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Name :Malik shah pasand kasi

course :BUSN 498

section :A
Assignment :1

What is the strategic process in an organization?

New approaches to management in the public sector are imperative as governments enter the
new trajectory.Market dynamics have created challenges for public organizations, with the
emergence of the global economy, advances in technology, increased societal demands, and
the need to provide more social services with fewer resources. As well, a widespread desire for
increased organizational scrutiny has increased the pressure for change.An organization
without a strategy does not have direction and lead to being incompetent. It is not an
exaggeration to say that, the use of strategic management particularly in this era, when public
organizations are considered under-performing and uneconomical in their use of public
resources, could, among other things, help to enhance public organizations’ image and
legitimacy. The general mood of the public has been that public managers must ‘do more with
less’, a situation that requires strategic thinking in order to ‘reduce wastes’.
Strategy is about making sure that your organization arrives where you want it to at a given
time. However Mintzberg (1994:458) defined strategy as "a pattern in a stream of decisions" to
contrast with a view of strategy as planning while McKeown (2011) argues that "strategy is
about shaping the future" and is the human attempt to get to "desirable ends with available
means". Kvint (2009) defines strategy as "a system of finding, formulating, and developing a
doctrine that will ensure long-term success if followed faithfully”.
The guiding principles in any strategic management process, whether in the public or private
sector, are about understanding what changes are needed, how to implement and manage
these changes, and how to create a roadmap for sustaining improvements that lead to better
performance. The difficulty in strategic management is the challenge of laying a foundation for
success in the future while meeting today’s challenges

How to make a strategic plan?

When there is uncertainty in the organization, strategy serves as an organizational compass,

pointing the direction to where we need to go without disregarding where we are or where we've
been. Strategy is a crystal ball of the organization, around which all of the elements of the
business can focus and rally. It is a general direction set for the organization and its various
components to achieve a desired state in the future. Strategy results from the detailed strategic
planning process”.

Johnson and Scholes (2002) define strategy as "Strategy is the direction and scope of an
organization over the long-term:
As a manager, you need to know what a good strategy looks like and understand how it can be
used to create the future for your team or organization. When mapping out a strategy the
organization is creating a future that may be three, five or more years ahead. It’s not just the
plan itself that has the value, but all the thinking that goes into it, the questions organizations
should ask themselves, and the answers that come forward as strategy is a high level plan to
achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty.
strategies too often fail because more is expected of them than they can deliver. It is about
employing whatever resources are available to achieve the best outcome in situations that are
both dynamic and contested: “It is about getting more out of a situation than the starting balance
of power would suggest. It is the art of creating power.a Chinese general, wrote “The Art of
War”, a book argue that the way to win is by always doing the opposite of what your opponent
How to make a marketing plan?

1. Analyze your market. Market research can help you to understand your

strengths, weaknesses and the opportunities that you can take advantage of
2. Set your goals and objectives.
3. Outline your marketing strategies.
4. Set your marketing budget.
5. Keep your marketing plan up-to-date

how to execute a marketing plan ?

1. Identify your overall goal and opportunities.
2. Create your marketing strategies.
3. Break down strategies into tactics.
4. Make your processes repeatable.
5. Know where work stands all the time.
6. Do Your Research.
7. Write a Brand Summary.
8. Define Your Target Audience.
9. Add a Situational Analysis.
10. Outline Marketing Objectives.
11. List the Tactics and Implementation
12. Pinpoint your competitors.
13. Assign roles and responsibilities.

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