risk, especially
limited in exertion (recommend maintaining a low
if the patient has (1) some burden of HF hospitali-
threshold for exercise testing and/or reassess-
zation or potential risk as deemed by the provider,
ment of symptoms on/off BB).
(2) demonstrates below normal EF if male (or any
LVEF <65%–70% if female), (3) has some hyperka-
lemia history or elevated risk, and/or (4) has insur- Sodium–Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors
ance coverage or financial means to support cost
SGLT-2I block sodium–glucose cotransporter-2 in
above generic therapy options (MRA and ARB).
the proximal convoluted tubule, thereby reducing
glucose and sodium reabsorption as well as
Beta Blockers
reducing BP and increasing diuresis by several po-
Beta-adrenergic blocking (BB) agents bind and tential mechanisms. Early encouraging data for the
block B1 and B2 receptors (with variable efficacy of SGLT-2I in HFpEF came from
482 Peters & DeVore

prespecified subgroup analysis (LVEF <50% and was associated with decreased activity level (sig-
50%) of the SOLOIST trial, which demonstrated nificant in hours per day and in accelerometer units
a consistent reduction in primary outcome without when assessed across all dose regimens) and did
heterogeneity.62 Still, there were relatively few pa- not affect 6-min walk distance, QOL scores, or NT-
tients with HFpEF (n 5 256) in the study, and the proBNP levels.69 However, INDIE-HFpEF demon-
trial was terminated early due to loss of funding strated no significant differences in peak oxygen
from the sponsor; so, conclusions of efficacy in consumption, daily activity levels, QOL, functional
HFpEF were limited. This was followed by the class, E/e’ ratio, or NT-proBNP levels.70 Overall,
landmark EMPEROR-preserved trial, which there is no strong evidence to support the use of
focused exclusively on patients with HFpEF and these medications (digoxin, sildenafil, organic, or
showed a robust reduction in the primary outcome inorganic nitrates/nitrites) in patients with HFpEF
of CV mortality and HF hospitalizations.63 Sub- at this time outside of ongoing clinical trials or
group and post hoc pooled analyses demon- alternative indications.
strated a wide range of similar, clinically
meaningful effects up to LVEF 65% and attenua- Considerations for HFmrEF Subset
tion of efficacy as EF rises above this
As referenced earlier and in Fig. 3, almost all phar-
threshold.63,64 Further, SGLT-2I therapy improves
macologic therapies in HFpEF have some degree
HRQOL as measured by the Kansas City Cardio-
of heterogeneity in reducing HF events across
myopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) by 12 weeks
the HFpEF LVEF spectrum (EF 40%–65%). Within
postinitiation of therapy and sustained through at
this spectrum, HFmrEF (EF 41%–49%) is an
least 1 year.65,66 Given this data, SGLT-2I therapy
increasingly recognized and emphasized entity
can be considered in patients with HFpEF to
including earning a distinct treatment recommen-
reduce HF hospitalization risk and improve
dations section in the recent 2021 ESC guide-
HRQOL, especially if the patient has (1) some
lines.8 Theory and evidence on HFmrEF as a
burden of low HRQOL and/or HF hospitalization
distinct entity or transition between HFrEF and
or potential risk as deemed by the provider, (2)
HFpEF are mixed,71 but the syndrome seems to
demonstrates below LVEF less than 65%, and/or
carry some similarities to HFrEF in terms of HF eti-
(3) has insurance coverage or financial means to
ology, outcomes, and response to therapy. While
support cost above generic therapy options
there are no substantial, prospective trials of
(MRA and ARB).
pharmacologic therapy in HFpEF,8 subgroup and
interaction analyses from HFpEF trials as well as
Other Pharmacologic Agents meta-analyses support the consideration of
ARB,45,46 MRA,53 BB,59 ARNI,54,55 and SGLT-
Several other pharmacologic agents have been
2i63,64 therapies, particularly in HFmrEF.
studied in HFpEF with neutral results. The primary
digoxin study included a sub-study, DIG-PRE-
Nonpharmacologic Therapy
SERVED, which focused on HFpEF and found
neutral results for the primary outcome of HF mor- Nonpharmacologic therapy has demonstrated
tality/hospitalization.67 The study did indicate a some promise in HFpEF and is described in detail
trend toward decreased HF hospitalizations but in other reviews.72,73 Briefly, both exercise training
also a trend toward increased unstable angina and caloric restriction (independently and additive)
hospitalizations. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors have been shown to improve peak oxygen con-
such as sildenafil have been studied in the sumption through the Study of the Effect of Caloric
Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibition to Improve Clinical Restriction and Exercise Training in Patients With
Status and Exercise Capacity in Heart Failure with Heart Failure and a Normal Ejection Fraction (SE-
Preserved Ejection Fraction (RELAX) trial without CRET) and Exercise training in Diastolic Heart Fail-
evidence of improvement in peak oxygen con- ure (Ex-DHF) trial, while the recent Rehabilitation
sumption (at 24 weeks) or in secondary outcomes Therapy in Older Acute Heart Failure Patients
such as 6-min walk distance.68 Organic nitrates (REHAB-HF) study (including over half of the
(ie, isosorbide mononitrate and dinitrate) and inor- HFpEF patients) showed improvement in physical
ganic nitrite have also been studied in the Nitrate’s function, frailty, quality of life, and depression.74–76
Effect on Activity Tolerance in Heart Failure with Left atrial shunt devices (interatrial shunt devices,
Preserved Ejection Fraction (NEAT-HFpEF) and [IASD]) demonstrated reduced PCWP during exer-
Inorganic Nitrite Delivery to Improve Exercise Ca- cise in HFpEF and a strong 1-year safety profile,
pacity in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection but initial results from REDUCE-LAP HF II were
Fraction (INDIE-HFpEF) trials.69,70 In the NEAT- neutral.77–80 Meanwhile, the HFpEF subset of the
HFpEF trial, treatment with isosorbide mononitrate CHAMPION trial and the prepandemic sensitivity
Table 3
Selected phase III/IV ongoing pharmacologic trials in HFpEF

