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Guru Juara &

Take Home Assignment -
Hey Future CoLearners!

Take this task as a day in the life of a Mentor/Guru

Juara. As a teacher at CoLearn, you have to be able to
connect and bring a fun learning environment to the
classroom. It needs more than just mastering the
Physics concepts but also someone who is passionate
about building up students' confidence in tackling
difficult problems
Rencana Pembelajaran

Here’s what you need to do: You’re here:

1. Watch CoLearn live streaming class on our official

❏ Application
youtube channel or simply click here
❏ Take-home test
2. Observe the class & the learning activities & engagement ❏ Preliminary Interview
that are present in the classroom. ❏ Take-home
3. Create a learning activity as written on the next slide. Assignment
4. Record a 7-minute video that consist your
❏ Technical interview
& mock teaching
self-introduction and mock teaching part of the learning
❏ Offering

P.S. During the technical interview, you will also be requested

to teach live for 5 minutes.
Every live class in CoLearn has a lesson plan.
We’d like to make sure that all of our classes are well-thought & well-structured.
Engaging, interactive, without forgetting the reasoning behind each of the lesson
itself. You will have 1 x 24 hours to choose a topic, then create a learning activity
and a mock teaching video. You’re recommended to submit the learning activity in
presentation, animation, or a combination of different formats simultaneously.
What we’re looking for: Topics:
➔ Jelaskan konsep Hukum Newton beserta
❏ Problem-solving contohnya!
❏ Activity-based learning ➔ Apakah kerja yang dilakukan oleh gaya gesek
selalu bernilai negatif?
➔ Bagaimana pesawat dengan berat beberapa ton
dapat terbang?
➔ Jelaskan penerapan Hukum Termodinamika dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari?
➔ Bagaimana sebuah senar gitar yang dipetik dapat
menghasilkan bunyi?
➔ Kenapa langit pada siang hari berwarna biru dan
saat sore hari berwarna jingga?
➔ Jelaskan alasan pada efek fotolistrik, cahaya dapat
berperilaku sebagai partikel!
➔ Jelaskan konsep Hukum II Kirchhoff!
Self-Introduction Part
● For the self-intro part, we believe that students can learn
effectively in a fun, interactive, and engaging environment. As a
teacher, you will need to be able to get their attention with stories
and motivate them.

● Here are the questions that you need to answer in the video:
1. Introduce yourself briefly and tell an interesting story about
2. Why are you interested on teaching?
3. Tell or show your talents! (Singing, “ngejayus”, Magic act,
ballet, etc!)

● A little tip from us, “Be yourself”. In that way, your character and
charisma will show naturally and honest!
Mock Teaching Part
● For the mock teaching part, imagine you are a teacher in an introduction class.
Therefore, you need to deliver the learning materials from the very basic
concept and logic. Remember, our objective is to embedding a concept, not
just helping students answering practice questions and memorize a formula.

● We also highly recommend you to use annotation (Wacom/Ipad/OneNote/etc)

like this:
What should I do after creating
Rencana Pembelajaran

the video?

1. Compress your video size into a maximum of 50mb.

Here’s a link that you can go to: Any questions? Feel free to hit us up on:
2. Rename your video with this format “Full Name_GJ ●
Physics_Video Assignment” ●
3. Upload your video to the link attached to the Video
Assignment e-mail you’ve received

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