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Chironin Mt. Pelion in Thessaly in Magnesia peninsula of Southeastern Thessaly south of Macedonia.


Heracles, Achilles, Jason, Asclepius

Themyscira: Northeast of Anatolia in Southeastern coast of black sea near the mouth of thermodon.

Tribe: Themiscyreians, Lycastians, Chadesians


Peleus and thetis wed in Olympus attended by all except eris, the goddess of discord for if
she come to this happy occasion then it shall be happy no more. Hearing that she doesn’t got an
invitation from his brother Ares, wrath cover her eye and plucked the mesmerizing golden apple by
her hand and there, she wrote a magical, enchanted words that shall be the tragedies of mortal
because of it “Only for the fairest of all”.

Her preperations done, she come to the feast and silence come to them all who see her
enter the party uninvited with a golden apple in her hand and nor waiting for the king of Olympians
to greet her, she throw it away to the midst of them and landed right in the middle of the table then
go away without a word. Just by seeing the apple of discord, enchanted the gods and goddesses
become and a battle royale of word began full of vigor and heat watched by the one who didn’t
affected by it, worthy for his name as the king of them, Zeus.

After a long grueling war of tongue full of maneuver, betrayals, and chaos, stood the fairest
among them, not one or two, but three of them. Hera, the goddess of Marriege and the wife of Zeus,
Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare and adored daughter of Zeus, and the last is
Aphrodite, worthy as her divine concept of Love and beauty. With this stalemate of the three, the
decision fall to the lap of the god with no desire for the said apple, Zeus. Knows that his decision
would be frowned by the other no matter his choice, he proclaim and order hermes to search for the
judge who hold his words and fair in his judgement.


Achilles born from Peleus and thetis send to be taught by the wise Chiron the wise centaur
of Mt. Pelion in the art of Plankration, battle, strategy and many things that constitute of a fine or
best warrior like his fellow predecessor of student like Heracles, Jason and Asclepius.

“O Achilles, the son of Peleus. Do you understand why your father send you here instead teaching
you himself and why even though you’re immortal you still here to learn?”

“I don’t know, he said that you are a better teach than him and I think I don’t need to learn to fight.
After all there’s no one who can hurt me... except mother.”

“You need to know this, son of Peleus. What you just say is an utter arrogance and foolishness of the
highest order! For not just your mother, but even me could hurt you.”
“Do not interrupt what I would to tell you, your immortality are the result of your mother’r love who
doesn’t want to see your dead as like her son before you and the other before him. But your
immortality doesn’t mean you’re undefeatable nor unkillable one, this is because to granted you this
gift, your mother must soak all of your body in her river water. Yet right after she release you to be
soaked fully in it your father panicked and hold your heel and pull you up for he afraid you would be
drowned, resulting your heel become your only vulnerable spot and once it hit, your immortality is
no more.”

Achilles hold and rub his heel in contemplation, digesting the information he just got. Waiting for
him to understand what he say, Chiron go closer to the rack full of wooden sword, hammer, spear
and all other assortment of training equipment.

“That’s why you are here, so you can utilize your immortality and prevent your dead from ignorance
and foolishness. Now, choose your weapon and try to hit me.”



This make me remember once more, that day. The first time I met her, her face is beautiful like no
other I’d ever seen, hidden by grim and mud on her face, washed by the rain. Her long hair draping
wet and the way

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