Final Question Set

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PPekerjaan Anda pada set ini, dikerjokon dengan tulis tangan, tidak diketik atau digambar dengan software. Anda dopat mencetak halaman ini dan longsung mengisi, atau kerjokan di kertas kosong dengan menuliskan kemball soalnya, Perhitungan boleh menggunakan kolkulator/excel. THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION AND BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION PROJECT (QuEsTIONS ser) NAME: in Nad dL cuss: 9 41. Inyour own words define the following vocabulary words: 2) Mean IS the averdye valve of data Set (marks) §) Standard Deviation 1S the, tase. of the depersioo of dais from marks 2 the mean. ee —Goars) © tscore Sus how tar a date point iS from the mean cmaris) 2 Whatis the mean of this dataset? _O) 361 bo“Gomarks) 3. Whatis the standard deviation ofthis data set? 37 32946 mars) 4, Pot the bell curve below (2 marks) Time Spent ink eit oF) g jn! Vey | a aH Fanah Ebr (Wo 5-9 according to your bell curve) 5, Whatis the data value associated with az-score2.12__!5) 45 hoves (2marks) 6. Whatis the data value associated with az-score-1.72_2 616 hoveS ___(2marks) ‘What isthe range of data values that would allow 40% of the data fall within the mean? 61589 hous ££ [7133 hovts (@marks) 8. Are there any outliers with this data set? (Outliers refer to data points that lie beyond 3 standard deviation from the mean) Ny Ie jp exceeds astandad atten, Above below the ve Thean Why does not 100% ofthe data alway af within star eval of he mean? 9 According fo therule, 39)7%e of daha ill fall within nari 3 Standard deviations of the mean, which means that there 10. aisany value trom your data, choose your @ iS asmal] percentage that a= Shours [ius Jexong 3 Standacd deviations. Find the proportion of your data more than @ Pore)= 0/5438 ‘Another sample of5 datas taken, Find the probability that atleast of them have value more tana answer O) B19. (amaris) K-9136! fo-S. 2+ no# OrS2tld = Az [0,33 aes © /T2dy_ x -8.36) -0/S2dWy. x -8: Xe eae 3,399 No.6 22 X= Kz 6/60 o wg, 22H no-le 3. 8-8,361 S79 3329 Ka 2 bb = - 071068 Feo = (4) P*(1-h?

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