Acronym Projected Age NYHA BNP/NT- Primary
(Identifier) Intervention Enrollment LVEF (%) (years) class II-IV proBNP Other Outcome
DELIVER Dapagliflozin 6263 > 40  40 U U Composite: CV mortality,
(NCT03619213) (SGLT2i) HF hospitalization,
and urgent HF visit
SPIRRIT Spironolactone Original  40  50 U U On regular Composite: CV mortality
(NCT02901184) (MRA) target 3200 loop diuretic and HF hospitalization
SPIRIT-HF Spironolactone Estimated 1300  40  50 U U Composite: CV mortality
(NCT04727073) (MRA) and HF hospitalization
FINEARTS-HF Finerenone Estimated 5500  40  40 U U On diuretic
(NCT04435626) (MRA) therapy
PARAGLIDE-HF Sacubitril/ Original target >40  18 - U Within 30 days Change in
(NCT03988634) valsartan 800; revised of worsening NT-proBNP
(ARNI) 450 HF eventa
ENDEAVOR AZD4831 (MPO Estimated > 40 40–85 U U Change in KCCQ

Pharmacologic Therapy for HFpEF

(NCT04986202) inhibitor) 1485 total symptom
STEP HFpEF DM Semaglutide Estimated  45  18 U - Change in KCCQ
(NCT04916470) (GLP-1) 610 clinical summary
SUMMIT Tirzepatide Estimated 700  50  40 U U Composite:
(NCT04847557) (GIP and GLP-1) All-cause
mortality, HF
events, 6MWD,
KCCQ clinical
summary score;
Change in 6MWD
(continued on next page)

Table 3
(continued )

Peters & DeVore

Acronym Projected Age NYHA BNP/NT- Primary
(Identifier) Intervention Enrollment LVEF (%) (years) class II-IV proBNP Other Outcome
BLOCK HFpEF Amlodipine Estimated 50 > 50 18–90 - wUb Echo/clinical Change
(NCT04434664) vs Metoprolol criteriab in SBP

Abbreviations: 6MWD, 6 min walk distance; KCCQ, Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1
analogue; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
Worsening HF event defined as hospitalization, emergency department visit or out-of-hospital urgent HF visit, all requiring IV diuretics.
Elevated filling pressures defined by at least one of the following criteria: (A) Mitral E/e’ ratio (lateral or septal) >8 with low e’ velocity (septal e’ <7 cm/s or lateral e’ <10 cm/s) and
at least one of the following: (a) Enlarged left atrium (LA volume index >34 mL/m2); (b) Chronic loop diuretic use for management of symptoms; c. Elevated natriuretic peptides (BNP
levels >100 ng/L or NT-proBNP levels >300 ng/L); (B) Mitral E/e’ ratio (lateral or septal) >14; (C) Previously elevated invasively determined filling pressures based on one of the
following criteria: (a) Resting LVEDP >16 mmHg; (b) Mean PCWP >12 mmHg; (c) PCWP or LVEDP 25 mmHg with exercise; and (D) Previous acutely decompensated heart failure
requiring IV diuretics.
Pharmacologic Therapy for HFpEF 485

