Multicultural Diversity Reviewer

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 Diversity - is respecting and enjoying a wide range of cultural and individual differences, including everyone.
 Multiculturalism - It is a cluster of diverse persons
 Cultural diversity in workplace - business hires diverse personnel with different characteristics.
 The iceberg model of culture
- In 1976, developed by Edward T Hall
- What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. Underneath lies an enormous, invisible mass, which holds
everything together strongly.
 10% culture visible
- Language
- Style of dress
- Gestures
- Religious rituals
- Facial expression
- food
- music
- literature
 90% culture hidden
- Social norms
- Values
- Assumptions
 Types of diversity
- Surface level diversity - characteristics of individuals (age, race, sex, gender diversity, visible disabilities, and
body size)
- Deep level diversity - characteristics that are non-observable (attitudes, values, and religious beliefs.)
- Hidden diversity - deep-level but may be concealed or revealed at discretion (religion and sexual orientation)
- Organizational diversity - also called functional diversity
- Worldview diversity - including our internal, external, and organizational diversity characteristics
 Culture - fundamental principles
 Cultural diversity - caused by employees' habits, attitudes
 Importance of diversity
- Learning about various cultures allows us to have a better understanding of the world in which we live
- Respecting each others differences
- Recognizing that there is a large amount of cultures that exist
- all cultural expressions are valid
- Empowering diverse groups to contribute
- Celebrating differences
 Strategies on Managing Diversity in the Workplace
- Start with Hiring
- Create inclusive policies and practices
- Provide Diversity Training
- Facilitate effective communication
- Encourage interaction
 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace
- Perspectives
- Increased creativity
- More innovations
- Increased profits
- Higher engagement
- Better decision making
- Employee turnover
- Better reputation
- Hiring results
- Problem solving
 Increasing globalization necessitates increased interaction between individuals of varied origins.
 Examples of diversity-based workplace problems
- Direct and indirect discrimination
- Harassment of individuals or groups
- Racism
- Culturally inappropriate workplace
- Buildings that do not facilitate access to people with a physical disability
- Management practices that do not allow reasonable adjustments to work
- Inequitable access to workplace resources and opportunities
 Action to resolve workplace diversity-related problems
- Ensuring all employees are aware of the policies and procedures
- Providing necessary training
- Planning and preparing
- Consulting with employees to develop standard issue resolution protocols
- Counselling employees through training
- Disciplining staff
- Restructuring the organisation
- Reviewing and revising unacceptable protocols
 Intergroup relationships
- people who belong to social groups or categories perceive, think about, feel about.
- One influences and is influenced by the other.
 patterns of intergroup relations
- Assimilation - occurs when a group comes to lose its distinctive identity in a society.
- pluralism - most tolerant form of intergroup relations
 Extermination/Genocide - most toxic intergroup relationship
 Expulsion - subordinate grou bpeing forced, by a dominant group, to leave a certain area or country.
 Internal colonialism - manner in which a superordinate group exploits a subordinate group for its economic
 Segregation: De Facto and De Jure - The dominant group structures physical, unequal separation of two groups
 Separatism - marginalized group desires physical separation
 Fusion/ Amalgamation - The process by which a people of color and a majority group combine to form a new
 Pluralism - Represented as the ideal of the United States as a "salad bowl"
 Assimilation - minority individual or group abandons its own identity in favor of adopting the characteristics of
the dominant culture
 Inherent diversity - biological traits such as race, gender, and sexual orientation
 acquired diversity - things you gain from experience like religion, cultural experiences
 Benefits of Workplace Diversity
- Increased innovation - More diversity in leadership roles
- Enhanced productivity - have more diversity in their office
- Improved company culture - Employees that see diversity in the workplace
 Barriers to workplace diversity
- Problems with integration – (social connections, fairness of pay, work responsibilities)
- Communication issues - Poor communication can lead to unintentional offense, mistrust
- Resistance to change - cause offense and harm to diverse employees
 Solutions to Diversity Issues
- Develop organizational policy - Having clear policies in place
- Solutions to Diversity Issues - emphasize the proper communication, company policies
- Emphasize respect - Kindly but directly correcting instances
 Social Categorization - The potential problem for intergroup relations lies
Examples: Racism, Stereotypes, Discrimination

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