analysis of GUIDE-HF (full analysis was neutral) such as GLP-1 agonists, and novel mechanisms
both showed a reduction in HF hospitalizations such as MPO inhibition are under ongoing investi-
through PA pressure monitoring and medication gation in HFpEF (see Table 3). As described briefly
adjustments based on hemodynamics.22,81 In earlier, device therapy has shown promise in
summary, exercise interventions, caloric restric- HFpEF; in addition to left atrial/ IASD and invasive
tion, and left atrial shunt devices have all been PA pressure monitoring, the procedural fields of
shown to improve physiologic parameters in pa- baroreflex activation therapy/vagus nerve stimula-
tients with HFpEF, while hemodynamic-guided tion, splanchnic nerve modulation, and LV recon-
therapy with PA pressure monitoring devices has struction/expanders, among others, have the
shown to reduce HF hospitalizations by some potential to target the pathophysiology of
analyses. HFpEF.91,92 For many of these future directions
of research, the continued evolution of imaging
techniques such as global longitudinal strain will
Future Directions
be important to further stratify and phenotype pa-
Moving forward in the field of pharmacologic ther- tients with HFpEF.93
apy, several areas of investigation will be impor-
tant. First, trial enrollment remains an enormous SUMMARY
challenge in HFpEF. Despite the prevalence of
HFpEF, enrollment in trials specific to HFpEF has The pharmacologic management of HFpEF is an
commonly been difficult, slow, and inefficient. evolving field. Symptomatic management with di-
Additionally, patients enrolled in HFpEF trials differ uretics and optimization of comorbidities remain
substantially from patients commonly encoun- important components of therapy. Therapies
tered in routine practice with HFpEF.82 Second, such as ARB, ACEi, ARNI, MRA, and SGLT-2I
several studies have shown that well-established, have been shown to reduce HF hospitalization
effective therapies in HFrEF are utilized well below risk, particularly in lower ranges of LVEF within
optimal targets for prescription and dosing.83–85 HFpEF. Ongoing trials and investigations of
This is likely to be a challenge in HFpEF as well emerging agents have the potential to further
and underscores the need to study the implemen- inform the optimal medical regimen for patients
tation of therapies in HFpEF. Third, several trials with HFpEF.
HF should better define the role of MRA therapy CLINICS CARE POINTS
in HFpEF, while continued investigation of ideal
BP control and effects of heart rate lowering
agents (such as in BLOCK HFpEF) should help
the field to optimize HFpEF pharmacologic ther-
apy (Table 3). Several ongoing studies including
 Confirmation of the HFpEF diagnosis and
the PARAGLIDE and DELIVER trials will further
exclusion of mimicking diseases is a key first
inform the efficacy of ARNI and SGLT-2I therapy step in the care of patients with symptoms
in HFpEF (see Table 3).86 Lastly, several emerging of HFpEF.
therapies (some established in other fields and
 In challenging or borderline cases, the use of
some novel) have the potential to contribute to
risk scores/algorithms, invasive hemody-
future pharmacologic regimens for HFpEF. namics with exercise, and exercise stress
Inorganic nitrites remain one of these emerging testing can be useful.
therapies despite the neutral results of the INDIE-
 Diuretic therapy remains critical to symptom
HFpEF trials given the mechanistic evidence
and volume management, while their effect
base (inorganic nitrite’s conversion/activity during on hospitalization and mortality should be
hypoxia and acidosis; and lack of tolerance/tachy- informed by the ongoing TRANSFORM-HF
phylaxis) and several encouraging clinical trial.
studies70,87–90; given this background, there are,
 Optimization of comorbidities including AF,
at least, three phase II trials actively studying po- CAD, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes is
tassium nitrate or sodium nitrite therapy (KNO3CK also a key component of HFpEF management.
OUT HFPEF, PH-HFpEF, and INABLE-Training),
 Specific therapies including ARB/ARNI, MRA,
targeting the nitric oxide-soluble guanylate
and SGLT-2i should be utilized to reduce the
cyclase enzyme-cyclic guanosine monophos- risk of HF hospitalization, particularly in pa-
phate (cGMP)-cGMP-dependent protein kinase tients with EF on the lower end of the
G pathway. Additionally, IV iron therapy (FAIR- HFpEF/HFmrEF spectrum.
HFpEF trial), traditional diabetic/obesity drugs
486 Peters & DeVore

DISCLOSURE 9. Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, et al. 2013 ACCF/

AHA guideline for the management of heart failure:
Dr. A. E. Peters is supported by the National Heart A report of the American college of cardiology foun-
Lung and Blood Institute (T32HL069749). Dr. A. D. dation/american heart association task force on
DeVore reports research funding through his insti- practice guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;62(16):
tution from the American Heart Association, e147–239.
Amgen, Biofourmis, Bodyport, Cytokinetics, 10. Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, et al. 2017 ACC/
American Regent, Inc, The National Heart, Lung, AHA/HFSA Focused Update of the 2013 ACCF/
and Blood Institute, and Novartis. He also provides AHA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure:
consulting services for and/or receives honoraria A Report of the American College of Cardiology/
from Abiomed, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Cardio- American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical
nomic, InnaMed, LivaNova, Natera, Novartis, Pro- Practice Guidelines and the Heart Failure Society
cyrion, Story Health, Vifor, and Zoll. of Amer. Circulation 2017;136(6):e137–61.
11. Reddy YNV, Carter RE, Obokata M, Redfield MM,
FUNDING STATEMENT Borlaug BA. A simple, evidence-based approach
to help guide diagnosis of heart failure with pre-
Dr. Peters is supported by the National Heart Lung
served ejection fraction. Circulation 2018;138(9):
and Blood Institute (T32HL069749).
12. Pieske B, Tschöpe C, de Boer RA, et al. How to di-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS agnose heart failure with preserved ejection fraction:
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ical figures for this article. recommendation from the Heart Failure Association
(HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology
(ESC). Eur J Heart Fail 2020;22(3):391–412.
13. Barandiarán Aizpurua A, Sanders-van Wijk S, Brun-
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